Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 392, issue 24, 2013
- Using conditional probability to identify trends in intra-day high-frequency equity pricing pp. 6169-6188

- Michael Rechenthin and W. Nick Street
- Dependency of percolation critical exponents on the exponent of power law size distribution pp. 6189-6197

- S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi and P.R. King
- Binary collision approximation for multi-decorated granular chains pp. 6198-6205

- Eduardo André de F. Bragança, Alexandre Rosas and Katja Lindenberg
- Description of the viscosity of honeys in the supercooled regime pp. 6206-6213

- Adriana Andraca, Patricia Goldstein and Luis Felipe del Castillo
- Phase separation in polydisperse rod–coil block copolymers pp. 6214-6231

- M.A. Aliev, N.Yu. Kuzminyh and E.A. Ugolkova
- Gaussian wavepacket dynamics and quantum tunneling in asymmetric double-well systems pp. 6232-6246

- Hideo Hasegawa
- Phase diagram of the mixed spin-2 and spin-5/2 Ising system with two different single-ion anisotropies pp. 6247-6254

- J.S. da Cruz Filho, M. Godoy and A.S. de Arruda
- Quantum critical properties in the topological Ginzburg–Landau theory of self-dual Josephson junction arrays pp. 6255-6264

- S. Sakhi
- Reshape scale method: A novel multi scale entropic analysis approach pp. 6265-6272

- P. Zandiyeh and V. von Tscharner
- An investigation into the maximum entropy production principle in chaotic Rayleigh–Bénard convection pp. 6273-6283

- R.A.W. Bradford
- Exergy flows as bases of constructal law pp. 6284-6287

- Umberto Lucia
- Guaranteeing total balance in Metropolis algorithm Monte Carlo simulations pp. 6288-6299

- Christopher C.J. Potter and Robert H. Swendsen
- A macro traffic flow model accounting for road capacity and reliability analysis pp. 6300-6306

- T.Q. Tang, W.F. Shi, X.B. Yang, Y.P. Wang and G.Q. Lu
- Chiral symmetry breaking in FAXY model with roughness exponent method pp. 6307-6313

- M. Klawtanong, C. Srinitiwarawong and P. Chatraphorn
- Coupling of two asymmetric exclusion processes with open boundaries pp. 6314-6329

- Arvind Kumar Gupta and Isha Dhiman
- Site–bond percolation on triangular lattices: Monte Carlo simulation and analytical approach pp. 6330-6340

- M.I. González, P. Centres, W. Lebrecht, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto
- Information geometry, phase transitions, and the Widom line: Magnetic and liquid systems pp. 6341-6352

- Anshuman Dey, Pratim Roy and Tapobrata Sarkar
- Role of population density and increasing neighborhood in the evolution of cooperation on diluted lattices pp. 6353-6360

- Cheng-jie Zhu, Shi-wen Sun, Juan Wang and Cheng-yi Xia
- A novel method for similarity/dissimilarity analysis of protein sequences pp. 6361-6366

- Zengchao Mu, Jing Wu and Yusen Zhang
- Multifractal behavior of wild-land and forest fire time series in Brazil pp. 6367-6374

- Rosilda B. de Benicio, Tatijana Stošić, P.H. de Figueirêdo and Borko D. Stošić
- A novel family of space-filling curves in their relation to chromosome conformation in eukaryotes pp. 6375-6388

- Jan Smrek and Alexander Y. Grosberg
- Study of capillary network directionality and irrigation of hypoxic tissue in an angiogenesis lattice model pp. 6389-6399

- Belén Moglia, Nara Guisoni and Ezequiel V. Albano
- Assessment of long-range correlation in animal behavior time series: The temporal pattern of locomotor activity of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix) and mosquito larva (Culex quinquefasciatus) pp. 6400-6413

- Jackelyn M. Kembro, Ana Georgina Flesia, Raquel M. Gleiser, María A. Perillo and Raul H. Marin
- The string prediction models as invariants of time series in the forex market pp. 6414-6426

- R. Pincak
- Network structure of inter-industry flows pp. 6427-6441

- James McNerney, Brian D. Fath and Gerald Silverberg
- Modified DFA and DCCA approach for quantifying the multiscale correlation structure of financial markets pp. 6442-6457

- Yi Yin and Pengjian Shang
- Transition in the waiting-time distribution of price-change events in a global socioeconomic system pp. 6458-6469

- Guannan Zhao, Mark McDonald, Dan Fenn, Stacy Williams, Nicholas Johnson and Neil F. Johnson
- Non-stationary multifractality in stock returns pp. 6470-6483

- Raffaello Morales, T. Di Matteo and Tomaso Aste
- Mixed-correlated ARFIMA processes for power-law cross-correlations pp. 6484-6493

- Ladislav Krištoufek
- A study of design approach of spreading schemes for viral marketing based on human dynamics pp. 6494-6505

- Jianmei Yang, Dong Zhuang, Weicong Xie and Guangrong Chen
- Measurement of negative refraction index from simulative results and experimental data by a new metamaterial sample pp. 6506-6511

- Peng Gao, Chunmin Zhang, Jingjing Ai, Gang Li and Yongqiang Kang
- Non-extensive thermostatistics approach to metal melting entropy pp. 6512-6522

- P. Quarati and A.M. Scarfone
- The effect of infected external computers on the spread of viruses: A compartment modeling study pp. 6523-6535

- Lu-Xing Yang and Xiaofan Yang
- Quark deconfinement in protoneutron star cores: Effect of color superconductivity within the MIT bag model pp. 6536-6544

- T.A.S. do Carmo and G. Lugones
- Nonlinear-map model for the control of an airplane schedule pp. 6545-6553

- Takashi Nagatani
- Statistical analysis of geomagnetic field reversals and their consequences pp. 6554-6560

- Cleiton S. Barbosa, Douglas S.R. Ferreira, Marco A. do Espírito Santo and Andrés R.R. Papa
- A thermodynamic counterpart of the Axelrod model of social influence: The one-dimensional case pp. 6561-6570

- Y. Gandica, E. Medina and I. Bonalde
- Investigating the time dynamics of seismicity by using the visibility graph approach: Application to seismicity of Mexican subduction zone pp. 6571-6577

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Alejandro Ramirez-Rojas and Leticia Flores-Marquez
- Fuzzy overlapping community detection based on local random walk and multidimensional scaling pp. 6578-6586

- Wenjun Wang, Dong Liu, Xiao Liu and Lin Pan
- Research on the search ability of Brownian particles on networks with an adaptive mechanism pp. 6587-6595

- Yi Shen
- Opinion evolution on a BA scaling network pp. 6596-6602

- Yue-ying Zhu, Wei Li and Xu Cai
- Studies on controllability of directed networks with extremal optimization pp. 6603-6615

- Jin Ding, Yong-Zai Lu and Jian Chu
- Phase transition in tumor growth: I avascular development pp. 6616-6623

- E. Izquierdo-Kulich, I. Rebelo, E. Tejera and J.M. Nieto-Villar
- Investigations of information quantifiers for the Tavis–Cummings model pp. 6624-6632

- A.-S.F. Obada, S. Abdel-Khalek, K. Berrada and M.E. Shaheen
Volume 392, issue 23, 2013
- A connection between a system of random walks and rumor transmission pp. 5793-5800

- E. Lebensztayn and P.M. Rodriguez
- Space–time fractional diffusion equations and asymptotic behaviors of a coupled continuous time random walk model pp. 5801-5807

- Long Shi, Zuguo Yu, Zhi Mao, Aiguo Xiao and Hailan Huang
- Cascade-like and scaling behavior of wind velocity increments in the atmospheric surface layer pp. 5808-5816

- Lei Liu and Fei Hu
- Synchronization of mobile chaotic agents on connected networks pp. 5817-5823

- Shou-Liang Bu, Jian-Ping Wen, Qing-Hu Zhong and Xue-Hua Yi
- Impact of media coverage on epidemic spreading in complex networks pp. 5824-5835

- Yi Wang, Jinde Cao, Zhen Jin, Haifeng Zhang and Gui-Quan Sun
- Temperature Integration: An efficient procedure for calculation of free energy differences pp. 5836-5844

- Asaf Farhi, Guy Hed, Michael Bon, Nestor Caticha, Chi H. Mak and Eytan Domany
- On the multifractal effects generated by monofractal signals pp. 5845-5864

- Dariusz Grech and Grzegorz Pamuła
- Modified multiscale entropy for short-term time series analysis pp. 5865-5873

- Shuen-De Wu, Chiu-Wen Wu, Kung-Yen Lee and Shiou-Gwo Lin
- An improved cellular automaton model with the consideration of a multi-point tollbooth pp. 5874-5878

- Y.S. Qian, X.M. Shao, J.W. Zeng and M. Wang
- Diffusion-limited aggregates grown on nonuniform substrates pp. 5879-5887

- V. Cornette, P.M. Centres, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and F. Nieto
- Discreteness inducing coexistence pp. 5888-5897

- Renato Vieira dos Santos
- A predator–prey model with diseases in both prey and predator pp. 5898-5906

- Xubin Gao, Qiuhui Pan, Mingfeng He and Yibin Kang
- Non-equilibrium stochastic model for stock exchange market pp. 5907-5913

- Yup Kim, Ikhyun Kwon and Soon-Hyung Yook
- Scale-free phenomenon in industries in China pp. 5914-5919

- Da-Hai Tang, Bo-Kui Chen, Ya-Chun Gao and Bing-Hong Wang
- Behavioural breaks in the heterogeneous agent model: The impact of herding, overconfidence, and market sentiment pp. 5920-5938

- Jiri Kukacka and Jozef Baruník
- What types of investors generate the two-phase phenomenon? pp. 5939-5946

- Doojin Ryu
- Are your data really Pareto distributed? pp. 5947-5962

- Pasquale Cirillo
- Structural and topological phase transitions on the German Stock Exchange pp. 5963-5973

- M. Wiliński, A. Sienkiewicz, T. Gubiec, R. Kutner and Z.R. Struzik
- Spanning trees and the Eurozone crisis pp. 5974-5984

- João Dias
- Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis in the MENA area pp. 5985-5993

- Marwane El Alaoui and Saâd Benbachir
- Temperature effects on the diffusion of water and monovalent counterions in the hydrated montmorillonite pp. 5994-6001

- Y. Zheng and A. Zaoui
- Distribution characteristics of stock market liquidity pp. 6004-6014

- Jiawen Luo, Langnan Chen and Hao Liu
- A DFA approach in well-logs for the identification of facies associations pp. 6015-6024

- Eliseo Hernandez-Martinez, Jorge X. Velasco-Hernandez, Teresa Perez-Muñoz and Jose Alvarez-Ramirez
- Rational instability in the natural coalition forming pp. 6025-6040

- Galina Vinogradova and Serge Galam
- Autoregressive conditional duration as a model for financial market crashes prediction pp. 6041-6051

- Vladimir Pyrlik
- Dynamics of stainless steel turning: Analysis by flicker-noise spectroscopy pp. 6052-6063

- Grzegorz Litak, Yuriy S. Polyakov, Serge F. Timashev and Rafał Rusinek
- Spectral and informational analysis of seismicity: An application to the 1996–2012 seismicity of the Northern Caucasus–Azerbaijan part of the greater Caucasus–Kopet Dag region pp. 6064-6078

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Gulam Babayev and Fakhraddin Kadirov
- Nonextensivity and entropy of astrophysical sources pp. 6079-6083

- A.C.P. Rosa, J.C.O. de Jesus and M.A. Moret
- The networks from medical knowledge and clinical practice have small-world, scale-free, and hierarchical features pp. 6084-6089

- Yutaka Tachimori, Hiroaki Iwanaga and Takashi Tahara
- The effect of individual tendency on crowd evacuation efficiency under inhomogeneous exit attraction using a static field modified FFCA model pp. 6090-6099

- Zhijian Fu, Lizhong Yang, Yanqiu Chen, Kongjin Zhu and Shi Zhu
- An evolving model of online bipartite networks pp. 6100-6106

- Chu-Xu Zhang, Zi-Ke Zhang and Chuang Liu
- A centrality measure for communication ability in weighted network pp. 6107-6117

- Li Zhai, Xiangbin Yan and Guojing Zhang
- On the structural properties of small-world networks with range-limited shortcut links pp. 6118-6124

- Tao Jia and Rahul V. Kulkarni
- Detecting overlapping communities by seed community in weighted complex networks pp. 6125-6134

- Junqiu Li, Xingyuan Wang and Justine Eustace
- A decentralized flow redistribution algorithm for avoiding cascaded failures in complex networks pp. 6135-6145

- Saleh Al-Takrouri and Andrey V. Savkin
- A rumor spreading model with variable forgetting rate pp. 6146-6154

- Laijun Zhao, Wanlin Xie, H. Oliver Gao, Xiaoyan Qiu, Xiaoli Wang and Shuhai Zhang
- Remanent quantum correlations in dissipative qubits pp. 6155-6160

- Marco Nizama and Manuel O. Cáceres
- Thermal entanglement of a two-level atom and bimodal photons in a Kerr nonlinear coupler pp. 6161-6167

- M.R. Abbasi and M.M. Golshan
Volume 392, issue 22, 2013
- Self-assembly behavior of A(BC)3 4-miktoarm star terpolymers pp. 5565-5573

- Ling Zhou, Jinghuai Fang, Ju Peng and Jianguo Zhang
- Impact fragmentation of polyurethane and polypropylene cylinder pp. 5574-5580

- Hiroaki Kishimura, Daisuke Noguchi, Worrayut Preechasupanya and Hitoshi Matsumoto
- The Tsallis–Laplace transform pp. 5581-5591

- A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
- Construction of a Langevin model from time series with a periodical correlation function: Application to wind speed data pp. 5592-5603

- Zbigniew Czechowski and Luciano Telesca
- Study of two dimensional anisotropic Ising models via a renormalization group approach pp. 5604-5614

- Farid Taherkhani, Hamed Akbarzadeh, Hadi Abroshan, Shahram Ranjbar, Alessandro Fortunelli and Gholamabbas Parsafar
- The triangular kagomé lattices revisited pp. 5615-5621

- Xiaoyun Liu and Weigen Yan
- Analyses of driver’s anticipation effect in sensing relative flux in a new lattice model for two-lane traffic system pp. 5622-5632

- Arvind Kumar Gupta and Poonam Redhu
- Order-from-disorder effect in the exactly solved mixed spin-(1/2, 1) Ising model on fully frustrated triangles-in-triangles lattices pp. 5633-5643

- Jozef Strečka and Jana Čisárová
- The effects of nutrient chemotaxis on bacterial aggregation patterns with non-linear degenerate cross diffusion pp. 5644-5662

- J. Francisco Leyva, Carlos Málaga and Ramón G. Plaza
- Fractional trajectories: Decorrelation versus friction pp. 5663-5672

- A. Svenkeson, M.T. Beig, M. Turalska, B.J. West and P. Grigolini
- A quantile-based Time at Risk: A new approach for assessing risk in financial markets pp. 5673-5677

- Meysam Bolgorian and Reza Raei
- The relationships between electricity consumption and GDP in Asian countries, using hierarchical structure methods pp. 5678-5684

- Ersin Kantar and Mustafa Keskin
- Modeling natural gas market volatility using GARCH with different distributions pp. 5685-5699

- Xiaodong Lv and Xian Shan
- Evolution of cooperation in the snowdrift game among mobile players with random-pairing and reinforcement learning pp. 5700-5710

- Ning Jia and Shoufeng Ma
- Modelling the behaviour of unemployment rates in the US over time and across space pp. 5711-5722

- Mark Holmes, Jesus Otero and Theodore Panagiotidis
- Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis for clustering structures of electricity price periods pp. 5723-5734

- Fang Wang, Gui-ping Liao, Jian-hui Li, Xiao-chun Li and Tie-jun Zhou
- Stochastic resonance in hybrid scale-free neuronal networks pp. 5735-5741

- Ergin Yilmaz, Muhammet Uzuntarla, Mahmut Ozer and Matjaž Perc
- Phases of scaling and cross-correlation behavior in traffic pp. 5742-5756

- Jan W. Kantelhardt, Matthew Fullerton, Mirko Kämpf, Cristina Beltran-Ruiz and Fritz Busch
- Phenomenological model of nonequilibrium solidification pp. 5757-5763

- L.M. Martyushev and A.S. Soboleva
- Spiral waves in systems with fractal heterogeneity pp. 5764-5771

- Jun Tang, Jin-Ming Luo, Jun Ma, Ming Yi and Xian-Qing Yang
- Personalized PageRank Clustering: A graph clustering algorithm based on random walks pp. 5772-5785

- Shayan A. Tabrizi, Azadeh Shakery, Masoud Asadpour, Maziar Abbasi and Mohammad Ali Tavallaie
- Chaos in social learning with multiple true states pp. 5786-5792

- Aili Fang, Lin Wang, Jiuhua Zhao and Xiaofan Wang
Volume 392, issue 21, 2013
- Criticism of generally accepted fundamentals and methodologies of traffic and transportation theory: A brief review pp. 5261-5282

- Boris S. Kerner
- Stochastic resonance in periodic potentials driven by colored noise pp. 5283-5288

- Kaihe Liu and Yanfei Jin
- Opinion evolution analysis for short-range and long-range Deffuant–Weisbuch models pp. 5289-5297

- Jiangbo Zhang and Yiguang Hong
- Critical conditions of entropy-driving nucleation in binary colloidal system pp. 5298-5306

- Chunshu Li, Zeshun Chen and Changming Xiao
- Hurst exponent analysis of moving metallic surfaces pp. 5307-5312

- H.C. Soares, L. da Silva, D.C. Lobão, D.P. Caetano and J.A.O. Huguenin
- Thermodynamics properties of an anisotropic Ising antiferromagnet in both external longitudinal and transverse fields pp. 5313-5321

- Denise A. do Nascimento, Minos A. Neto, J. Ricardo de Sousa and J.T.M. Pacobahyba
- A constraint satisfaction method applied to the problem of controlling the CO2 emission in the Legal Brazilian Amazon pp. 5322-5329

- Marco Antonio Leonel Caetano, Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi and Takashi Yoneyama
- Measuring the self-similarity exponent in Lévy stable processes of financial time series pp. 5330-5345

- M. Fernández-Martínez, M.A. Sánchez-Granero and J.E. Trinidad Segovia
- Characterizing limit order prices pp. 5346-5355

- R.M. Withanawasam, P.A. Whigham and Timothy Falcon Crack
- Cross-correlations between West Texas Intermediate crude oil and the stock markets of the BRIC pp. 5356-5368

- Feng Ma, Yu Wei, Dengshi Huang and Lin Zhao
- Time-reversal asymmetry in financial systems pp. 5369-5375

- X.F. Jiang, T.T. Chen and B. Zheng
- Hidden power law patterns in the top European football leagues pp. 5376-5386

- Sergio Da Silva, Raul Matsushita and Eliza Silveira
- The value of less connected agents in Boolean networks pp. 5387-5398

- Daniel Epstein and Ana L.C. Bazzan
- Simulating synchronized traffic flow and wide moving jam based on the brake light rule pp. 5399-5413

- Zheng-Tao Xiang, Yu-Jin Li, Yu-Feng Chen and Li Xiong
- The multi-agent Parrondo’s model based on the network evolution pp. 5414-5421

- Ye Ye, Neng-gang Xie, Lu Wang and Yu-wan Cen
- Green-wave control of an unbalanced two-route traffic system with signals pp. 5422-5430

- Kazuhiro Tobita and Takashi Nagatani
- Environmental superstatistics pp. 5431-5452

- G. Cigdem Yalcin and Christian Beck
- An imperfect competition on scale-free networks pp. 5453-5460

- Tomohiko Konno
- On the convergence rate of diffusion in the bidirectional Erdös–Rényi networks: An H2-norm perspective pp. 5461-5472

- Kenji Kashima, Yutaka Takahashi and Jun-ichi Imura
- Delay-induced synchronization transitions in small-world neuronal networks with hybrid electrical and chemical synapses pp. 5473-5480

- Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Bin Deng and Xile Wei
- Efficiency of star-like graphs and the Atlanta subway network pp. 5481-5489

- Bryan Ek, Caitlin VerSchneider and Darren A. Narayan
- A modified evidential methodology of identifying influential nodes in weighted networks pp. 5490-5500

- Cai Gao, Daijun Wei, Yong Hu, Sankaran Mahadevan and Yong Deng
- Complex scale-free networks with tunable power-law exponent and clustering pp. 5501-5510

- E.R. Colman and G.J. Rodgers
- Lobby index as a network centrality measure pp. 5511-5515

- M.G. Campiteli, A.J. Holanda, L.D.H. Soares, P.R.C. Soles and O. Kinouchi
- Non-monotonic increase of robustness with capacity tolerance in power grids pp. 5516-5524

- Tian-Lin Ma, Jian-Xi Yao, Cheng Qi, Hong-Lu Zhu and Yu-Shu Sun
- Theoretical estimation of metabolic network robustness against multiple reaction knockouts using branching process approximation pp. 5525-5535

- Kazuhiro Takemoto, Takeyuki Tamura and Tatsuya Akutsu
- Network connectivity entropy and its application on network connectivity reliability pp. 5536-5541

- Liusan Wu, Qingmei Tan and Yuehui Zhang
- A model for the spread of rumors in Barrat–Barthelemy–Vespignani (BBV) networks pp. 5542-5551

- Laijun Zhao, Xiaoli Wang, Xiaoyan Qiu and Jiajia Wang
- Fisher-like atomic divergences: Mathematical grounds and physical applications pp. 5552-5563

- A.L. Martín, J.C. Angulo and J. Antolín
Volume 392, issue 20, 2013
- Construction of novel stochastic matrices for analysis of Parrondo’s paradox pp. 4727-4738

- Kang Hao Cheong and Wayne Wah Ming Soo
- Stochastic bifurcation for a tumor–immune system with symmetric Lévy noise pp. 4739-4748

- Yong Xu, Jing Feng, JuanJuan Li and Huiqing Zhang
- Contact processes with random connection weights on regular graphs pp. 4749-4759

- Xiaofeng Xue
- Liquid crystalline and solid phases for a system of hard zigzag particles with Lennard-Jones sites in two-dimensions pp. 4760-4771

- Fidelmar Lechuga-Sanabria, Gustavo A. Chapela and Jacqueline Quintana-H
- Lattice Boltzmann method on quadtree grids for simulating fluid flow through porous media: A new automatic algorithm pp. 4772-4786

- Sajjad Foroughi, Saeid Jamshidi and Mohsen Masihi
- Analysis of CO2 emission in traffic flow and numerical tests pp. 4787-4792

- Wen-Xing Zhu
- A novel evacuation passageway formed by a breathing air supply zone combined with upward ventilation pp. 4793-4803

- Ran Gao, Angui Li, Wenjun Lei, Yujiao Zhao, Ying Zhang and Baoshun Deng
- Hydrophobic force, a Casimir-like effect due to hydrogen-bond fluctuations pp. 4804-4823

- Jampa Maruthi Pradeep Kanth and Ramesh Anishetty
- Magnetodeformation of ferrogels and ferroelastomers. Effect of microstructure of the particles’ spatial disposition pp. 4824-4836

- Andrey Zubarev
- Effect of noise on chaos synchronization in time-delayed systems: Numerical and experimental observations pp. 4837-4849

- Anirban Ray, A. Roy Chowdhury and Dibakar Ghosh
- Collective dynamics of two-dimensional coupled Brownian motors pp. 4850-4855

- Hai-Yan Wang and Jing-Dong Bao
- Complementarity relation for irreversible processes near steady states pp. 4856-4867

- E.S. Santini, M.F. Carusela and E.D. Izquierdo
- Stability and anyonic behavior of systems with M-statistics pp. 4868-4873

- Marcelo R. Ubriaco
- Effect of vertical grouping behavior on pedestrian evacuation efficiency pp. 4874-4883

- Ziyang Wang, Bingxue Song, Yong Qin, Wei Zhu and Limin Jia
- Three-dimensional finite-difference lattice Boltzmann model and its application to inviscid compressible flows with shock waves pp. 4884-4896

- Ya-Ling He, Qing Liu and Qing Li
- Thermodynamics properties of copper-oxide superconductors described by an Ising frustrated model pp. 4897-4904

- Igor T. Padilha, J. Ricardo de Sousa, Minos A. Neto, Octavio R. Salmon and J.R. Viana
- Assessing complexity of skin blood flow oscillations in response to locally applied heating and pressure in rats: Implications for pressure ulcer risk pp. 4905-4915

- Fuyuan Liao, O’Brien, William D. and Yih-Kuen Jan
- The extinction and persistence of the stochastic SIS epidemic model with vaccination pp. 4916-4927

- Yanan Zhao, Daqing Jiang and O’Regan, Donal
- Stability of an SEIR epidemic model with independent stochastic perturbations pp. 4928-4936

- Peter J. Witbooi
- Self-similarity of rRNA secondary structures: A clue to RNA folding pp. 4937-4945

- Chang-Yong Lee
- Lag-driven motion in front propagation pp. 4946-4955

- Daniel R. Amor and Joaquim Fort
- The coevolution of partner switching and strategy updating in non-excludable public goods game pp. 4956-4965

- Yixiao Li and Bin Shen
- Filtering for partially observed diffusion and its applications pp. 4966-4976

- Isao Shoji
- Modeling financial crisis period: A volatility perspective of Credit Default Swap market pp. 4977-4988

- Kyungwon Kim
- q-Gaussian distributions of leverage returns, first stopping times, and default risk valuations pp. 4989-4996

- Yuri A. Katz and Li Tian
- Cycle frequency in standard Rock–Paper–Scissors games: Evidence from experimental economics pp. 4997-5005

- Bin Xu, Hai-Jun Zhou and Zhijian Wang
- Rates of profit as correlated sums of random variables pp. 5006-5018

- R.E. Greenblatt
- Generalized Hurst exponent approach to efficiency in MENA markets pp. 5019-5026

- Ahmet Sensoy
- Analysis of cross-correlations between financial markets after the 2008 crisis pp. 5027-5045

- Ahmet Sensoy, Serkan Yuksel and Mutahhar Erturk
- Empirical scaling laws and the aggregation of non-stationary data pp. 5046-5052

- Lo-Bin Chang and Stuart Geman
- An information-based tool for inferring the nature of deterministic sources in real data pp. 5053-5064

- A.S. Ribeiro and R. Riera
- Land cover change using an energy transition paradigm in a statistical mechanics approach pp. 5065-5073

- Daniel S. Zachary
- An emergent computation approach to the problem of polygon layout with performance constraints pp. 5074-5088

- Zhendong Huang and Renbin Xiao
- A study on pedestrian choice between stairway and escalator in the transfer station based on floor field cellular automata pp. 5089-5100

- Xiangfeng Ji, Jian Zhang and Bin Ran
- Universal interpretation of efficacy parameter in perturbed nonequilibrium systems pp. 5101-5109

- Sourabh Lahiri and A.M. Jayannavar
- Simulation model of speed–density characteristics for mixed bicycle flow—Comparison between cellular automata model and gas dynamics model pp. 5110-5118

- Shuichao Zhang, Gang Ren and Renfa Yang
- Effects of publications in proceedings on the measure of the core size of coauthors pp. 5119-5131

- Janusz Miśkiewicz
- Non-Gaussianity effects in petrophysical quantities pp. 5132-5137

- Z. Koohi Lai and G.R. Jafari
- The correlation between intrinsic noise and extrinsic noise pp. 5138-5142

- Shengjun Liu, Qi Wang and Hai Feng
- Modelling of lane-changing behaviour integrating with merging effect before a city road bottleneck pp. 5143-5153

- Wei Lv, Wei-guo Song, Zhi-ming Fang and Jian Ma
- New bounds for Tsallis parameter in a noncommutative phase–space entropic gravity and nonextensive Friedmann equations pp. 5154-5163

- Everton M.C. Abreu, Jorge Ananias Neto, Albert C.R. Mendes and Wilson Oliveira
- Nonextensive nuclear liquid–gas phase transition pp. 5164-5171

- A. Lavagno and D. Pigato
- Natural time analysis of critical phenomena: The case of acoustic emissions in triaxially deformed Etna basalt pp. 5172-5178

- Filippos Vallianatos, George Michas, Phil Benson and Peter Sammonds
- Numerical determination of the boundary condition changing operators pp. 5179-5185

- M.N. Najafi
- Urban road network evolution mechanism based on the ‘direction preferred connection’ and ‘degree constraint’ pp. 5186-5193

- PengCheng Yuan and ZhiCai Juan
- Network formation under linking constraints pp. 5194-5205

- Norma Olaizola and Federico Valenciano
- Opinion dynamics in networked command and control organizations pp. 5206-5217

- Xiao Song, Shaoyun Zhang and Lidong Qian
- Overlapping community detection using a generative model for networks pp. 5218-5230

- Zhenwen Wang, Yanli Hu, Weidong Xiao and Bin Ge
- An efficient agent-based algorithm for overlapping community detection using nodes’ closeness pp. 5231-5247

- Reza Badie, Abolfazl Aleahmad, Masoud Asadpour and Maseud Rahgozar
- Divergence of fermionic correlations under non-Markovian noise in a non-inertial frame pp. 5248-5254

- M. Ramzan
- Extending SDL and LMC complexity measures to quantum states pp. 5255-5259

- José Roberto C. Piqueira and Yuri Cássio Campbell-Borges
Volume 392, issue 19, 2013
- Effects of colored noise and noise delay on a calcium oscillation system pp. 4203-4209

- Bing Wang and Zhixiang Yin
- Effects of time delay on transport processes in an active Brownian particle pp. 4210-4215

- Wei Guo, Can-Jun Wang, Lu-Chun Du and Dong-Cheng Mei
- Mixed spin-12 and spin-32 Ising model with random crystal field distribution pp. 4216-4221

- Ali Yigit and Erhan Albayrak
- Uniform shear flow under thermally relativistic limit: Case of zero Lorentz contraction pp. 4222-4230

- Ryosuke Yano and Kojiro Suzuki
- Dynamical properties for a mixed Fermi accelerator model pp. 4231-4241

- Danila F. Tavares, A.D. Araujo, Edson D. Leonel and R.N. Costa Filho
- Time-varying human mobility patterns with metapopulation epidemic dynamics pp. 4242-4251

- Yong-Wang Gong, Yu-Rong Song and Guo-Ping Jiang
- Simply conceiving the Arrhenius law and absolute kinetic constants using the geometric distribution pp. 4258-4264

- Denis Michel
- Equilibrium of a mesoscopic system with conformation dependent damping: An alternative approach pp. 4265-4270

- A. Bhattacharyay
- Lattice bosons in a quasi-disordered environment pp. 4271-4278

- R. Ramakumar and A.N. Das
- Irreversibility and entropy production in transport phenomena, IV: Symmetry, integrated intermediate processes and separated variational principles for multi-currents pp. 4279-4287

- Masuo Suzuki
- Gamma function to Beck–Cohen superstatistics pp. 4288-4298

- Jung Hun Han
- Adiabatic thermostatistics of the two parameter entropy and the role of Lambert’s W-function in its applications pp. 4299-4315

- R. Chandrashekar and J. Segar
- The generalization of the Boltzmann–Matano method pp. 4316-4324

- Bartek Wierzba and Wojciech Skibiński
- Second virial coefficient and mechanical moduli of metallic glasses pp. 4325-4329

- Wan Qiang Cao
- The related congestion failure estimating methodology and model in transportation networks pp. 4330-4344

- PengCheng Yuan and ZhiCai Juan
- Critical behavior of the fidelity susceptibility for the d=2 transverse-field Ising model pp. 4345-4350

- Yoshihiro Nishiyama
- Herd behaviour experimental testing in laboratory artificial stock market settings. Behavioural foundations of stylised facts of financial returns pp. 4351-4372

- Viktor Manahov and Robert Hudson
- How much information is needed to be the majority during the binary-state opinion formation? pp. 4373-4379

- Long Guo, Jiao Gu and Zhongjie Luo
- Random field effects on the anisotropic quantum Heisenberg model with Gaussian random magnetic field distribution pp. 4380-4387

- Ümit Akıncı
- Equation of state in hybrid stars and the stability window of quark matter pp. 4388-4399

- Xin-Jian Wen
- Statistical microeconomics pp. 4400-4416

- Belal E. Baaquie
- Clarifications to questions and criticisms on the Johansen–Ledoit–Sornette financial bubble model pp. 4417-4428

- Didier Sornette, Ryan Woodard, Wanfeng Yan and Wei-Xing Zhou
- Complex networks and banking systems supervision pp. 4429-4434

- Theophilos Papadimitriou, Periklis Gogas and Benjamin Tabak
- Impact of monetary policy changes on the Chinese monetary and stock markets pp. 4435-4449

- Yong Tang, Yong Luo, Jie Xiong, Fei Zhao and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- The quasi-periodicity of the minority game revisited pp. 4450-4465

- Gabriel Acosta, Inés Caridi, Sebastián Guala and Javier Marenco
- Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of sheep livestock prices in origin pp. 4466-4476

- P. Pavón-Domínguez, S. Serrano, F.J. Jiménez-Hornero, J.E. Jiménez-Hornero, E. Gutiérrez de Ravé and A.B. Ariza-Villaverde
- The nonextensive Thomas–Fermi theory in an n-dimensional space pp. 4477-4480

- Kamel Ourabah and Mouloud Tribeche
- Sunset decay of the convective turbulence with Large-Eddy Simulation under realistic conditions pp. 4481-4490

- U. Rizza, M.M. Miglietta, G.A. Degrazia, O.C. Acevedo and E.P. Marques Filho
- Mutually beneficial relationship in optimization between search-space smoothing and stochastic search pp. 4491-4501

- Manabu Hasegawa and Kotaro Hiramatsu
- Spatiotemporal model for the progression of transgressive dunes pp. 4502-4515

- Hezi Yizhaq, Yosef Ashkenazy, Noam Levin and Haim Tsoar
- A lattice gas of prime numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis pp. 4516-4522

- Fernando Vericat
- Keyword extraction by entropy difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic mode pp. 4523-4531

- Zhen Yang, Jianjun Lei, Kefeng Fan and Yingxu Lai
- Integrability and soliton solutions for an N-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger system in optical fibers pp. 4532-4542

- Ming Wang, Bo Tian, Min Li and Wen-Rui Shan
- Unified scaling law in the coherent noise model pp. 4543-4548

- Ahmet Celikoglu and Ugur Tirnakli
- ±J Ising model on mixed Archimedean lattices: (33,42), (32,4,3,4), (3,122), (4,6,12) pp. 4549-4570

- W. Lebrecht and J.F. Valdés
- Variable-order fractional mean square displacement function with evolution of diffusibility pp. 4571-4575

- Deshun Yin, Yixin Wang, Yanqing Li and Chen Cheng
- New method for counting the number of spanning trees in a two-tree network pp. 4576-4583

- Yuzhi Xiao and Haixing Zhao
- The Tutte polynomial of an infinite family of outerplanar, small-world and self-similar graphs pp. 4584-4593

- Yunhua Liao, Aixiang Fang and Yaoping Hou
- Personalized recommendation via an improved NBI algorithm and user influence model in a Microblog network pp. 4594-4605

- Jie Lian, Yun Liu, Zhen-jiang Zhang and Chang-ni Gui
- Community detection in complex networks by density-based clustering pp. 4606-4618

- Hong Jin, Shuliang Wang and Chenyang Li
- Modular and hierarchical structure of social contact networks pp. 4619-4628

- Yuanzheng Ge, Zhichao Song, Xiaogang Qiu, Hongbin Song and Yong Wang
- Deterministic self-similar models of complex networks based on very symmetric graphs pp. 4629-4637

- Martin Knor and Riste Škrekovski
- Bipartite entanglement induced by classically-constrained quantum dissipative dynamics pp. 4638-4651

- Adrián A. Budini
- Addendum to “On the exploitability of thermo-charged capacitors” [Physica A 390 (2011) 482–491] pp. 4652-4654

- D’Abramo, Germano
- Evolution of co-operation among mobile agents with different influence pp. 4655-4662

- Zhen Wang, Tianyi Chen, Xingpu Wang, Jiuwu Jin and Mingchu Li
- A new graphical coding of DNA sequence and its similarity calculation pp. 4663-4667

- Bo Liao, Qilin Xiang, Lijun Cai and Zhi Cao
- Evolution of public cooperation with weighted and conditional strategies pp. 4668-4674

- Xuwen Wang, Haifeng Zhang, Sen Nie and Binghong Wang
- Self-organization of five species in a cyclic competition game pp. 4675-4682

- Sha-Sha Feng and Cheng-Cang Qiang
- Troy: A simple nonlinear mathematical perspective pp. 4683-4687

- J.C. Flores and Mauro Bologna
- Energy–entropy dispersion relation in DNA sequences pp. 4688-4700

- H. Nowak and P. Haeussler
- Dynamics of the HIV infection under antiretroviral therapy: A cellular automata approach pp. 4701-4716

- Ramón E.R. González, Sérgio Coutinho, Rita Maria Zorzenon dos Santos and Pedro Hugo de Figueirêdo
- Cellular automata approach for the dynamics of HIV infection under antiretroviral therapies: The role of the virus diffusion pp. 4717-4725

- Ramón E.R. González, Pedro Hugo de Figueirêdo and Sérgio Coutinho
Volume 392, issue 18, 2013
- Adsorption of a spherical nanoparticle in polymer brushes: Brownian dynamics investigation pp. 3857-3862

- Qiyi Zhang and Xun Xiang
- Numerical simulation of pool boiling of a Lennard-Jones liquid pp. 3863-3868

- Hajime Inaoka and Nobuyasu Ito
- Global analysis of multiple routes of disease transmission on heterogeneous networks pp. 3869-3880

- Yi Wang and Zhen Jin
- Dynamic characteristics of traffic flow with consideration of pedestrians’ road-crossing behavior pp. 3881-3890

- Sheng Jin, Xiaobo Qu, Cheng Xu and Dian-Hai Wang
- Forecasting the underlying potential governing the time series of a dynamical system pp. 3891-3902

- V.N. Livina, G. Lohmann, M. Mudelsee and T.M. Lenton
- Determination of the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation from experimental data with a small number of configurations pp. 3903-3908

- André Telles Campos and Tarcísio Marciano da Rocha Filho
- On the non-equivalence of two standard random walks pp. 3909-3911

- O. Bénichou, K. Lindenberg and G. Oshanin
- Thermodynamic paths and stochastic order in open systems pp. 3912-3919

- Umberto Lucia
- Tsallis non-extensive statistics, intermittent turbulence, SOC and chaos in the solar plasma. Part two: Solar flares dynamics pp. 3920-3944

- L.P. Karakatsanis, G.P. Pavlos and M.N. Xenakis
- Quasi-stationary states of the NRT nonlinear Schrödinger equation pp. 3945-3951

- I.V. Toranzo, A.R. Plastino, J.S. Dehesa and A. Plastino
- Reflections on the q-Fourier transform and the q-Gaussian function pp. 3952-3961

- A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
- Mathematical properties of the Navier–Stokes dynamical system for incompressible Newtonian fluids pp. 3962-3968

- Massimo Tessarotto and Claudio Cremaschini
- Dynamic magnetic properties of the kinetic cylindrical Ising nanotube pp. 3969-3983

- Bayram Deviren, Yunus Şener and Mustafa Keskin
- Bose–Einstein condensation in the three-sphere and in the infinite slab: Analytical results pp. 3984-3996

- J.M.B. Noronha and D.J. Toms
- Quantum criticality of d-dimensional n-vector transverse Ising-like models: New renormalization group features for d≤3 pp. 3997-4008

- Caramico D’Auria, A., L. De Cesare, M.T. Mercaldo, A. Naddeo and I. Rabuffo
- A cellular automaton model based on empirical observations of a driver’s oscillation behavior reproducing the findings from Kerner’s three-phase traffic theory pp. 4009-4018

- Haifei Yang, Jian Lu, Xiaojian Hu and Jun Jiang
- Kinetic model of the Buyers’ market pp. 4019-4035

- Alexander V. Zhykharsky
- Spectral analysis and generation of certain highly oscillatory curves related to chaos, part 2: Calculation aspects pp. 4036-4047

- Goong Chen, Tingwen Huang, Maria Christina Mariani, Roza Espandeary, Rym Kanes, Mohammed Sheriff and Srikanth Srinivasan
- Spin models as microfoundation of macroscopic market models pp. 4048-4054

- Sebastian M. Krause and Stefan Bornholdt
- Fluctuation behaviors of financial time series by a stochastic Ising system on a Sierpinski carpet lattice pp. 4055-4063

- Wen Fang and Jun Wang
- Testing for relationships between Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets: A threshold cointegration perspective pp. 4064-4074

- Xiaoqiang Lin, Zhenpeng Tang and Fangyu Fei
- Buying on margin, selling short in an agent-based market model pp. 4075-4082

- Ting Zhang and Honggang Li
- Effect of driver over-acceleration on traffic breakdown in three-phase cellular automaton traffic flow models pp. 4083-4105

- Boris S. Kerner, Sergey L. Klenov, Gerhard Hermanns and Michael Schreckenberg
- Multifractal description of wind power fluctuations using arbitrary order Hilbert spectral analysis pp. 4106-4120

- Rudy Calif, François G. Schmitt and Yongxiang Huang
- Investigation of nucleation and grain growth in 2-dimensional systems by using generalized Monte Carlo simulations pp. 4121-4126

- Hakan Cetinel, Ozhan Kayacan and Demet Ozaydin
- Morphological similarity of road networks and cracks pp. 4127-4133

- Teruaki Ohnishi, Osami Okada and Hirofumi Shirakata
- Stochastic nature of earthquake ground motion pp. 4134-4145

- Srđan Kostić, Nebojša Vasović, Matjaž Perc, Marinko Toljić and Dobrica Nikolić
- Hybrid routing on scale-free networks pp. 4146-4153

- Fei Tan and Yongxiang Xia
- Ranking the spreading influence in complex networks pp. 4154-4159

- Jian-Guo Liu, Zhuo-Ming Ren and Qiang Guo
- Measuring the dimension of partially embedded networks pp. 4160-4171

- Dániel Kondor, Péter Mátray, István Csabai and Gábor Vattay
- Temporal percolation of a susceptible adaptive network pp. 4172-4180

- L.D. Valdez, P.A. Macri and L.A. Braunstein
- Dynamical robustness analysis of weighted complex networks pp. 4181-4191

- Zhiwei He, Shuai Liu and Meng Zhan
- Characterizing traffic time series based on complex network theory pp. 4192-4201

- Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang and Fang Liu
Volume 392, issue 17, 2013
- Lévy flights in confining environments: Random paths and their statistics pp. 3485-3496

- Mariusz Żaba, Piotr Garbaczewski and Vladimir Stephanovich
- Direct measurements of colloidal hydrodynamics near flat boundaries using oscillating optical tweezers pp. 3497-3504

- Chungil Ha, H.D. Ou-Yang and Hyuk Kyu Pak
- Effective usage of shortest paths promotes transportation efficiency on scale-free networks pp. 3505-3512

- Wen-Bo Du, Zhi-Xi Wu and Kai-Quan Cai
- Carnot efficiency: Why? pp. 3513-3517

- Umberto Lucia
- Understanding quantum entanglement by thermo field dynamics pp. 3518-3530

- Yoichiro Hashizume and Masuo Suzuki
- Scale-free networks via attaching to random neighbors pp. 3531-3536

- Xu-Hua Yang, Shun-Li Lou, Guang Chen, Sheng-Yong Chen and Wei Huang
- An extended macro model for traffic flow with consideration of multi static bottlenecks pp. 3537-3545

- T.Q. Tang, P. Li and X.B. Yang
- An opinion diffusion model with clustered early adopters pp. 3546-3554

- Lei Deng, Yun Liu and Fei Xiong
- Deterministic scale-free small-world networks of arbitrary order pp. 3555-3562

- Zhe-Ming Lu, Yu-Xin Su and Shi-Ze Guo
- A new car-following model with the consideration of anticipation optimal velocity pp. 3563-3569

- Guang-han Peng and Rong-jun Cheng
- Force induced phase transition of honeycomb-structured ferroelectric thin film pp. 3570-3577

- C.D. Wang and R.G. Ma
- Dynamics of pedestrians in regions with no visibility— A lattice model without exclusion pp. 3578-3588

- Emilio N.M. Cirillo and Adrian Muntean
- Density outbursts in a food web model with a closed nutrient cycle pp. 3589-3600

- Janusz Szwabiński
- Quadrantal multi-scale distribution entropy analysis of heartbeat interval series based on a modified Poincaré plot pp. 3601-3609

- Chengyu Huo, Xiaolin Huang, Jianjun Zhuang, Fengzhen Hou, Huangjing Ni and Xinbao Ning
- Paradox of enrichment: A fractional differential approach with memory pp. 3610-3621

- Sourav Rana, Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, Joydeep Pal, N’Guérékata, Gaston M. and Joydev Chattopadhyay
- Geometry of ‘standoffs’ in lattice models of the spatial Prisoner’s Dilemma and Snowdrift games pp. 3622-3633

- Robert A. Laird, Dipankar Goyal and Soroosh Yazdani
- From Lotka to the entropy generation approach pp. 3634-3639

- Umberto Lucia and Enrico Sciubba
- Cautious strategy update promotes cooperation in spatial prisoner’s dilemma game pp. 3640-3647

- Yongkui Liu, Lin Zhang, Xiaojie Chen, Lei Ren and Long Wang
- Thermodynamics and cancer stationary states pp. 3648-3653

- Umberto Lucia
- Between complexity of modelling and modelling of complexity: An essay on econophysics pp. 3654-3665

- C. Schinckus
- Liquidity crisis detection: An application of log-periodic power law structures to default prediction pp. 3666-3681

- Jan Henrik Wosnitza and Cornelia Denz
- Research on spatial economic structure for different economic sectors from a perspective of a complex network pp. 3682-3697

- Sen Hu, Hualei Yang, Boliang Cai and Chunxia Yang
- A stable and robust calibration scheme of the log-periodic power law model pp. 3698-3707

- V. Filimonov and D. Sornette
- A measure of multivariate kurtosis for the identification of the dynamics of a N-dimensional market pp. 3708-3714

- Tanya Araújo, João Dias, Samuel Eleutério and Francisco Louçã
- Random matrix theory analysis of cross-correlations in the US stock market: Evidence from Pearson’s correlation coefficient and detrended cross-correlation coefficient pp. 3715-3730

- Gang-Jin Wang, Chi Xie, Shou Chen, Jiao-Jiao Yang and Ming-Yan Yang
- Complex dynamics in the distribution of players’ scoring performance in Rugby Union world cups pp. 3731-3740

- Laurent Seuront
- Optimal intentional islanding to enhance the robustness of power grid networks pp. 3741-3754

- S. Pahwa, M. Youssef, P. Schumm, C. Scoglio and N. Schulz
- Optimality and oscillations near the edge of stability in the dynamics of autonomous vehicle platoons pp. 3755-3764

- L.C. Davis
- Thermal phase transition for some spin-boson models pp. 3765-3779

- M. Aparicio Alcalde and B.M. Pimentel
- Scaling analyses based on wavelet transforms for the Talbot effect pp. 3780-3788

- Haret C. Rosu, José S. Murguía and Andrei Ludu
- Singular spectrum analysis and Fisher–Shannon analysis of spring flow time series: An application to Anjar Spring, Lebanon pp. 3789-3797

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Amin Shaban, Talal Darwich and Nabil Amacha
- The effects of mechanical response on the dynamics and string stability of a platoon of adaptive cruise control vehicles pp. 3798-3805

- L.C. Davis
- Weakly interacting Bose mixtures at finite temperature pp. 3806-3811

- Bert Van Schaeybroeck
- Relaxation dynamics of the Kuramoto model with uniformly distributed natural frequencies pp. 3812-3818

- Anandamohan Ghosh and Shamik Gupta
- Specific mass increment and nonequilibrium crystal growth pp. 3819-3826

- Leonid M. Martyushev and Pavel S. Terentiev
- The information transmission in community networks pp. 3827-3832

- Zhi-Qiang Zhu, Chuan-Jian Liu, Jian-Liang Wu and Bin Liu
- Geometry of complex networks and topological centrality pp. 3833-3845

- Gyan Ranjan and Zhi-Li Zhang
- The spreading of opposite opinions on online social networks with authoritative nodes pp. 3846-3855

- Shu Yan, Shaoting Tang, Sen Pei, Shijin Jiang, Xiao Zhang, Wenrui Ding and Zhiming Zheng
Volume 392, issue 16, 2013
- Analysis of energy dissipation in traffic flow with a variable slope pp. 3301-3307

- Wen-Xing Zhu and Cheng-Hui Zhang
- Dynamic statistical properties of squeezed coherent state superpositions pp. 3308-3315

- J.S. Sales and N.G. de Almeida
- Lacunarity and multifractal analysis of the large DLA mass distribution pp. 3316-3328

- Suemi Rodriguez-Romo and Antonio Sosa-Herrera
- Accelerating consensus of self-driven swarm via a weighted model pp. 3329-3334

- You Zou, Haifeng Zhang, Yujian Li and Binghong Wang
- Assessing market uncertainty by means of a time-varying intermittency parameter for asset price fluctuations pp. 3335-3343

- Martin Rypdal, Espen Sirnes, Ola Løvsletten and Kristoffer Rypdal
- Time-series analysis of foreign exchange rates using time-dependent pattern entropy pp. 3344-3350

- Ryuji Ishizaki and Masayoshi Inoue
- Transient fluctuation of the prosperity of firms in a network economy pp. 3351-3359

- Yoshiharu Maeno
- Benford’s law: A Poisson perspective pp. 3360-3373

- Iddo I. Eliazar
- Visibility graph network analysis of gold price time series pp. 3374-3384

- Yu Long
- Evolutionary model on market ecology of investors and investments pp. 3385-3391

- Ya-Chun Gao, Shi-Min Cai, Linyuan Lü and Bing-Hong Wang
- Modified circle map model for complex motion induced by a change of shuttle buses pp. 3392-3401

- Takashi Nagatani
- Predicting link directions via a recursive subgraph-based ranking pp. 3402-3408

- Fangjian Guo, Zimo Yang and Tao Zhou
- Crackling sound generation during the formation of liquid bridges: A lattice gas model pp. 3409-3416

- Alexandre B. Almeida, Sergey V. Buldyrev and Adriano M. Alencar
- Preference of online users and personalized recommendations pp. 3417-3423

- Yuan Guan, Dandan Zhao, An Zeng and Ming-Sheng Shang
- Fisher–Shannon analysis of seismograms of tsunamigenic and non-tsunamigenic earthquakes pp. 3424-3429

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Ashutosh Chamoli, V.P. Dimri and K. Srivastava
- On the kinetic theory of vehicular traffic flow: Chapman–Enskog expansion versus Grad’s moment method pp. 3430-3440

- W. Marques and A.R. Méndez
- Pricing currency options in the mixed fractional Brownian motion pp. 3441-3458

- Lin Sun
- Discovering the influential users oriented to viral marketing based on online social networks pp. 3459-3469

- Zhiguo Zhu
- A stochastic model of tweet diffusion on the Twitter network pp. 3470-3475

- Tatsuro Kawamoto
- Threshold model of cascades in empirical temporal networks pp. 3476-3483

- Fariba Karimi and Petter Holme
Volume 392, issue 15, 2013
- Statistical behaviors for renormalization of correlated permeability field pp. 3115-3121

- Bin Wu, Zhi-Feng Liu and Xiao-Hong Wang
- Assessing vascular endothelial function using frequency and rank order statistics pp. 3122-3131

- Hsien-Tsai Wu, Po-Chun Hsu, Cheuk-Kwan Sun, An-Bang Liu, Zong-Lin Lin, Chieh-Ju Tang and Men-Tzung Lo
- Ideal gas provides q-entropy pp. 3132-3139

- T.S. Biró
- Some properties of generalized Fisher information in the context of nonextensive thermostatistics pp. 3140-3154

- J.-F. Bercher
- On the origin of the phase–space diffusion limit in (dis)ordered protein aggregation pp. 3155-3167

- A. Gadomski, J. Siódmiak and I. Santamaría-Holek
- Tempered stable Lévy motion driven by stable subordinator pp. 3168-3176

- Janusz Gajda and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
- Optimal hedging via large deviation pp. 3177-3182

- Michael Stutzer
- Evolutionary dynamics of nationalism and migration pp. 3183-3197

- André Barreira da Silva Rocha
- Salient features of dependence in daily US stock market indices pp. 3198-3212

- Luis Gil-Alana, Juncal Cuñado and Fernando Perez de Gracia
- A jump diffusion model for spot electricity prices and market price of risk pp. 3213-3222

- Ramaprasad Bhar, David B. Colwell and Yuewen Xiao
- Effect of restart at signals on traffic flow through a series of signals pp. 3223-3230

- Yuki Hino, Kazuhiro Tobita and Takashi Nagatani
- A mathematical model of “Gone with the Wind” pp. 3231-3239

- Sergio Rinaldi, Fabio Della Rossa and Pietro Landi
- Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions pp. 3240-3247

- Gabriel Baglietto, Ezequiel V. Albano and Julián Candia
- What is the difference of research collaboration network under different projections: Topological measurement and analysis pp. 3248-3259

- Yongjun Li and Chun You
- Ant colony clustering with fitness perception and pheromone diffusion for community detection in complex networks pp. 3260-3272

- Junzhong Ji, Xiangjing Song, Chunnian Liu and Xiuzhen Zhang
- Understanding the cascading failures in Indian power grids with complex networks theory pp. 3273-3280

- Guidong Zhang, Zhong Li, Bo Zhang and Wolfgang A. Halang
- Parameter-dependent synchronization transition of coupled neurons with co-existing spiking and bursting pp. 3281-3292

- Hua-Guang Gu, Yu-Ye Li, Bing Jia and Guan-Rong Chen
- Robustness analysis of static routing on networks pp. 3293-3300

- Cun-Lai Pu, Jian Yang, Wen-Jiang Pei, Yu-Ting Tao and Shao-Hua Lan
Volume 392, issue 14, 2013
- Current in a quantum driven thermostatted system with off-diagonal disorder pp. 2977-2987

- M. Colangeli, M. Pizzi and L. Rondoni
- Stochastic response of a ϕ6 oscillator subjected to combined harmonic and Poisson white noise excitations pp. 2988-2998

- Xiaole Yue, Wei Xu, Wantao Jia and Liang Wang
- Crossover from fragile liquids to strong liquids near the glass transition created by isotropic two-body short-range interactions pp. 2999-3007

- Michio Tokuyama and Shohei Enda
- Influence of surface roughness on the electrical conductivity of semiconducting thin films pp. 3008-3017

- D. Ketenoğlu and B. Ünal
- Coarse grained approach for volume conserving models pp. 3018-3027

- D. Hansmann and R.C. Buceta
- Towards the bi-directional cellular automaton model with perception ranges pp. 3028-3038

- Liang Zheng, Shiquan Zhong and Shoufeng Ma
- Comparing emerging and mature markets during times of crises: A non-extensive statistical approach pp. 3039-3044

- A. Namaki, Z. Koohi Lai, G.R. Jafari, R. Raei and R. Tehrani
- A generalization of the q-exponential discounting function pp. 3045-3050

- Salvador Cruz Rambaud and María José Muñoz Torrecillas
- A maximum (non-extensive) entropy approach to equity options bid–ask spread pp. 3051-3060

- Oren J. Tapiero
- Nonextensivity measure for earthquake networks pp. 3061-3065

- Nastaran Lotfi and Amir H. Darooneh
- Statistical modelling of higher-order correlations in pools of neural activity pp. 3066-3086

- Fernando Montani, Elena Phoka, Mariela Portesi and Simon R. Schultz
- Dynamics characterization of modified Gross–Pitaevskii equation pp. 3087-3094

- Victo S. Filho, Birajara S. Machado, Gerson Francisco and Lauro Tomio
- Detecting community structure using label propagation with weighted coherent neighborhood propinquity pp. 3095-3105

- Hao Lou, Shenghong Li and Yuxin Zhao
- Permutation entropy and detrend fluctuation analysis for the natural complexity of cardiac heart interbeat signals pp. 3106-3112

- Farid Taherkhani, Maryam Rahmani, Fariborz Taherkhani, Hamed Akbarzadeh and Hadi Abroshan
Volume 392, issue 13, 2013
- The shadow principle: An optimal survival strategy for a prey chased by random predators pp. 2837-2846

- M. Moreau, O. Bénichou, G. Oshanin and R. Voituriez
- Simulation of pedestrian flow based on cellular automata: A case of pedestrian crossing street at section in China pp. 2847-2859

- Shumin Feng, Ning Ding, Tao Chen and Hui Zhang
- The Kirkendall effect in binary diffusion couples pp. 2860-2867

- Bartek Wierzba
- Hidden Markov models revealing the stress field underlying the earthquake generation pp. 2868-2885

- I. Votsi, N. Limnios, G. Tsaklidis and E. Papadimitriou
- General conditions for strategy abundance through a self-referential mechanism under weak selection pp. 2886-2892

- Takuya Sekiguchi
- Regional changes in the distribution of foreign aid: An entropy approach pp. 2893-2902

- Matthew Salois
- Firm size distribution and mobility of the top 500 firms in China, the United States and the world pp. 2903-2914

- Jinzhong Guo, Qi Xu, Qinghua Chen and Yougui Wang
- One-factor model for the cross-correlation matrix in the Vietnamese stock market pp. 2915-2923

- Quang Nguyen
- On the physical interpretation of statistical data from black-box systems pp. 2924-2939

- Iddo I. Eliazar and Morrel H. Cohen
- Dynamical analogy between economical crisis and earthquake dynamics within the nonextensive statistical mechanics framework pp. 2940-2954

- Stelios M. Potirakis, Pavlos I. Zitis and Konstantinos Eftaxias
- Coevolutionary, coexisting learning and teaching agents model for prisoner’s dilemma games enhancing cooperation with assortative heterogeneous networks pp. 2955-2964

- Jun Tanimoto
- The topology of a causal network for the Chinese financial system pp. 2965-2976

- Bo Gao and Ruo-en Ren
Volume 392, issue 12, 2013
- Chapman–Enskog analysis for finite-volume formulation of lattice Boltzmann equation pp. 2701-2712

- D.V. Patil
- Entropy maximization and instability in uniformly magnetized plasmas pp. 2713-2717

- S. Son and Sung Joon Moon
- Modeling quantum mechanical double slit interference via anomalous diffusion: Independently variable slit widths pp. 2718-2727

- J. Mesa Pascasio, S. Fussy, H. Schwabl and G. Grössing
- An agent-based model of stock markets incorporating momentum investors pp. 2728-2735

- J.R. Wei, J.P. Huang and P.M. Hui
- Correlations, hierarchies and networks of the world’s automotive companies pp. 2736-2774

- Yusuf Kocakaplan, Şerafettin Doğan, Bayram Deviren and Mustafa Keskin
- Menzerath–Altmann law for distinct word distribution analysis in a large text pp. 2775-2780

- Sertac Eroglu
- Empirical study of a unidirectional dense crowd during a real mass event pp. 2781-2791

- X.L. Zhang, W.G. Weng, H.Y. Yuan and J.G. Chen
- Dynamical diversity induced by individual responsive immunization pp. 2792-2802

- Qingchu Wu, Huaxiang Liu and Michael Small
- The number of spanning trees of an infinite family of outerplanar, small-world and self-similar graphs pp. 2803-2806

- Francesc Comellas, Alícia Miralles, Hongxiao Liu and Zhongzhi Zhang
- Percolation on shopping and cashback electronic commerce networks pp. 2807-2820

- Tao Fu, Yini Chen, Zhen Qin and Liping Guo
- Detect local communities in networks with an outside rate coefficient pp. 2821-2829

- Yi Shen
- Non-destructive detection and generation of the Werner state via a dissipative process pp. 2830-2836

- Jia-sen Jin, Zhen-ni Li, Chang-shui Yu and He-shan Song
Volume 392, issue 11, 2013
- Anomalous transport controlled via potential fluctuations pp. 2623-2630

- Chunhua Zeng, Hua Wang, Yonggang Wei, Kongzhai Li and Jianhang Hu
- Tsallis’ maximum entropy ansatz leading to exact analytical time dependent wave packet solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation pp. 2631-2642

- S. Curilef, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
- The two- and three-dimensional spin-3/2 random Blume–Capel model by the position space renormalization group pp. 2643-2651

- Mohammed El Bouziani and Abou Gaye
- A golden point rule in rock–paper–scissors–lizard–spock game pp. 2652-2659

- Yibin Kang, Qiuhui Pan, Xueting Wang and Mingfeng He
- Stability analysis of a multi-phase car-following model pp. 2660-2671

- Ronghui Liu and Xiang Li
- Scaling laws in the dynamics of crime growth rate pp. 2672-2679

- Luiz G.A. Alves, Haroldo V. Ribeiro and Renio S. Mendes
- Damage spreading in a driven lattice gas model pp. 2680-2687

- M. Leticia Rubio Puzzo, Gustavo P. Saracco and Ezequiel V. Albano
- The Power Grid as a complex network: A survey pp. 2688-2700

- Giuliano Andrea Pagani and Marco Aiello
Volume 392, issue 10, 2013
- Comment on “Time-changed geometric fractional Brownian motion and option pricing with transaction costs” by Hui Gu et al pp. 2311-2314

- Zhidong Guo, Yukun Song and Yunliang Zhang
- Most likely ensemble with a given average energy prepared by a single slit pp. 2315-2322

- Agung Budiyono
- Equivalent continuous and discrete realizations of Lévy flights: A model of one-dimensional motion of an inertial particle pp. 2323-2346

- Ihor Lubashevsky
- Investigation of critical phenomena and magnetism in amorphous Ising nanowire in the presence of transverse fields pp. 2347-2358

- Yusuf Yüksel, Ümit Akıncı and Hamza Polat
- The influence of the liquid slab thickness on the planar vapor–liquid interfacial tension pp. 2359-2367

- Stephan Werth, Sergey V. Lishchuk, Martin Horsch and Hans Hasse
- Social learning with bounded confidence and heterogeneous agents pp. 2368-2374

- Qipeng Liu and Xiaofan Wang
- Magnetic properties, Lyapunov exponent and superstability of the spin-12 Ising–Heisenberg model on a diamond chain pp. 2375-2383

- N. Ananikian and V. Hovhannisyan
- On the scaling ranges of detrended fluctuation analysis for long-term memory correlated short series of data pp. 2384-2397

- Dariusz Grech and Zygmunt Mazur
- A modified Vicsek model for self-propelled agents with exponential neighbor weight and restricted visual field pp. 2398-2405

- Xin-Guang Wang, Chen-Ping Zhu, Chuan-Yang Yin, Dong-Sheng Hu and Zhi-Jun Yan
- Phase diagrams in an Ising nanotube (or nanowire) with a diluted surface; Effects of interlayer coupling at the surface pp. 2406-2414

- T. Kaneyoshi
- Modeling cancer immunotherapy: Assessing the effects of lymphocytes on cancer cell growth and motility pp. 2415-2425

- R.A. Ramos, Jair Zapata, C.A. Condat and Thomas S. Deisboeck
- Characterization of fish schooling behavior with different numbers of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) using a Hidden Markov Model pp. 2426-2433

- Wonju Jeon, Seung-Ho Kang, Joo-Baek Leem and Sang-Hee Lee
- Distribution of wealth in a network model of the economy pp. 2434-2441

- Tao Ma, John G. Holden and R.A. Serota
- Rating the raters in a mixed model: An approach to deciphering the rater reliability pp. 2447-2459

- Junfeng Shang and Yougui Wang
- Conditional independence graph for nonlinear time series and its application to international financial markets pp. 2460-2469

- Wei Gao and Hongxia Zhao
- Simulation study of pedestrian flow in a station hall during the Spring Festival travel rush pp. 2470-2478

- Lei Wang, Qian Zhang, Yun Cai, Jianlin Zhang and Qingguo Ma
- Surface and bulk properties of ballistic deposition models with bond breaking pp. 2479-2486

- Juvenil S. Oliveira Filho, Tiago J. Oliveira and José Arnaldo Redinz
- An insight to the nonextensive parameter in the actual gas pp. 2487-2491

- Yahui Zheng
- Self-generated dynamic landscape: The message–receiver interaction case pp. 2492-2497

- Miguel Angel Fuentes and Hernan Miguel
- A complex network model for seismicity based on mutual information pp. 2498-2506

- Abigail Jiménez
- Order parameter analysis of seismicity of the Mexican Pacific coast pp. 2507-2512

- A. Ramírez-Rojas and E.L. Flores-Márquez
- Mixing-driven equilibrium reactions in multidimensional fractional advection–dispersion systems pp. 2513-2525

- Diogo Bolster, David A. Benson, Mark M. Meerschaert and Boris Baeumer
- Spreading of periodic diseases and synchronization phenomena on networks pp. 2526-2531

- M. Ababou, N. Vandewalle, N. Moussa, M. El Bouziani and F. Ludewig
- Stochastic resonance in bistable systems with nonlinear dissipation and multiplicative noise: A microscopic approach pp. 2532-2546

- Hideo Hasegawa
- The impact of connection density on scale-free distribution in random networks pp. 2547-2554

- Xu-Hua Yang, Guang Chen and Sheng-Yong Chen
- Detecting communities by the core-vertex and intimate degree in complex networks pp. 2555-2563

- Xingyuan Wang and Junqiu Li
- Identifying influential nodes in weighted networks based on evidence theory pp. 2564-2575

- Daijun Wei, Xinyang Deng, Xiaoge Zhang, Yong Deng and Sankaran Mahadevan
- A network approach based on cliques pp. 2576-2587

- I.S. Fadigas and H.B.B. Pereira
- Kernel spectral clustering with memory effect pp. 2588-2606

- Rocco Langone, Carlos Alzate and Johan A.K. Suykens
- Tripartite correlations in a Heisenberg XXZ spin ring in thermal equilibrium pp. 2607-2614

- Jiang-Tao Cai and Ahmad Abliz
- Induced entanglement revival and entanglement protection in a two qubit system pp. 2615-2622

- R. Rossi
Volume 392, issue 9, 2013
- Entropic lattice Boltzmann method for turbulent flow simulations: Boundary conditions pp. 1925-1930

- S.S. Chikatamarla and I.V. Karlin
- Bifurcation and stability analysis for phase transitions in the presence of an intermediate state: A general solution pp. 1931-1945

- Alexandr A. Barsuk, Visarion Gamurari, Ghennadii Gubceac and Florentin Paladi
- A Monte Carlo study of ant traffic in a uni-directional trail pp. 1946-1954

- T. Kunduraci and O. Kayacan
- On bandlimitedness and lag-limitedness of fractional Gaussian noise pp. 1955-1961

- Ming Li and Wei Zhao
- A stochastic Ginzburg–Landau equation with impulsive effects pp. 1962-1971

- Dung Nguyen Tien
- A set of new three-parameter entropies in terms of a generalized incomplete Gamma function pp. 1972-1976

- Somayeh Asgarani
- Methods to find community based on edge centrality pp. 1977-1988

- Peng Gang Sun and Yang Yang
- Minimal coupling in oscillator models of quantum dissipation pp. 1989-1993

- H. Kohler and F. Sols
- Modeling of pedestrian evacuation under fire emergency based on an extended heterogeneous lattice gas model pp. 1994-2006

- Xiwei Guo, Jianqiao Chen, Suozhu You and Junhong Wei
- Tsallis entropy approach to radiotherapy treatments pp. 2007-2015

- O. Sotolongo-Grau, D. Rodriguez-Perez, O. Sotolongo-Costa and J.C. Antoranz
- Baxter–Wu model in the presence of an external magnetic field pp. 2016-2024

- I.N. Velonakis and S.S. Martinos
- A modular attachment mechanism for software network evolution pp. 2025-2037

- Hui Li, Hai Zhao, Wei Cai, Jiu-Qiang Xu and Jun Ai
- Role of recommendation in spatial public goods games pp. 2038-2045

- Zhihu Yang, Zhi Li, Te Wu and Long Wang
- Evolution of cooperation in lattice population with adaptive interaction intensity pp. 2046-2051

- Zhi Li, Jia Gao, Il Hong Suh and Long Wang
- Phase diagram of mechanically stretched DNA: The salt effect pp. 2052-2059

- Amar Singh and Navin Singh
- The effect of the subprime crisis on the credit risk in global scale pp. 2060-2071

- Sangwook Lee, Min Jae Kim, Sun Young Lee, Soo Yong Kim and Joon Hwa Ban
- Modelling price dynamics: A hybrid truncated Lévy Flight–GARCH approach pp. 2072-2078

- A. Constantinides and Savel’ev, S.E.
- Lapse of time effects on tax evasion in an agent-based econophysics model pp. 2079-2087

- Götz Seibold and Michael Pickhardt
- Testing the Goodwin growth-cycle macroeconomic dynamics in Brazil pp. 2088-2103

- N.J. Moura and Marcelo Ribeiro
- The emergence of different tail exponents in the distributions of firm size variables pp. 2104-2113

- Atushi Ishikawa, Shouji Fujimoto, Tsutomu Watanabe and Takayuki Mizuno
- Clustering of financial time series pp. 2114-2129

- D’Urso, Pierpaolo, Carmela Cappelli, Dario Di Lallo and Riccardo Massari
- Modelling of income distribution in the European Union with the Fokker–Planck equation pp. 2130-2138

- Maciej Jagielski and Ryszard Kutner
- Coupled effects of market impact and asymmetric sensitivity in financial markets pp. 2139-2149

- Li-Xin Zhong, Wen-Juan Xu, Fei Ren and Yong-Dong Shi
- Power law classification scheme of time series correlations. On the example of G20 group pp. 2150-2162

- Janusz Miśkiewicz
- Measuring daily Value-at-Risk of SSEC index: A new approach based on multifractal analysis and extreme value theory pp. 2163-2174

- Yu Wei, Wang Chen and Yu Lin
- Surface roughness analysis of hydrophilic SiO2/TiO2/glass nano bilayers by the level crossing approach pp. 2175-2181

- E. Daryaei, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar and A.Z. Moshfegh
- An efficient community detection method based on rank centrality pp. 2182-2194

- Yawen Jiang, Caiyan Jia and Jian Yu
- Using Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis in geophysical data pp. 2195-2201

- E.B.S. Marinho, A.M.Y.R. Sousa and R.F.S. Andrade
- Simulation of pedestrian counter flow through bottlenecks by using an agent-based model pp. 2202-2211

- Jicai Dai, Xia Li and Lin Liu
- Combinatorial and approximative analyses in a spatially random division process pp. 2212-2225

- Yukio Hayashi, Takayuki Komaki, Yusuke Ide, Takuya Machida and Norio Konno
- Minimal spanning tree problem in stock networks analysis: An efficient algorithm pp. 2226-2234

- Maman Abdurachman Djauhari and Siew Lee Gan
- Measuring the default risk of sovereign debt from the perspective of network pp. 2235-2239

- Hongwei Chuang and Hwai-Chung Ho
- A last updating evolution model for online social networks pp. 2240-2247

- Zhan Bu, Zhengyou Xia, Jiandong Wang and Chengcui Zhang
- Opinion dynamics in networks with heterogeneous confidence and influence pp. 2248-2256

- Haili Liang, Yiping Yang and Xiaofan Wang
- Mitigation strategies on scale-free networks against cascading failures pp. 2257-2264

- Jianwei Wang
- Minimum spanning trees for community detection pp. 2265-2277

- Jianshe Wu, Xiaoxiao Li, Licheng Jiao, Xiaohua Wang and Bo Sun
- Obtaining communities with a fitness growth process pp. 2278-2293

- Mariano G. Beiró, Jorge R. Busch, Sebastian P. Grynberg and J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin
- Efficient routing on small complex networks without buffers pp. 2294-2301

- J. Smiljanić and I. Stanković
- Time to consensus pp. 2302-2310

- Nicholas W. Hollingshad, Adam Svenkeson, Bruce J. West and Paolo Grigolini
Volume 392, issue 8, 2013
- Conceptual model of coalescence and break-up in the presence of external agitation pp. 1725-1732

- F-Javier Almaguer, Mónica Alcalá, Arturo Berrones, Óscar L. Chacón-Mondragón and Eduardo Soto-Regalado
- Investigation of classical and fractional Bose–Einstein condensation for harmonic potential pp. 1733-1741

- Neslihan Uzar and Sedat Ballikaya
- A Shannon–Tsallis transformation pp. 1742-1749

- E. Rufeil Fiori and A. Plastino
- Fixing the fixed-point system—Applying Dynamic Renormalization Group to systems with long-range interactions pp. 1750-1755

- Eytan Katzav
- DCCA cross-correlation coefficient differentiation: Theoretical and practical approaches pp. 1756-1761

- G.F. Zebende, M.F. da Silva and A. Machado Filho
- Some dynamical properties of a classical dissipative bouncing ball model with two nonlinearities pp. 1762-1769

- Diego F.M. Oliveira and Edson D. Leonel
- Inverse transitions in the Ghatak–Sherrington model with bimodal random fields pp. 1770-1775

- C.V. Morais, M.J. Lazo, F.M. Zimmer and S.G. Magalhães
- The ice model and the eight-vertex model on the two-dimensional Sierpinski gasket pp. 1776-1787

- Shu-Chiuan Chang, Lung-Chi Chen and Hsin-Yun Lee
- Study of a market model with conservative exchanges on complex networks pp. 1788-1794

- Lidia A. Braunstein, Pablo A. Macri and J.R. Iglesias
- Intraday volatility spillovers between spot and futures indices: Evidence from the Korean stock market pp. 1795-1802

- Sang Hoon Kang, Chongcheul Cheong and Seong-Min Yoon
- Hurst exponent footprints from activities on a large structural system pp. 1803-1817

- Vikram Pakrashi, Joe Kelly, Julie Harkin and Aidan Farrell
- Electric diffusion in cylindrical conductors from an extended irreversible thermodynamics perspective pp. 1818-1827

- F.E.M. Silveira
- A cell-based study on pedestrian acceleration and overtaking in a transfer station corridor pp. 1828-1839

- Xiangfeng Ji, Xuemei Zhou and Bin Ran
- Emergence of cooperation in spatial public goods game with conditional participation pp. 1840-1847

- Ming Li, Chun-Xiao Jia, Run-Ran Liu and Bing-Hong Wang
- Multiple-vehicle collision in traffic flow by a sudden slowdown pp. 1848-1857

- Naoki Sugiyama and Takashi Nagatani
- Multifractal analysis of heartbeat dynamics during meditation training pp. 1858-1862

- Renliang Song, Chunhua Bian and Qianli D.Y. Ma
- Analysis of phase transition points for a two-color agent-based model pp. 1863-1872

- J.K. Shin and P.S. Jung
- Exploring associations between micro-level models of innovation diffusion and emerging macro-level adoption patterns pp. 1873-1884

- Carlos E. Laciana, Santiago L. Rovere and Guillermo P. Podestá
- Degree-based assignation of roles in ultimatum games on scale-free networks pp. 1885-1893

- Zhi Li, Jia Gao, Il Hong Suh and Long Wang
- Incremental routing strategy on scale-free networks pp. 1894-1901

- Zhong-Yuan Jiang and Man-Gui Liang
- Effects of community structure on navigation pp. 1902-1908

- Biao Wang, Zhao Zhuo, Shi-Min Cai and Zhong-Qian Fu
- Structure properties of evolutionary spatially embedded networks pp. 1909-1919

- Z. Hui, W. Li, X. Cai, J.M. Greneche and Q.A. Wang
- Optimal weighting scheme and the role of coupling strength against load failures in degree-based weighted interdependent networks pp. 1920-1924

- Yuzhuo Qiu
Volume 392, issue 7, 2013
- Kinetics of internal structures growth in magnetic suspensions pp. 1567-1576

- G. Bossis, P. Lançon, A. Meunier, L. Iskakova, V. Kostenko and A. Zubarev
- Effects of delayed recovery and nonuniform transmission on the spreading of diseases in complex networks pp. 1577-1585

- Cheng-yi Xia, Zhen Wang, Joaquin Sanz, Sandro Meloni and Yamir Moreno
- Saddle points and rare collisions under scaling approach in a Fermi accelerator with two nonlinear terms pp. 1586-1592

- Juliano A. de Oliveira and Edson D. Leonel
- Markov chain order estimation with conditional mutual information pp. 1593-1601

- M. Papapetrou and D. Kugiumtzis
- Semi-flexible interacting self-avoiding trails on the square lattice pp. 1602-1610

- A. Bedini, A.L. Owczarek and T. Prellberg
- Attaining and maintaining criticality in a neuronal network model pp. 1611-1620

- Jiayi Peng and John M. Beggs
- Analysis of epidemic models with demographics in metapopulation networks pp. 1621-1630

- Jianrong Wang, Maoxing Liu and Youwen Li
- How fast do stock prices adjust to market efficiency? Evidence from a detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 1631-1637

- Juan Reboredo, Miguel A. Rivera-Castro, José G.V. Miranda and Raquel García-Rubio
- Maximum entropy distribution of stock price fluctuations pp. 1638-1647

- Rosario Bartiromo
- Default risk modeling with position-dependent killing pp. 1648-1658

- Yuri A. Katz
- Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis between the Chinese stock market and surrounding stock markets pp. 1659-1670

- Feng Ma, Yu Wei and Dengshi Huang
- Generalized Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process by Doob’s theorem and the time evolution of financial prices pp. 1671-1680

- Regina C.B. da Fonseca, Annibal Figueiredo, Márcio T. de Castro and Fábio M. Mendes
- Autocorrelation type, timescale and statistical property in financial time series pp. 1681-1693

- Honglin Yang, Hong Wan and Yong Zha
- Characterization of nanostructured material images using fractal descriptors pp. 1694-1701

- João B. Florindo, Mariana S. Sikora, Ernesto C. Pereira and Odemir M. Bruno
- Approximate tolerance limits for Zipf–Mandelbrot distributions pp. 1702-1711

- D.S. Young
- Social network based microblog user behavior analysis pp. 1712-1723

- Qiang Yan, Lianren Wu and Lan Zheng
Volume 392, issue 6, 2013
- Conjectured exact percolation thresholds of the Fortuin–Kasteleyn cluster for the ±J Ising spin glass model pp. 1263-1268

- Chiaki Yamaguchi
- Response probability density functions of Duffing–Van der Pol vibro-impact system under correlated Gaussian white noise excitations pp. 1269-1279

- Chao Li, Wei Xu, Jinqian Feng and Liang Wang
- Effects of diversity and coupling on transport properties of globally coupled active Brownian particles pp. 1280-1286

- Dan Wu and Shiqun Zhu
- Phase transition model for community detection pp. 1287-1301

- Jianshe Wu, Rui Lu, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Xin Yu, Da Wang and Bo Sun
- Maximum entropy principle for rarefied polyatomic gases pp. 1302-1317

- Milana Pavić, Tommaso Ruggeri and Srboljub Simić
- Thermodynamics in the limit of irreversible reactions pp. 1318-1335

- A.N. Gorban, E.M. Mirkes and G.S. Yablonsky
- Empirical study of the scaling behavior of the amplitude–frequency distribution of the Hilbert–Huang transform and its application in sunspot time series analysis pp. 1336-1346

- Yu Zhou, Yee Leung and Jian-Min Ma
- A Markov chain approach to renormalization group transformations pp. 1347-1354

- Mei Yin
- On the magnetocaloric effect of itinerant electron systems with first order transition pp. 1355-1360

- L.G. de Medeiros, N.A. de Oliveira, P.J. von Ranke and A. Troper
- White noise-induced spiral waves and multiple spatial coherence resonances in a neuronal network with type I excitability pp. 1361-1374

- Hua-Guang Gu, Bing Jia, Yu-Ye Li and Guan-Rong Chen
- Market structure explained by pairwise interactions pp. 1375-1385

- Thomas Bury
- Identifying financial crises in real time pp. 1386-1392

- Eder Lucio da Fonseca, Fernando F. Ferreira, Paulsamy Muruganandam and Hilda A. Cerdeira
- A multi-agent dynamic model based on different kinds of bequests pp. 1393-1397

- Jian Cui, Qiuhui Pan, Qian Qian, Mingfeng He and Qilin Sun
- About the modified Gaussian family of income distributions with applications to individual incomes pp. 1398-1408

- José María Sarabia, Faustino Prieto, Carmen Trueba and Vanesa Jordá
- Scaling, stability and distribution of the high-frequency returns of the Ibex35 index pp. 1409-1417

- Pablo Suárez-García and David Gómez-Ullate
- Cross-correlations between Renminbi and four major currencies in the Renminbi currency basket pp. 1418-1428

- Gang-Jin Wang and Chi Xie
- Efficiency and multifractality analysis of CSI 300 based on multifractal detrending moving average algorithm pp. 1429-1438

- Weijie Zhou, Yaoguo Dang and Rongbao Gu
- Efficiency and probabilistic properties of bridge volatility estimator pp. 1439-1451

- S. Lapinova, A. Saichev and M. Tarakanova
- Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of the Chinese stock index futures market pp. 1452-1458

- Xinsheng Lu, Jie Tian, Ying Zhou and Zhihui Li
- Exploring the mobility of mobile phone users pp. 1459-1473

- Balázs Cs. Csáji, Arnaud Browet, V.A. Traag, Jean-Charles Delvenne, Etienne Huens, Paul Van Dooren, Zbigniew Smoreda and Vincent D. Blondel
- Distribution of Chinese names pp. 1474-1480

- Ding-wei Huang
- Improving statistical keyword detection in short texts: Entropic and clustering approaches pp. 1481-1492

- C. Carretero-Campos, P. Bernaola-Galván, A.V. Coronado and P. Carpena
- Nanobuffering property of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles in aqueous solution pp. 1493-1499

- B. Zapotoczny, M.R. Dudek, J.J. Kozioł and J. Mleczko
- Impact of conformity on the evolution of cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game pp. 1500-1509

- Peng-Bi Cui and Zhi-Xi Wu
- Characterizing the relative role of low-frequency and turbulent processes in the nocturnal boundary layer through the analysis of two-point correlations of the wind components pp. 1510-1521

- Claudio A. Teichrieb, Otávio C. Acevedo, Gervásio A. Degrazia, Osvaldo L.L. Moraes, Débora R. Roberti, Hans R. Zimermann, Daniel M. Santos and Rita C.M. Alves
- The emergence of scaling laws search dynamics in a particle swarm optimization pp. 1522-1531

- Jie Qi and Zhihai Rong
- Critical properties of contact process on the Apollonian network pp. 1532-1537

- L.F. da Silva, R.N. Costa Filho, D.J.B. Soares, A. Macedo-Filho, U.L. Fulco and E.L. Albuquerque
- Networked characteristics of the urban rail transit networks pp. 1538-1546

- Jianhua Zhang, Mingwei Zhao, Haikuan Liu and Xiaoming Xu
- Skeleton of weighted social network pp. 1547-1556

- X. Zhang and J. Zhu
- Research on the effective gas diffusion coefficient in dry porous media embedded with a fractal-like tree network pp. 1557-1566

- Qian Zheng, Jian Xu, Bin Yang and Boming Yu
Volume 392, issue 5, 2013
- Stationary open systems: A brief review on contemporary theories on irreversibility pp. 1051-1062

- Umberto Lucia
- Effective field theory for the Ising model with a fluctuating exchange integral in an asymmetric bimodal random magnetic field: A differential operator technique pp. 1063-1071

- Ioannis A. Hadjiagapiou
- The persistence length and length per base of single-stranded DNA obtained from fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements using mean field theory pp. 1072-1079

- Qingjia Chi, Guixue Wang and Jiahuan Jiang
- On the sampling distribution of Allan factor estimator for a homogeneous Poisson process and its use to test inhomogeneities at multiple scales pp. 1080-1089

- Francesco Serinaldi and Chris G. Kilsby
- Assembly effect of groups in online social networks pp. 1090-1099

- W. Fan, K.H. Yeung and K.Y. Wong
- Diffusion zone formation in aluminized MAR-247 from Bi-velocity Phase Field Method pp. 1100-1110

- Bartek Wierzba and Katarzyna Tkacz-Śmiech
- Local equivalence of reversible and general Markov kinetics pp. 1111-1121

- Alexander N. Gorban
- Inference of analytical thermodynamic models for biological networks pp. 1122-1132

- Eliodoro Chiavazzo, Matteo Fasano and Pietro Asinari
- Lattice integrals of motion of the Ising model on the cylinder pp. 1133-1141

- Alessandro Nigro
- A microscopic lane changing process model for multilane traffic pp. 1142-1152

- Wei Lv, Wei-guo Song, Xiao-dong Liu and Jian Ma
- Relaxation properties in a diffusive model of extended objects on a triangular lattice pp. 1153-1163

- J.R. Šćepanović, Lj. Budinski-Petković, I. Lončarević, M. Petković, Z.M. Jakšić and S.B. Vrhovac
- Multifractal analysis of stock exchange crashes pp. 1164-1171

- Fotios M. Siokis
- Price–volume cross-correlation analysis of CSI300 index futures pp. 1172-1179

- Dong-Hua Wang, Yuan-Yuan Suo, Xiao-Wen Yu and Man Lei
- Uncovering dynamic behaviors underlying experimental oil–water two-phase flow based on dynamic segmentation algorithm pp. 1180-1187

- Zhong-Ke Gao and Ning-De Jin
- Mixed boundary states from 1-loop bosonic closed strings pp. 1188-1193

- R. Nardi
- First and second order semi-Markov chains for wind speed modeling pp. 1194-1201

- D’Amico, Guglielmo, Filippo Petroni and Flavio Prattico
- Network analysis to detect common strategies in Italian foreign direct investment pp. 1202-1214

- G. De Masi, Giorgia Giovannetti and Giorgio Ricchiuti
- Community detection based on modularity and an improved genetic algorithm pp. 1215-1231

- Ronghua Shang, Jing Bai, Licheng Jiao and Chao Jin
- Analysis on the evolution process of BFW-like model with discontinuous percolation of multiple giant components pp. 1232-1245

- Renquan Zhang, Wei Wei, Binghui Guo, Yang Zhang and Zhiming Zheng
- Rich-club network topology to minimize synchronization cost due to phase difference among frequency-synchronized oscillators pp. 1246-1255

- Takamitsu Watanabe
- Optimal dynamic bandwidth allocation for complex networks pp. 1256-1262

- Zhong-Yuan Jiang, Man-Gui Liang, Qian Li and Dong-Chao Guo
Volume 392, issue 4, 2013
- Generalized Boltzmann factors induced by Weibull-type distributions pp. 545-551

- A.M. Mathai and Serge B. Provost
- Spin-1 Blume–Capel model with random crystal field effects pp. 552-557

- Erhan Albayrak
- Bivelocity hydrodynamics. Diffuse mass flux vs. diffuse volume flux pp. 558-566

- Howard Brenner
- A model for molecular emulsions: Water and “weak water” mixtures pp. 567-582

- B. Kežić, R. Mazighi and A. Perera
- A simple parameterization for the turbulent kinetic energy transport terms in the convective boundary layer derived from large eddy simulation pp. 583-595

- Franciano Scremin Puhales, Umberto Rizza, Gervásio Annes Degrazia and Otávio Costa Acevedo
- 1H NMR study of water/methanol solutions as a function of temperature and concentration pp. 596-601

- Carmelo Corsaro, Roberta Maisano, Domenico Mallamace and Giacomo Dugo
- Critical dynamics in systems controlled by fractional kinetic equations pp. 602-611

- Lev Batalov and Anastasia Batalova
- Continuous time random walk with jump length correlated with waiting time pp. 612-617

- Jian Liu and Jing-Dong Bao
- Conditional Lie–Bäcklund symmetries and functionally separable solutions of the generalized inhomogeneous nonlinear diffusion equations pp. 618-627

- Wei Feng and Lina Ji
- Variational methods for time-dependent classical many-particle systems pp. 628-638

- Yuriy V. Sereda and Peter J. Ortoleva
- Time-reversal symmetry relation for nonequilibrium flows ruled by the fluctuating Boltzmann equation pp. 639-655

- Pierre Gaspard
- An improved method for Darboux transformation for the coupled inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger system from plasma physics and nonlinear optics pp. 656-665

- Yu-Ping Liu, Yi-Tian Gao and Guang-Mei Wei
- Non-Gaussian statistics, Maxwellian derivation and stellar polytropes pp. 666-672

- E.P. Bento, J.R.P. Silva and R. Silva
- Monte Carlo study of a superlattice with alternate layers pp. 673-679

- M. El Yadari, L. Bahmad, A. El Kenz and A. Benyoussef
- Residual entropy of ice nanotubes and ice layers pp. 680-688

- Mikhail V. Kirov
- Position space renormalization group study of the spin-1 random semi-infinite Blume–Capel model pp. 689-701

- Mohammed El Bouziani, Abou Gaye and Ahmed Jellal
- Investigation of frustrated and dimerized classical Heisenberg chains pp. 702-709

- J. Vahedi, S. Mahdavifar, M.R. Soltani and M. Elahi
- Dynamics of three types of annual plants competing for water and light pp. 710-721

- Andrzej Pȩkalski and Janusz Szwabiński
- Stock price dynamics and option valuations under volatility feedback effect pp. 722-740

- Juho Kanniainen and Robert Piché
- Relations between allometric scalings and fluctuations in complex systems: The case of Japanese firms pp. 741-756

- Hayafumi Watanabe, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
- Is the wealth of the world’s billionaires Paretian? pp. 757-762

- Tomson Ogwang
- The influences of delay time on the stability of a market model with stochastic volatility pp. 763-772

- Jiang-Cheng Li and Dong-Cheng Mei
- Entangled economy: An ecosystems approach to modeling systemic level dynamics pp. 773-784

- Juan David Robalino and Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen
- Peer-to-peer and mass communication effect on opinion shifts pp. 785-796

- A. Kindler, S. Solomon and D. Stauffer
- Asymmetric multifractal scaling behavior in the Chinese stock market: Based on asymmetric MF-DFA pp. 797-807

- Cao Guangxi, Jie Cao and Longbing Xu
- More memory under evolutionary learning may lead to chaos pp. 808-812

- Cees Diks, Cars Hommes and Paolo Zeppini
- Econophysical visualization of Adam Smith’s invisible hand pp. 813-823

- Morrel H. Cohen and Iddo I. Eliazar
- Lévy models and scale invariance properties applied to Geophysics pp. 824-839

- M.C. Mariani, I. Florescu, I. SenGupta, M.P. Beccar Varela, P. Bezdek and L. Serpa
- What if criminals optimize their choice? Optimal strategies to defend public goods pp. 840-850

- Camilla Bruni, Juan Carlos Nuño and Mario Primicerio
- Vehicular traffic flow through a series of signals with cycle time generated by a logistic map pp. 851-856

- Takashi Nagatani and Naoki Sugiyama
- A model of the effects of authority on consensus formation in adaptive networks: Impact on network topology and robustness pp. 857-868

- Brenton J. Prettejohn, Matthew J. Berryman and Mark D. McDonnell
- Fractal structure of digital speckle patterns produced by rough surfaces pp. 869-874

- R.D. Corrêa, J.B. Meireles, J.A.O. Huguenin, D.P. Caetano and L. da Silva
- Vibrational temperature of the adlayer in the ‘hot-atom’ reaction mechanism pp. 875-888

- Massimo Tomellini
- An exploratory statistical approach to depression pattern identification pp. 889-901

- Qing Yi Feng, Frances Griffiths, Nick Parsons and Jane Gunn
- Dynamics of traffic flows on crossing roads induced by real-time information pp. 902-909

- Minoru Fukui, Yoshihiro Ishibashi and Katsuhiro Nishinari
- Quantum Prisoner’s Dilemma game on hypergraph networks pp. 910-917

- Łukasz Pawela and Jan Sladkowski
- Stochastic bounded consensus tracking of leader–follower multi-agent systems with measurement noises based on sampled-data with small sampling delay pp. 918-928

- Zhihai Wu, Li Peng, Linbo Xie and Jiwei Wen
- Scale invariance in complex seismic system and its uses in gaining precursory information before large earthquakes: Importance of methodology pp. 929-940

- Qiang Li and Gui-Ming Xu
- Detection of community overlap according to belief propagation and conflict pp. 941-952

- Xianghua Fu, Liandong Liu and Chao Wang
- Probability routing strategy for scale-free networks pp. 953-958

- Xiaojun Zhang, Zishu He, Zheng He and Lez Rayman-Bacchus
- Social power and opinion formation in complex networks pp. 959-966

- Mahdi Jalili
- Network analysis of time series under the constraint of fixed nearest neighbors pp. 967-973

- Yan Dong, Wenwen Huang, Zonghua Liu and Shuguang Guan
- A stochastic SIR epidemic on scale-free network with community structure pp. 974-981

- Huiling Zhang, Zhi-Hong Guan, Tao Li, Xian-He Zhang and Ding-Xue Zhang
- Networks in extensive air showers pp. 982-986

- Ashok Razdan
- Rumor spreading model considering forgetting and remembering mechanisms in inhomogeneous networks pp. 987-994

- Laijun Zhao, Xiaoyan Qiu, Xiaoli Wang and Jiajia Wang
- SIR rumor spreading model in the new media age pp. 995-1003

- Laijun Zhao, Hongxin Cui, Xiaoyan Qiu, Xiaoli Wang and Jiajia Wang
- The origin of power-law emergent scaling in large binary networks pp. 1004-1027

- D.P. Almond, C.J. Budd, M.A. Freitag, G.W. Hunt, N.J. McCullen and N.D. Smith
- Complex aperture networks pp. 1028-1037

- H.O. Ghaffari, M. Sharifzadeh and R. Paul Young
- Optimization-based structure identification of dynamical networks pp. 1038-1049

- Tao He, Xiliang Lu, Xiaoqun Wu, Jun-an Lu and Wei Xing Zheng
Volume 392, issue 3, 2013
- Transport of Brownian particles in a deformable tube pp. 411-415

- Xiao-qun Huang, Peng Deng and Bao-quan Ai
- Effects of particle size distribution, shape and volume fraction of aggregates on the wall effect of concrete via random sequential packing of polydispersed ellipsoidal particles pp. 416-426

- W.X. Xu, Z. Lv and H.S. Chen
- On the standard quantum Brownian equation and an associated class of non-autonomous master equations pp. 427-443

- Allan Tameshtit
- Ground-state structural transitions in small clusters within the effective temperature framework pp. 444-450

- Andre M.C. Souza
- The estimation of a (kTC(p)/J,p) phase diagram for a two-dimensional site-diluted Ising model using a microcanonical algorithm pp. 451-457

- Bülent Kutlu and Ali Emre Genç
- Time-delay effects on dynamics of a two-actor conflict model pp. 458-467

- A. Rojas-Pacheco, B. Obregón-Quintana, L.S. Liebovitch and L. Guzmán-Vargas
- Self-organized criticality and color vision: A guide to water–protein landscape evolution pp. 468-473

- J.C. Phillips
- Peaks in the CMBR power spectrum. I. Mathematical analysis of the associated real space features pp. 474-484

- M. López-Corredoira and A. Gabrielli
- Strength statistics and the distribution of earthquake interevent times pp. 485-496

- Dionissios T. Hristopulos and Vasiliki Mouslopoulou
- Dynamical analogy between epileptic seizures and seismogenic electromagnetic emissions by means of nonextensive statistical mechanics pp. 497-509

- Konstantinos Eftaxias, George Minadakis, Stelios. M. Potirakis and Georgios Balasis
- Load balanced diffusive capture process on homophilic scale-free networks pp. 510-519

- Andras Telcs, Márton Csernai and András Gulyás
- Incorporating topography in a cellular automata model to simulate residents evacuation in a mountain area in China pp. 520-528

- Li Wang, Mao Liu and Bo Meng
- Detecting local community structures in complex networks based on local degree central nodes pp. 529-537

- Qiong Chen, Ting-Ting Wu and Ming Fang
- Structure and stability of online chat networks built on emotion-carrying links pp. 538-543

- Vladimir Gligorijević, Marcin Skowron and Bosiljka Tadić
Volume 392, issue 2, 2013
- Stochastic sensitivity analysis of noise-induced intermittency and transition to chaos in one-dimensional discrete-time systems pp. 295-306

- Irina Bashkirtseva and Lev Ryashko
- Quantization from an exponential distribution of infinitesimal action pp. 307-313

- Agung Budiyono
- Irreversibility and entropy production in transport phenomena, III—Principle of minimum integrated entropy production including nonlinear responses pp. 314-325

- Masuo Suzuki
- Wigner distribution functions for complex dynamical systems: A path integral approach pp. 326-335

- Dries Sels, Fons Brosens and Wim Magnus
- Analysis of noise-induced bimodality in a Michaelis–Menten single-step enzymatic cycle pp. 336-342

- Daniel Remondini, Enrico Giampieri, Armando Bazzani, Gastone Castellani and Amos Maritan
- Individual and group dynamics in purchasing activity pp. 343-349

- Lei Gao, Jin-Li Guo, Chao Fan and Xue-Jiao Liu
- Modelling financial volatility in the presence of abrupt changes pp. 350-360

- Gordon J. Ross
- Is the efficiency of stock market correlated with multifractality? An evidence from the Shanghai stock market pp. 361-370

- Rongbao Gu, Yanmin Shao and Qingnan Wang
- A finite-dimensional quantum model for the stock market pp. 371-380

- Liviu-Adrian Cotfas
- The co-evolution of cultures, social network communities, and agent locations in an extension of Axelrod’s model of cultural dissemination pp. 381-391

- Jens Pfau, Michael Kirley and Yoshihisa Kashima
- Congestion analysis of traffic networks with direction-dependant heterogeneity pp. 392-399

- Jian Wang and Ling Wang
- Quantum Russian roulette pp. 400-410

- Alexandre G.M. Schmidt and Ladário da Silva
Volume 392, issue 1, 2013
- Phase diagrams of the transverse Ising antiferromagnet in the presence of the longitudinal magnetic field pp. 1-6

- Minos A. Neto and J. Ricardo de Sousa
- Multifractal models via products of geometric OU-processes: Review and applications pp. 7-16

- Nikolai Leonenko, Stuart Petherick and Emanuele Taufer
- Parrondo’s paradox and complementary Parrondo processes pp. 17-26

- Wayne Wah Ming Soo and Kang Hao Cheong
- From shape to randomness: A classification of Langevin stochasticity pp. 27-42

- Iddo Eliazar and Morrel H. Cohen
- Objective uncertainty relation with classical background in a statistical model pp. 43-47

- Agung Budiyono
- Structure and orientational ordering in a fluid of elongated quadrupolar molecules pp. 48-57

- Ram Chandra Singh
- On the behavior of suspension of drops on an inclined surface pp. 58-71

- S. Mortazavi and M.M. Tafreshi
- On the theory of transport phenomena in ferrofluids. Effect of chain-like aggregates pp. 72-78

- A.Yu. Zubarev
- Effect of varying two key parameters in simulating evacuation for a dormitory in China pp. 79-88

- Wenjun Lei, Angui Li and Ran Gao
- Real-time fractal signal processing in the time domain pp. 89-102

- András Hartmann, Péter Mukli, Zoltán Nagy, László Kocsis, Péter Hermán and András Eke
- Formulation of the Hellmann–Feynman theorem for the “second choice” version of Tsallis’ thermostatistics pp. 103-110

- Alexey E. Rastegin
- The fractionary Schrödinger equation, Green functions and ultradistributions pp. 111-122

- A.L. De Paoli and M.C. Rocca
- Stochastic thermodynamics across scales: Emergent inter-attractoral discrete Markov jump process and its underlying continuous diffusion pp. 123-135

- Moisés Santillán and Hong Qian
- Log-periodic corrections to the Cole–Cole expression in dielectric relaxation pp. 136-148

- A.A. Khamzin, R.R. Nigmatullin and I.I. Popov
- Percolation of dimers on square lattices pp. 149-156

- W. Lebrecht, J.F. Valdés, E.E. Vogel, F. Nieto and A.J. Ramirez-Pastor
- Critical and tricritical behavior of a selectively diluted triangular Ising antiferromagnet in a field pp. 157-167

- M. Borovský, M. Žukovič and A. Bobák
- Evolutionary snowdrift game incorporating costly punishment in structured populations pp. 168-176

- Nat W.H. Chan, C. Xu, Siew Kian Tey, Yee Jiun Yap and P.M. Hui
- An ideal gas approach to classify countries using financial indices pp. 177-183

- Paulo S.G. de Mattos Neto, George D.C. Cavalcanti, Francisco Madeiro and Tiago A.E. Ferreira
- Measuring capital market efficiency: Global and local correlations structure pp. 184-193

- Ladislav Krištoufek and Miloslav Vošvrda
- Modeling electricity spot prices using mean-reverting multifractal processes pp. 194-207

- Martin Rypdal and Ola Løvsletten
- Ups and downs of economics and econophysics — Facebook forecast pp. 208-214

- Nenad Gajic and Ljuba Budinski-Petkovic
- The escape of pedestrians with view radius pp. 215-220

- Peijie Ma and Binghong Wang
- Traffic dynamics in empirical probe vehicle data studied with three-phase theory: Spatiotemporal reconstruction of traffic phases and generation of jam warning messages pp. 221-251

- Boris S. Kerner, Hubert Rehborn, Ralf-Peter Schäfer, Sergey L. Klenov, Jochen Palmer, Stefan Lorkowski and Nikolaus Witte
- Territorial developments based on graffiti: A statistical mechanics approach pp. 252-270

- Alethea B.T. Barbaro, Lincoln Chayes and D’Orsogna, Maria R.
- Dynamics of snoring sounds and its connection with obstructive sleep apnea pp. 271-277

- Adriano M. Alencar, Diego Greatti Vaz da Silva, Carolina Beatriz Oliveira, André P. Vieira, Henrique T. Moriya and Geraldo Lorenzi-Filho
- Interplay between social debate and propaganda in an opinion formation model pp. 278-286

- M.C. Gimenez, J.A. Revelli, M.S. de la Lama, J.M. Lopez and H.S. Wio
- Measuring persistence in a stationary time series using the complex network theory pp. 287-293

- Somaye Karimi and Amir H. Darooneh
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