Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 244, issue 1, 1997
- Scaling behavior in economics: The problem of quantifying company growth pp. 1-24

- Luís A Nunes Amaral, Sergey V Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin, Philipp Maass, Michael Salinger, H Eugene Stanley and Michael H.R Stanley
- The repton model of gel electrophoresis pp. 25-39

- G.T. Barkema and M.E.J. Newman
- Aspects of vapor adsorption on solids pp. 40-44

- David Beaglehole
- Microscopic and mesoscopic simulation of entropic micelles pp. 45-58

- Peter G. Bolhuis and Daan Frenkel
- Compaction of granular mixtures: a free volume model pp. 59-67

- T. Boutreux and P.G. de Geennes
- Formation of mesoglobules from phase separation in dilute polymer solutions: a study in experiment, theory, and applications pp. 68-80

- K.A. Dawson, A.V. Gorelov, E.G. Timoshenko, Yu.A. Kuznetsov and A. Du Chesne
- Anisotropic fluctuations and stability of ordered phases in diblock copolymer systems pp. 81-90

- Rashmi C. Desai
- Layer growth in collapsed liquid crystal monolayers studied by scanning force microscopy pp. 91-98

- Jiyu Fang, Charles M. Knobler and Hiroshi Yokoyama
- Probabilistic approach to the Widom-Kadanoff scaling relations pp. 99-105

- Richard A. Ferrell
- A contrast in kinetics of gravity controlled wetting pp. 106-111

- Carl Franck
- Studies of binary liquid mixtures in cylindrical pores: phase separation, wetting and finite-size effects from Monte Carlo simulations pp. 112-123

- Lev D. Gelb and K.E. Gubbins
- On foldable protein-like models; a statistical-mechanical study with Monte Carlo simulations pp. 124-146

- Ming-Hong Hao and Harold A. Scheraga
- The nonuniform Wertheim Ornstein-Zernike equation: Density profiles and pair correlation functions of a dimerizing hard sphere near a hard wall pp. 147-163

- Douglas Henderson, Orest Pizio, Stefan Sokolowski and Andrij Trokhymchuk
- Local contacts of membranes and strings pp. 164-175

- Christin Hiergeist and Reinhard Lipowsky
- SCOZA for D-dimensional spins pp. 176-189

- J.S. Høye and G. Stell
- Scaling properties of passive scalars in one dimension pp. 190-212

- Leo P. Kadanoff, Scott Wunsch and Tong Zhou
- Jumps in electric potential and in temperature at the electrode surfaces of the solid oxide fuel cell pp. 213-226

- S. Kjelstrup and D. Bedeaux
- Strong, weak and metastable liquids pp. 227-237

- H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
- Theory of gel electrophoresis in high fields: Evolution of a population of hernias pp. 238-253

- Didier Long and Jean-Louis Viovy
- Wavelet transformation of protein hydrophobicity sequences suggests their memberships in structural families pp. 254-262

- Arnold J. Mandell, Karen A. Selz and Michael F. Shlesinger
- The internal ‘slithering’ dynamics of supercoiled DNA pp. 263-277

- John F. Marko
- Phase transitions in the multicomponent Widom-Rowlinson model and in hard cubes on the bcc lattice pp. 278-284

- P. Nielaba and J.L. Lebowitz
- Renormalization of nonlocal degrees of freedom pp. 285-297

- B. Payandeh and M. Robert
- Vapor-liquid equilibria, scaling, and crossover in aqueous solutions of sodium chloride near the critical line pp. 298-328

- A.A. Povodyrev, M.A. Anisimov, J.V. Sengers and J.M.H. Levelt Sengers
- Attracting spheres: Some early attempts to study interparticle forces pp. 329-333

- J.S. Rowlinson
- Near-critical liquid/liquid interfaces of simple and complex mixtures probed by ellipsometry pp. 334-343

- Jens Schulz, Andrea Hirtz and Gerhard H. Findenegg
- Relaxation of Ising models near and away from criticality pp. 344-357

- Dietrich Stauffer
- Negative thermal expansion in the Gaussian core model pp. 358-369

- Frank H. Stillinger and Dorothea K. Stillinger
- Protein adsorption on tethered polymer layers: effect of polymer chain architecture and composition pp. 370-388

- I. Szleifer
- Phase diagrams and interfacial properties of nematic liquid crystals pp. 389-401

- M.M. Telo da Gama
- On exact solutions to the cylindrical Poisson-Boltzmann equation with applications to polyelectrolytes pp. 402-413

- Craig A. Tracy and Harold Widom
- Noise in the current through a membrane pp. 414-425

- N.G. van Kampen
- Interface potential for nucleation of a superconducting layer pp. 426-439

- J.M.J. van Leeuwen and J.O. Indekeu
- Spinodal decomposition under confinement pp. 440-452

- C. Varea, J. Campos-Terán and A. Robledo
- Electrolytes confined to a plane in the Debye-Hückel theory pp. 453-460

- Esov S. Velázquez and Lesser Blum
- Intermolecular forces and the structure of uniform and nonuniform fluids pp. 461-475

- John D. Weeks, Katharina Vollmayr and Kirill Katsov
- Tetracritical and novel tricritical points in a model magnet pp. 476-483

- John C. Wheeler and Pierre Pfeuty
- Sources of ocean island basalts: A review of the osmium isotope evidence pp. 484-496

- Elisabeth Widom
- Chromosome structure and gene regulation pp. 497-509

- Jonathan Widom
- Repton model of gel electrophoresis in the long chain limit pp. 510-521

- M. Widom and I. Al-Lehyani
- Living poly(α-methylstyrene) near the polymerization line 6. Chemical kinetics pp. 522-535

- Juewen Zhuang, S. Sarkar Das, M.D. Nowakowski and S.C. Greer
Volume 243, issue 3, 1997
- A two-dimensional model of pair aggregation pp. 217-228

- J.B. Gómez and A.F. Pacheco
- Oscillations in dynamic correlations of binary liquids pp. 229-242

- J.C. Lee
- A lattice gas approach to shock propagation in a clay-like deformable porous medium pp. 243-261

- R.B. Pandey and Jeffrey L. Becklehimer
- Monte Carlo analysis of the fluctuations in the random sequential adsorption of aligned and unaligned hard-squares pp. 262-274

- F.L. Román, J.A. White and S. Velasco
- Information-theoretical approach to radiative transfer pp. 275-303

- J. Fort
- Hydrodynamics of bacterial motion pp. 304-318

- Zoltán Csahók and András Czirók
- Jump statistics, sojourn times, fluctuation dynamics and ergodic behavior for Markov processes in continuous time with a finite number of states pp. 319-339

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, John Ross and Michael C. Mackey
- Fluctuation dynamics, thermodynamic analogies and ergodic behavior for nonequilibrium-independent rate processes with dynamical disorder pp. 340-361

- Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, John Ross and Michael C. Mackey
- Casimir forces at tricritical points: theory and possible experiments pp. 362-376

- U. Ritschel and M. Gerwinski
- The rotating wave approximation (RWA) of quantum optics: serious defect pp. 377-381

- G.W. Ford and R.F. O'Connell
- Multichannel approach to clustering matter pp. 382-414

- V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova
- Reduced s-d model simulation of CePd2Ga3 magnetic properties pp. 415-424

- M. Wiśniewski and J. Maćkowiak
Volume 243, issue 1, 1997
- One-dimensional percolation models of transient phenomena pp. 1-13

- K.P. Macpherson and A.L. MacKinnon
- Monte-Carlo simulation for the kinetics of collapse and phase separation in homopolymer solutions pp. 14-24

- A. Byrne, E.G. Timoshenko and K.A. Dawson
- Mesoscopic kinetic equation and mode coupling for supercooled molecular liquid pp. 25-36

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- Transport between a drifting and a non-drifting gas near the edge of a separating wall pp. 37-46

- Pirooz Mohazzabi and Mark D. Bernhardt
- Application of the Kincaid-Cohen method to a binary gas-liquid system pp. 47-57

- Paul H.E. Meijer and Mustafa Keskin
- Damage spreading in the fully frustrated square-lattice Ising model pp. 58-66

- Amadeu A. Júnior and Fernando D. Nobre
- Multifractal-like features of the paths probability distribution in the two-dimensional directed random walk pp. 67-76

- Romuel F. Machado
- Search-space smoothing for combinatorial optimization problems pp. 77-112

- Johannes Schneider, Markus Dankesreiter, Werner Fettes, Ingo Morgenstern, Martin Schmid and Johannes Maria Singer
- Kinetic model for uniform shear flow pp. 113-128

- V. Garzó
- Modified r-matrix and separation of variables for the modified Korteweg-de Vries (MKdV) hierarchy pp. 129-140

- Zhijun Qiao
- Two new hierarchies containing the sine-Gordon and sinh-Gordon equation, and their Lax representations pp. 141-151

- Zhijun Qiao
- Temperature-dependent scaling fields and quantum criticality within the Wilson renormalization group approach pp. 152-198

- A.Caramico D'Auria, L. De Cesare, U. Esposito and I. Rabuffo
- Critical exponents of the two-dimensional Ising model with next-nearest-neighbor and four-spin interactions on the Creutz cellular automaton pp. 199-212

- B. Kutlu
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