Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 555, issue C, 2020
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation for two-dimensional bacterial turbulence

- Yuxian Xia, Xiang Qiu, Jianping Lou and Yuehong Qian
- 1D Three-state mean-field Potts model with first- and second-order phase transitions

- Massimo Ostilli and Farrukh Mukhamedov
- Growing fluctuation of quantum weak invariant and dissipation

- Sumiyoshi Abe
- Analysis of quasi-dynamic ordinary differential equations and the quasi-dynamic replicator

- Christopher Griffin, Libo Jiang and Rongling Wu
- The effect of individual attitude on cooperation in social dilemma

- Mengyao Wang, Qiuhui Pan and Mingfeng He
- Predicting the stock price of frontier markets using machine learning and modified Black–Scholes Option pricing model

- Reaz Chowdhury, M.R.C. Mahdy, Tanisha Nourin Alam, Golam Dastegir Al Quaderi and M. Arifur Rahman
- Pricing geometric Asian rainbow options under the mixed fractional Brownian motion

- D. Ahmadian and L.V. Ballestra
- Existence and stability of periodic oscillations of a smooth and discontinuous oscillator

- Zaitao Liang and Yanjuan Yang
- An efficient computational technique for local fractional Fokker Planck equation

- Jagdev Singh, Hassan Kamil Jassim and Devendra Kumar
- Phase transitions in the Ising model on a layered triangular lattice in a magnetic field

- A.K. Murtazaev, M.K. Badiev, M.K. Ramazanov and M.A. Magomedov
- Global phase diagrams in a polymer-solvent system under the positive and negative pressure at and near the mathematical double points

- Mustafa Gençaslan, Ümmügülsüm Sever and Mustafa Keskin
- Simulation of bi-directional pedestrian flow through a bottleneck: Cell transmission model

- Na Li and Ren-Yong Guo
- Enhancing robustness of link prediction for noisy complex networks

- Xing Chen, Tao Wu, Xingping Xian, Chao Wang, Ye Yuan and Guannan Ming
- Technology-sharing strategy and incentive mechanism for R&D teams of manufacturing enterprises

- Hao Zhang, Mingyue Wang, Zhixuan Cheng and Ling Wan
- A comparative analysis of dipeptides distribution in eukaryotes and prokaryotes by statistical mechanics

- Hanieh Moghaddasi, Soghra Rezaei, Amir Hossein Darooneh, Emran Heshmati and Khosrow Khalifeh
- Comparison of escalator strategies in models using a modified totally asymmetric simple exclusion process

- Hiroki Yamamoto, Daichi Yanagisawa and Katsuhiro Nishinari
- Analytical solution of diffusion probability for a flat potential with a localized sink

- Hemani Chhabra, Swati Mudra and Aniruddha Chakraborty
- Establishment of a stationary stochastic process with a 1/f spectrum

- V.P. Koverda and V.N. Skokov
- Analysis of local and global instability in foreign exchange rates using short-term information entropy

- Ryuji Ishizaki and Masayoshi Inoue
- A win-switch-lose-stay strategy promotes cooperation in the evolutionary games

- Feng Shu
- Spectral and informational analysis of pedestrian contact force in simulated overcrowding conditions

- Xudong Li, Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Xuan Xu, Jun Zhang and Weiguo Song
- How life expectancy affects welfare in a Diamond-type overlapping generations model

- Xiaodong Cui and Ching-Ter Chang
- Voronoï tessellation analysis of sets of randomly placed finite-size spheres

- Markus Uhlmann
- Truncated Mittag-Leffler distribution and superstatistics

- Hamzeh Agahi and Monavar Khalili
- A heuristic model for the scaling linguistic diversity-area

- M.R.F. Santos and M.A.F. Gomes
- The unified colored noise approximation of multidimensional stochastic dynamic system

- Wei-Long Duan and Hui Fang
- Entropy based flow transfer for influence dissemination in networks

- Chandni Saxena, M.N. Doja and Tanvir Ahmad
- Analyzing the co-movement and its spatial–temporal patterns in Chinese stock market

- Hanxiao Chen, Xiaolong Zheng and Daniel Dajun Zeng
- Long-term prediction of the metals’ prices using non-Gaussian time-inhomogeneous stochastic process

- Dawid Szarek, Łukasz Bielak and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
- Topological properties of bus transit networks considering demand and service utilization weight measures

- Manju Manohar Manjalavil and Gitakrishnan Ramadurai
- Unification of optimization criteria and energetic analysis of a thermoelectric cooler and heater

- S. Gonzalez-Hernandez
- Mixed preferential attachment model: Homophily and minorities in social networks

- Chen Avin, Hadassa Daltrophe, Barbara Keller, Zvi Lotker, Claire Mathieu, David Peleg and Yvonne-Anne Pignolet
- New stability results for delayed neural networks with data packet dropouts

- Xiao Cai, Shouming Zhong, Jun Wang and Kaibo Shi
- Imaginary-field-driven phase transition for the 2D Ising antiferromagnet: A fidelity-susceptibility approach

- Yoshihiro Nishiyama
- The finite sample behavior of the 0–1 test for chaos

- Jorge Belaire-Franch
- Stylized facts of the carbon emission market in China

- Kai Yan, Wei Zhang and Dehua Shen
- Magnetic and thermodynamic characteristics of a rectangle Ising nanoribbon

- Qi Li, Run-dong Li, Wei Wang, Rui-ze Geng, Han Huang and Shu-juan Zheng
- Optimal merging into a high-speed lane dedicated to connected autonomous vehicles

- L.C. Davis
- Finite number fluctuations in a three-state model with growing population

- Tiago Moy, Pinto, Italo’Ivo L.D. and Alexandre Rosas
- Counting spanning trees of a type of generalized Farey graphs

- Jingyuan Zhang and Weigen Yan
Volume 554, issue C, 2020
- The statistical investigation of multi-grade oil based nanofluids: Enriched by MWCNT and ZnO nanoparticles

- Mohammad Hemmat Esfe and Saeed Esfandeh
- Resizing and cleaning of histopathological images using generative adversarial networks

- Gaffari Çelik and Muhammed Fatih Talu
- China’s soybean crush spread: Nonlinear analysis based on MF-DCCA

- Qingsong Ruan, Hao Cui and Liming Fan
- A hybrid cryptosystem for digital contents confidentiality based on rotation of quantum spin states

- Abdullah Alghafis, Hafiz Muhammad Waseem, Majid Khan and Sajjad Shaukat Jamal
- Loss aversion, overconfidence and their effects on a virtual stock exchange

- Mario A. Bertella, Jonathas N. Silva and H. Eugene Stanley
- Statistical and parametric instability analysis for delivery of nanoparticles through embedded DWCNT

- Mostafa Pirmoradian, Ehsan Torkan, Hamid Zali, Mohammad Hashemian and Davood Toghraie
- Analysis of unsteady non-axisymmetric Homann stagnation point flow of nanofluid and possible existence of multiple solutions

- Arif Ullah Khan, S. Saleem, S. Nadeem and A.A. Alderremy
- Study of transport phenomenon in Carreau fluid using Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model with temperature dependent diffusion coefficients

- Muhammad Shahzad Nazir, S. Saleem, M. Nawaz, Muhammad Adil Sadiq and A.A. Alderremy
- Analytical approach for the steady MHD conjugate viscous fluid flow in a porous medium with nonsingular fractional derivative

- M. Mansha Ghalib, Azhar A. Zafar, M. Bilal Riaz, Z. Hammouch and Khurram Shabbir
- Modeling of hybrid nanofluid behavior within a permeable media involving buoyancy effect

- Tran Dinh Manh, I. Tlili, Ahmad Shafee, Trung Nguyen-Thoi and Hassen Hamouda
- Statistical analysis of enriched water heat transfer with various sizes of MgO nanoparticles using artificial neural networks modeling

- Ali Akbar Abbasian Arani, Ali Alirezaie, Mohammad Hassan Kamyab and Sayyid Majid Motallebi
- Darcy–Forchheimer flow of carbon nanotubes subject to heat flux boundary condition

- Tasawar Hayat, Farwa Haider, Taseer Muhammad and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Study of three dimensional stagnation point flow of hybrid nanofluid over an isotropic slip surface

- Nadeem Abbas, M.Y. Malik, M.S. Alqarni and S. Nadeem
- Modeling the relationship between military spending and stock market development (a) symmetrically in China: An empirical analysis via the NARDL approach

- Assad Ullah, Xinshun Zhao, Muhammad Kamal and JiaJia Zheng
- Dynamic optimal control of enhancing feedback treatment for a delayed fractional order predator–prey model

- Chengdai Huang, Heng Liu, Xiaoping Chen, Minsong Zhang, Ling Ding, Jinde Cao and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Principal eigenvector localization and centrality in networks: Revisited

- Priodyuti Pradhan, Angeliya C.U. and Sarika Jalan
- Identifying influential spreaders in complex networks based on improved k-shell method

- Min Wang, Wanchun Li, Yuning Guo, Xiaoyan Peng and Yingxiang Li
- Axisymmetric flow with heat transfer over exponentially stretching sheet: A computational approach

- Azeem Shahzad, Ramzan Ali, Muhammad Kamran, Salah Ud-Din Khan, Shahab Ud-Din Khan and Aamir Farooq
- Preferential interaction networks: A dynamic model for brain synchronization networks

- R.A. Sousa, V.N.A. Lula-Rocha, T. Toutain, R.S. Rosário, E.C.B. Cambui and J.G.V. Miranda
- Computational study of Falkner–Skan flow of chemically reactive Cross nanofluid with heat generation/absorption

- Mehwish Manzur, Masood ur Rahman and Masood Khan
- Statistics of close-packed dimers on fractal lattices

- Dušanka Marčetić, Sunčica Elezović-Hadžić and Ivan Živić
- Computational simulation of voids formation and evolution in Kirkendall effect

- Fan Zhang, Boyan Zhang, Xiaopan Chen, Xinhong Zhang, Xiaoke Zhu and Haishun Du
- Quantum coupled-wave theory of price formation in financial markets: Price measurement, dynamics and ergodicity

- Jack Sarkissian
- Signatures of quantum chaos in the dynamics of bipartite fluctuations

- Qian Wang
- Commodity futures and a wavelet-based risk assessment

- Theo Berger and Robert Czudaj
- Potential application of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for the prediction and optimization of thermal conductivity of aqueous CuO (II) nanofluid: A statistical approach and experimental validation

- Yeping Peng, Usama Khaled, Abdullah A.A.A. Al-Rashed, Rashid Meer, Marjan Goodarzi and M.M. Sarafraz
- Multiplex networks quantify robustness of the mental lexicon to catastrophic concept failures, aphasic degradation and ageing

- Massimo Stella
- Dynamic behaviors of a two-group stochastic SIRS epidemic model with standard incidence rates

- Zhongwei Cao, Yuee Shi, Xiangdan Wen, Huishuang Su and Xue Li
- Stationary distribution of a stochastic chemostat model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response

- Zhongwei Cao, Xiangdan Wen, Huishuang Su, Liya Liu and Qiang Ma
- Localization phase transition in stochastic dynamics on networks with hub topology

- Inbar Seroussi and Nir Sochen
- Contrasting stochasticity with chaos in a permutation Lempel–Ziv complexity — Shannon entropy plane

- Diego M. Mateos, Steeve Zozor and Felipe Olivares
- Overlapping communities and the prediction of missing links in multiplex networks

- Amir Mahdi Abdolhosseini-Qomi, Naser Yazdani and Masoud Asadpour
- Crediting multi-authored papers to single authors

- Anna Tietze, Serge Galam and Philip Hofmann
- Forecasting the crude oil prices based on Econophysics and Bayesian approach

- Na Leng and Jiang-Cheng Li
- Ground states, residual entropies, and specific heat capacity properties of frustrated Ising system on pyrochlore lattice in effective field theory cluster approximations

- E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
- Random effects in HIV infection model at Eclipse stage

- Pitchaimani M. and Brasanna Devi M.
- Stationary distribution of a stochastic HIV model with two infective stages

- Qiuyue Li, Fuzhong Cong, Tianbao Liu and Yaoming Zhou
- The link weight adjustment considering historical strategy promotes the cooperation in the spatial prisoner’s dilemma game

- Chengwei Liu, Juan Wang, Xiaopeng Li and Chengyi Xia
- Causal evolution of global crisis in financial networks

- Shashankaditya Upadhyay, Anirban Banerjee and Prasanta K. Panigrahi
- Novel quantum key distribution with shift operations based on Fibonacci and Lucas valued orbital angular momentum entangled states

- Hong Lai, Josef Pieprzyk and Mehmet A. Orgun
- Baffle and geometry effects on nanofluid forced convection over forward- and backward-facing steps channel by means of lattice Boltzmann method

- Yuan Ma, Rasul Mohebbi, Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, Zhigang Yang and Yuhao Fang
- Positive heat capacity in the microcanonical ensemble

- Mário J. de Oliveira
- Correlation dynamics in the cryptocurrency market based on dimensionality reduction analysis

- Chun-Xiao Nie
- Subdynamics of a many-particle classical system driven from an equilibrium state by an external force

- Victor F. Los
- Doubly superstatistics with bivariate modified Dirac delta distribution

- Won Sang Chung and Hassan Hassanabadi
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