Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 321, issue 3, 2003
- Directed cycles and related structures in random graphs: I—Static properties pp. 381-397

- Valmir C Barbosa, Raul Donangelo and Sergio R Souza
- Continuum percolation of simple fluids: energetic connectivity criteria pp. 398-410

- Luis A Pugnaloni, Ileana F Márquez and Fernando Vericat
- The effect of dielectric properties on the electrorheology of suspensions of silica particles coated with polyaniline pp. 411-424

- Anežka Lengálová, Vladimı́r Pavlı́nek, Petr Sáha, Jaroslav Stejskal, Takeshi Kitano and Otakar Quadrat
- Structure factor in the presence of shear—an RPA calculation pp. 425-430

- Guy Vinograd and Moshe Schwartz
- Dynamics of crack opening in a one-dimensional desiccation experiment pp. 431-441

- N. Lecocq and N. Vandewalle
- Transport coefficients of d-dimensional inelastic Maxwell models pp. 442-466

- Andrés Santos
- The N-soliton solutions of the sine-Gordon equation with self-consistent sources pp. 467-481

- Da-Jun Zhang and Deng-yuan Chen
- Fluctuation of energy in the generalized thermostatistics pp. 482-492

- F.q Potiguar and U.M.s Costa
- WKB for quantum spins pp. 493-497

- J.l van Hemmen and A Sütő
- Ferromagnetic phase transitions of inhomogeneous systems modelled by square Ising models with diamond-type bond-decorations pp. 498-518

- Ming-Chang Huang, Yu-Pin Luo and Tsong-Ming Liaw
- Dealing with transients in models with self-organized criticality pp. 519-528

- Josué X de Carvalho and Carmen P.C Prado
- A Monte Carlo study of the anisotropic N=3 Ashkin–Teller model pp. 529-542

- J.R. Drugowich de Felı́cio, J. Chahine and N. Caticha
- An exactly soluble model for distortive structural phase transitions in a crystal with a single defect pp. 543-564

- H Braeter and D Michel
- Time series analysis of leg movements during freezing of gait in Parkinson's disease: akinesia, rhyme or reason? pp. 565-570

- Jeffrey M Hausdorff, Y Balash and Nir Giladi
- Giant non-universal critical index and fluctuations in DNA phase transition pp. 571-576

- Azbel’, Mark Ya.
- DNA dimer correlations reflect in vivo conditions and discriminate among nearest-neighbor base pair free energy parameter measures pp. 577-586

- Pedro Miramontes and Germinal Cocho
- Extension of dynamics of granular flow methodology to cell biology pp. 587-597

- A Kummer and R Ocone
- Growth and fluctuations of personal income pp. 598-604

- Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma, Hideaki Aoyama, Taisei Kaizoji and Masanao Aoki
- Transfer potentials shape and equilibrate monetary systems pp. 605-618

- Robert Fischer and Dieter Braun
- Time series analysis for minority game simulations of financial markets pp. 619-632

- Fernando F Ferreira, Gerson Francisco, Birajara S Machado and Paulsamy Muruganandam
- Simulation of bi-direction pedestrian movement using a cellular automata model pp. 633-640

- Fang Weifeng, Yang Lizhong and Fan Weicheng
- Transitions to chaos of a shuttle bus induced by continuous speedup pp. 641-652

- Takashi Nagatani
- Traffic jamming on hexagonal lattice pp. 653-664

- S Maniccam
- Extension of Hoshen–Kopelman algorithm to non-lattice environments pp. 665-678

- Ahmed Al-Futaisi and Tadeusz W Patzek
- Emergence of scale-free network with chaotic units pp. 679-688

- Pulin Gong and Cees van Leeuwen
Volume 321, issue 1, 2003
- The one-dimensional Hubbard model: a reminiscence pp. 1-27

- Elliott H. Lieb and F.Y. Wu
- Fa-Yueh Wu's contributions in physics pp. 28-44

- J.-M. Maillard
- Professor F.Y. Wu and the development of statistical physics in Taiwan pp. 45-48

- Keh Ying Lin
- Numerical study of the two-replica overlap of the 3D Edwards–Anderson Ising spin glass pp. 49-58

- Bernd A Berg, Alain Billoire and Wolfhard Janke
- Conformal invariance and simulations in curved geometries pp. 59-70

- Henk W.J. Blöte and Youjin Deng
- Bicritical phenomena and scaling properties of O(5) model pp. 71-80

- Xiao Hu
- Susceptibility calculations in periodic and quasiperiodic planar Ising models pp. 81-89

- Helen Au-Yang and Jacques H.H. Perk
- Susceptibility amplitudes for the three- and four-state Potts models pp. 90-107

- Ian G. Enting and Anthony J. Guttmann
- Duality and multicritical point of two-dimensional spin glasses pp. 108-113

- Hidetoshi Nishimori and Koji Nemoto
- Absence of the effects of vortices in the gauge glass pp. 114-123

- Toshiyuki Hamasaki and Hidetoshi Nishimori
- Ion pump as Brownian motor: theory of electroconformational coupling and proof of ratchet mechanism for Na,K-ATPase action pp. 124-138

- Tian Yow Tsong and Cheng-Hung Chang
- The bromine doping of polyacetylene pp. 139-151

- C.k Chiang
- New algorithms and the physics of proteins pp. 152-163

- Ulrich H.E. Hansmann
- Phase transition of DNA-linked gold nanoparticles pp. 164-169

- Ching-Hwa Kiang
- B- to S-form transition in double-stranded DNA with basepair interactions pp. 170-180

- Pik-Yin Lai and Zicong Zhou
- Universal model for α-helix and β-sheet structures in protein pp. 181-188

- Jeff Z.Y. Chen and Hideo Imamura
- Quantitative linguistic study of DNA sequences pp. 189-192

- S.P. Li, Ka-Lok Ng and M.C. Chung
- Nonlinear equilibrium density fluctuations and spatial heterogeneities near the colloidal glass transition pp. 193-206

- Michio Tokuyama, Yayoi Terada and Irwin Oppenheim
- New expression of the bulk viscosity pp. 207-219

- Hisashi Okumura and Fumiko Yonezawa
- Self-organized and driven phase synchronization in coupled map networks pp. 220-225

- R.E. Amritkar and Sarika Jalan
- Complex scale-free networks pp. 226-237

- Hawoong Jeong
- Synchronization of two-mode stochastic oscillators: a new model for rhythmic applause and much more pp. 238-247

- Z. Néda, A. Nikitin and T. Vicsek
- Synchronization dynamics of coupled van der Pol systems pp. 248-255

- H.K. Leung
- Emergence of complex dissipative structures in the Bak–Chen–Tang forest fire model pp. 256-261

- Kan Chen and Per Bak
- Nonequilibrium relaxation study on spin glass model pp. 262-270

- Nobuyasu Ito and Yukiyasu Ozeki
- Nonequilibrium relaxation analysis for first-order phase transitions pp. 271-279

- Yukiyasu Ozeki, Katsumi Kasono, Nobuyasu Ito and Seiji Miyashita
- Finite size behavior of the asymmetric avalanche process pp. 280-285

- A.M. Povolotsky, V.B. Priezzhev and Chin-Kun Hu
- From Brownian motion to operational risk: Statistical physics and financial markets pp. 286-299

- Johannes Voit
- Self-segregation and enhanced cooperation in an evolving population through local information transmission pp. 300-308

- Hong-Jun Quan, Bing-Hong Wang, P.M. Hui and Xiao-Shu Luo
- The minority game with different payoff functions: crowd–anticrowd theory pp. 309-317

- Kuen Lee, P.M. Hui and N.F. Johnson
- Efficient resource distribution in a minority game with a biased pool of strategies pp. 318-324

- K.F. Yip, P.M. Hui, T.S. Lo and N.F. Johnson
- Random matrix theory in lattice statistical mechanics pp. 325-333

- J.-Ch Anglès d'Auriac and J.-M Maillard
- Quantum transfer-matrix method and thermo-quantum dynamics pp. 334-339

- Masuo Suzuki
- Novel Monte Carlo algorithms and their applications pp. 340-350

- Yutaka Okabe, Yusuke Tomita and Chiaki Yamaguchi
- Binary tree summation Monte Carlo simulation for Potts models pp. 351-358

- Jian-Sheng Wang
- Monte Carlo study of the sphere packing problem pp. 359-363

- S.p Li and Ka-Lok Ng
- Level statistics of Hessian matrices: random matrices with conservation constraints pp. 364-368

- W.-J. Ma, T.-M. Wu, J. Hsieh and S.-L. Chang
- Phase transitions of subset sum and Shannon's limit in source coding pp. 369-374

- Tomohiro Sasamoto
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