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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 101, issue 2, 1980

WKB-type expansion for Langevin equations pp. 301-323 Downloads
F. Langouche, D. Roekaerts and E. Tirapegui
Diamagnetism of an electron gas and surface currents pp. 324-338 Downloads
B. Jancovici
Wreath groups pp. 339-350 Downloads
Daniel B. Litvin
Derivation of the generalized Enskog equation for a gas of hard spheres with a step repulsive barrier pp. 351-374 Downloads
J.A. Domaradzki
Soluble Boltzmann equations for internal state and Maxwell models pp. 375-388 Downloads
E.M. Hendriks, M.H. Ernst, E. Futcher and M.R. Hoare
Long time tail in the diffusion of a spherical polymer pp. 389-406 Downloads
R.B. Jones
A generalization of Faxén's theorem to nonsteady motion of an almost spherical drop in an arbitrary flow of a compressible fluid pp. 407-422 Downloads
Yukio Kaneda
Brownian motion of an almost spherical drop of viscous fluid and fluctuating hydrodynamics pp. 423-430 Downloads
Yukio Kaneda
Investigation of multiple scattering contributions to the depolarization of light scattered by carbon dioxide and xenon in the critical region pp. 431-458 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers, A.C. Michels, H.M.J. Boots and R.H. Huijser
Vapour-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems pp. 459-476 Downloads
A. Deerenberg, J.A. Schouten and N.J. Trappeniers
Anomalous behavior of the thermal conductivity and the viscosity in the supercooled region as determined by mode-mode coupling pp. 477-490 Downloads
P. Papon and Paul H.E. Meijer
Heavy ions in light gases in an electric field pp. 491-506 Downloads
L. Ferrari
Critical temperature of inhomogeneous mixtures of Ising and Heisenberg substances pp. 507-517 Downloads
A. Pȩkalski and Marcel Ausloos
Asymptotic solution of the master equation near a nonequilibrium transition: The stationary solutions pp. 518-534 Downloads
H. Lemarchand
Transition time statistics in simple bi-stable chemical systems pp. 535-551 Downloads
Daniel T. Gillespie
Kinetic theory of resonance and relaxation in spin systems I pp. 552-570 Downloads
Jerzy Łuczka
On the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulation of classical dynamics for particles with spin pp. 571-580 Downloads
Th.W. Ruijgrok and H. Van der Vlist
Growth of fluctuations from a marginal equilibrium pp. 581-587 Downloads
B. Caroli, C. Caroli and B. Roulet
Hydrodynamical fluctuations in extended irreversible thermodynamics pp. 588-598 Downloads
D. Jou, J.M. Rubi and J. Casas-Vazquez
Exact thermodynamic behaviour of a collective atomic system in an external field pp. 599-612 Downloads
R.R. Puri and S.V. Lawande
On coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism pp. 613-628 Downloads
N.N. Bogolubov, A.N. Ermilov and A.M. Kurbatov
A hyperbolic “diffusion equation” taking a finite collision frequency into account pp. 629-633 Downloads
P.C. De Jagher

Volume 101, issue 1, 1980

Jahn-Teller systems as displaced para-Bose oscillators pp. 1-21 Downloads
M. Schmutz
On the electronic structure of the xenon fluorides pp. 22-48 Downloads
L. Scheire, P. Phariseau, R. Nuyts, A.E. Foti and V.H. Smith
A relativistic green matrix method to calculate the surface states in a three-dimensional crystal slab pp. 49-66 Downloads
F. Dhoore and P. Phariseau
Rate processes in condensed media: Basic equations pp. 67-88 Downloads
Benjamin Fain
Local fields near the surface of a crystalline dielectric pp. 89-98 Downloads
J. Lekner and P.J. Castle
Variation of the local field through the liquid-vapour interface pp. 99-111 Downloads
P.J. Castle and J. Lekner
Kinetics of the Ising magnet pp. 112-126 Downloads
G.O. Berim and A.R. Kessel
Kinetics of the Ising magnet pp. 127-144 Downloads
G.O. Berim and A.R. Kessel
The problem of directed percolation pp. 145-155 Downloads
S.P. Obukhov
Molecular dynamical calculations of the transport properties of a square-well fluid pp. 156-166 Downloads
J.P.J. Michels and N.J. Trappeniers
Chapman-Enskog development of the multivariate master equation pp. 167-184 Downloads
C. Van den Broeck, J. Houard and M. Malek Mansour
Soluble Boltzmann equations for internal state and Maxwell models pp. 185-204 Downloads
E. Futcher, M.R. Hoare, E.M. Hendriks and M.H. Ernst
Relativistic Boltzmann-theory for a plasma pp. 205-222 Downloads
H. Van Erkelens and W.A. Van Leeuwen
Symmetric and asymmetric stabilities of charged liquid drops pp. 223-242 Downloads
A.A. Sabry
Quantum-statistical conductance theory of nonideal plasmas by use of the force-force correlation function method pp. 243-254 Downloads
G. Röpke, W. Ebeling and W.D. Kraeft
Critical wall perturbations and a local free energy functional pp. 255-264 Downloads
Michael E. Fisher and Helen Au-Yang
Theoretical study of the electric field effect on ion-molecule reactions in diluted gases and solutions pp. 265-274 Downloads
Wolfgang Stiller and Wolfgang Naumann
Fluctuation theorems for dielectrics with periodic boundary conditions pp. 275-282 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Solution of the Fokker-Planck equation with spatial coordinate-dependent moments pp. 283-288 Downloads
T. Morita and H. Hara
Quantum statistics of reaction-diffusion systems pp. 289-299 Downloads
C.I. Ivanov

Volume 100, issue 3, 1980

The effect of diatom-diatom collisions on depolarized light scattering linewidths pp. 453-471 Downloads
D.A. Coombe and W.E. Köhler
The effect of diatom-diatom collisions on depolarized light scattering linewidths pp. 472-495 Downloads
D.A. Coombe and W.E. Köhler
Spontaneous symmetry breakdown and symmetry restoration in the statistical mechanics of a many-boson model pp. 496-506 Downloads
Dalcio Kisling Dacol
Rigorous treatment of the damping theory for coupled systems in contact with reservoirs parametric amplifier pp. 507-539 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu, Yoshinori Takahashi and Fumiaki Shibata
On the theory of irreversible processes in molecular liquids and liquid crystals, nonequilibrium phenomena associated with the second and fourth rank alignment tensors pp. 540-562 Downloads
I. Pardowitz and S. Hess
Normal modes in irreversible thermodynamics pp. 563-572 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof and U.M. Titulaer
The eigenvalue problem for linear macroscopic equations pp. 573-588 Downloads
U.M. Titulaer and B.U. Felderhof
The pair distributions and the osmotic coefficient in binary electrolytes up to concentrations c ≅ 1 mol/l pp. 589-598 Downloads
G. Lessner
Reactions governed by a binomial redistribution process—The ehrenfest urn problem pp. 599-614 Downloads
Klaus Schulten, Zan Schulten and Attila Szabo
Remarks on stochastic non-linear birth and death models pp. 615-624 Downloads
H. Falk
Planar spin system with annealed bond disorder pp. 625-631 Downloads
H. Falk
An analysis of available absolute total cross section data for noble gas systems pp. 632-640 Downloads
J.J.H. Van Den Biesen and C.J.N. Van Den Meijdenberg
Wigner function and normal ordering pp. 641-646 Downloads
Ch.G. Van Weert
Nonergodicity and dynamical approach to the anharmonic oscillator pp. 647-659 Downloads
S. Diederich and A. Bunde

Volume 100, issue 2, 1980

Response of a semi-infinite cubic lattice to uniform electric fields pp. 215-233 Downloads
A.P. Lehnen and L.W. Bruch
The Chapman-Enskog procedure as a form of degenerate perturbation theory pp. 234-250 Downloads
U.M. Titulaer
Corrections to the Smoluchowski equation in the presence of hydrodynamic interactions pp. 251-265 Downloads
U.M. Titulaer
Microscopic theory of memory functions pp. 266-276 Downloads
T. Nishigori
Formal solutions for response functions of superconductors and 3He(B). I pp. 277-290 Downloads
J. Czerwonko
Formal solutions for response functions of superconductors and 3He(B) pp. 291-306 Downloads
J. Czerwonko
Elasticity and its limits: Yielding and melting in (modulated) ionic crystals pp. 307-334 Downloads
C.M. Fortuin
Density expansion of the viscosity of carbon dioxide near the critical temperature pp. 335-348 Downloads
J. Kestin, Ö. Korfali and J.V. Sengers
Absolute determination of the thermal conductivity of the noble gases at room temperature up to 35 MPa pp. 349-369 Downloads
J. Kestin, R. Paul, A.A. Clifford and W.A. Wakeham
A further contribution to the theory of the transient hot-wire technique for thermal conductivity measurements pp. 370-374 Downloads
A.A. Clifford, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
Measurements on the glory structure in the total cross section of noble gas systems pp. 375-396 Downloads
J.J.H. Van Den Biesen, F.A. Stokvis, E.H. Van Veen and C.J.N. Van Den Meijdenberg
Truncation procedure for high order reduced distribution functions pp. 397-416 Downloads
V.S. Vikhrenko, G.S. Bokun and M.I. Kulak
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the Brownian motion of a polymer in solution pp. 417-430 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Bose condensation in strongly monideal systems pp. 431-442 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
Longitudinal static spin susceptibility of the Heisenberg ferromagnet at T < Tc pp. 443-451 Downloads
V.P. Kalashnikov and M.I. Auslender

Volume 100, issue 1, 1980

Editorial pp. v-vi Downloads
H.W. Capel, P.F. De Châtel, M. Durieux, W.J. Huiskamp and P.F.A. Klinkenberg
Time- and frequency-dependent correlation functions for the homogeneous and alternating-isotropic XY-models pp. 1-23 Downloads
J.H.H. Perk and H.W. Capel
The energy of the spin-glass state of a binary mixture at T = 0 and its variational properties pp. 24-44 Downloads
Sakari Inawashiro and Shigetoshi Katsura
Model Hamiltonian for one- and two-dimensional superfluids pp. 45-63 Downloads
Moorad Alexanian
Pressure dependence of the mutual diffusion coefficients of the binary systems N2 + Ar, N2 + O2, O2 + Ar and Ar + Kr at 300 and 323 K pp. 64-84 Downloads
Ian R. Shankland and Peter J. Dunlop
On the dynamical structure of the Dicke maser model pp. 85-99 Downloads
J.L. Van Hemmen and W. Von Waldenfels
“Crystal fields” for magnetic ions in metals from itinerant electrons pp. 100-118 Downloads
R. Chatterjee and J.M. Dixon
A model for solid state diffusion pp. 119-126 Downloads
J. Hammerberg
Memory functions for kinetic theory models of density fluctuations in fluids pp. 127-139 Downloads
S. Ranganathan and S. Yip
On the covariance of the Fokker-Planck equation pp. 140-152 Downloads
L. Garrido
Path sums for Brownian motion and quantum mechanics pp. 153-166 Downloads
T.B. Smith
Nonrelativistic and relativistic Landau/Fokker-Planck equation for arbitrary statistics pp. 167-182 Downloads
P. Danielewicz
KMS condition in a Schrödinger picture of the dynamics pp. 183-195 Downloads
H. Roos
A new method for solving the one-dimensional Schrödinger equation pp. 196-204 Downloads
B.S. Tošić, A. Vlahov and R.B. Žakula
Memory functions for transport fluxes: Explicit formulae for high order memory kernels pp. 205-211 Downloads
Lloyd L. Lee
Comment on “propagation of ultrashort light pulses in a resonant medium” pp. 212-214 Downloads
Mark A. Newbold and Gregory J. Salamo
Page updated 2025-03-31