Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 109, issue 3, 1981
- Phase diagram of water based on a lattice model pp. 365-381

- Paul H.E. Meijer, Ryoichi Kikuchi and Pierre Papon
- Fourier space analysis of the Yvon-Born-Green equation in the critical region pp. 382-402

- Shmuel Fishman
- On the solutions of correlation equations for classical continuous systems pp. 403-424

- V.A. Zagrebnov
- Nonlinear transport equations in statistical mechanics pp. 425-444

- J.J. Brey, R. Zwanzig and J.R. Dorfman
- Convergence of the cluster-variation method for a system on a triangular lattice pp. 445-464

- J. Kevin McCoy, Ryoichi Kikuchi and Hiroshi Sato
- Motions of particles in an oscillating plasma pp. 465-482

- A.N. Gordeyev
- Dissipative contributions of internal multiplicative noise pp. 483-499

- Katja Lindenberg and V. Seshadri
- Three particles on a ring pp. 500-516

- F. Rabouw and Th.W. Ruijgrok
- Quantum kinetic equations in systems with bound states pp. 517-530

- Y.L. Klimontovich and D. Kremp
- Bound states and equation of state for nondegenerate quantum systems with short-range interactions pp. 531-540

- R. Gau, M. Schlanges and D. Kremp
- Second-order phase transitions in triangular ising models with two- and three-spin interactions pp. 541-554

- J. Dóczi-Réger and P.C. Hemmer
- Statistical dynamics of conserved densities for the hard-sphere Lorentz gas pp. 555-567

- Joseph W. Haus and M. Lücke
- Critical behavior of anisotropic cubic systems with long- and short-range interactions pp. 568-578

- Yoshitake Yamazaki and Arno Holz
- Crossover behavior of anisotropic cubic system with ionic anisotropy pp. 579-596

- Katsunobu Ueno, Yoshitake Yamazaki and Arno Holz
- Analogs of renormalization group transformations in random processes pp. 597-608

- Michael F. Shlesinger and Barry D. Hughes
- Path integrals with topological constraints: Aharonov-Bohm effect and polymer entanglements pp. 609-617

- F.W. Wiegel
- Renormalization group approach to the one-dimensional hubbard model pp. 618-626

- Hiroshi Takano and Masuo Suzuki
Volume 109, issue 1, 1981
- Stochastic equations of motion for nonspherical particles pp. 1-22

- H. Kagermann
- Inhomogeneous linear random differential equations with mutual correlations between multiplicative, additive and initial-value terms pp. 23-57

- J.B.T.M. Roerdink
- Theory of defects in hard core statistical ensembles pp. 58-90

- A. Holz
- On vectorial internal variables and dielectric and magnetic relaxation phenomena pp. 91-122

- G.A. Kluitenberg
- On transformations of internal vectorial variables in the thermodynamic theory of dielectric relaxation and the invariance of Onsager's reciprocal relations pp. 123-127

- W. van Veenendaal and G.A. Kluitenberg
- Statistical-dynamical theory of nonlinear stochastic processes pp. 128-160

- Michio Tokuyama
- Density-functional method for the inhomogeneous electron-hole plasma in polar substances pp. 161-177

- K. Henneberger, J. Röseler, A. Haufe and H.-J. Wünsche
- Linear response of stochastic multiperiodic systems in stationary states with application to stochastic electrodynamics pp. 178-192

- Armelle Denis, Luis Pesquera and Pierre Claverie
- Some properties of the smoothed Wigner function pp. 193-207

- Francisco Soto and Pierre Claverie
- On the fast and the slow components of thermal fluctuations pp. 208-220

- D. Jou, J.E. Llebot and J. Casas-Vasquez
- Closed time path Green's functions and nonlinear response theory pp. 221-236

- Bai-lin Hao
- Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional coulomb systems pp. 237-250

- John W. Perram and Simon W. de Leeuw
- Theory of nonlinear nonequilibrium response pp. 251-264

- Yoshimasa Murayama
- The derivatives along the critical line in a binary mixture near the critical points of pure components in one-fluid theory pp. 265-277

- Piotr Wielopolski
- Entropy production in a relativistic multicomponent gas pp. 278-292

- Ekiel-Je·ewska, Maria L.
- Stochastic processes with nonlinear dissipation: Brownian motion in Oseen's approximation pp. 293-304

- J.J. Hermans
- Fokker-Planck equation for the description of the thermalization of beams of energetic charged particles channeled through crystal pp. 305-316

- V.K. Fedyanin, G.M. Gavrilenko and D. Mihalache
- On the Weyl association of infinitesimal unitary and canonical transformations pp. 317-327

- N.L. Balazs
- On a class of Lyapunov functionals of the Boltzmann equation and their generalizations pp. 328-338

- W. Maass
- The ordering phase transitions in solid methane and the cerium monochalcogenides compared. A test of universality pp. 339-346

- M. Sprik, T. Hijmans and N.J. Trappeniers
- Experiments on the influence of a magnetic field on a molecular knudsen gas flow pp. 347-351

- J.N. Breunese, F.W. Gödecke, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Quantum projection renormalization group study of a spin 1 Ising model: Universality pp. 352-356

- Baiding Hu
- On the liquid phase instability criterion pp. 357-363

- V.N. Ryzhov and E.E. Tareyeva
Volume 108, issue 2, 1981
- Physical description of decay processes pp. 281-304

- F. Henin and F. Mayné
- Approach to equilibrium of a two-level system interacting with the electromagnetic field pp. 305-332

- F. Henin
- Quantum-kinetic equations for time correlation functions in higher-order perturbation theory pp. 333-360

- M.C.J. Leermakers and L.G. Suttorp
- On anisotropy of the pressure tensor and the force density for a polarizable fluid in an electromagnetic field pp. 361-370

- L.G. Suttorp and S.R. De Groot
- The thermal conductivity of mixtures of nitrogen with four noble gases at room temperature pp. 371-401

- R.D. Fleeter, J. Kestin, R. Paul and W.A. Wakeham
- Statistical theory of heterophase fluctuations pp. 402-416

- V.I. Yukalov
- A generalized Oseen theory of two-dimensional Brownian motion pp. 417-440

- R.L. Varley
- Dynamical properties of strongly interacting Brownian particles pp. 441-458

- Toshiya Phtsuki
- Bicritical and tetracritical behaviour in a model with superconducting and ferromagnetic orderings pp. 459-472

- J.G. Brankov and N.S. Tonchev
- Exact solutions of the Curie-Weiss, Oguchi, and other cluster Ising models pp. 473-487

- R.G. Bowers
- Thermal diffusion factors at 300 K for seven binary noble gas systems containing helium or neon pp. 488-501

- R.D. Trengove, H.L. Robjohns, T.N. Bell, M.L. Martin and Peter J. Dunlop
- The pressure dependences of the thermal diffusion factors of the systems He-Ar, He-CO6 at 300 K pp. 502-510

- R.D. Trengove, H.L. Robjohns, M.L. Martin and Peter J. Dunlop
- Superstatistical emission noise pp. 511-530

- K.M. van Vliet, P.H. Handel and A. van der Ziel
- Phase diagram of the triangular Ising antiferromagnet pp. 531-545

- J. Dóczi-Réger and P.C. Hemmer
- Liquid-crystalline ordering in the solution of long persistent chains pp. 546-556

- A.R. Khokhlov and A.N. Semenov
- A canonical transformation relating the Lagrangian and Eulerian description of ideal hydrodynamics pp. 557-566

- W. van Saarloos
- Thermodynamic fluctuation theory for shear flow pp. 567-574

- Denis J. Evans and H.J.M. Hanley
- The electric and magnetic response of a system in an external electromagnetic field pp. 575-582

- D. Adu-Gyamfi
- Hydrodynamic equations and VH light scattering from viscoelastic (solid like) systems pp. 583-588

- Boris M. Aizenbud and Nahum D. Gershon
- Cross-over to classical behaviour for an Ising model with vacancies pp. 589-597

- J.J.M. Rijpkema and H.J.F. Knops
- Friction coefficient of a disk in a sheet of viscous fluid: Numerical calculation pp. 598-604

- J.R. Heringa, F.W. Wiegel and F.P.H. van Beckum
- A KKR-approach to the calculation of the electronic structure for an edge dislocation pp. 605-612

- R. Rotthier, L. Scheire and P. Phariseau
- An MTO scheme for the calculation of the influence of a substitutional impurity cluster on the density of states within the energy bands pp. 613-621

- R. Rotthier, L. Scheire and P. Phariseau
- An MTO theory for the calculation of deep levels in semiconductors due to a nonsubstitutional impurity cluster pp. 622-630

- R. Rotthier, L. Scheire and P. Phariseau
Volume 108, issue 1, 1981
- Critical point scaling in the Percus-Yevick equation pp. 1-13

- Shmuel Fishman and Michael E. Fisher
- Static dielectric properties of polarizable Stockmayer fluids pp. 14-26

- E.L. Pollock, B.J. Alder and G.N. Patey
- On the theory of NMR spin echoes in solids pp. 27-38

- J.A. Tjon
- Canonical forms for quadratic Hamiltonians pp. 39-62

- P. Broadbridge and C.A. Hurst
- Pattern formation in the Schlögl model of nonlinear kinetics pp. 63-76

- Mei Hsu Dung and John J. Kozak
- Efimov effect and the third cluster coefficient of binary mixtures pp. 77-106

- W. Hoogeveen and J.A. Tjon
- Effective dynamics of the quantum mechanical Weiβ-Ising model pp. 107-134

- A. Rieckers
- A theory of the dielectric loss in the aligned nematic mesophase pp. 135-142

- Mauro Ferrario and Myron Evans
- Measurements of the viscosity of compressed gaseous and liquid ethane pp. 143-152

- Dwain E. Diller and John M. Saber
- Critical fixed points in discrete hydrodynamics pp. 153-163

- P.B. Visscher
- Critical temperature for a system with Heisenberg-like nearest neighbour and Ising-like next nearest neighbour interactions pp. 164-168

- A. Komoda and A. Pȩkalski
- On non-analytic thermodynamic behaviour of the classical linear chain pp. 169-179

- M. van den Berg
- Self-consistent many-body theory for the standard basis operator Green's functions pp. 180-204

- R. Micnas and R. Kishore
- On the average moments of a polar molecule in a non-uniform electric field pp. 205-210

- D. Adu-Gyamfi
- Random field singularities in renormalization group transformations on Van der Waals-Ising models pp. 211-220

- Attilio Stella
- WKB-type expansion for Langevin equations pp. 221-232

- F. Langouche, D. Roekaerts and E. Tirapegui
- On fluctuations and relaxation in systems described by a one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation with a time-dependent potential pp. 233-256

- B. Caroli, C. Caroli, B. Roulet and D. Saint-James
- On life time and mobility of thermal sine-Gordon kinks pp. 257-264

- W. Wonneberger
- Correspondence between classical and quantummechanical Boltzmann equations pp. 265-278

- I. Kuščer, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
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