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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 131, issue 3, 1985

Statistical quasi-particles and the thermodynamics of hot dense matter pp. 465-484 Downloads
Ch.G. Van Weert and M.C.J. Leermakers
Motion of a charged particle in a randomly varying magnetic field pp. 485-505 Downloads
A.Ziya Akcasu and Boualem Hammouda
Diffusion and thermal diffusion in some dilute binary gaseous systems between 195 and 400 K: Tests of several asymmetric potentials using the infinite order sudden approximation pp. 506-519 Downloads
R.D. Trengove, K.R. Harris, H.L. Robjohns and Peter J. Dunlop
Introduction of a Boltzmann observable and Boltzmann equation pp. 520-544 Downloads
Ludovico Lanz, Olaf Melsheimer and Erhard Wacker
Molecular Angular momentum polarization produced in a Knudsen flow pp. 545-569 Downloads
J.J.G.M. van der Tol, L.J.F. Hermans, S.Yu. Krylov and J.J.M. Beenakker
The binding of electrons to heavy ions pp. 570-574 Downloads
E. Van Meijgaard and Th.W. Ruijgrok
A generalized statistical N-level J-C model pp. 575-586 Downloads
Xiao-shen Li and Shi-yao Zhu
A molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor interfaces in two dimensions pp. 587-598 Downloads
J.H. Sikkenk, H.J. Hilhorst and A.F. Bakker
Phase diagrams for the bond- and site-diluted transverse Ising model pp. 599-611 Downloads
I.P. Fittipaldi, F.C. SáBarreto and P.R. Silva

Volume 131, issue 2, 1985

Many-sphere hydrodynamic interactions pp. 311-328 Downloads
C.W.j Beenakker and P Mazur
The increase of entropy for slow processes pp. 329-347 Downloads
J.L. Del Río-Correa
One-dimensional time-dependent Ising model in ramdom magnetic fields pp. 348-362 Downloads
J.J. Luque and A. Córdoba
On the quantum field theory of the inhomogeneous electron gas pp. 363-392 Downloads
K Dietz and G Weymans
Charge ordering and superconductivity in bipolaronic systems with diagonal disorder pp. 393-409 Downloads
R. Micnas, S. Robaszkiewicz and K.A. Chao
Geometrical structure of torsional and rotational degrees of freedom in defect systems pp. 410-430 Downloads
A. Holz
Moment equations for the diffusion of the particles of a mixture via the scattering kernel formulation of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation pp. 431-448 Downloads
G. Spiga, T. Nonnenmacher and V.C. Boffi
Asymmetrical heat conduction in inhomogeneous materials pp. 449-464 Downloads
Heinrich Hoff

Volume 131, issue 1, 1985

Optical properties of thin films on rough surfaces pp. 1-34 Downloads
M.M. Wind and J. Vlieger
Random waves in a classical nonlinear Grassmann field pp. 35-50 Downloads
S.J. Putterman and P.H. Roberts
Random waves in a classical nonlinear Grassmann field pp. 51-63 Downloads
S.J. Putterman and P.H. Roberts
A survey of experimental data related to the non-spherical interaction for simple classical linear molecules and their mixtures with noble gases pp. 64-103 Downloads
H. Van Houten, L.J.F. Hermans and J.J.M. Beenakker
Intermediate valence impurity with a local boson field. Response to external probes II pp. 104-114 Downloads
J. Kowalska and J. Zieliński
Transfer tensor method applied to non-translation invariant models pp. 115-130 Downloads
G. Sobotta
A generalized thouless formula as a criterion for Anderson localization in two- and three-dimensional systems pp. 131-156 Downloads
J. Canisius, J.L. Van Hemmen and Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
Memory effects in the motion of nonspherical Brownian particles pp. 157-181 Downloads
Bernd Köster and Henning Kagermann
The influence of random temperature modulation on the convective instability pp. 182-196 Downloads
Wilhelm Wulbrand and Henning Kagermann
Modified Born-Green-Yvon equations for the two-dimensional Coulomb gas pp. 197-211 Downloads
P. Viot
On the significance of conservation laws in two-dimensional melting pp. 212-227 Downloads
A. Holz
On Casimir pressure, the Lorentz force and black body radiation pp. 228-236 Downloads
Agustín E. González
A Faxén theorem for the reactivity of a spherical sink pp. 237-250 Downloads
G. Van der Zwan
Asymptotic waves in anelastic media without memory (Maxwell media) pp. 251-262 Downloads
V. Ciancio and L. Restuccia
Lennard-Jones triangular lattice gas in the Kikuchi approximation pp. 263-277 Downloads
R. Osório and Belita Koiller
Light scattering study of the statistical properties of nematic director fluctuations pp. 278-288 Downloads
D. Frenkel, M.J. Van Dort and R.J.J. Zijlstra
Conjugation properties of double tensor operators and selection rules for their matrix elements pp. 289-299 Downloads
J.A. Tuszyński
Critical behaviour in three-state Potts antiferromagnets on a Bethe lattice pp. 300-310 Downloads
Fulvio Peruggi, Francesco Di Liberto and Gabriella Monroy

Volume 130, issue 3, 1985

Separable interactions and liquid 3He pp. 375-411 Downloads
F.W. Nijhoff, H.W. Capel and A. Den Breems
Bond-moving transformations for continuous-spin systems pp. 412-436 Downloads
K. Sokalski and Th.W. Ruijgrok
Theory of field effects on transport properties of polyatomic gases in the transition regime pp. 437-464 Downloads
E.A. Mason and E. Mazur
Flow birefringence in gases at room temperature: New absolute values pp. 465-482 Downloads
H. Van Houten and J.J.M. Beenakker
Flow birefringence in gases: The temperature dependence pp. 483-489 Downloads
H. van Houten, J. Korving and J.J.M. Beenakker
Flow birefringence in binary para hydrogen-noble gas mixtures pp. 490-504 Downloads
H. van Houten, F. Baas, P.M.J. Marée and J.J.M. Beenakker
A comparison of data on the viscomagnetic effect, flow birefringence and depolarized Rayleigh line broadening pp. 505-522 Downloads
E. Mazur, H. van Houten and J.J.M. Beenakker
Quantum statistical approach to the equation of state and the critical point of cesium plasma pp. 523-552 Downloads
R. Redmer and G. Röpke
On the non-relativistic limit of a spin-12 particle in a classical gravitational field pp. 553-564 Downloads
G.G.A. Bäuerle and H.F. Twelker
Gauge independent Wigner function approach to spontaneous emission and to quantum kinetic equations pp. 565-586 Downloads
Piotr Badziag
Statistical thermodynamics of fluid hydrogen at high energy density pp. 587-596 Downloads
Werner Ebeling
Exactly solvable models showing chaotic behavior pp. 597-605 Downloads
Shigetoshi Katsura and Wataru Fukuda
Activated tunneling decay of metastable state: Solution of the Kramers problem pp. 606-615 Downloads
V.I. Mel'nikov
The role of thermodynamic representations in the study of fluids in far from equilibrium steady states pp. 616-624 Downloads
R. Garibay-Jiménez and L.S. García-Colin

Volume 130, issue 1, 1985

Magnetic field effects in the dynamics of alternating or anisotropic quantum spin chains pp. 1-33 Downloads
James H. Taylor and Gerhard Müller
Wigner solids and diffusion controlled reactions in a regular array of spheres pp. 34-56 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Simplified bifurcation analysis of the sixteen vertex model, based on the standard representation of equivalence classes of models pp. 57-87 Downloads
J. Hijmans
Structure of the liquid-vapor interface using a Gaussian column model with a variable interaction range pp. 88-122 Downloads
Dick Bedeaux, John D. Weeks and Barbara J.A. Zielinska
The systematic adiabatic elimination of fast variables from a many-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation pp. 123-142 Downloads
W. Theiss and U.M. Titulaer
Some remarks on the adiabatic elimination of fast variables from coupled Langevin equations pp. 143-154 Downloads
W. Theiss and U.M. Titulaer
Competitive forms of symmetry breaking in linear antiferromagnetic systems pp. 155-170 Downloads
W.J. Caspers and W. Magnus
Phenomenological renormalization of multi-parameter systems pp. 171-193 Downloads
Michael N. Barber
Ising model with two-spin interactions and four-spin interactions on the square lattice pp. 194-204 Downloads
T. Horiguchi
Lifetime of metastable states: The mean first passage time and a generalized Kramers method pp. 205-219 Downloads
Dietrich Ryter
Nonuniversity in a model Hamiltonian with four-spin interactions pp. 220-253 Downloads
Santiago D'elía
Transfer tensor method applied to translation invariant models pp. 254-272 Downloads
G. Sobotta
Dynamics of two-photon processes in a two-level system pp. 273-291 Downloads
N.N. Bogolubov, Fam Le Kien and A.S. Shumovsky
On the generalized linear response functions pp. 292-322 Downloads
A.-S.F. Obada, A.M.M. Abu-Sitta and F.K. Faramawy
Exact analysis of the fluorescent Dicke model in the thermodynamic limit pp. 323-352 Downloads
D.C. Khandekar, K.V. Bhagwat and S.V. Lawande
Quantum damped oscillator in a magnetic field pp. 353-366 Downloads
V.V. Dodonov and O.V. Manko
Mean field renormalization group analysis of the Blume-Capel model pp. 367-373 Downloads
O.F. De Alcantara Bonfim
Page updated 2025-03-31