Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 97, issue 3, 1979
- The thermal conductivity of polar gases in a magnetic field pp. 467-514

- B.J. Thijsse, W.A.P. Denissen, L.J.F. Hermans, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
- Weakly coupled mixtures of charged particles at zero temperature pp. 515-551

- P. Vieillefosse
- Thermodynamic properties of a two-site Hubbard model with orbital degeneracy pp. 552-564

- J. Spałek, A.M. Oleś and K.A. Chao
- Thermodynamic properties of small extended Hubbard rings pp. 565-576

- A.M. Oleś, J. Spałek and K.A. Chao
- On the kinetic theory of Brownian motion pp. 577-588

- V.V. Belyi and Yu.L. Klimontovich
- Transition point of the five-state discrete vector model pp. 589-596

- Hidetoshi Nishimori
- Uniform treatment of fluctuations at critical points pp. 597-615

- Marc Mangel
- Relaxation at critical points: Deterministic and stochastic theory pp. 616-642

- Marc Mangel
Volume 97, issue 2, 1979
- Stochastic processes with non-additive fluctuations pp. 211-233

- B.J. West, A.R. Bulsara, K. Lindenberg, V. Seshadri and K.E. Shuler
- Stochastic processes with non-additive fluctuations pp. 234-243

- A.R. Bulsara, K. Lindenberg, V. Seshadri, K.E. Shuler and B.J. West
- Bifurcation analysis of the sixteen-vertex model pp. 244-272

- A. Gaaff and J. Hijmans
- The theory of the transient hot-wire cell for measuring the thermal conductivity of gaseous mixtures pp. 273-286

- H.E. Khalifa, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
- Thermal conductivity of N2, CH4 and CO2 at room temperature and at pressures up to 35 MPa pp. 287-295

- A.A. Clifford, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
- The viscosity of normal butane, isobutane and their mixtures pp. 296-305

- Y. Abe, J. Kestin, H.E. Khalifa and W.A. Wakeham
- Thermodynamic functions of Coulomb systems pp. 306-318

- W.D. Kraeft and W. Stolzmann
- Differential real space renormalization: The linear Ising chain pp. 319-348

- W. van Saarloos, J.M.J. van Leeuwen and A.L. Stella
- Magnetic properties of a nearly classical one-component plasma in three or two dimensions pp. 349-366

- A. Alastuey and B. Jancovici
- Condition of stochasticity in quantum nonlinear systems pp. 367-382

- G.P. Berman and G.M. Zaslavsky
- Analytic form of the simplest limit cycle in the Lorenz model pp. 383-398

- T. Shimizu
- Equivalence of integral equations in the molecular theory of fluids pp. 399-409

- R.F. Kayser and H.J. Raveché
- Dynamic renormalization of discrete hydrodynamics pp. 410-424

- P.B. Visscher
- On the phenomenological rate equation in a model exchange reaction pp. 425-439

- D. Gutkowicz-Krusin
- Heat transfer in a Knudsen gas pp. 440-454

- C. Cercignani
- Lower bounds for the electric susceptibility pp. 455-462

- Roger Martens
- Discontinuity surface in a fluid system: Local equilibrium pp. 463-465

- F. Vodák
Volume 97, issue 1, 1979
- Distributive processes in discrete systems pp. 1-41

- M.R. Hoare and M. Rahman
- Fock-tani representation for the quantum theory of reactive collisions pp. 42-74

- M.D. Girardeau and J.Dennis Gilbert
- Qualitative theory of three-dimensional rotator model pp. 75-103

- A. Holz
- Dyson equation for transverse Ising paramagnet pp. 104-112

- R. Micnas and L. Kowalewski
- Diffusion of tagged interacting spherically symmetric polymers pp. 113-126

- R.B. Jones
- Propagation and attenuation of singular wave surfaces in linear inelastic media pp. 127-138

- Vincenzo Ciancio
- Classical electrodynamics of a nonlinear Dirac field free solutions pp. 139-152

- Christian Wagner and Mario Soler
- Statistical mechanics of relativistic plasmas pp. 153-162

- G. Manzke and D. Kremp
- Kinematical interaction of excitons and Davydov splitting pp. 163-172

- R. Maksimović, M.J. Škrinjar and B.S. Tošić
- A comment on functional integrals and many-body systems pp. 173-180

- Dalcio K. Dacol
- A variational principle for the acoustic attenuation of metals in the collision regime pp. 181-188

- K.P. Hamilton
- Polarization fluctuations in regions bounded by equi-potentials pp. 189-194

- R.L. Fulton
- Steepest descent approximation for the Fokker-Planck equation pp. 195-205

- F. Langouche, D. Roekaerts and E. Tirapegui
- The extended law of corresponding states and the interaction potential pp. 206-210

- A. Boushehri
Volume 96, issue 3, 1979
- A convolution approximation for Van Hove correlation function in liquids pp. 359-368

- T. Tsang
- On the Fokker-Planck description of compressible fluids pp. 369-378

- C.P. Enz and L.A. Turski
- Variational method for lattice systems: General formalism and application to the two-dimensional Ising model in an external field pp. 379-412

- P. Ruján
- Bose-Einstein condensation and thermodynamic functions of 4He film pp. 413-434

- W.N. Mei and Y.C. Lee
- Composite stochastic processes pp. 435-453

- N.G. van Kampen
- Search for a logarithmic term in the density expansion of the diffusion coefficient of Kr in Xe pp. 454-464

- P. Codastefano, D. Rocca and V. Zanza
- A dynamical theory of Markovian diffusion pp. 465-486

- Mark Davidson
- Block diagrams and the cancellation of divergencies in energy-level perturbation theory pp. 487-505

- M.A.J. Michels and L.G. Suttorp
- Remark on the entropy balance for the unstable particles pp. 506-510

- Robert Alicki
- The conditional entropy in the microcanonical ensemble: The quantum lattice pp. 511-530

- David Dietz and William Greenberg
- A non-relativistic wave equation of second order in time II, electromagnetic interaction pp. 531-544

- J. Van Driel and H.A. Tolhoek
- Vitesse des ultrasons dans les gaz rares sous haute pression a la temperature de 298.15 K pp. 545-560

- D. Vidal, L. Guengant and M. Lallemand
- Derivation of Smoluchowski equations with corrections for Fokker-Planck and BGK collision models pp. 561-572

- James L. Skinner and Peter G. Wolynes
- Computer simulations of a rough sphere fluid I pp. 573-593

- J.W. Lyklema
- Computer simulations of a rough sphere fluid II comparison with stochastic models pp. 594-605

- J.W. Lyklema
- Dynamics of coarse grained variables I. Exact results pp. 606-618

- L.S. Garcia-Colin and J.L. Del Rio
- Cluster approximation for an infinite-dimensional determinant pp. 619-628

- Tohru Ogawa
- On some problems of analysis of isotropic antiferromagnets pp. 629-639

- R. Maksimović, B. Nikin, M. Marinković and B. Tošić
- Phase front motion in uniaxial ferromagnet pp. 640-644

- J. Klamut, A.Z. Patashinski and J. Sznajd
- Effective medium approach to real space renormalization pp. 645-648

- E.J.S. Lage
Volume 96, issue 1, 1979
- Experimental status of quantum electrodynamics pp. 3-16

- Sidney D. Drell
- Schwinger and nuclear physics pp. 17-26

- Herman Feshbach
- The unmellisonant quark pp. 27-30

- Sheldon L. Glashow
- From the Ψ/J to charmed mesons-three years of e+e− research at spear pp. 31-59

- Gerson Goldhaber
- On the theory of Kirchhoff's method for the determination of electrical conductivity pp. 60-69

- Harold Levine
- Schwinger and statistical physics: A spin-off success story and some challenging sequels pp. 70-88

- Paul C. Martin
- Topological problems in gauge theories pp. 89-98

- Y. Nambu
- Supersymmetry and supergravity pp. 99-107

- Bruno Zumino
- Globally supersymmetric Green's functions in quantum gauge supersymmetry pp. 111-119

- R. Arnowitt and Pran Nath
- Applications of conformal symmetry in quantum electrodymanics pp. 120-130

- M. Baker and K. Johnson
- Confinement of quarks in nuclear matter pp. 131-135

- Gordon Baym
- The calculation of the electrostatic energy in the liquid drop model of nuclear fission — A pedagogical note pp. 136-140

- Jeremy Bernstein and Franklin Pollock
- Supergravity from self-interaction pp. 141-162

- D.G. Boulware, S. Deser and J.H. Kay
- Radiative corrections to νμe and νμe scattering pp. 163-172

- N. Byers, R. Rückl and A. Yano
- Meromorphic solutions of the Benjamin-Ono equation pp. 173-182

- K.M. Case
- An example of quantum tunneling in molecular physics pp. 183-188

- Shau-Jin Chang
- Phenomenological bridge between high- and low-energy behavior in QCD pp. 189-196

- John M. Cornwall
- Topology and quantum field theory pp. 197-211

- Bryce S. DeWitt, Charles F. Hart and Christopher J. Isham
- Disordered systems as quantum field theories pp. 212-222

- S.F. Edwards
- A simple approach to supergravity pp. 223-232

- R. Finkelstein
- Anomalous spectral regions in source theory pp. 233-242

- R.J. Ivanetich, Wu-Yang Tsai, Lester L. DeRaad, Kimball A. Milton and Luis F. Urrutia
- Variational principles and Heisenberg matrix mechanics pp. 243-253

- Abraham Klein and Ching-Teh Li
- A phase transition on partial orders pp. 254-259

- D.J. Kleitman and B.L. Rothschild
- Behavior of decaying states in applied fields pp. 260-262

- F.E. Low
- Brownian motion of a quantum oscillator and random walk in phase space pp. 263-270

- Eugen Merzbacher
- A new representation for quantum mechanics pp. 271-279

- Roger G. Newton
- Understanding Γ(ϱ → πγ)Γ(ω → πγ) pp. 280-284

- H.T. Nieh
- The tensor force between two protons at long range pp. 285-289

- Norman F. Ramsey
- Relativistic particle systems with confining interactions pp. 290-299

- F. Rohrlich
- Remarkable regularity in the lepton-pair widths of vector mesons pp. 300-308

- J.J. Sakurai
- Generating functional for gauge-invariant Green's functions pp. 309-314

- Charles M. Sommerfield
- Quantum electrodynamics and light rays pp. 315-320

- E.C.G. Sudarshan
- A program for construction of a Regge theory with crossing symmetry and unitarity pp. 321-326

- Robert Lee Warnock
- Phenomenological Lagrangians pp. 327-340

- Steven Weinberg
- Spectral forms and renormalization group equations of the Schwinger model pp. 341-349

- Asim Yildiz
- Observations on the two-body relativistic wave equation pp. 350-358

- Charles Zemach
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