Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 263, issue 1, 1999
- Préface pp. v-vi

- Daniel Iagolnitzer and Annie Gervois
- Ultracold atoms — Methods, problems and perspectives pp. 3-3

- Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
- The Abelian sandpile and related models pp. 4-25

- Deepak Dhar
- Entropy-driven phase transitions pp. 26-38

- Daan Frenkel
- A local fluctuation theorem pp. 39-50

- Giovanni Gallavotti
- Statistical models for granular materials pp. 51-62

- H.J. Herrmann
- Information is a physical entity pp. 63-67

- Rolf Landauer
- Optimal sensitivity in molecular recognition pp. 68-77

- Grégoire Bonnet and Albert Libchaber
- Optical studies of low-dimensional phase transitions pp. 78-94

- Daniel Bonn, Ludovic Pauchard, Noushine Shahidzadeh and Jacques Meunier
- Turbulent mixing of a passive scalar pp. 95-103

- Alain Pumir, Boris I. Shraiman and Eric D. Siggia
- The origin of universal scaling laws in biology pp. 104-113

- Geoffrey B. West
- Measures for lattice systems pp. 117-130

- Roberto Fernández
- Renormalization group methods and applications: First results for the weakly coupled Anderson model pp. 131-140

- Jacques Magnen, Gilles Poirot and Vincent Rivasseau
- Phase transitions for point particle systems pp. 141-147

- Errico Presutti
- Irreversible classical dynamics and quantum chaos pp. 148-154

- B.D. Simons
- Statistical properties of turbulent dynamical systems pp. 155-157

- T. Bohr, M.H. Jensen and J. Rolf
- Superparamagnetic clustering of data — The definitive solution of an ill-posed problem pp. 158-169

- Eytan Domany
- Pattern-forming instabilities in homoepitaxial crystal growth pp. 170-179

- Joachim Krug
- Metastable states: smooth continuations through the critical point pp. 180-186

- Senya Shlosman
- Signature of phase coherence in mesoscopic systems pp. 187-196

- Yves Noat, Bertrand Reulet, Hélène Bouchiat and Dominique Mailly
- Breakdown of Fermi liquid in correlated electron systems pp. 197-207

- Claudio Castellani and Carlo Di Castro
- An unexpected conducting phase in two dimensions pp. 208-214

- M.P. Sarachik, S.V. Kravchenko, D. Simonian and V.M. Pudalov
- Quenched randomness at first-order transitions pp. 215-221

- John Cardy
- Phase transitions and singularities in random quantum systems pp. 222-233

- Daniel S. Fisher
- Aging in a Lennard-Jones glass pp. 234-241

- Walter Kob and Jean-Louis Barrat
- Thermal properties of slow dynamics pp. 242-251

- Leticia Cugliandolo and Jorge Kurchan
- The physics of wall turbulence pp. 252-262

- Javier Jiménez
- Turbulence in compressible flows pp. 263-270

- David Porter, Annick Pouquet, Igor Sytine and Paul Woodward
- Breakdown of Debye screening in quantum Coulomb systems and van der Waals forces pp. 271-283

- Angel Alastuey
- Relaxation of 2D turbulence of vortex crystals pp. 284-292

- C.F. Driscoll, D.A. Schecter, D.Z. Jin, D.H.E. Dubin, K.S. Fine and A.C. Cass
- Negative specific heat in astronomy, physics and chemistry pp. 293-304

- D. Lynden-Bell
- Growth patterns in electrodeposition pp. 305-314

- Christophe Léger, Laurent Servant, Jean Luc Bruneel and Françoise Argoul
- Microscopic chaos and chemical reactions pp. 315-328

- Pierre Gaspard
- Nonlinear phenomena in heterogeneous catalysis pp. 329-337

- Alexander S. Mikhailov
- Pattern formation in three-dimensional dendritic growth pp. 338-344

- E. Brener
- Ordering phenomena on growing films pp. 345-353

- Mehran Kardar
- Jamming and stress propagation in particulate matter pp. 354-361

- M.E. Gates, J.P. Wittmer, J.-P. Bouchaud and P. Claudin
- Collective motion and solid-liquid type transitions in vibrated granular layers pp. 362-368

- Nicolás Mujica, Leonardo Caballero and Francisco Melo
- Interfacial curvature in phase-separating binary fluids: comparison between computer simulation and experiments pp. 369-377

- Tsuyoshi Koga, Hiroshi Jinnai and Takeji Hashimoto
- Strong weak and metastable liquids structural and dynamical aspects of the liquid state pp. 378-388

- G.A. Vliegenthart, J.F.M. Lodge and H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
- Protein folding: Insights from simulations pp. 389-391

- Martin Karplus
- Phase coexistence in a single DNA molecule pp. 392-404

- T. Strick, J.-F. Allemand, D. Bensimon, R. Lavery and V. Croquette
- Slow dynamics and regularization phenomena in ensembles of chaotic neurons pp. 405-414

- M.I. Rabinovich, P. Varona, J.J. Torres, R. Huerta and H.D.I. Abarbanel
- Elements for a theory of financial risks pp. 415-426

- J.-Ph. Bouchaud
- A statistical-physics approach to language acquisition and language change pp. 427-437

- Marzio Cassandro, Pierre Collet, Antonio Galves and Charlotte Galves
- Cellular automata for traffic simulations pp. 438-451

- Dietrich E. Wolf
- Random walks, polymers, percolation, and quantum gravity in two dimensions pp. 452-465

- Bertrand Duplantier
- Charge and density fluctuations in electrolytes: The Lebowitz and other correlation lengths pp. 466-476

- Michael E. Fisher and Stefan Bekiranov
- Renormalization and fixed points in finance, since 1962 pp. 477-487

- Benoît Mandelbrot
- Some problems in statistical mechanics that I would like to see solved pp. 491-499

- Elliott H. Lieb
- What do we know that van der Waals did not know? pp. 500-515

- B. Widom
- Microscopic origins of irreversible macroscopic behavior pp. 516-527

- Joel L. Lebowitz
- Laws of nature, probability and time symmetry breaking pp. 528-539

- I. Prigogine
- Gaps and new ideas in our understanding of nonequilibrium pp. 540-544

- David Ruelle
- The statistical-mechanical theory of stress transmission in granular materials pp. 545-553

- S.F. Edwards and D.V. Grinev
- Some views from forty years as a statistical mechanician pp. 554-556

- Michael E. Fisher
- Complex systems: a physicist's viewpoint pp. 557-564

- Giorgio Parisi
- Mathematical problems of turbulence pp. 565-566

- Ya.G. Sinai
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