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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 301, issue 1, 2001

Anderson transition in fractal-based complexes pp. 1-16 Downloads
Ryuichi Ugajin
Mapping a depinning transition to polynuclear growth pp. 17-28 Downloads
G.J. Szabó and M.J. Alava
Conductivity of polyaniline/1,2,4-trichlorobenzene composites during freezing and melting transitions pp. 29-36 Downloads
Jarmila Vilčáková, Petr Sáha, Otakar Quadrat and Jaroslav Stejskal
Contact angle at the first-order transition in sequential wetting pp. 37-51 Downloads
Volker C. Weiss and Joseph O. Indekeu
A Langevin approach for the microscopic dynamics of nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations pp. 52-62 Downloads
T.D. Frank
Analysis of chaotic behaviour in the population dynamics pp. 63-70 Downloads
Alcides Castro-e-Silva and Américo T. Bernardes
Lifetime for certain chemical systems at criticality pp. 71-84 Downloads
Bernard Gaveau, Daniel Latrémolière and Michel Moreau
Self-organized criticality in electrical treeing pp. 85-96 Downloads
M.D. Noskov, A.S. Malinovski, M. Sack and A.J. Schwab
Hopping probabilities in a chaotic attractor pp. 97-104 Downloads
P. Etchegoin
A Liouville integrable Hamiltonian system associated with a generalized Kaup–Newell spectral problem pp. 105-113 Downloads
Engui Fan
Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (II) Effect of nonlinear one-photon processes pp. 114-128 Downloads
Rui Hua Xie and Vedene H. Smith
Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (III) Effect of the dynamic Stark shift in two-photon processes pp. 129-149 Downloads
Rui Hua Xie and Vedene H. Smith
Onset of symmetric plasma turbulence pp. 150-162 Downloads
M.S. Baptista, I.L. Caldas, M.V.A.P. Heller and A.A. Ferreira
Random-walk diffusion and drying of porous materials pp. 163-168 Downloads
M. Mehrafarin and M. Faghihi
Information transport by sine-Gordon solitons in microtubules pp. 169-173 Downloads
Elcio Abdalla, Bouchra Maroufi, Bertha Cuadros Melgar and Moulay Brahim Sedra
Adsorption–desorption processes of extended objects on a square lattice pp. 174-180 Downloads
Lj. Budinski-Petković and U. Kozmidis-Luburić
Invariance of the relativistic one-particle distribution function pp. 181-195 Downloads
F. Debbasch, J.P. Rivet and W.A. van Leeuwen
Zeros of Jones polynomials for families of knots and links pp. 196-218 Downloads
S.-C. Chang and R. Shrock
The Wigner representation of classical mechanics, quantization and classical limit pp. 219-240 Downloads
A.o Bolivar
Gauge invariant formulations of Dicke–Preparata super-radiant models pp. 241-254 Downloads
S. Sivasubramanian, A. Widom and Y.N. Srivastava
Generalization of the Maier–Saupe theory of the nematics within Tsallis thermostatistics pp. 255-260 Downloads
O. Kayacan, F. Büyükkılıç and D. Demirhan
A path integration formulation of stochastic-Lagrangian models of turbulent flow pp. 261-283 Downloads
Prasana K. Venkatesh
When non-extensive entropy becomes extensive pp. 284-290 Downloads
Wada Tatsuaki and Saito Takeshi
Nature of order from random two-body interactions pp. 291-300 Downloads
S. Drożdż and M. Wójcik
Potts model partition functions for self-dual families of strip graphs pp. 301-329 Downloads
Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock
Discrete kinetic models of relativistic Boltzmann equation for mixtures pp. 330-340 Downloads
Stepan A. Amossov
Influence of the biquadratic interlayer coupling in the specific heat of Fibonacci magnetic multilayers pp. 341-350 Downloads
C.G. Bezerra, E.L. Albuquerque and M.G. Cottam
Multifractal characterisation of length sequences of coding and noncoding segments in a complete genome pp. 351-361 Downloads
Zu-Guo Yu, Vo Anh and Ka-Sing Lau
Categorization ability in a biologically motivated neural network pp. 362-374 Downloads
da Silva, Criso’ogono R.
Multifractal random walk in copepod behavior pp. 375-396 Downloads
Francccois G. Schmitt and Laurent Seuront
Measures of globalization based on cross-correlations of world financial indices pp. 397-406 Downloads
Sergei Maslov
Inhomogeneous scaling behaviors in Malaysian foreign currency exchange rates pp. 407-428 Downloads
S.V. Muniandy, S.C. Lim and R. Murugan
Beauty of financial time series pp. 429-440 Downloads
Danuta Makowiec and Andrzej Posiewnik
What was the temperature of the Bagsik financial oscillator? pp. 441-448 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
The trading rectangle strategy within book models pp. 449-456 Downloads
Lorenzo Matassini
One idea of portfolio risk control for absolute return strategy risk adjustments by signals from correlation behavior pp. 457-472 Downloads
N. Nishiyama
Predictability of multifractal analysis of Hang Seng stock index in Hong Kong pp. 473-482 Downloads
Xia Sun, Huiping Chen, Yongzhuang Yuan and Ziqin Wu
Algorithmic complexity of real financial markets pp. 483-492 Downloads
R. Mansilla
Modeling stock market dynamics based on conservation principles pp. 493-511 Downloads
Jose Alvarez-Ramirez and Carlos Ibarra-Valdez
Defining strategies to win in the Internet market pp. 512-534 Downloads
Luis López and Miguel A.F. Sanjuán
Some demographic crashes seen as phase transitions pp. 535-544 Downloads
Mircea Gligor and Margareta Ignat
Corrugation of roads pp. 545-559 Downloads
Joseph A. Both, Daniel C. Hong and Douglas A. Kurtze
Statistical properties of the attendance time series in the minority game pp. 560-566 Downloads
Dafang Zheng and Bing-Hong Wang
A complexity score derived from principal components analysis of nonlinear order measures pp. 567-588 Downloads
Alessandro Giuliani, Mauro Colafranceschi, Charles L Webber and Joseph P Zbilut
A numerical investigation of adaptation in populations of random boolean networks pp. 589-600 Downloads
Ney Lemke, Mombach, Jose’e C.M. and Bardo E.J. Bodmann
Globally and locally minimal weight spanning tree networks pp. 601-619 Downloads
Anuraag R Kansal and Salvatore Torquato

Volume 300, issue 3, 2001

Absence of diffusion through fractal interface pp. 339-349 Downloads
V.V. Maksimenko and G.B. Andreev
Study of stochastic resonance by method of stochastic energetics pp. 350-358 Downloads
Toshiya Iwai
Anticipated synchronization in coupled chaotic maps with delays pp. 359-366 Downloads
Cristina Masoller and Zanette, nindexDamianDamia’an H.
Two-parameter analysis of the scaling behavior at the onset of chaos: tricritical and pseudo-tricritical points pp. 367-385 Downloads
Alexander P. Kuznetsov, Sergey P. Kuznetsov, Erik Mosekilde and Ludmila V. Turukina
Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium radiation. (I) General theory pp. 386-402 Downloads
A.R. Vasconcellos, J. Fort, D. Jou and R. Luzzi
Thermodynamics of nonequilibrium radiation. (II) Irreversible evolution and experimental setup pp. 403-416 Downloads
A.R. Vasconcellos, J. Fort, D. Jou and R. Luzzi
Heat and entropy in nonextensive thermodynamics: transmutation from Tsallis theory to Rényi-entropy-based theory pp. 417-423 Downloads
Sumiyoshi Abe
Generalized entropies from first principles pp. 424-432 Downloads
M.P. Almeida
Master equation vs. partition function: canonical statistics of ideal Bose–Einstein condensates pp. 433-467 Downloads
Martin Holthaus, Kishore T. Kapale, Vitaly V. Kocharovsky and Marlan O. Scully
Thermodynamical irreversible approach for the stellar pulsation problem pp. 468-486 Downloads
A. Costa, C.Ferro Fontán, R. González and A.C.Sicardi Schifino
Boundary and finite-size effects in small magnetic systems pp. 487-504 Downloads
H. Kachkachi and D.A. Garanin
Nonlinear structures in electroencephalogram signals pp. 505-520 Downloads
L. Diambra, C.P. Malta, A. Capurro and J. Fernández
Blood perfusion-based model for characterizing the temperature fluctuation in living tissues pp. 521-530 Downloads
Zhong-Shan Deng and Jing Liu
Multi-scaling in the Cont–Bouchaud microscopic stock market model pp. 531-538 Downloads
Filippo Castiglione and Dietrich Stauffer
Invasion–percolation and statistics of US Treasury bonds pp. 539-550 Downloads
A. Bershadskii
Correlations and multi-affinity in high frequency financial datasets pp. 551-557 Downloads
Roberto Baviera, Michele Pasquini, Maurizio Serva, Davide Vergni and Angelo Vulpiani
Dynamical transition and scaling in a mean-field model of pedestrian flow at a bottleneck pp. 558-566 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Beyond the Zipf–Mandelbrot law in quantitative linguistics pp. 567-578 Downloads
Marcelo A. Montemurro

Volume 300, issue 1, 2001

Concentration gradient, diffusion, and flow through open porous medium near percolation threshold via computer simulations pp. 1-12 Downloads
R.B. Pandey, J.F. Gettrust and D. Stauffer
Discrete model for fragmentation with random stopping pp. 13-24 Downloads
Gonzalo Hernández
Fluctuations in fluids in thermal nonequilibrium states below the convective Rayleigh–Bénard instability pp. 25-52 Downloads
Ortiz de Zárate, Jose’e M. and Jan V. Sengers
Relaxation phenomena in AOT-water-decane critical and dense microemulsions pp. 53-81 Downloads
L. Letamendia, E. Pru-Lestret, P. Panizza, J. Rouch, F. Sciortino, P. Tartaglia, C. Hashimoto, H. Ushiki and D. Risso
Micellization in the presence of polyelectrolyte pp. 82-90 Downloads
N. Lemke, Jeferson J. Arenzon and Yan Levin
Adaptation and its impact on the dynamics of a system of three competing populations pp. 91-115 Downloads
Zlatinka I. Dimitrova and Nikolay K. Vitanov
Density matrix of anharmonic oscillators by a thermodynamic variation–perturbation technique, a closed form approach pp. 116-138 Downloads
W. Witschel
A method to extract potentials from the temperature dependence of Langmuir constants for clathrate-hydrates pp. 139-173 Downloads
Martin Z. Bazant and Bernhardt L. Trout
Generalized hydrodynamics in Enskog gases pp. 174-194 Downloads
A. Rangel-Huerta and R.M. Velasco
A thermodynamically self-consistent statistical theory of the crystalline state pp. 195-224 Downloads
V.A. Golovko
Thermodynamical properties of the random field mixed spin Ising model pp. 225-244 Downloads
N. Benayad, A. Fathi and L. Khaya
Parallel dynamics and computational complexity of the Bak–Sneppen model pp. 245-270 Downloads
J. Machta and X.-N. Li
Multifractal analysis of DNA sequences using a novel chaos-game representation pp. 271-284 Downloads
J.M. Gutiérrez, M.A. Rodrı́guez and G. Abramson
Analyzing and modeling 1+1d markets pp. 285-299 Downloads
Damien Challet and Robin Stinchcombe
Time evolution of stochastic processes with correlations in the variance: stability in power-law tails of distributions pp. 300-309 Downloads
Boris Podobnik, Kaushik Matia, Alessandro Chessa, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Youngki Lee and H.Eugene Stanley
Scaling features of texts, images and time series pp. 310-324 Downloads
Alexey N. Pavlov, Werner Ebeling, Lutz Molgedey, Amir R. Ziganshin and Vadim S. Anishchenko
Beauty and distance in the stable marriage problem pp. 325-331 Downloads
G. Caldarelli and A. Capocci
Page updated 2025-03-31