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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 208, issue 3, 1994

On the parallel dynamics of the diluted clock neural network pp. 305-321 Downloads
Daniel Gandolfo, Jean Ruiz and Valentin A. Zagrebnov
The ideal chain problem in infinitely ramified self-similar structures pp. 322-335 Downloads
Fábio D.A.Aarão Reis and R. Riera
Self-reorganizations in a simple model of the immune system pp. 336-350 Downloads
Eric Bonabeau
On nonlinear diffusion in fractal structures pp. 351-358 Downloads
J.P. Pascal and H. Pascal
Electrohydrodynamics of nematic liquid crystalline elastomers pp. 359-372 Downloads
Helmut R. Brand and Harald Pleiner
Phase separation of a critical binary mixture subjected to a temperature gradient pp. 373-393 Downloads
Michel Assenheimer, Boris Khaykovich and Victor Steinberg
Hydrodynamic noise with correlation lengths and times pp. 394-406 Downloads
P. Sancho and J.E. Llebot
Life-time renormalization in critical dynamics as applied to the isotropic-nematic transition in sidechain liquid crystalline polymers pp. 407-422 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki and Helmut R. Brand
Critical slowing down in Ising model for Creutz algorithm pp. 423-432 Downloads
B. Kutlu and N. Aktekin
Probability distributions for one component equations with multiplicative noise pp. 433-444 Downloads
J.M. Deutsch
Probability distributions for multicomponent systems with multiplicative noise pp. 445-461 Downloads
J.M. Deutsch
Relaxation dynamics of a particle in the presence of an external potential: exact solution in terms of matrix continued fractions pp. 462-478 Downloads
W.T. Coffey, Yu.P. Kalmykov and J.T. Waldron
Singularities near critical and bicritical end points: applications to an isomorphous transition pp. 479-492 Downloads
E.L. de Santa Helena and Marcia C. Barbosa
Self-consistent equation of state for a weakly non-ideal Bose gas pp. 493-500 Downloads
V.B. Bobrov, P.P.J.M. Schram and S.A. Trigger
Kinetic effects in stochastic topologically nontrivial field pp. 501-522 Downloads
A.V. Chechkin, A.V. Tur and V.V. Yanovsky
The non-critical bosonic and spinning string in background fields pp. 523-532 Downloads
M. Lagraa
From phase space probability functions to wave functions — comments on Mizrahi's paper pp. 533-534 Downloads
D. Lalović, D.M. Davidović and A.R. Tančić

Volume 208, issue 2, 1994

Non-Markovian approach for anomalous diffusion with infinite memory pp. 167-176 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
Dilute system of hard-core bosons: a soluble limit pp. 177-190 Downloads
K. Ziegler
Extremum properties of the Gaussian thermostat pp. 191-204 Downloads
Sten Sarman, Denis J. Evans and András Baranyai
On fluctuation in reaction-diffusion systems affected by pressure pp. 205-214 Downloads
J.-l. Du and F.-s. Chen
A class of lattice continuous models of self-organized criticality pp. 215-231 Downloads
H.F. Chau and K.S. Cheng
Dephasing- and field-induced effects in hole burning pp. 232-241 Downloads
C.J. Hsu and C.H. Leung
Feedback and memory in kinetic equations of highly excited semiconductors pp. 242-262 Downloads
E. Heiner
An almost integrable quantum system in 1 + ε dimensions pp. 263-278 Downloads
Th.W. Ruijgrok and K. Sokalski
Calculation of the Helmholtz free energy with approximate Green's functions pp. 279-286 Downloads
M.S. Figueira and M.E. Foglio
Study of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on the triangular lattice by the cluster-variation method pp. 287-299 Downloads
Gintautas Grigelionis and Anders Rosengren

Volume 208, issue 1, 1994

Spin glass flipping rates, phase transitions, and optimization by mutations pp. 1-7 Downloads
Malcolm Stevens, Marcus Cleary and Dietrich Stauffer
Structure factors from cluster-cluster aggregation simulation at high concentration pp. 8-17 Downloads
M.D. Haw, W.C.K. Poon and P.N. Pusey
Simulation of Mandelbrot's self-similarity for square site critical percolation clusters and random walks pp. 18-20 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
An accurate fractional Brownian motion generator pp. 21-30 Downloads
Sandro Rambaldi and Ombretta Pinazza
Energy relaxation in Ising models pp. 31-34 Downloads
Markus Siegert and Dietrich Stauffer
Stochastic model of slow dynamics in supercooled liquids and dense colloidal suspensions pp. 35-64 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki
Quantization of time: an implication of strictly-irreversible evolution of dynamically isolated quantum systems pp. 65-90 Downloads
Sidney Golden
Analytic study of a model of biased diffusion on a random comblike structure pp. 91-123 Downloads
N. Pottier
High precision renormalization group study of the roughening transition pp. 124-161 Downloads
Martin Hasenbusch, Mihai Marcu and Klaus Pinn

Volume 207, issue 4, 1994

Scaling properties of quantum spin glasses pp. 463-476 Downloads
Mai Suan Li and Marek Cieplak
Size effects of slope dynamics in a 2-dimensional sandpile pp. 477-482 Downloads
H.J. Ruskin and A.L. McCarren
Shlesinger-Hughes stochastic renormalization, iterated logarithmic tails and multiple hierarchical fractal aggregation pp. 483-491 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad
Cluster distribution of damage spreading in 3D Ising model pp. 492-499 Downloads
Uwe Gropengiesser
Phase transition in the 2D ballistic growth model with quenched disorder pp. 500-516 Downloads
Magali Benoit and Rémi Jullien
Nonlinear fluid behavior: from shear thinning to shear thickening pp. 517-540 Downloads
Ortwin Hess and Siegfried Hess
Kinetic theory for condensation of multicomponent vapor under dynamic conditions pp. 541-560 Downloads
V. Kurasov
Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic instability of capillary- gravity waves under the influence of a perpendicular field pp. 561-573 Downloads
Abdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy
Traffic jam induced by a crosscut road in a traffic-flow model pp. 574-583 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani and Tadachika Seno
Quantum Monte Carlo algorithms using coherent states pp. 584-607 Downloads
V.R. Vieira and P.D. Sacramento

Volume 207, issue 1, 1994

Physics of composite media with a periodic microstructure pp. 1-12 Downloads
David J. Bergman
Effective transport properties of composites of spheres pp. 13-18 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Local porosity theory for the frequency dependent dielectric function of porous rocks and polymer blends pp. 19-27 Downloads
R. Hilfer, B. Nøst, E. Haslund, Th. Kautzsch, B. Virgin and B.D. Hansen
Transport and diffusion in three-dimensional composite media pp. 28-36 Downloads
L.M. Schwartz, F. Auzerais, J. Dunsmuir, N. Martys, D.P. Bentz and S. Torquato
Beyond the effective medium: quasi modes in disordered media pp. 37-45 Downloads
Ping Sheng, Xiaodun Jing and Minyao Zhou
Optical moments and the art of dispersion hardening pp. 46-54 Downloads
A.J. Sievers, T.W. Noh and J.B. Page
Cubic nonlinearities in small-particle composites: local-field induced giant enhancements pp. 55-64 Downloads
D. Stroud and X. Zhang
Spectral functions for two-dimensional random conductors pp. 65-78 Downloads
M.F. Thorpe, B.R. Djordjević and J. Hetherington
Unified methodology to quantify the morphology and properties of inhomogeneous media pp. 79-91 Downloads
S. Torquato
Optical properties of random heterogeneous composite materials: from binary to ternary compounds pp. 92-99 Downloads
Laurent Servant, Eric Tinet, François Carmona and Sigrid Avrillier
Cluster plasmon resonances close to the percolation threshold: simulation versus EMA pp. 100-105 Downloads
F. Brouers, J.M. Jolet, Gaël Giraud, J.M. Laugier and Z.A. Randriamanantany
Replica field theory for composite media pp. 106-109 Downloads
M. Barthélémy and H. Orland
Optical properties of cermets: 3D real space renormalization using the connection machine pp. 110-114 Downloads
G. Depardieu, P. Fiorini and S. Berthier
Evaluation of the optical properties of molybdenum particles in metal/ceramic composites pp. 115-122 Downloads
A. Gombert, W. Graf, A. Heinzel, R. Joerger, M. Köhl and U. Weimar
Calculation of the aggregation and electrodynamic effects in granular systems pp. 123-130 Downloads
L.F. Fonseca, M. Gomez and L. Cruz
Effective medium theory of electrical conduction in two-component anisotropic composites pp. 131-136 Downloads
Lawrence M. Schwartz
Light scattering by injection molded particle filled polymers pp. 137-145 Downloads
Eugenio R. Méndez, Rubén G. Barrera and Roberto Alexander-Katz
Numerical simulation of the mean field in a composite medium pp. 146-150 Downloads
François Pincemin and Jean-Jacques Greffet
Influence of the structural and induced anisotropy in the effective dielectric function pp. 151-156 Downloads
S. Berthier and J. Peiro
Intrinsic optical bistability and resonances in nonlinear composites pp. 157-162 Downloads
Ohad Levy and David J. Bergman
Effective conductivity of porous silicon: A theoretical approach pp. 163-167 Downloads
J. Tagüeña-Martínez, J.A. del Río and J.A. Ochoa-Tapia
Raman response of porous silicon pp. 168-173 Downloads
Miguel Cruz and Chumin Wang
Stochastic particle transport by fluctuating electric fields pp. 174-180 Downloads
Julio J. Martinell and Maximino Mora
Interaction potential for neutral mesoscopic particles under illumination pp. 181-184 Downloads
F. Claro
Optical and dielectric properties of self-similar structures pp. 185-196 Downloads
R. Fuchs and K. Ghosh
Fractals: Localization of dipole excitations and giant optical polarizabilities pp. 197-207 Downloads
Vladimir M. Shalaev, R. Botet, D.P. Tsai, J. Kovacs and Martin Moskovits
Entropic analysis of random morphologies pp. 208-212 Downloads
C. Andraud, A. Beghdadi and J. Lafait
Scaling law for conduction in partially connected systems pp. 213-218 Downloads
K. Golden
Connectivity of diffusing particles continually deposited on a surface: relation to LECBD experiments pp. 219-227 Downloads
Pablo Jensen, Albert-László Barabási, Hernán Larralde, Shlomo Havlin and H. Eugene Stanley
What is the relevant length scale when studying percolating clusters: a critical study pp. 228-233 Downloads
P. Gadenne, M. Gadenne, Y. Yagil and G. Deutscher
Dielectric-constant measurements in a system of NbC grains near the percolation threshold pp. 234-239 Downloads
D.S. McLachlan, I.I. Oblakova and A.B. Pakhomov
Resistivity and magnetoresistivity near the metal-insulator and superconductor-insulator transition in granular Al-Ge pp. 240-244 Downloads
G. Eytan, E. Zaken, R. Rosenbaum, D.S. McLachlan and A. Albers
Susceptibility measurements on a system superconducting NbC grains near the percolation threshold pp. 245-248 Downloads
D.S. McLachlan, I.I. Oblakova and A.B. Pakhomov
Far infrared absorption of conducting fractal aggregates pp. 249-257 Downloads
F. Brouers, D. Rauw and J.P. Clerc
Hierarchical structure of resonances in fractal metallic aggregates pp. 258-264 Downloads
F. Brouers, D. Rauw, J.P. Clerc and J.M. Laugier
Weak link effects on the electrical properties of YBaCuO-CuO random composites pp. 265-270 Downloads
S. Dubois, F. Carmona and S. Flandrois
Fractal vortices in disordered superconductors pp. 271-279 Downloads
A. Raboutou, P. Peyral, C. Lebeau, J. Rosenblatt, J.P. Burin and Y. Fouad
“Universal conductance” at a percolative superconductor-insulator transition in two dimensions pp. 280-284 Downloads
D. Stroud
The definition and use of optical invariants for thin island films pp. 285-292 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, G.J.M. Koper, E.A. v.d. Zeeuw, J. Vlieger and M. Wind
Surface optical reflectance spectroscopies: Application to semiconductor and metal surfaces pp. 293-301 Downloads
Yves Borensztein
Theoretical studies of the enhanced backscattering of light from one-dimensional randomly rough metal surfaces by the use of a nonlocal impedance boundary condition pp. 302-314 Downloads
A.A. Maradudin and E.R. Méndez
Mie scattering by a perfectly conducting sphere with a rough surface pp. 315-322 Downloads
G.A. Farias, E.F. Vasconcelos, S.L. Cesar and A.A. Maradudin
Nonlinear electrical response and breakdown of semicontinuous metal films pp. 323-328 Downloads
Yoad Yagil, Guy Deutscher and David J. Bergman
Phase conjugation and spatial grating formation in amorphous chalcogenide thin films pp. 329-333 Downloads
E. Haro-Poniatowski, M. Fernández-Guasti, S. Camacho-López and F. Ruiz
Optical reflectance anisotropy of Ag and Au (110) single crystals pp. 334-339 Downloads
W.L. Mochán, R.G. Barrera, Y. Borensztein and A. Tadjeddine
The optical properties of lattices and random distributions of small spheres on a substrate pp. 340-345 Downloads
M.T. Haarmans and D. Bedeaux
Infrared emissivity of inhomogeneous media pp. 346-351 Downloads
G. Fardella and S. Berthier
Fractal character and direct and indirect transitions in photoemission from silver films pp. 352-359 Downloads
Constantine Douketis, Tom L. Haslett, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Zhouhang Wang and Martin Moskovits
Optical properties of semi continuous films on a substrate. Does an effective dielectric constant exist? pp. 360-364 Downloads
Yoad Yagil, Patrice Gadenne, Christine Julien and Guy Deutscher
Effective dielectric function modeling of inhomogeneous and anisotropic silver films pp. 365-371 Downloads
A. Mendoza-Galván, G. Martínez and J.L. Martínez
Optical and microwave properties of metal-insulator thin films: possibility of light localization pp. 372-378 Downloads
Andrey K. Sarychev, David J. Bergman and Yoad Yagil
Diffuse x-ray scattering from interfaces of Co/Pt multilayers pp. 379-383 Downloads
Xiao Yan
Various methods for determining the critical metallic volume fraction φc at the metal-insulator transition pp. 384-390 Downloads
Ralph L. Rosenbaum, Michael Slutzky, D.S. McLachlan and Arnulf Möbius
A quantitative analysis of the thermoelectric power measurements on composite Al-Ge films pp. 391-395 Downloads
G. Hurvits, R. Rosenbaum and D.S. McLachlan
Magnetic multilayers pp. 396-410 Downloads
R.E. Camley and R.L. Stamps
A first-principles study of the electronic properties of silicon quantum wires pp. 411-419 Downloads
R.J. Needs, A.J. Read, K.J. Nash, S. Bhattarcharjee, A. Qteish, L.T. Canham and P.D.J. Calcott
Spectroscopic transmission ellipsometry studies of semiconductor heterostructures pp. 420-426 Downloads
K.B. Ozanyan and O. Hunderi
Optical studies of IV–VI quantum dots pp. 427-434 Downloads
J.L. Machol, F.W. Wise, R. Patel and D.B. Tanner
Localization of light in linear and nonlinear random layered dielectric systems that are periodic on average pp. 435-439 Downloads
Arthur R. McGurn and Alexei A. Maradudin
Optical properties and radiative modes in Ag/SiO2 multilayers pp. 440-444 Downloads
A. Bichri, J. Lafait, H. Welsch, R. Krishnan and M. Tessier
Stark-ladder resonances in elastic waves pp. 445-451 Downloads
JoséLuis Mateos and Guillermo Monsivais
On the transit time of electrons in resonant structures pp. 452-456 Downloads
Gastón García-Calderón and Alberto Rubio
Intrinsic bistability and magnetic-field effects in resonant tunneling systems pp. 457-460 Downloads
P. Orellana, E. Anda and F. Claro
Page updated 2025-03-31