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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 414, issue C, 2014

Correlation and prediction of thermodynamic properties of binary mixtures from perturbed chain statistical associating fluid theory pp. 1-5 Downloads
Mohammad Almasi
Iterated snowdrift game among mobile agents with myopic expected-reward based decision rule: Numerical and analytical research pp. 6-18 Downloads
Shiquan Zhong, Ning Jia and Shoufeng Ma
Social influences in opinion dynamics: The role of conformity pp. 19-30 Downloads
Marco Alberto Javarone
Suspended sediment concentration distribution using Tsallis entropy pp. 31-42 Downloads
Vijay P. Singh and Huijuan Cui
Analysis of the impact of education rate on the rumor spreading mechanism pp. 43-52 Downloads
Komi Afassinou
From the time series to the complex networks: The parametric natural visibility graph pp. 53-60 Downloads
I.V. Bezsudnov and A.A. Snarskii
A physical basis for sensory perception pp. 61-75 Downloads
Kenneth H. Norwich
The complexity and fractal structures of CSI300 before and after the introduction of CSI300IF pp. 76-85 Downloads
Xiaoli He, Hongwu Wang and Ziping Du
Cooperation and popularity in spatial games pp. 86-94 Downloads
Hai-Feng Zhang, Zhen Jin and Zhen Wang
Hierarchical structure of the European countries based on debts as a percentage of GDP during the 2000–2011 period pp. 95-107 Downloads
Ersin Kantar, Bayram Deviren and Mustafa Keskin
Clausius inequality and H-theorems for some models of random wealth exchange pp. 108-117 Downloads
Sergey M. Apenko
Carbon financial markets: A time–frequency analysis of CO2 prices pp. 118-127 Downloads
Rita Sousa, Luís Aguiar-Conraria and Maria Joana Soares
Thermodynamics of boson systems related to Dunkl differential–difference operators pp. 128-136 Downloads
Marcelo R. Ubriaco
Lack of self-averaging in random systems—Liability or asset? pp. 137-142 Downloads
Avishay Efrat and Moshe Schwartz
Potts model partition functions on two families of fractal lattices pp. 143-153 Downloads
Helin Gong and Jin, Xian’an
Itô formula for one-dimensional continuous-time quantum random walk pp. 154-162 Downloads
Yuanbao Kang and Caishi Wang
Non-extensive and natural time analysis of seismicity before the Mw6.4, October 12, 2013 earthquake in the South West segment of the Hellenic Arc pp. 163-173 Downloads
Filippos Vallianatos, Georgios Michas and Giorgos Papadakis
Efficiency of attack strategies on complex model and real-world networks pp. 174-180 Downloads
Michele Bellingeri, Davide Cassi and Simone Vincenzi
Abstract phase space networks describing reactive dynamics pp. 181-193 Downloads
A. Provata and E. Panagakou
Integrated passenger terminal capacity analysis under the capacity constraints of surrounding road network pp. 194-203 Downloads
Xuemei Zhou, Huang Huang, Xinchang Jia and Nan Jiang
Tsallis entropy for assessing quantum correlation with Bell-type inequalities in EPR experiment pp. 204-215 Downloads
François Chapeau-Blondeau
A genome signature derived from the interplay of word frequencies and symbol correlations pp. 216-226 Downloads
Simon Möller, Heike Hameister and Marc-Thorsten Hütt
Changes of behavior tendency in the evolutionary minority game pp. 227-232 Downloads
Yu-Xia Zhang, Wen-Yao Liang and Xue-Mei Liu
Voluntary strategy suppresses the positive impact of preferential selection in prisoner’s dilemma pp. 233-239 Downloads
Lei Sun, Pei-jie Lin and Ya-shan Chen
Magnetic hierarchical deposition pp. 240-248 Downloads
Anna I. Posazhennikova and Joseph O. Indekeu
Electronic and magnetic structures of FeSn compound investigated by first principle, mean field and series expansions calculations pp. 249-253 Downloads
R. Masrour, E.K. Hlil, M. Hamedoun, A. Benyoussef, O. Mounkachi and H. El Moussaoui
A dynamic evolution model of human opinion as affected by advertising pp. 254-262 Downloads
Gui-Xun Luo, Yun Liu, Qing-An Zeng, Su-Meng Diao and Fei Xiong
Structural differences between open and direct communication in an online community pp. 263-273 Downloads
Fariba Karimi, Verónica C. Ramenzoni and Petter Holme
A new correlation coefficient for bivariate time-series data pp. 274-284 Downloads
Orhan Erdem, Elvan Ceyhan and Yusuf Varlı
Enhancement of the stability of lattice Boltzmann methods by dissipation control pp. 285-299 Downloads
A.N. Gorban and D.J. Packwood
Incidence of the Bertillon and Gompertz effects on the outcome of clinical trials pp. 300-307 Downloads
Bertrand M. Roehner
Multifractal detrended cross-correlations between the CSI 300 index futures and the spot markets based on high-frequency data pp. 308-320 Downloads
Cao Guangxi, Yan Han, Weijun Cui and Yu Guo
A three-state kinetic agent-based model to analyze tax evasion dynamics pp. 321-328 Downloads
Nuno Crokidakis
Hydrodynamic effects on a predator approaching a group of preys pp. 329-339 Downloads
Alessandro De Rosis
Using the informational Fisher–Shannon method to investigate the influence of long-term deformation processes on geoelectrical signals: An example from the Taiwan orogeny pp. 340-351 Downloads
Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo, Gerardo Romano, Konstantinos I. Konstantinou, Han-Lun Hsu and Chien-chih Chen
Effective non-universality of the quorum percolation model on directed graphs with Gaussian in-degree pp. 352-359 Downloads
Renaud Renault, Pascal Monceau, Samuel Bottani and Stéphane Métens
Analysis of network clustering behavior of the Chinese stock market pp. 360-367 Downloads
Huan Chen, Yong Mai and Sai-Ping Li
Superstatistical view of stress-induced electric current fluctuations in rocks pp. 368-377 Downloads
Alexis Cartwright-Taylor, Filippos Vallianatos and Peter Sammonds
Scale and time dependence of serial correlations in word-length time series of written texts pp. 378-386 Downloads
E. Rodriguez, M. Aguilar-Cornejo, R. Femat and J. Alvarez-Ramirez
Dynamic spanning trees in stock market networks: The case of Asia-Pacific pp. 387-402 Downloads
Ahmet Sensoy and Benjamin Tabak
Mapping the online communication patterns of political conversations pp. 403-413 Downloads
J. Borondo, A.J. Morales, R.M. Benito and J.C. Losada
The adiabatic static linear response function in nonextensive statistical mechanics pp. 414-420 Downloads
Ran Guo and Jiulin Du

Volume 413, issue C, 2014

Path integral pricing of Wasabi option in the Black–Scholes model pp. 1-10 Downloads
Aurelien Cassagnes, Yu Chen and Hirotada Ohashi
Vulnerability of the large-scale future smart electric power grid pp. 11-24 Downloads
A.B.M. Nasiruzzaman, H.R. Pota and Most. Nahida Akter
Permutation approach, high frequency trading and variety of micro patterns in financial time series pp. 25-30 Downloads
Cina Aghamohammadi, Mehran Ebrahimian and Hamed Tahmooresi
Absorption spectra and localization aspects of a one-dimensional model with stretched exponential correlated disorder pp. 31-41 Downloads
J.L.L. dos Santos, M.O. Sales and F.A.B.F. de Moura
The evolution of communities in the international oil trade network pp. 42-52 Downloads
Weiqiong Zhong, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao and Xiaoqi Sun
Tsallis distribution with complex nonextensivity parameter q pp. 53-58 Downloads
G. Wilk and Z. Włodarczyk
Measures of uncertainty in market network analysis pp. 59-70 Downloads
V.A. Kalyagin, A.P. Koldanov, P.A. Koldanov, P.M. Pardalos and V.A. Zamaraev
The Kirkendall and Frenkel effects during 2D diffusion process pp. 71-76 Downloads
Bartek Wierzba
The use of copula functions for modeling the risk of investment in shares traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange pp. 77-85 Downloads
Krzysztof Domino and Tomasz Błachowicz
Social influence promotes cooperation in the public goods game pp. 86-93 Downloads
Te Wu, Feng Fu, Puxuan Dou and Long Wang
Multisoliton solutions and stability aspects of higher order discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation governing protein dynamics pp. 94-103 Downloads
S. Saravana Veni and M.M. Latha
Diffusion of two brands in competition: Cross-brand effect pp. 104-115 Downloads
C.E. Laciana, G. Gual, D. Kalmus, N. Oteiza-Aguirre and S.L. Rovere
An analysis of herding behavior in security analysts’ networks pp. 116-124 Downloads
Zheng Zhao, YongJie Zhang, Xu Feng and Wei Zhang
Modeling social tagging using latent interaction potential pp. 125-133 Downloads
Zhenyu Wu and Ming Zou
Assessing the effectiveness of real-world network simplification pp. 134-146 Downloads
Neli Blagus, Lovro Šubelj and Marko Bajec
Growing networks with temporal effect and mixed attachment mechanisms pp. 147-152 Downloads
Zhi-Gang Shao, Tao Chen and Bao-quan Ai
2SI2R rumor spreading model in homogeneous networks pp. 153-161 Downloads
Jiajia Wang, Laijun Zhao and Rongbing Huang
Mechanism of asymmetric software structures: A complex network perspective from behaviors of new nodes pp. 162-172 Downloads
Lei Wang, Yu Wang and Yulong Zhao
Stable distribution and long-range correlation of Brent crude oil market pp. 173-179 Downloads
Ying Yuan, Xin-tian Zhuang, Xiu Jin and Wei-qiang Huang
Sector strength and efficiency on developed and emerging financial markets pp. 180-188 Downloads
Paweł Fiedor
Maximum entropy model for business cycle synchronization pp. 189-194 Downloads
Ning Xi, Rachata Muneepeerakul, Sandro Azaele and Yougui Wang
Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of gold price and SENSEX pp. 195-204 Downloads
Srimonti Dutta, Dipak Ghosh and Shukla Samanta
Self-organized critical phenomenon as a q-exponential decay — Avalanche epidemiology of dengue pp. 205-211 Downloads
H. Saba, J.G.V. Miranda and M.A. Moret
Human behavior during Flash Crowd in web surfing pp. 212-219 Downloads
Junshan Pan, Hanping Hu and Ying Liu
Patterns of collaboration in four scientific disciplines of the Turkish collaboration network pp. 220-229 Downloads
Abdullah Çavuşoğlu and İlker Türker
Synchronizability in complex ad hoc dynamical networks with accelerated growth pp. 230-239 Downloads
Sen Qin, Xufeng Chen, Weigang Sun and Jingyuan Zhang
Network formation by contact arrested propagation pp. 240-255 Downloads
Andreas Hafver, Espen Jettestuen, Jan M. Baetens and Anders Malthe-Sørenssen
Quantum probes for fractional Gaussian processes pp. 256-265 Downloads
Matteo G.A. Paris
An exploratory analysis on the evolution of the US airport network pp. 266-279 Downloads
Tao Jia, Kun Qin and Jie Shan
Bounds for Jeffreys–Tsallis and Jensen–Shannon–Tsallis divergences pp. 280-283 Downloads
P.G. Popescu, Vasile Preda and E.I. Sluşanschi
Cross-correlation between crude oil and refined product prices pp. 284-293 Downloads
Li Liu and Guofeng Ma
The power-law TST reaction rate coefficient with tunneling correction pp. 294-300 Downloads
Cangtao Yin, Yanjun Zhou and Jiulin Du
A new proposal for analyzing combustion process stability based on the Hamming distance pp. 301-306 Downloads
J.W.G. Souza, H.B.B. Pereira, A.A.B. Santos, V. Senna and M.A. Moret
Statistical mechanics of polymer chains grafted to adsorbing boundaries of fractal lattices embedded in three-dimensional space pp. 307-319 Downloads
I. Živić, S. Elezović-Hadžić and S. Milošević
Analytical studies of CO2 emission in a mixed traffic flow with different vehicles pp. 320-328 Downloads
Zhipeng Li, Lizhu Chen, Shangzhi Xu and Yeqing Qian
A speed feedback control strategy for car-following model pp. 343-351 Downloads
Wen-Xing Zhu and Li-Dong Zhang
Dynamic behavior in two-route bus traffic system with real-time information pp. 352-360 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Multifractal characterization of gold market: A multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis pp. 361-372 Downloads
Provash Mali and Amitabha Mukhopadhyay
Urban chaos and replacement dynamics in nature and society pp. 373-384 Downloads
Yanguang Chen
A new procedure modeling the probability distribution of earthquake size pp. 385-393 Downloads
J.P. Wang, X. Yun and S.C. Chang
Periodic layer formation in the growth of dilute binary alloys pp. 394-399 Downloads
Roberto E. Rozas, Alexander L. Korzhenevskii, Richard Bausch and Rudi Schmitz
Magnetodeformation and elastic properties of ferrogels and ferroelastomers pp. 400-408 Downloads
A.Yu. Zubarev and Ashraf S. Elkady
Kinetic theory of drag on objects in nearly free molecular flow pp. 409-425 Downloads
J.V. Sengers, Y.-Y. Lin Wang, B. Kamgar-Parsi and J.R. Dorfman
Pinning synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with nonlinear coupling pp. 426-431 Downloads
Ranran Cheng, Mingshu Peng and Weibin Yu
Multiplicative noise enhances spatial reciprocity pp. 432-437 Downloads
Yao Yao and Shen-Shen Chen
Multifractal diffusion entropy analysis: Optimal bin width of probability histograms pp. 438-458 Downloads
Petr Jizba and Jan Korbel
Extended many-body potential of Hauschild and Prausnitz for pure HFD-like fluids pp. 459-472 Downloads
Mohsen Abbaspour and Nasrin Naderkhovy
Simulation study of traffic car accidents in single-lane highway pp. 473-480 Downloads
Khalid Bentaleb, Noureddine Lakouari, Rachid Marzoug, Hamid Ez-Zahraouy and Abdelilah Benyoussef
DNA denaturation in the rodlike polyelectrolyte model pp. 481-488 Downloads
C.B. Passos, P.S. Kuhn and M.C. Barbosa
The use of copula functions for predictive analysis of correlations between extreme storm tides pp. 489-497 Downloads
Krzysztof Domino, Tomasz Błachowicz and Maurycy Ciupak
Statistical and dynamical properties of a dissipative kicked rotator pp. 498-514 Downloads
Diego F.M. Oliveira and Edson D. Leonel
Predicting missing links via effective paths pp. 515-522 Downloads
Xuzhen Zhu, Hui Tian and Shimin Cai
Dynamics of cluster structures in a financial market network pp. 523-533 Downloads
Anton Kocheturov, Mikhail Batsyn and Panos M. Pardalos
Quantifying the behavior of price dynamics at opening time in stock market pp. 534-543 Downloads
Tomoshiro Ochiai, Hideyuki Takada and Jose C. Nacher
Asymmetric transport of passive tracers across heterogeneous porous media pp. 544-553 Downloads
J. Alvarez-Ramirez, F.J. Valdes-Parada, E. Rodriguez, L. Dagdug and L. Inzunza
US stock market efficiency over weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly time scales pp. 554-564 Downloads
E. Rodriguez, M. Aguilar-Cornejo, R. Femat and J. Alvarez-Ramirez
Evolutionary community structure discovery in dynamic weighted networks pp. 565-576 Downloads
Chonghui Guo, Jiajia Wang and Zhen Zhang
Universal critical behavior of the two-magnon-bound-state mass gap for the (2+1)-dimensional Ising model pp. 577-582 Downloads
Yoshihiro Nishiyama
A car-following model accounting for the driver’s attribution pp. 583-591 Downloads
Tie-Qiao Tang, Jia He, Shi-Chun Yang and Hua-Yan Shang
Nonlinearity effects on conductance statistics in one dimensional disordered systems pp. 592-598 Downloads
Khaled Senouci
Damage spreading transition in an opinion dynamics model pp. 599-608 Downloads
Abdul Khaleque and Parongama Sen
A model of political voting behaviours across different countries pp. 609-625 Downloads
Jessica Rowden, David J.B. Lloyd and Nigel Gilbert
Analytic treatment of consensus achievement in the single-type zealotry voter model pp. 626-634 Downloads
Mikaela Irene D. Fudolig and Jose Perico H. Esguerra
Wronskian and Grammian determinant structure solutions for a variable-coefficient forced Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in fluid dynamics pp. 635-642 Downloads
Xiang-Hua Meng
Page updated 2025-03-31