Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 170, issue 3, 1991
- Scheidegger's rivers, Takayasu's aggregates and continued fractions pp. 463-470

- Greg Huber
- Dynamical block analysis in a non-equilibrium system pp. 471-487

- P. Nielaba and Dieter W. Heermann
- Order-disorder transition in a system of magnetic holes pp. 488-502

- G. Helgesen and A.T. Skjeltorp
- Some comments on approximations to the master equation pp. 503-510

- Moshe Gitterman and George H. Weiss
- Gauge theory of two-dimensional spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet pp. 511-542

- A. Holz
- Semiclassical action of two-dimensional spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet pp. 543-570

- A. Holz
- Kinetic derivation of the second virial coefficient for a quantum gas pp. 571-594

- M. De Haan
- Exact propagators for Lagrangians with higher derivatives in quantum mechanics pp. 595-611

- V.V. Dodonov, A.B. Klimov and V.I. Man'ko
- Diffusion in lattice Lorentz gases pp. 612-623

- Czesław Oleksy
- Hydrodynamical field fluctuations in a non-equilibrium quasi-stationary state due to a temperature gradient pp. 624-642

- W. Chmielowski, K. Knast and S. Kielich
- Exact solution of a general two-dimensional Ising model: The partition function pp. 643-662

- A. Aguilar and E. Braun
- The d-dimensional sine-Gordon model in the presence of random fields pp. 663-672

- L. De Cesare and L. Mercaldo
- Surface plasmon dispersion relation for normal and tangential modes pp. 673-681

- O.K. Harsh, S.P. Godia and B.K. Agarwal
- Kinetics of ionization-recombination processes in nonideal hydrogen plasmas pp. 682-688

- W. Ebeling and I. Leike
Volume 169, issue 3, 1990
- Statistical properties of the distance between a trapping center and a uniform density of diffusing particles in two dimensions pp. 337-341

- S. Havlin, H. Larralde, R. Kopelman and G.H. Weiss
- Shift operator matrices for three-dimensional cubic-cell lattices pp. 342-352

- R.B. McQuistan and J.L. Hock
- A characteristic length scale for the hydrodynamic regime of binary gas mixtures pp. 353-364

- G.H. Wegdam and H.M. Schaink
- Pressure and coexistence curve of two- and three-dimensional nonadditive hard core mixtures. Exact computer calculation results compared with scaled particle theory predictions pp. 365-374

- V. Ehrenberg, H.M. Schaink and C. Hoheisel
- On transport coefficients and relaxation phenomena in ferrofluids pp. 375-392

- C. Salueña, A. Pérez-Madrid and J.M. Rubí
- Effective medium theory of diffusion and chemical reaction in the presence of stationary sinks pp. 393-406

- Jens Krüger
- Ground states of classical one-dimensional lattice models pp. 407-420

- Max Teubner
- On the relationship between the static response and correlation functions of the spin magnetic moments pp. 421-429

- A. Manolescu and G.A. Mezincescu
- A bound on the phase transition region for Ising models on closed cayley trees pp. 430-443

- Zhongxing Ye and Toby Berger
- Nonexponential relaxation of Ising models within the droplet picture pp. 444-456

- R. Németh
Volume 168, issue 3, 1990
- Exponents for self-organized critically under lattice cyclicity pp. 901-907

- J.A.M.S. Duarte and N.J.A.P. Gonçalves
- Bootstrap automata: The dynamics of destruction pp. 908-918

- J.A.M.S. Duarte
- Rescaled mean spherical approximation for colloidal mixtures pp. 919-941

- H. Ruiz-Estrada, M. Medina-Noyola and G. Nägele
- Direct correlation function of a one-dimensional nematic fluid pp. 942-956

- C.F. Tejero and J.A. Cuesta
- The asymptotic pair distribution function and the structure factor of classical fluids pp. 957-965

- V.J. Menon and Joydev Lahiri
- Theory of turbulent shear flow pp. 966-982

- Jürgen Piest
- Sound propagation in a real fluid subject to diffusion pp. 983-998

- Pallath Chandran and O.P. Bhutani
- The functional of the grand partition function for the investigation of the liquid-gas critical point pp. 999-1020

- I.R. Yukhnovskii
- Nonequilibrium ensembles pp. 1021-1034

- Y. Sobouti
- Finite-size effects in the approximating Hamiltonian method pp. 1035-1054

- J.G. Brankov
- Quantum evolution of the localized state pp. 1055-1072

- V.V. Dodonov, V.I. Man'ko and D.L. Ossipov
- Gravitationally self-induced phase transition pp. 1073-1081

- M. Novello and S.L.S. Duque
- Multiphoton interactions in a cavity with finite Q pp. 1082-1090

- A.M. Abdel-Hafez
Volume 168, issue 2, 1990
- Taylor dispersion revisited pp. 677-696

- C. Van den Broeck
- Novel flux solutions in nonlinear conducting continuum systems with negative dynamic resistance pp. 697-704

- Raphael Blumenfeld
- Phase coherence oscillation of holes in La2-x(Sr)xCuO4, dynamics of single holes in the CuO plane and the typical pairing time pp. 705-713

- Raphael Blumenfeld
- A phenomenological approach to relaxation in powders pp. 714-722

- Anita Mehta and S.F. Edwards
- Effect of empty configurations in the fixed scale transformation theory of fractal growth pp. 723-735

- A. Vespignani and L. Pietronero
- Formulation and numerical results of the transfer-matrix method for quantum spin chains pp. 736-767

- Thomas Delica and Hajo Leschke
- Numerical transfer-kernel results for a classical spin chain with anisotropic exchange interaction and a magnetic field pp. 768-780

- Thomas Delica and Hajo Leschke
- The energy of the spin glass with the continuous distribution of the effective field at T=0 pp. 781-788

- Mitsuhiro Seino and Shigetoshi Katsura
- A nonlinear quantum transport theory pp. 789-819

- Leonardo Lauck, Áurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
- Quantum distribution function of a nonequilibrium system pp. 820-832

- Kiyoshi Sogo and Yasushi Fujimoto
- The classification of double critical points and thermodynamical properties in their vicinities pp. 833-852

- N.P. Malomuzh and B.A. Veytsman
- Soft mode in the class of exactly soluble models of phase transitions pp. 853-866

- Andrzej Radosz
- Robertson's formalism with explicitly time-dependent observables pp. 867-880

- D. Hölzer and E. Fick
- On wave properties of an incompressible turbulent fluid pp. 881-899

- O.V. Troshkin
Volume 168, issue 1, 1990
- Some reminiscences about my early career pp. 1-21

- Cyril Domb
- Low-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets: Criticality and series expansions at zero temperature pp. 22-22

- Michael E. Fisher
- Dynamic mechanisms of disorderly growth: Recent approaches to understanding diffusion limited aggregation pp. 23-48

- H.E. Stanley, A. Bunde, S. Havlin, J. Lee, E. Roman and S. Schwarzer
- Looking through walls and around corners pp. 49-65

- Isaac Freund
- The structures of silicon and germanium: Theory and experiment converge pp. 66-74

- Michael Hart and Moshe Deutsch
- Advanced technology and truth in advertising pp. 75-87

- Rolf Landauer
- Asymptotic behavior of densities in diffusion dominated two-particle reactions pp. 88-94

- Maury Bramson and Joel L. Lebowitz
- New “anomalous” multiplicative multifractals: Left sided ƒ(α) and the modelling of DLA pp. 95-111

- Benoît Mandelbrot
- One-dimensional transport phenomena in GaAs heterojunction structures pp. 112-120

- M. Pepper, R.J. Brown, C.G. Smith, D.A. Wharam, M.J. Kelly, R. Newbury, H. Ahmed, D.G. Hasko, D.C. Peacock, J.E.F. Frost, D.A. Ritchie and G.A.C. Jones
- Do fluctuations exist in the law of mass action? pp. 121-126

- M. Gitterman
- Partial order in phospholipid monolayers pp. 127-139

- H. Möhwald, R.M. Kenn, D. Degenhardt, K. Kjaer and J. Als-Nielsen
- New studies of liquid and solid surfaces using second harmonic generation pp. 140-148

- Garry Berkovic
- Line tension at the wetting transition pp. 149-159

- B. Widom and A.S. Clarke
- Critical phenomena at interfaces pp. 160-171

- S. Dietrich
- On the theory of tripod amphiphiles, chiral discrimination and phase transitions in Langmuir monolayers pp. 172-178

- David Andelman
- Exact curvature energies of charged membranes of arbitrary shapes pp. 179-197

- Bertrand Duplantier
- Domain wall fluctuations and instabilities in monomolecular films pp. 198-209

- M. Seul
- Relationship between microemulsion structure and surfactant layer bending elasticity pp. 210-219

- L.T. Lee, D. Langevin and R. Strey
- High-temperature superconductors above Tc pp. 221-228

- Nevill Mott
- Superconductivity and antiferromagnetism in Cu(2) layers of RBa2Cu3O2 pp. 229-237

- I. Felner, E.R. Bauminger, D. Hechel, U. Yaron and I. Nowik
- Origin of high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides - clues from the normal-state resistivity pp. 238-254

- C.C. Tsuei
- Flux flow effects in YBaCuO Ag YBaCuO Josephson junctions pp. 255-259

- Emil Polturak and David Cohen
- Flux creep and vortex potential well structure in high-temperature superconductors pp. 260-267

- Elia Zeldov
- Dissipation in granular high-temperature superconductors pp. 268-276

- A.D. Caplin, S.S. Bungre, S.M. Cassidy, J.R. Laverty and Z.X. Shen
- Non-Debye relaxation and dynamical scaling in high-Tc granular superconductors pp. 277-282

- A. Gianelli and C. Giovannella
- Heat capacity of untwinned YBa2Cu3O7-x in magnetic fields: Dimensional cross-over near Tc pp. 283-290

- M.B. Salamon, S.E. Inderhees, J.P. Rice and D.M. Ginsberg
- Flux pinning enhancement after electron irradiation in YBa2Cu3O7 pp. 291-297

- M. Konczykowski
- Fast decay of supercurrents in high-Tc, heavy fermion and organic superconductors pp. 298-307

- A.C. Mota, A. Pollini, G. Juri, P. Visani and B. Hilti
- Remanent magnetization, lower critical fields and surface barriers in an YBa2Cu3O7 crystal pp. 308-318

- M.W. McElfresh, Y. Yeshurun, A.P. Malozemoff and F. Holtzberg
- Flux lattice melting and collective creep in high-Tc superconductors pp. 319-323

- M.V. Feigel'man
- A dynamic Jahn-Teller theory for high-Tc superconductivity pp. 324-337

- M. Weger and R. Englman
- Breakdown field in highly anisotropic superconductors pp. 338-344

- G. Deutscher and A. Kapitulnik
- Current transport across grain boundary networks in high-Tc superconductors pp. 345-352

- J. Mannhart, R.P. Huebener, F. Kober, D. Koelle, P. Chaudhari, D. Dimos, R. Gross, A. Gupta, G. Koren and C.C. Tsuei
- Harmonic generation by field modulation of the microwave complex impedance of high-Tc superconductors pp. 353-366

- M. Golosovsky, D. Davidov, E. Farber, T. Tsach and M. Schieber
- Residual irreversibility in high-Tc superconductors pp. 367-377

- L. Krusin-Elbaum, A.P. Malozemoff, D.C. Cronemeyer, F. Holtzberg, G.V. Chandrashekhar, J.R. Clem and Z. Hao
- Superconductivity in the fractional-statistics gas pp. 378-385

- D. Schmeltzer
- Photon propagation and the statistics of electromagnetic modes in random media pp. 387-399

- A.Z. Genack, N. Garcia, Jing Li, W. Polkosnik and J.M. Drake
- Maximal fluctuations — A new phenomenon in disordered systems pp. 400-407

- J.B. Pendry, A. MacKinnon and A.B. Pretre
- Eigenstates of incommensurate systems pp. 408-418

- Mark Ya. Azbel'
- The quantum mechanical transmittance of disordered two-dimensional potentials pp. 419-426

- T.J. Godin and Roger Haydock
- The multichannel Landauer formula in curvilinear constrictions pp. 427-432

- Mark Yosefin and Moshe Kaveh
- Universal conductance fluctuations in ballistic transport pp. 433-438

- Y. Avishai, J. Bar Touv, Y.B. Band and M. Kaveh
- Quantum transport in the presence of phase-breaking scattering: Generalized Landauer formula pp. 439-446

- Shechao Feng
- Conduction in strongly anisotropic metals pp. 447-455

- N. Kumar, P.A. Lee and B. Shapiro
- Zener dynamics beyond Zener's assumptions pp. 456-468

- Dror Lubin, Yuval Gefen and Isaac Goldhirsch
- Physical properties of hyper-porous systems pp. 469-477

- R. Maynard
- Multifractals in physics: Successes, dangers and challenges pp. 479-489

- Amnon Aharony
- Mass multifractals pp. 490-497

- Tamás Vicsek
- Diffusion-limited growth in bacterial colony formation pp. 498-506

- Mitsugu Matsushita and Hiroshi Fujikawa
- Multifractals in diffusion and aggregation pp. 507-515

- Shlomo Havlin
- Damage spreading pp. 516-528

- H.J. Herrmann
- Upper bounds for the growth rate of DLA pp. 529-535

- Harry Kesten
- Diffusion in disordered systems: Effect of short and long range interactions pp. 536-545

- Armin Bunde
- Effective medium approximation for flicker noise and weak nonlinearities in composite media pp. 546-550

- David J. Bergman
- Superdiffusion in random velocity fields pp. 551-560

- S. Redner
- Dynamic scaling and phase transitions in interface growth pp. 561-580

- Fereydoon Family
- Invasion noise during drainage in porous media pp. 581-591

- J.F. Gouyet
- Random walk model for viscoelastic response of glassy polymers pp. 592-601

- John T. Bendler and George H. Weiss
- Modelling the collapse transition in branched polymers pp. 602-613

- D.S. Gaunt and S. Flesia
- Droplets in Ising models pp. 614-618

- D. Stauffer
- A spin-glass model of chemical evolution pp. 619-625

- Luca Peliti
- Lattice models for heterogeneous catalysis pp. 626-636

- Daniel Ben-Avraham
- Lévy walk approach to anomalous diffusion pp. 637-645

- J. Klafter, A. Blumen, G. Zumofen and M.F. Shlesinger
- Solid-on-solid models: Series, simulation and telescopes pp. 646-654

- Joan Adler
- Fracture in concrete due to percolating cracks and pores pp. 655-671

- R. Englman and Z. Jaeger
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