Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 489, issue C, 2018
- Quantum interaction of SU(1,1) Lie group with entangled a two 2-level atoms pp. 1-8

- Haifa S. Alqannas and E.M. Khalil
- Structural evolution of a granular medium during simultaneous penetration pp. 9-17

- Jorge González-Gutiérrez, Yojana J.P. Carreón and R.E. Moctezuma
- Scaling behavior of the Compton profile of alkali metals pp. 18-27

- Michael Sekania, Wilhelm H. Appelt, Diana Benea, Hubert Ebert, Dieter Vollhardt and Liviu Chioncel
- Gross domestic product estimation based on electricity utilization by artificial neural network pp. 28-31

- Mirjana Stevanović, Sladjana Vujicic and Aleksandar M. Gajić
- Effects of individual popularity on information spreading in complex networks pp. 32-39

- Lei Gao, Ruiqi Li, Panpan Shu, Wei Wang, Hui Gao and Shimin Cai
- Gyarmati’s principle and Edelen representation of thermodynamic forces in the maximum entropy formalism pp. 40-46

- Kanzo Okada
- Robustness of weighted networks pp. 47-55

- Michele Bellingeri and Davide Cassi
- Stochastic dynamics for two biological species and ecological niches pp. 56-64

- Flávia M. Ruziska, Everaldo Arashiro and Tânia Tomé
- Numerical investigation of the pseudopotential lattice Boltzmann modeling of liquid–vapor for multi-phase flows pp. 65-77

- Maedeh Nemati, Ali Reza Shateri Najaf Abady, Davood Toghraie and Arash Karimipour
- Integrating dynamic fuzzy C-means, data envelopment analysis and artificial neural network to online prediction performance of companies in stock exchange pp. 78-93

- Mustafa Jahangoshai Rezaee, Mehrdad Jozmaleki and Mahsa Valipour
- Quantum Barro–Gordon game in monetary economics pp. 94-101

- Ali Hussein Samadi, Afshin Montakhab, Hussein Marzban and Sakine Owjimehr
- Predicting economic growth with stock networks pp. 102-111

- Raphael H. Heiberger
- White dwarf stars exceeding the Chandrasekhar mass limit pp. 128-140

- Roman Tomaschitz
- Exploring the evolutionary mechanism of complex supply chain systems using evolving hypergraphs pp. 141-148

- Qi Suo, Jin-Li Guo, Shiwei Sun and Han Liu
- Boundary conditions and heat resistance at the moving solid–liquid interface pp. 149-162

- G.L. Buchbinder and P.K. Galenko
Volume 488, issue C, 2017
- Hurst exponent: A Brownian approach to characterize the nonlinear behavior of red blood cells deformability pp. 1-7

- M.A. Mancilla Canales, A.J. Leguto, B.D. Riquelme, P. Ponce de León, S.A. Bortolato and A.M. Korol
- String percolation threshold for elliptically bounded systems pp. 8-15

- J.E. Ramírez, A. Fernández Téllez and I. Bautista
- Kinetics of particle deposition at heterogeneous surfaces pp. 16-29

- D.Lj. Stojiljković and S.B. Vrhovac
- Trapping in bottlenecks: Interplay between microscopic dynamics and large scale effects pp. 30-38

- E.N.M. Cirillo, M. Colangeli and A. Muntean
- Introducing Hurst exponent in pair trading pp. 39-45

- J.P. Ramos-Requena, Juan Trinidad-Segovia and M.A. Sánchez-Granero
- Integral formulae of the canonical correlation functions for the one dimensional transverse Ising model pp. 46-55

- Makoto Inoue
- On the putative essential discreteness of q-generalized entropies pp. 56-59

- A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
- Stability, fairness and random walks in the bargaining problem pp. 60-71

- Jakob Kapeller and Stefan Steinerberger
- Entropy, temperature and internal energy of trapped gravitons and corrections to the Black Hole entropy pp. 72-84

- Stefano Viaggiu
- Disequilibrium, complexity, the Schottky effect, and q-entropies, in paramagnetism pp. 85-95

- F. Pennini and A. Plastino
- Derivation of Hunt equation for suspension distribution using Shannon entropy theory pp. 96-111

- Snehasis Kundu
- The mechanisms of labor division from the perspective of individual optimization pp. 112-120

- Lirong Zhu, Jiawei Chen, Zengru Di, Liujun Chen, Yan Liu and H. Eugene Stanley
- Topological phase transition in the two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model: A study using the Replica Exchange Wang–Landau sampling pp. 121-131

- T.P. Figueiredo, J.C.S. Rocha and B.V. Costa
- Wealth dynamics in a sentiment-driven market pp. 132-148

- Mikhail Goykhman
- Thermodynamic and themoeconomic optimization of isothermal endoreversible chemical engine models pp. 149-161

- A. Ocampo-García, M.A. Barranco-Jiménez and F. Angulo-Brown
- Comparison between different adsorption–desorption kinetics schemes in two dimensional lattice gas pp. 162-176

- V.J. Huespe, R.E. Belardinelli, V.D. Pereyra and S.J. Manzi
- Multifractal analysis of 2001 Mw7.7 Bhuj earthquake sequence in Gujarat, Western India pp. 177-186

- Sandeep Kumar Aggarwal, Denisse Pastén and Prosanta Kumar Khan
- Global value chains: Building blocks and network dynamics pp. 187-204

- Theodore Tsekeris
- An economic model of friendship and enmity for measuring social balance in networks pp. 205-215

- Kyu-Min Lee, Euncheol Shin and Seungil You
- Majority-vote model with a bimodal distribution of noises in small-world networks pp. 216-223

- André L.M. Vilela and Adauto J.F. de Souza
Volume 487, issue C, 2017
- Synchronization of chaotic systems involving fractional operators of Liouville–Caputo type with variable-order pp. 1-21

- A. Coronel-Escamilla, J.F. Gómez-Aguilar, L. Torres, R.F. Escobar-Jiménez and M. Valtierra-Rodríguez
- Analysis of long-term variation of the annual number of warmer and colder days using Mahalanobis distance metrics — A case study for Athens pp. 22-31

- Teimuraz Matcharashvili, Natalia Zhukova, Tamaz Chelidze, Dimitra Founda and Evangelos Gerasopoulos
- Accurate potential energy curve for helium dimer retrieved from viscosity coefficient data at very low temperatures pp. 32-39

- Costa, Éderson D’M., Nelson H.T. Lemes and João P. Braga
- Statistical characteristics of breakthrough discoveries in science using the metaphor of black and white swans pp. 40-46

- Carl J. Zeng, Eric P. Qi, Simon S. Li, H. Eugene Stanley and Fred Y. Ye
- Effect of psychological tension on pedestrian counter flow via an extended cost potential field cellular automaton model pp. 47-57

- Xingli Li, Fang Guo, Hua Kuang and Huaguo Zhou
- Exponential stability and interval stability of a class of stochastic hybrid systems driven by both Brownian motion and Poisson jumps pp. 58-73

- Mingmei Sun and Meng Xu
- Generalized parametric model for phase transitions in the presence of an intermediate metastable state and its application pp. 74-92

- Alexandr A. Barsuk and Florentin Paladi
- A shape distance based on the Fisher–Rao metric and its application for shapes clustering pp. 93-102

- Stefano Antonio Gattone, Angela De Sanctis, Tommaso Russo and Domitilla Pulcini
- Dynamic burstiness of word-occurrence and network modularity in textbook systems pp. 103-110

- Xue-Mei Cui, Chang No Yoon, Hyejin Youn, Sang Hoon Lee, Jean S. Jung and Seung Kee Han
- Collective dynamics in heterogeneous networks of neuronal cellular automata pp. 111-124

- Kaustubh Manchanda, Amitabha Bose and Ramakrishna Ramaswamy
- Characterizing segregation in the Schelling–Voter model pp. 125-142

- I. Caridi, J.P. Pinasco, N. Saintier and P. Schiaffino
- Evidence of Chinese income dynamics and its effects on income scaling law pp. 143-152

- Yan Xu, Yougui Wang, Xiaobo Tao and Lenka Ližbetinová
- An analytical model for enantioseparation process in capillary electrophoresis pp. 153-163

- G.A. Ranzuglia, S.J. Manzi, M.R. Gomez, R.E. Belardinelli and V.D. Pereyra
- An improved Burgers cellular automaton model for bicycle flow pp. 164-177

- Shuqi Xue, Bin Jia, Rui Jiang, Xingang Li and Jingjing Shan
- Characterizing volcanic states at Popocatepetl, Mexico by informational analysis of continuous geomagnetic signal pp. 178-184

- Luciano Telesca, Michele Lovallo and E. Leticia Flores-Marquez
- GFT centrality: A new node importance measure for complex networks pp. 185-195

- Rahul Singh, Abhishek Chakraborty and B.S. Manoj
- Analysis of Tsallis’ classical partition function’s poles pp. 196-204

- A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
- Stochastic multiresonance for a fractional linear oscillator with time-delayed kernel and quadratic noise pp. 205-214

- Feng Guo, Xue-Yuan Wang, Cheng-Yin Zhu, Xiao-Feng Cheng, Zheng-Yu Zhang and Xu-Hui Huang
- Generalized ensemble theory with non-extensive statistics pp. 215-224

- Ke-Ming Shen, Ben-Wei Zhang and En-Ke Wang
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