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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 271, issue 3, 1999

Fractals from a reaction diffusion process pp. 223-230 Downloads
R Graber
Sliding gels pp. 231-237 Downloads
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
Crossover exponents in percolating nonlinear normal conductor–insulator mixtures pp. 238-250 Downloads
Lei Gao, Bing-Chuan Xie and Zhen-Ya Li
Geometrical models for grain dynamics pp. 251-259 Downloads
Giovani L. Vasconcelos and J.J.P. Veerman
Foundations of quantum mechanics (II): equilibrium, Bohr–Sommerfeld rules and duality pp. 260-302 Downloads
L.S.F. Olavo
Generalized Schrödinger equation using Tsallis entropy pp. 303-323 Downloads
L.S.F. Olavo, A.F. Bakuzis and R.Q. Amilcar
Inference of Planck action constant by a classical fluctuative postulate holding for stable microscopic and macroscopic dynamical systems pp. 324-342 Downloads
Salvatore De Martino, Silvio De Siena and Fabrizio Illuminati
Dynamical thermostatting, divergenceless phase-space flows, and KBB systems pp. 343-356 Downloads
A.R. Plastino, A. Plastino, L.R. da Silva and M. Casas
Perturbative method for generalized spectral decompositions pp. 357-386 Downloads
Roberto Laura, Mario Castagnino and Rodolfo M.Id Betan
Effective Hamiltonian with holomorphic variables pp. 387-404 Downloads
Alessandro Cuccoli, Riccardo Giachetti, Riccardo Maciocco, Valerio Tognetti and Ruggero Vaia
The multiquantum q-deformed Jaynes–Cummings model with the counter-rotating terms pp. 405-410 Downloads
C.F. Lo and K.L. Liu
To the theory of collective electron excitations in spin systems pp. 411-417 Downloads
B.I. Sadovnikov and A.M. Savchenko
Quantum antiferromagnets with competing interactions pp. 418-426 Downloads
S. Thanos and P. Moustanis
The use of generalized information dimension in measuring fractal dimension of time series pp. 427-447 Downloads
Y. Ashkenazy
Growth of companies and water-level fluctuations of the river Danube pp. 448-457 Downloads
Imre M Jánosi and Jason A.C Gallas
Wavelet analysis of blood pressure waves in vasovagal syncope pp. 458-469 Downloads
A Marrone, A.d Polosa, G Scioscia, S Stramaglia and A Zenzola
On the maintenance of polygenic variance in a migrating population pp. 470-488 Downloads
Ladário da Silva and Constantino Tsallis
Scaling relations for diversity of languages pp. 489-495 Downloads
M.A.f Gomes, G.l Vasconcelos, I.j Tsang and I.r Tsang
Self-organized percolation model for stock market fluctuations pp. 496-506 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and Didier Sornette
Modeling the demand–price relations in a high-frequency foreign exchange market pp. 507-514 Downloads
Anatoly B Schmidt

Volume 271, issue 1, 1999

Dilational viscosity of Langmuir monolayers pp. 1-8 Downloads
Vladimir Kolevzon
Kinetics of clustering of carbon black suspensions by light scattering techniques pp. 9-22 Downloads
P. Bezot and C. Hesse-Bezot
Convergent approximation for the 2-body correlation function in an interface pp. 23-35 Downloads
Iaroslav Ispolatov
The elasticity of a contact line pp. 36-47 Downloads
Harvey Dobbs
Rectification of random motion by asymmetric polymerization pp. 48-62 Downloads
R. Sambeth and A. Baumgaertner
Diffusion-controlled reactions on simple lattices: dependence of the rate coefficients on jump probability and dimension pp. 63-86 Downloads
John Courtenay Lewis and Herbert Wheeler
Perturbation of particle velocity distribution in a bistable chemical system pp. 87-101 Downloads
A. Lemarchand and B. Nowakowski
On the ubiquity of matrix-product states in one-dimensional stochastic processes with boundary interactions pp. 102-117 Downloads
Kai Klauck and Andreas Schadschneider
Critical behavior of the Gaussian model on a diamond-type hierarchical lattice with periodic and aperiodic interactions pp. 118-124 Downloads
Zhenquan Lin, Xiangmu Kong and Z.R. Yang
Universality in short-range Ising spin glasses pp. 125-132 Downloads
, E.Nogueira, S Coutinho, F.d Nobre and E.M.f Curado
Deviations from exponential law and Van Hove's “λ2t” limit pp. 133-146 Downloads
P Facchi and S Pascazio
Determination of the order of phase transitions in Potts model by the graph-weight approach pp. 147-156 Downloads
Zvonko Glumac and Katarina Uzelac
A Monte-Carlo study for the critical exponents of the three-dimensional O(6) model pp. 157-168 Downloads
D Loison
Common origin of superconductivity in hole- and electron-doped cuprates based on indirect-exchange coupling. Doping dependence of chemical potentials pp. 169-191 Downloads
L. Jansen and R. Block
Condensation of hard spheres under gravity pp. 192-199 Downloads
Daniel C. Hong
Jamming transition in traffic flow on triangular lattice pp. 200-221 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani

Volume 270, issue 3, 1999

Phase transition of directed polymer in random potentials on 4+1 dimensions pp. 335-341 Downloads
Jin Min Kim
Diluted Ising model with competing interactions pp. 342-352 Downloads
R.F.s Andrade and S.r Salinas
The Joule–Thomson effect in confined fluids pp. 353-379 Downloads
Martin Schoen
Slow dynamics of supercooled colloidal fluids: spatial heterogeneities and nonequilibrium density fluctuations pp. 380-402 Downloads
M. Tokuyama, Y. Enomoto and I. Oppenheim
A mesoscopic approach to the “negative” viscosity effect in ferrofluids pp. 403-412 Downloads
A. Pérez-Madrid, T. Alarcón, J.M.G. Vilar and J.M. Rubı́
Transfer coefficients for evaporation pp. 413-426 Downloads
D. Bedeaux and S. Kjelstrup
Diffusional coagulation of superparamagnetic particles in the presence of an external magnetic field pp. 427-443 Downloads
Scarlet Relle, Stanley B. Grant and Costas Tsouris
Supersymmetry approach to the random heteropolymer theory pp. 444-452 Downloads
Alexander I Olemskoi
Universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding polygons on the kagome lattice pp. 453-461 Downloads
Keh-Ying Lin and Shinn-Jong Lue
Unidimensional generalized Hubbard model in the high temperature limit pp. 462-485 Downloads
I.C. Charret, E.V.Corrêa Silva, O.Rojas Santos, S.M. de Souza and M.T. Thomaz
Critical behaviour of thin films with quenched impurities pp. 486-513 Downloads
L. Craco, L.De Cesare, I. Rabuffo, I.P. Takov and D.I. Uzunov
The Hamming distance in the minority game pp. 514-525 Downloads
R D'hulst and G.j Rodgers
Precise (m,k)-Zipf diagram analysis of mathematical and financial time series when m=6, k=2 pp. 526-542 Downloads
Marcel Ausloos and K. Ivanova
Analysis of spontaneous magnetoencephalography data by similarity measures pp. 543-551 Downloads
Alex Tretyakov, Zhihua Chen, Hideki Takayasu and Nobukazu Nakasato
Fractal fluctuations in cardiac time series pp. 552-566 Downloads
B.J. West, R. Zhang, A.W. Sanders, S. Miniyar, J.H. Zuckerman and B.D. Levine
Toward a phase diagram for stocks pp. 567-577 Downloads
K Ivanova

Volume 270, issue 1, 1999

Fracture of polymer gels pp. 1-7 Downloads
L Benguigui
Anisotropic nonlinear response of periodic square or cubic composites pp. 8-14 Downloads
David J Bergman
Criticality in models for fracture in disordered media pp. 15-20 Downloads
G. Caldarelli, C. Castellano and A. Petri
Crack propagation in solids and crack-surface roughness pp. 21-26 Downloads
Buddhapriya Chakrabarti and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
Stick-slip statistics for two fractal surfaces: a model for earthquakes pp. 27-34 Downloads
Bikas K Chakrabarti and Robin B Stinchcombe
Damage at heterogeneous interfaces pp. 35-41 Downloads
Stéphane Roux, Arnaud Delaplace and Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot
Interfacial crack front wandering: influence of quenched noise correlations pp. 42-56 Downloads
Jean Schmittbuhl and Jean-Pierre Vilotte
Analysis of damage clusters in fracture processes pp. 57-62 Downloads
Stefano Zapperi, Purusattam Ray, H.Eugene Stanley and Alessandro Vespignani
Punctuated equilibrium in an evolving bacterial population pp. 63-68 Downloads
Indranath Chaudhuri and Indrani Bose
Some results and a conjecture for Manna's stochastic sandpile model pp. 69-81 Downloads
Deepak Dhar
Shapes of granular surfaces pp. 82-88 Downloads
H.J. Herrmann
Internal avalanches and restructuring in granular media pp. 89-96 Downloads
S. Krishnamurthy, V. Loreto, H.J. Herrmann and S. Roux
Shape of convective cell in Faraday experiment with fine granular materials pp. 97-104 Downloads
Krishna Kumar, Éric Falcon, Kapil M.S Bajaj and Stéphan Fauve
Externally driven granular systems pp. 105-114 Downloads
S.S. Manna
Dynamical behaviour of rotated granular mixtures pp. 115-124 Downloads
Sanjay Puri and Hisao Hayakawa
Dynamic criticality in driven disordered systems: role of depinning and driving rate in Barkhausen noise pp. 125-134 Downloads
Bosiljka Tadić
Multiscaling in discrete models of epitaxial growth pp. 135-142 Downloads
Arindam Kundagrami and Chandan Dasgupta
Growth and electronic structure of rough overlayers pp. 143-148 Downloads
A. Mookerjee, B. Sanyal and A. Mehta
Mean first passage time approach to the problem of optimal barrier subdivision for Kramer's escape rate pp. 149-158 Downloads
Mulugeta Bekele, G Ananthakrishna and N Kumar
Possibility of chaos in internal friction experiments of martensites pp. 159-164 Downloads
M.S. Bharathi and G. Ananthakrishna
Homogeneous isotropic turbulence: large momentum expansion pp. 165-172 Downloads
Jayanta Kumar Bhattacharjee and Anirban Sain
Marangoni attractors pp. 173-181 Downloads
Kausik S. Das and J.K. Bhattacharjee
Effect of slow manifold structure on relaxation oscillations and one-dimensional map in a model for plastic instability pp. 182-189 Downloads
S Rajesh and G Ananthakrishna
Multiscaling in the randomly forced and conventional Navier–Stokes equations pp. 190-203 Downloads
Anirban Sain and Rahul Pandit
Noise-free stochastic resonance in simple chaotic systems pp. 204-214 Downloads
Sitabhra Sinha
Replacive ordering in alloys pp. 215-225 Downloads
S. Banerjee, A. Arya and G.P. Das
Degradation and training in superconducting magnet: revisited pp. 226-236 Downloads
Narayan Bhattacharya
Bond-orientational ordering and shear rigidity in modulated colloidal liquids pp. 237-244 Downloads
Chinmay Das, A.K. Sood and H.R. Krishnamurthy
Polytype kinetics and quenching of spin chains with competing interactions using trimer-flip dynamics pp. 245-252 Downloads
Dibyendu Das and Mustansir Barma
Dynamics of ordering of isotropic magnets pp. 253-262 Downloads
Jayajit Das and Madan Rao
Greedy algorithms in disordered systems pp. 263-269 Downloads
P.m Duxbury and R Dobrin
Physical phenomena in clays pp. 270-277 Downloads
Jon Otto Fossum
A model for the thermodynamics of globular proteins pp. 278-287 Downloads
Alex Hansen, Mogens H Jensen, Kim Sneppen and Giovanni Zocchi
Effect of shape anisotropy on transport in a two-dimensional computational model: numerical simulations showing experimental features observed in biomembranes pp. 288-294 Downloads
Gauri R Pradhan, Sagar A Pandit, Anil D Gangal and V Sitaramam
Melting driven by particle size-dispersity: a study in two dimensions pp. 295-300 Downloads
M.R. Sadr-Lahijany, P. Ray and H.E. Stanley
Potential energy landscape signatures of slow dynamics in glass forming liquids pp. 301-308 Downloads
Srikanth Sastry, Pablo G. Debenedetti, Frank H. Stillinger, Thomas B. Schrøder, Jeppe C. Dyre and Sharon C. Glotzer
Statistical physics and physiology: Monofractal and multifractal approaches pp. 309-324 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, L.A.N. Amaral, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, P.Ch. Ivanov and C.-K. Peng
Exact and approximate calculations for the conductivity of sandstones pp. 325-331 Downloads
J Widjajakusuma, C Manwart, B Biswal and R Hilfer
Page updated 2025-03-31