Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 125, issue 2, 1984
- Fluctuations in finite systems: Time reversal symmetry, surface onsager reciprocal relations and fluctuating hydrodynamics pp. 281-301

- Glen Satten and David Ronis
- On the implications of surface reciprocal relations for thermophoresis and photophoresis pp. 302-320

- Glen Satten and David Ronis
- Spin-glass and ferromagnetic phases of the random-bond Ising model on the Bethe lattice pp. 321-343

- T. Morita
- Linear integral equations and nonlinear difference-difference equations pp. 344-380

- G.R.W. Quispel, F.W. Nijhoff, H.W. Capel and J. Van Der Linden
- Effective elasticity of a solid suspension of spheres pp. 381-397

- R.B. Jones and R. Schmitz
- Two-atom Hanle-type resonance spectra at high photon densities pp. 398-411

- Constantine Mavroyannis
- Critical properties of the modified Ginzburg-Landau model for the nematic to smectic a phase transition pp. 412-424

- K. Rościszewski
- On the classification of the homogeneous 16-vertex models on a square lattice pp. 425-441

- J.H.P. Colpa
- On the classification of the homogeneous 16-vertex models on a square lattice pp. 442-464

- J.H.P. Colpa
- Chiral-symmetry-breaking states and their sensitivity in nonequilibrium chemical systems pp. 465-496

- D.K. Kondepudi and G.W. Nelson
- Gaussian basic functions in kinetic theory pp. 497-518

- Ulrich Weinert
- Semiclassical representation method in statistical physics of interacting molecules pp. 519-548

- E.P. Gordov, G.A. Koganov and A.M. Khazanov
- The RPA description of the quantum damped harmonic oscillator pp. 549-576

- C. Yannouleas
- Boundary stochastic problems, multistability in the presence of fluctuations and noise-induced phase transitions pp. 577-590

- I.I. Fedchenia
- The dipole-dipole dispersion forces between spherical atoms from the Callen-Welton linear response theory pp. 591-606

- M. Battezzati
- Solution of the Fokker-Planck equation with spatial coordinate-dependent moments in many dimensions pp. 607-618

- T. Morita and H. Hara
- Markovian-type approximation for second-order response pp. 619-624

- Klaus-Peter Karmann
- Recursion relations for the q-state Potts model on a closed Cayley tree pp. 625-630

- K. De'Bell, D.J.W. Geldart and M.L. Glasser
- On equivalence of two metrics in classical thermodynamics pp. 631-639

- R. Mrugała
- On the propagation of linear longitudinal acoustic waves in isotropic media with shear and volume viscosity and a tensorial internal variable pp. 640-652

- Vincenzo Ciancio, Enrico Turrisi and Gerrit Alfred Kluitenberg
Volume 125, issue 1, 1984
- Unified approach to the calculation of inertial corrections in diffusion pp. 1-24

- Ulrich R. Steiger
- On the bifurcations occurring in the parameter space of the sixteen vertex model pp. 25-57

- J. Hijmans and H.M. Schram
- Diagrammatic construction of an irreducible basis of algebraic invariants for the sixteen vertex model pp. 58-74

- H.M. Schram and J. Hijmans
- Optical properties of thin films on rough surfaces pp. 75-104

- M.M. Wind and J. Vlieger
- The influence of random fluctuations on the behaviour of an aerosol pp. 105-123

- M.M.R. Williams
- Longitudinal relaxation spectra of the transverse Ising model close to Tc pp. 124-149

- Martine Dumont
- Internal motion of a small element of fluid in an inviscid flow pp. 150-162

- P. Vieillefosse
- Long-time tails in a quantum Lorentz gas pp. 163-196

- W. Hoogeveen and J.A. Tjon
- Exact solutions for spectra and Green's functions in random one-dimensional systems pp. 197-236

- Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
- Stochastic analysis of explosive behaviour: A qualitative approach pp. 237-246

- M. Frankowicz, M. Malek Mansour and G. Nicolis
- Many-component limit of the quantum Potts model pp. 247-254

- Paul A. Pearce
- Critical behaviour of the lattice gas model in the Percus-Yevick approximation pp. 255-260

- A. Parola and L. Reatto
- Kinetics of magnetization switching in a 1-D system-size distribution of unswitched domains pp. 261-269

- Ken Sekimoto
- On the calculation of dielectric properties from computer simulations pp. 270-274

- D. Levesque and J.J. Weis
- On the electrostatic potential due to a slab shaped and a semi-infinite NaCl-type lattice pp. 275-279

- B.R.A. Nijboer
Volume 124, issue 1, 1984
- Exact results for surface structures and phase transitions pp. 1-9

- D.B. Abraham
- Schrödinger operators with point interactions and short range expansions pp. 11-27

- Sergio Albeverio and Raphael Høegh-Krohn
- Supersymmetry and the Atiyah-Singer index theorem pp. 29-45

- Luis Alvarez-Gaumé
- On C∗-algebra methods for the XY and Ising models pp. 47-50

- Huzihiro Araki
- On the Hamiltonian of general relativity pp. 51-59

- Abhay Ashtekar
- A family of almost periodic Schrödinger operators pp. 61-77

- Goerge A. Baker, D. Bessis and P. Moussa
- Recent results in constructing gauge fields pp. 79-89

- T. Balaban
- Finite element approximation in quantum theory pp. 91-101

- Carl M. Bender
- Decaying states and the rigged Hilbert space formulation of quantum mechanics pp. 103-114

- A. Bohm
- Hydrodynamics for one-dimensional identical elastic hard rods pp. 115-125

- C. Boldrighini
- Algebras of unbounded operators in quantum field theory pp. 127-144

- H.J. Borchers
- r-particle irreducible kernels, asymptotic completeness and analyticity properties of several particle collision amplitudes pp. 145-164

- J. Bros
- The use of random walk in field theory pp. 165-170

- David Brydges
- Fluid dynamics and the Boltzmann equation pp. 171-179

- Russel Caflisch
- One-dimensional Schrödinger operators with random potentials pp. 181-187

- René Carmona
- Essential selfadjointness of the Yang-Mills Hamiltonian in a Krein space pp. 189-192

- John L. Challifour
- Size and shape of stability domains in complex analytic dynamics pp. 193-197

- Rafael de la Llave
- Quantized Hall conductance in a two dimensional periodic potential pp. 199-210

- Marcel den Nijs
- A perturbative method for tunneling pp. 211-217

- J.M. Combes, P. Duclos and R. Seiler
- Superunification from eleven dimensions pp. 219-247

- M.J. Duff, B.E.W. Nilsson and C.N. Pope
- Stochastic acceleration in two dimensions pp. 249-258

- Detlef Dürr
- Renormalization group analysis of functional composition: A review pp. 259-267

- J.-P. Eckmann
- Topics in scattering theory for multiparticle quantum mechanics: A progress report pp. 269-292

- Volker Enss
- If nature were supersymmetric, how could we tell? pp. 293-299

- Glennys R. Farrar
- Vacuum stability in supergravity pp. 301-302

- Daniel Z. Freedman
- Mathematical theory of Anderson localisation pp. 303-310

- Jürg Fröhlich and Thomas Spencer
- Bound states in N-body quantum systems pp. 311-316

- R. Froese
- Construction of rigged Hilbert spaces to describe resonances and virtual states pp. 317-324

- M. Gadella
- General relativity pp. 325-326

- Robert Geroch
- Classical non-linear evolution equations, Cauchy problem and scattering pp. 327-345

- J. Ginibre
- Divergences in supergravity pp. 347-356

- Marcus T. Grisaru
- Local relativistic quantum physics pp. 357-363

- Rudolf Haag
- Hadrons and quarks in lattice QCD pp. 365-397

- Herbert W. Hamber
- White noise analysis and its applications to quantum dynamics pp. 399-412

- Takeyuki Hida
- On absence of diffusion for low energy for a random Schrödinger operator on L2(R) pp. 413-417

- Fabio Martinelli and Helge Holden
- Path integral formulation of the propagator for a two-dimensional Dirac particle pp. 419-425

- Takashi Ichinose
- Monte Carlo methods for the many-fermion problem pp. 427-427

- M.H. Kalos
- Percolation theory and resistance of random electrical networks pp. 429-430

- Harry Kesten
- How Hamiltonian dynamical theory in the complex domain yields asymptotic solutions to the non-Hermitian integral equations of visual nerve-networks pp. 431-453

- Bruce W. Knight
- Rigorous renormalization group--asymptotic freedom and non-gaussian fixed points pp. 455-463

- K. Gawedzki and A. Kupiainen
- Computer-assisted proofs in analysis pp. 465-470

- Oscar E. Lanford
- Algebras of unbounded operators and quantum dynamics pp. 471-479

- Gerd Lassner
- Fluids, discontinuities and renormalization group methods pp. 481-493

- Oliver A. McBryan
- Quantitative non-Monte Carlo methods for low-energy QCD pp. 495-507

- Gernot Münster
- Quantum fluctuations — An introduction pp. 509-519

- Edward Nelson
- Small-scale structure of the Taylor-Green vortex pp. 521-521

- Steven A. Orsag
- Spin glasses and replicas pp. 523-534

- Giorgio Parisi
- On the stationary Schrödinger equation with a Quasi-periodic potential pp. 535-542

- Jürgen Moser and Jürgen Poschel
- Spontaneous compactification of extended supergravity in ten dimensions pp. 543-548

- John H. Schwarz
- Constructive approach to critical phenomena pp. 549-559

- R. Seneor
- Quantum dynamical time evolutions as stochastic flows on phase space pp. 561-574

- Ph. Combe, F. Guerra, R. Rodriguez, M. Sirigue and M. Sirigue-Collin
- Some recent results on Schrödinger equations with almost-periodic and random potentials pp. 575-575

- Barnard Souillard
- Attractors and determining modes in fluid mechanics pp. 577-577

- R. Temam
- Some algorithms for vector or parallel computers pp. 587-602

- Jocelyne Erhel, Alain Lichnewsky and Francois Thomasset
- Some novel aspects of Bethe-Ansatz methods for vertex systems pp. 603-612

- T.T. Truong
- Quantum dynamics of time periodic systems pp. 613-619

- Kenji Yajima
- States, ideals and automorphisms of the algebra of test functions for quantum fields pp. 621-628

- Jakob Yngvason
- Initial data for N black holes pp. 629-637

- James W. York
- Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents in differentiable dynamical systems pp. 639-645

- Lai-Sang Young
- Computational synergetics and innovation in fluid dynamics pp. 647-647

- N.J. Zabusky
- Subharmonic solutions and Morse theory pp. 649-657

- C. Conley and E. Zehnder