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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 273, issue 3, 1999

Morphologies in two-dimensional growth with attractive long-range interactions pp. 217-230 Downloads
G Indiveri, Enrico Scalas, A.c Levi and A Gliozzi
Post-deposition island growth with long-range interactions pp. 231-240 Downloads
Oana Tataru, Fereydoon Family and Jacques G Amar
Structural properties of a two-dimensional model for partly quenched colloidal dispersions pp. 241-247 Downloads
Wojciech Rzysko, Orest Pizio and Stefan Sokolowski
Nonlinear Kelvin–Helmholtz instability of a subsonic gas–liquid interface in the presence of a normal magnetic field pp. 248-271 Downloads
Kadry Zakaria
On the theory of propagation of chain nuclear reaction pp. 272-285 Downloads
A.I. Akhiezer, D.P. Belozorov, F.S. Rofe-Beketov, L.N. Davydov and Z.A. Spolnik
Directed current of Brownian ratchet randomly circulating between two thermal sources pp. 286-293 Downloads
Jing-Dong Bao
Directed motion of Brownian particles with internal energy depot pp. 294-314 Downloads
Benno Tilch, Frank Schweitzer and Werner Ebeling
Three variable models in multivariate transient stochastic dynamics. The presence of constant external force pp. 315-328 Downloads
P. Orea and J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
Perturbative and numerical methods for stochastic nonlinear oscillators pp. 329-351 Downloads
Giuseppe Curci and Erika D'Ambrosio
Resonance fluorescence of N entangled atoms in a strong driving field pp. 352-359 Downloads
Chui-Ping Yang and Guang-Can Guo
Annihilation reaction in a quasi-one-dimensional substrate pp. 360-367 Downloads
A.L. Parrondo and H.O. Mártin
Supersymmetric field theory of non-equilibrium thermodynamic system pp. 368-400 Downloads
Alexander I. Olemskoi and Valerii A. Brazhnyi
Self-similar crossover in statistical physics pp. 401-415 Downloads
V.i Yukalov and S Gluzman
Dynamics of the information entropy in random processes pp. 416-438 Downloads
R.M. Yulmetyev and F.M. Gafarov
Evaluating maximum likelihood estimation methods to determine the Hurst coefficient pp. 439-451 Downloads
C.m Kendziorski, J.b Bassingthwaighte and P.j Tonellato
Quantitative analysis of experimental and synthetic microstructures for sedimentary rock pp. 452-475 Downloads
B. Biswal, C. Manwart, R. Hilfer, S. Bakke and P.E. Øren
Stochastic dynamics modeling of the protein sequence length distribution in genomes: implications for microbial evolution pp. 476-485 Downloads
Rinku Jain and S Ramakumar
Biological grand universality and its physical challenge pp. 486-494 Downloads
Azbel′, Mark Ya.
Epileptic activity recognition in EEG recording pp. 495-505 Downloads
L. Diambra, J.C.Bastos de Figueiredo and C.P. Malta

Volume 273, issue 1, 1999

Scaling features of noncoding DNA pp. 1-18 Downloads
H.e Stanley, S.v Buldyrev, A.l Goldberger, S Havlin, C.-K Peng and M Simons
Expansion of tandem repeats and oligomer clustering in coding and noncoding DNA sequences pp. 19-32 Downloads
Sergey V. Buldyrev, Nikolay V. Dokholyan, Shlomo Havlin, H.Eugene Stanley and Rachel H.R. Stanley
Evolution on trees: a brief review about the extinctions of species, and the case of genocide in a Darwinistic punctuated equilibrium evolution model pp. 33-45 Downloads
Marcel Ausloos, M. Kramer and N. Vandewalle
Scaling in nature: from DNA through heartbeats to weather pp. 46-69 Downloads
S. Havlin, S.V. Buldyrev, A. Bunde, A.L. Goldberger, P.Ch. Ivanov, C.-K. Peng and H.E. Stanley
Studying DNA evolution through successive file editions pp. 70-74 Downloads
Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
Universal unification of life, death, evolution, post-evolution and extinction pp. 75-91 Downloads
Azbel’, Mark Ya.
From function to sequence, an integrated view of the genome texts pp. 92-98 Downloads
Antoine Danchin
A nice wrong model for the evolution of DNA base frequencies pp. 99-102 Downloads
J.r Lobry
Mechanisms generating long-range correlation in nucleotide composition of the Borrelia burgdorferi genome pp. 103-115 Downloads
P. Mackiewicz, A. Gierlik, M. Kowalczuk, D. Szczepanik, M.R. Dudek and S. Cebrat
Optimization of gene sequences under constant mutational pressure and selection pp. 116-131 Downloads
M. Kowalczuk, A. Gierlik, P. Mackiewicz, S. Cebrat and M.R. Dudek
Why care about sex? Some Monte Carlo justification pp. 132-139 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
Consequences of parental care on population dynamics pp. 140-144 Downloads
S.Moss de Oliveira
Penna ageing model and improvement of medical care in 20th century pp. 145-149 Downloads
Paulo Murilo de Oliveira, Suzana Moss de Oliveira, Dietrich Stauffer and Stanislaw Cebrat
Influence of variations in threshold of bad mutations on age structure of the population pp. 150-157 Downloads
Andrzej Z Maksymowicz
Population dynamics coded in DNA: genetic traces of the expansion of modern humans pp. 158-168 Downloads
Marek Kimmel
The Eve effect in the Penna model of biological ageing pp. 169-181 Downloads
Danuta Makowiec, Jakub Da̧bkowski and Małgorzata Groth
Penna model in migrating population – effect of environmental factor and genetics pp. 182-189 Downloads
Maria S Magdoń and Andrzej Z Maksymowicz
A Monte Carlo study of properties of protein-like heteropolymers pp. 190-197 Downloads
Piotr Romiszowski and Andrzej Sikorski
Analysis of a nonautonomous Nicholson Blowfly model pp. 198-211 Downloads
Diana M. Thomas and Freda Wasserstein-Robbins

Volume 272, issue 3, 1999

Investigation of the conductivity of random networks pp. 281-293 Downloads
J Bigalke
Loose-rigid transition in 3d packing of spheres pp. 294-299 Downloads
V.m Oliveira and M.A.f Gomes
A coupled map lattice model for dendritic patterns pp. 300-313 Downloads
Hidetsugu Sakaguchi and Masako Ohtaki
Quantum description of the orientational degrees of freedom in a biaxial nematic liquid pp. 314-329 Downloads
Jorge Alfaro, Oscar Cubero and Luis F. Urrutia
A quantum field theory of thermal conductivity near the liquid-glass transition pp. 330-357 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
On the microscopic theory of phase transitions in binary fluid mixtures pp. 358-375 Downloads
O.V. Patsahan
Rotational diffusion in dense suspensions pp. 376-391 Downloads
M.H.j Hagen, D Frenkel and C.p Lowe
On the adiabatic properties of a stochastic adiabatic wall: Evolution, stationary non-equilibrium, and equilibrium states pp. 392-428 Downloads
Ch. Gruber and L. Frachebourg
Kinetics of coupled bimolecular diffusion-limited reactions pp. 429-449 Downloads
Alejandro D Sánchez and Horacio S Wio
Phase segregation and avalanches in multispecies sandpiles pp. 450-458 Downloads
N Vandewalle
Spinodal decomposition in systems with initially quenched fluctuations of the order parameter pp. 459-480 Downloads
A.S. Abyzov, L.N. Davydov, P.O. Mchedlov-Petrosyan and J. Schmelzer
Temperature profile of a dilute gas undergoing a plane Poiseuille flow pp. 481-496 Downloads
Siegfried Hess and M.Malek Mansour
Nonlinear Fokker–Planck equations whose stationary solutions make entropy-like functionals stationary pp. 497-508 Downloads
T.D. Frank and A. Daffertshofer
Calculation of the entropy for simple classical fluids pp. 509-544 Downloads
M. Puoskari
Mixed spin transverse Ising models; a cluster theory pp. 545-554 Downloads
T Kaneyoshi
First-order phase transition in cubic ice pp. 555-562 Downloads
Tomoyasu Tanaka and Tohru Morita
A note on the kinetic theory of chemically reacting gases pp. 563-573 Downloads
A Rossani and G Spiga
Convergence in reaction–diffusion systems: an information theory approach pp. 574-591 Downloads
Miguel A Fuentes, Marcelo N Kuperman and Horacio S Wio
Jamming transition of high-dimensional traffic dynamics pp. 592-611 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani

Volume 272, issue 1, 1999

Disorder-induced phase transition in a one-dimensional model of rice pile pp. 1-11 Downloads
M Bengrine, A Benyoussef, F Mhirech and S.d Zhang
Structure and growth of the cluster in gas–liquid transition of two-dimensional fluid pp. 12-21 Downloads
Wen-Bing Zhang, Xian-Wu Zou, Zhun-Zhi Jin and De-Cheng Tian
A renormalization group calculation of the swelling factor for a non-ideal, randomly jointed polymer chain pp. 22-47 Downloads
Andrzej R. Altenberger, J.Ilja Siepmann and John S. Dahler
Canonical description of incompressible fluid: Dirac brackets approach pp. 48-55 Downloads
Sonnet Nguyen and Łukasz A. Turski
Directed random walk in adsorbed monolayer pp. 56-86 Downloads
O. Bénichou, A.M. Cazabat, M. Moreau and G. Oshanin
Accumulation of resonances in the Fermi Accelerator: a quantum route to chaos? pp. 87-98 Downloads
G Abal, A Romanelli, A.C.Sicardi Schifino, R Siri and R Donangelo
Sufficient conditions for dynamical systems to have pre-symplectic or pre-implectic structures pp. 99-129 Downloads
G.B. Byrnes, F.A. Haggar and G.R.W. Quispel
Phase behavior of a two-dimensional quenched–annealed lattice gas with nearest-neighbor attraction. Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation pp. 130-143 Downloads
W Rżysko, B.Millan Malo, S Sokołowski and O Pizio
Phase diagram of spin-1 Ising model in a transverse crystal field pp. 144-152 Downloads
N.Cherkaoui Eddeqaqi, M Saber, A El-Atri and M Kerouad
Spin dynamics of quantum and classical Heisenberg dimers pp. 153-161 Downloads
D Mentrup, J Schnack and Marshall Luban
Quantum phase transition in disorder antiferromagnet with hidden degrees of freedom pp. 162-172 Downloads
Y.N. Skryabin, A.V. Chukin and A.V. Shchanov
Mean-field theory for scale-free random networks pp. 173-187 Downloads
Albert-László Barabási, Réka Albert and Hawoong Jeong
Brachistochrone approach to the relaxation dynamics of complex hierarchical systems pp. 188-205 Downloads
Gustavo A Appignanesi
Front propagation in epidemiological models with spatial dependence pp. 206-222 Downloads
M.n Kuperman and H.s Wio
Evolutive information contained in frequency spectra pp. 223-234 Downloads
J. Fernandez and A. Plastino
Nonlinear analysis of cardiac rhythm fluctuations using DFA method pp. 235-244 Downloads
P.-A Absil, R Sepulchre, A Bilge and P Gérard
A growth model for primary cancer (II). New rules, progress curves and morphology transitions pp. 245-256 Downloads
, S.C.Ferreira, M.l Martins and M.j Vilela
Capital flow in a two-component dynamical system pp. 257-268 Downloads
František Slanina and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Atmospheric data analysis with the i-variability diagram method: hint to fractional Brownian motion-like phenomena for the inner structure of clouds pp. 269-277 Downloads
K Ivanova, Marcel Ausloos, A.b Davis and T.p Ackerman
Page updated 2025-03-31