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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 214, issue 4, 1995

Study of transport properties on percolating clusters growth upon very hot dimer deposition pp. 475-484 Downloads
R.A. Monetti and E.V. Albano
The spreading of damage in the Ising Ferromagnetic thin film pp. 485-498 Downloads
I.V. Rojdestvenski and U.M.S. Costa
On the p-spin interaction transverse Ising spin-glass model without replicas pp. 499-510 Downloads
L. De Cesare, K. Lukierska-Walasek, I. Rabuffo and K. Walasek
A mixed planar spin glass pp. 511-525 Downloads
S.R. Vieira, F.D. Nobre and F.A. da Costa
Thermal conduction and thermal diffusion in dilute polyatomic gas mixtures pp. 526-546 Downloads
Alexandre Ern and Vincent Giovangigli
Damage spreading and critical exponents for “model A” Ising dynamics pp. 547-559 Downloads
Peter Grassberger
Quantum decoherence due to non-linear dynamics of environment pp. 560-583 Downloads
Hiroto Kubotani,, Takashi Okamura, and Masa-aki Sakagami
Reformulation for arbitrary mixed states of Jones' Bayes estimation of pure states pp. 584-604 Downloads
Paul B. Slater
The photomagneton and photon helicity pp. 605-618 Downloads
M.W. Evans
Generalized nonlinear Doebner-Goldin Schrödinger equation and the relaxation of quantum systems pp. 619-628 Downloads
V.V. Dodonov and S.S. Mizrahi

Volume 214, issue 3, 1995

Equilibrium behaviour of quantum Ising spin glass pp. 321-355 Downloads
M.J. Thill and D.A. Huse
Microscopic integral relations for the curvature dependent surface tension in a two-phase multi-component system pp. 356-378 Downloads
Jan Groenewold and Dick Bedeaux
Finite-size effects on critical wetting in 1+1 dimensions pp. 379-395 Downloads
M.J.P. Nijmeijer
Self-diffusion and ‘visited’ surface in the droplet condensation problem (breath figures) pp. 396-412 Downloads
M. Marcos-Martin, D. Beysens, J.P. Bouchaud, C. Godrèche and I. Yekutieli
Various velocity correlations functions in a Lorentz gas - simulation and mode coupling theory pp. 413-425 Downloads
C.P. Lowe and A.J. Masters
Irreversible phase transitions into non-unique absorbing states in a multicomponent reaction system pp. 426-434 Downloads
Ezequiel V. Albano
Stationary structures in a three dimensional reaction-diffusion system pp. 435-444 Downloads
S.A. Hassan and D.H. Zanette
Finite-size effects of dimensional crossover in the quasi-two-dimensional three-state Potts model pp. 445-451 Downloads
Atsushi Yamagata
Decomposition of Ising spin of spin-S Ising model pp. 452-460 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
Optical conductivity of a hydrogen plasma: weak localization effects pp. 461-472 Downloads
M.A. Berkovsky

Volume 214, issue 2, 1995

Exact determination of all ground states of random field systems in polynomial time pp. 141-152 Downloads
A.K. Hartmann and K.D. Usadel
Formation of fractal structures by aggregation of anisometric iron (III) hydroxide particles pp. 153-161 Downloads
R. Brunner, S. Gall, W. Wilke and M. Zrinyi
Effect of the attractive forces on the density change melting of 2D LJ fluids pp. 162-168 Downloads
F. Cuadros, A. Mulero and W. Okrasinski
Structure and tension of the boundary line between amphiphilic layers pp. 169-184 Downloads
Edgar M. Blokhuis
On the propagation of hydrodynamic interactions pp. 185-206 Downloads
Pep Español
Symmetries and time evolution in discrete phase spaces: a soluble model calculation pp. 207-228 Downloads
D. Galetti and A.F.R. de Toledo Piza
Intervals of an unsteady electrohydrodynamic Kelvin-Helmoltz stability pp. 229-241 Downloads
Abdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy
Rigorous solution to a quantum statistical mechanical laser model pp. 242-276 Downloads
Fumiaki Shibata and Chikako Uchiyama
Phase diagram of a modified Ashkin-Teller model pp. 277-286 Downloads
P. Pawlicki and J. Rogiers
Towards a theory of self-compressed metallic clusters. Model of stabilized jellium pp. 287-294 Downloads
Igor T. Iakubov and Valentin V. Pogosov
The Heisenberg equation for phonon operators and soliton solutions in nonlinear lattices pp. 295-308 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
On the equivalence of some projection operator techniques pp. 309-318 Downloads
Jan Peřina

Volume 214, issue 1, 1995

A correlated majority model pp. 1-8 Downloads
G.J. Sibona, C.E. Budde and D. Prato
Time dependent behaviour of third-order electric polarisation in a.c. reorienting field in molecular liquids pp. 9-22 Downloads
Władysław Alexiewicz and Hanna Derdowska-Zimpel
Inter-cluster scaling in two-dimensional colloidal aggregation pp. 23-51 Downloads
J.C. Earnshaw and D.J. Robinson
The droplet size distribution in the late stage of phase separation pp. 52-67 Downloads
W. Pflügl and U.M. Titulaer
Some peculiar properties of the relativistic oscillator in the post-Galilean approximation pp. 68-81 Downloads
I.P. Pavlotsky and G. Vilasi
Onsager type relations for new-introduced kinetic coefficients connected with magnetic field in case of 3He A, 3He B pp. 82-94 Downloads
Z.M. Galasiewicz
Collision kernels for the Waldmann-Snider equation: generalization to gas mixtures pp. 95-114 Downloads
Lucio Demeio and Louis Monchick
The role of the reservoir correlations in the relaxation rates for different coupling models pp. 115-132 Downloads
E.S. Hernández and M.A. Despósito
Effects of the bulk anisotropy on the surface magnetization pp. 133-138 Downloads
J.N.B. de Moraes and W. Figueiredo

Volume 213, issue 4, 1995

Coexistence of symmetric and parity-broken dendrites in a channel pp. 451-464 Downloads
Raz Kupferman, David A. Kessler and Eshel Ben-Jacob
Long-time rotational motion of a rigid body immersed in a viscous fluid pp. 465-473 Downloads
B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
Forces on the walls and stagnation zones in a hopper filled with granular material pp. 474-481 Downloads
Gerald H. Ristow and Hans J. Herrmann
Chaotic lattice-gas model pp. 482-499 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova
Statistical mechanics of structural fluctuations pp. 500-524 Downloads
V.I. Yukalov
A quantum field theory of localized and resonant modes in 3D nonlinear lattices at finite temperatures I pp. 525-538 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
A quantum field theory of localized and resonant modes in 3D nonlinear lattices at finite temperatures II pp. 539-550 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura and Shozo Takeno
Exact solution for the extended Debye theory of dielectric relaxation of nematic liquid crystals pp. 551-575 Downloads
W.T. Coffey, D.S.F. Crothers, Yu.P. Kalmykov and J.T. Waldron
On the theory of the transverse Ising model with arbitrary spin pp. 576-586 Downloads
A. Elkouraychi, M. Saber and J.W. Tucker
Squeezing and rabi oscillations in the Dicke model within and without rotating-wave approximation pp. 587-596 Downloads
J. Seke
Temporal discreteness and kinematic monotonicity of evolutionary changes in the entropies of ensembles of isolated quantum systems pp. 597-603 Downloads
Sidney Golden

Volume 213, issue 1, 1995

Introductory remarks: thermodynamics today pp. 1-7 Downloads
G. Nicolis
Thermodynamic and statistical mechanical descriptions of non-uniform fluids pp. 8-17 Downloads
Ronald Lovett
Interactions, phase transitions and metastable states in concentrated colloidal dispersions pp. 18-29 Downloads
H.N.W. Lekkerkerker, J.K.G. Dhont, H. Verduin, C. Smits and J.S. van Duijneveldt
Condensation and ordering of colloidal spheres dispersed in a ferrofluid pp. 30-40 Downloads
Arne T. Skjeltorp
Large scale simulations of the two-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard model pp. 41-49 Downloads
Raúl Toral, Amitabha Chakrabarti and James D. Gunton
On the simulation of plastic crystals of n-alkanes with an atomistic model pp. 50-60 Downloads
J.-P. Ryckaert
Behavior of liquid crystals and fluids in porous media pp. 61-70 Downloads
W.I. Goldburg, Fouad Aliev and X.-l. Wu
Kinetics of phase separation under a concentration gradient pp. 71-89 Downloads
D. Beysens and Y. Jayalakshmi
Intrinsic patterns in anisotropic multicomponent diffusive systems at equilibrium pp. 90-104 Downloads
R. Lefever and D. Carati
Anchoring transitions at liquid crystal surfaces pp. 105-109 Downloads
T.J. Sluckin
Phase separation under a temperature gradient pp. 110-117 Downloads
J.K. Platten and G. Chavepeyer
Nucleation phenomena in polymeric systems pp. 118-129 Downloads
K. Binder
Computer simulation of colloid-polymer mixtures pp. 130-137 Downloads
Evert Jan Meijer and Daan Frenkel
Computer simulation of the liquid-vapour interface in liquid crystals pp. 138-147 Downloads
Elvira Martín del Río, Enrique de Miguel and Luis F. Rull
Light scattering studies of aggregation phenomena pp. 148-158 Downloads
D. Asnaghi, M. Carpineti, M. Giglio and A. Vailati
Pattern formation in reaction-electrodiffusion systems with variable diffusivities and reaction rates pp. 159-167 Downloads
Horst Malchow
Sponge phases: An example of random surfaces pp. 168-172 Downloads
Didier Roux
Spirals and chemical turbulence in an excitable surface reaction pp. 173-180 Downloads
M. Bär, N. Gottschalk, M. Hildebrand and M. Eiswirth
Pattern selection and localized structures in reaction-diffusion systems pp. 181-198 Downloads
G. Dewel, P. Borckmans, A. De Wit, B. Rudovics, J.-J. Perraud, E. Dulos, J. Boissonade and P. De Kepper
Pattern formation during the electrodeposition of a silver-antimony alloy pp. 199-208 Downloads
I. Krastev and M.T.M. Koper
The influence of transport and reaction processes on the morphology of a metal electrodeposit in thin gap geometry pp. 209-231 Downloads
F. Argoul and A. Kuhn
The thermodynamics of fractals revisited with wavelets pp. 232-275 Downloads
A. Arneodo, E. Bacry and J.F. Muzy
Page updated 2025-03-31