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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 467, issue C, 2017

Digital image communication scheme based on the breakup of spiral waves pp. 1-10 Downloads
Martynas Vaidelys, Chen Lu, Yujie Cheng and Minvydas Ragulskis
Revisiting the multifractality in stock returns and its modeling implications pp. 11-20 Downloads
Shanshan He and Yudong Wang
Susceptible–infected–recovered model with recurrent infection pp. 21-29 Downloads
Flávia M. Ruziska, Tânia Tomé and Mário J. de Oliveira
Effects of human dynamics on epidemic spreading in Côte d’Ivoire pp. 30-40 Downloads
Ruiqi Li, Wenxu Wang and Zengru Di
Studies of vehicle lane-changing dynamics and its effect on traffic efficiency, safety and environmental impact pp. 41-58 Downloads
Xiang Li and Jian-Qiao Sun
Magnetic hyperthermia in solid magnetic colloids pp. 59-66 Downloads
A.Yu. Zubarev, L.Yu. Iskakova and A.F. Abu-Bakr
The definition of the thermodynamic entropy in statistical mechanics pp. 67-73 Downloads
Robert H. Swendsen
Synchronization transmission of spatiotemporal chaotic signal in the uncertain time-varying network pp. 74-84 Downloads
Ling Lü, Liansong Chen, Changhui Han, Lianjun Ge and Liyu Gao
Cellular automaton simulation of unidirectional pedestrians flow in a corridor to reproduce the unique velocity profile of Hagen–Poiseuille flow pp. 85-95 Downloads
Masaru Kaji and Takehiro Inohara
Finding overlapping communities using seed set pp. 96-106 Downloads
Jin-Xuan Yang and Xiao-Dong Zhang
An original traffic additional emission model and numerical simulation on a signalized road pp. 107-119 Downloads
Wen-Xing Zhu and Jing-Yu Zhang
Drag force in wind tunnels: A new method pp. 120-128 Downloads
P.V.S. Souza, D. Girardi and P.M.C. de Oliveira
Finite-size effects in simulations of self-propelled particles system pp. 129-136 Downloads
Dorilson. S. Cambui, M. Godoy and A.S. de Arruda
Flow and structure of fluids in functionalized nanopores pp. 137-147 Downloads
José Rafael Bordin and Marcia C. Barbosa
A local immunization strategy for networks with overlapping community structure pp. 148-156 Downloads
Fatemeh Taghavian, Mostafa Salehi and Mehdi Teimouri
Modeling pedestrian movement at the hall of high-speed railway station during the check-in process pp. 157-166 Downloads
Tie-Qiao Tang, Yi-Xiao Shao and Liang Chen
Dynamics of epidemic spreading with vaccination: Impact of social pressure and engagement pp. 167-179 Downloads
Marcelo A. Pires and Nuno Crokidakis
Material line fluctuations slaved to bulk correlations in two-dimensional turbulence pp. 180-183 Downloads
Theo Odijk
Resonance in an ensemble of excitable reaction–diffusion systems under spatially periodic force pp. 184-191 Downloads
Shuai Liu, Chenggui Yao, Xiaofang Wang and Qi Zhao
Spreading dynamics of an e-commerce preferential information model on scale-free networks pp. 192-200 Downloads
Chen Wan, Tao Li, Zhi-Hong Guan, Yuanmei Wang and Xiongding Liu
Kinetic models of collective decision-making in the presence of equality bias pp. 201-217 Downloads
Lorenzo Pareschi, Pierluigi Vellucci and Mattia Zanella
Epidemic spreading on dual-structure networks with mobile agents pp. 218-225 Downloads
Yiyang Yao and Yinzuo Zhou
A hierarchical network modeling method for railway tunnels safety assessment pp. 226-239 Downloads
Jin Zhou, Weixiang Xu, Xin Guo and Xumin Liu
Competitive seeds-selection in complex networks pp. 240-248 Downloads
Jiuhua Zhao, Qipeng Liu, Lin Wang and Xiaofan Wang
Impact of diffusion limited aggregates of impurities on nematic ordering pp. 249-256 Downloads
S. Harkai, M. Ambrožič and S. Kralj
Political opinion formation: Initial opinion distribution and individual heterogeneity of tolerance pp. 257-266 Downloads
Cheng Jin, Yifu Li and Xiaogang Jin
The use of the multi-cumulant tensor analysis for the algorithmic optimisation of investment portfolios pp. 267-276 Downloads
Krzysztof Domino
Analyzing signal attenuation in PFG anomalous diffusion via a modified Gaussian phase distribution approximation based on fractal derivative model pp. 277-288 Downloads
Guoxing Lin
Some thermodynamic considerations on low frequency electromagnetic waves effects on cancer invasion and metastasis pp. 289-295 Downloads
Umberto Lucia and Antonio Ponzetto
Geary autocorrelation and DCCA coefficient: Application to predict apoptosis protein subcellular localization via PSSM pp. 296-306 Downloads
Yunyun Liang, Sanyang Liu and Shengli Zhang
Study of the critical behavior of the driven lattice gas model with limited nonequilibrium dynamics pp. 307-314 Downloads
Gustavo P. Saracco, M. Leticia Rubio Puzzo and Marisa A. Bab
Generalized quantum similarity in atomic systems: A quantifier of relativistic effects pp. 315-325 Downloads
A.L. Martín, J.C. Angulo, J. Antolín and S. López-Rosa
Cross-correlations between the US monetary policy, US dollar index and crude oil market pp. 326-344 Downloads
Xinxin Sun, Xinsheng Lu, Gongzheng Yue and Jianfeng Li
Investor structure and the price–volume relationship in a continuous double auction market: An agent-based modeling perspective pp. 345-355 Downloads
Wei Zhang, Zhengzheng Bi and Dehua Shen
Cold induced mortality of the Burmese Python: An explanation via stochastic analysis pp. 356-364 Downloads
Emmanuel Quansah, Rana D. Parshad and Sumona Mondal
New leads in speculative behavior pp. 365-379 Downloads
A. Kindler, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde, G. Lefebvre and S. Solomon
Measuring the dissimilarity of multiplex networks: An empirical study of international trade networks pp. 380-394 Downloads
Xiaohang Zhang, Huiyuan Cui, Ji Zhu, Yu Du, Qi Wang and Wenhua Shi
Effect of fuel concentration on cargo transport by a team of Kinesin motors pp. 395-406 Downloads
Anjneya Takshak, Nirvantosh Mishra, Aditi Kulkarni and Ambarish Kunwar
Asymptotic behaviors of a cell-to-cell HIV-1 infection model perturbed by white noise pp. 407-418 Downloads
Qun Liu
How long will the traffic flow time series keep efficacious to forecast the future? pp. 419-431 Downloads
PengCheng Yuan and XuXun Lin
Trojan War displayed as a full annihilation–diffusion–reaction model pp. 432-435 Downloads
J.C. Flores
Does price efficiency increase with trading volume? Evidence of nonlinearity and power laws in ETFs pp. 436-452 Downloads
Gunduz Caginalp and Mark DeSantis
A comparison of principal components using TPCA and nonstationary principal component analysis on daily air-pollutant concentration series pp. 453-464 Downloads
Chenhua Shen
Optimization of spatial complex networks pp. 465-473 Downloads
S. Guillier, V. Muñoz, J. Rogan, R. Zarama and J.A. Valdivia
Comparison of canonical and microcanonical definitions of entropy pp. 474-489 Downloads
Michael Matty, Lachlan Lancaster, William Griffin and Robert H. Swendsen
Long-term effects of user preference-oriented recommendation method on the evolution of online system pp. 490-498 Downloads
Xiaoyu Shi, Ming-Sheng Shang, Xin Luo, Abbas Khushnood and Jian Li
The maintenance of cooperation in multiplex networks with limited and partible resources of agents pp. 499-507 Downloads
Zhaofeng Li, Bi Shen and Yichuan Jiang
Identifying online user reputation of user–object bipartite networks pp. 508-516 Downloads
Xiao-Lu Liu, Jian-Guo Liu, Kai Yang, Qiang Guo and Jing-Ti Han
Transfer mutual information: A new method for measuring information transfer to the interactions of time series pp. 517-526 Downloads
Xiaojun Zhao, Pengjian Shang and Aijing Lin
Asymptotic behavior of stochastic multi-group epidemic models with distributed delays pp. 527-541 Downloads
Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang, Ningzhong Shi, Tasawar Hayat and Ahmed Alsaedi
Insuring wind energy production pp. 542-553 Downloads
D’Amico, Guglielmo, Filippo Petroni and Flavio Prattico
A new look at the fractionalization of the logistic equation pp. 554-561 Downloads
Manuel Ortigueira and Gabriel Bengochea
Revisiting r>g—The asymptotic dynamics of wealth inequality pp. 562-572 Downloads
Yonatan Berman and Yoash Shapira
Stochastic sensitivity analysis of noise-induced order-chaos transitions in discrete-time systems with tangent and crisis bifurcations pp. 573-584 Downloads
Irina Bashkirtseva and Lev Ryashko
Page updated 2025-03-31