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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 303, issue 3, 2002

Multiscaling in Ising quantum chains with random Hilhorst–van Leeuwen perturbations pp. 275-285 Downloads
L. Turban
Microscopic argument for the anomalous hydration heat capacity increment upon solvation of apolar substances pp. 286-294 Downloads
Audun Bakk and Johan S. Høye
Microscopic origin and relevance of surface parameters for confined ternary mixtures pp. 295-307 Downloads
F. Clarysse and C.J. Boulter
Analog computers in stochastic phenomena pp. 308-320 Downloads
P. Etchegoin
Canonical explicit Bäcklund transformations with spectrality for constrained flows of soliton hierarchies pp. 321-338 Downloads
Yunbo Zeng, Yiqing Zhu, Ting Xiao and Huihui Dai
Collective behavior in a chain of van der Pol oscillators with power-law coupling pp. 339-356 Downloads
Sandro E de S. Pinto, Sergio R. Lopes and Ricardo L Viana
Lagrangian statistical mechanics applied to non-linear stochastic field equations pp. 357-386 Downloads
Sam F. Edwards and Moshe Schwartz
On the nature of Benford's Law pp. 387-396 Downloads
Georg A. Gottwald and Matthew Nicol
Kinetics of ordering for a ternary system on square lattice pp. 397-409 Downloads
Jun Ni, Hongting Shi and Binglin Gu
Short-term memories in lattices of inductively coupled AC-driven circuits pp. 410-420 Downloads
Antoonio M. Batista and Ricardo L. Viana
Random walk and 1/f noise pp. 421-426 Downloads
Carolyne M. Van Vliet
Intensity approximation of random fluctuation in complex systems pp. 427-438 Downloads
R.m Yulmetyev, F.m Gafarov, D.g Yulmetyeva and N.a Emeljanova
Complex form, reduction and Lie–Poisson structure for the nonlinearized spectral problem of the Heisenberg hierarchy pp. 439-456 Downloads
Dianlou Du
Transport theory in the context of the normalized generalized statistics pp. 457-468 Downloads
F.Q. Potiguar and U.M.S. Costa
Vortex lattices in quantum mechanics pp. 469-480 Downloads
Tsunehiro Kobayashi
Generalized Thomas–Fermi approach for systems under pressure pp. 481-492 Downloads
E. Cappelluti and L. Delle Site
Negative differential resistance in aperiodic semiconductor superlattices pp. 493-506 Downloads
M.H. Tyc and W. Salejda
Some characteristic properties of a decorated ferrimagnetic Ising system pp. 507-524 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Wetting of a corrugated surface 3D Ising model pp. 525-533 Downloads
L. Bahmad, A. Benyoussef and H. Ez-Zahraouy
Exactly solvable single lane highway traffic model with tollbooths pp. 534-542 Downloads
H.F. Chau, Hao Xu and L.-G. Liu
A model for the evolution of economic systems in social networks pp. 543-551 Downloads
A.S. Elgazzar

Volume 303, issue 1, 2002

Detailed description of a two-state non-Markov system pp. 1-12 Downloads
Alexander M. Berezhkovskii and George H. Weiss
Salt fingers in double-diffusive systems pp. 13-26 Downloads
A. Sorkin, V. Sorkin and I. Leizerson
The diffusion-drift equation on comb-like structure pp. 27-34 Downloads
S.A. El-Wakil, M.A. Zahran and E.M. Abulwafa
Nucleation as a local subsystem fluctuation pp. 35-47 Downloads
M.A. Parshakova and G.V. Ermakov
Variational model of granular flow in a three-dimensional rotating container pp. 48-56 Downloads
T. Elperin and A. Vikhansky
Exact solution of averaging procedure over the Cantor set pp. 57-66 Downloads
A.A. Stanislavsky and K. Weron
Control of current reversal in single and multiparticle inertia ratchets pp. 67-78 Downloads
H.A. Larrondo, Fereydoon Family and C.M. Arizmendi
Coherent stochastic resonance in a sextic double-well potential pp. 79-90 Downloads
F. So and K.L. Liu
Effective Markovian approximation for non-Gaussian noises: a path integral approach pp. 91-104 Downloads
M.A. Fuentes, Horacio S. Wio and Raúl Toral
Monte-Carlo investigation of vertical correlations in self-organized multilayer growth of islands pp. 105-118 Downloads
Sovirith Tan, Pui-Man Lam and J.C.S. Levy
Thermodynamic limit in the elastic triangle: perturbation theory pp. 119-132 Downloads
A.H. Opie and J. Grindlay
Stability of phase transitions in polymers with bistable unit cells pp. 133-143 Downloads
E.S. Shikhovtseva
A multi-species asymmetric exclusion model with an impurity pp. 144-162 Downloads
Farhad H. Jafarpour
A mathematical model of the Bloch NMR equations for quantitative analysis of blood flow in blood vessels with changing cross-section—I pp. 163-175 Downloads
O.B. Awojoyogbe
Non-universal scaling and dynamical feedback in generalized models of financial markets pp. 176-184 Downloads
Dafang Zheng, G.J. Rodgers, P.M. Hui and R. D'Hulst
Why technical trading may be successful? A lesson from the agent-based modeling pp. 185-188 Downloads
Anatoly B. Schmidt
Coordination of decisions in a spatial agent model pp. 189-216 Downloads
Frank Schweitzer, Jörg Zimmermann and Heinz Mühlenbein
The local minority game pp. 217-225 Downloads
S. Moelbert and P. De Los Rios
Metastable flows in a two-lane traffic model equivalent to extended Burgers cellular automaton pp. 226-238 Downloads
Minoru Fukui, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Daisuke Takahashi and Yoshihiro Ishibashi
Clogging transition of pedestrian flow in T-shaped channel pp. 239-250 Downloads
Yusuke Tajima and Takashi Nagatani
Modelling widely scattered states in ‘synchronized’ traffic flow and possible relevance for stock market dynamics pp. 251-260 Downloads
Dirk Helbing, Davide Batic, Martin Schönhof and Martin Treiber
Growing random networks with fitness pp. 261-272 Downloads
G. Ergün and G.J. Rodgers

Volume 302, issue 1, 2001

Codes on graphs: recent progress pp. 1-13 Downloads
G.David Forney
Statistical mechanics and capacity-approaching error-correcting codes pp. 14-21 Downloads
Nicolas Sourlas
Variations on the Gallager bounds with some applications pp. 22-34 Downloads
S. Shamai and I. Sason
Iterative decoding of LDPC codes: some bounds and properties pp. 35-43 Downloads
David Burshtein and Gadi Miller
Statistical physics of interacting neural networks pp. 44-55 Downloads
Wolfgang Kinzel, Richard Metzler and Ido Kanter
Training multilayer perceptrons by principal component analysis pp. 56-63 Downloads
M. Biehl, C. Bunzmann and R. Urbanczik
Spontaneous synchronized bursting in 2D neural networks pp. 64-69 Downloads
Ronen Segev and Eshel Ben-Jacob
Clustering via Hilbert space pp. 70-79 Downloads
David Horn
Matrix games with nonuniform payoff distributions pp. 80-88 Downloads
Liat Ein-Dor and Ido Kanter
Complexity through nonextensivity pp. 89-99 Downloads
William Bialek, Ilya Nemenman and Naftali Tishby
Counting over non-planar graphs pp. 100-109 Downloads
Riccardo Zecchina
Support vector machines learning noisy polynomial rules pp. 110-118 Downloads
M. Opper and R. Urbanczik
Probabilistic data modelling with adaptive TAP mean-field theory pp. 119-125 Downloads
Manfred Opper and Ole Winther
Quantifying economic fluctuations pp. 126-137 Downloads
H.Eugene Stanley, Luis A. Nunes Amaral, Xavier Gabaix, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan and Vasiliki Plerou
When human walking becomes random walking: fractal analysis and modeling of gait rhythm fluctuations pp. 138-147 Downloads
Jeffrey M. Hausdorff, Yosef Ashkenazy, Chang-K. Peng, Plamen Ch. Ivanov, H.Eugene Stanley and Ary L. Goldberger
Properties of Lévy flights on an interval with absorbing boundaries pp. 148-161 Downloads
S.V. Buldyrev, M. Gitterman, S. Havlin, A.Ya. Kazakov, M.G.E. da Luz, E.P. Raposo, H.E. Stanley and G.M. Viswanathan
Transmission of stress in granular materials as a problem of statistical mechanics pp. 162-186 Downloads
S.F. Edwards and D.V. Grinev
On mixing and metaequilibrium in nonextensive systems pp. 187-192 Downloads
Constantino Tsallis
Applications of the statistical mechanics of inherent states to granular media pp. 193-201 Downloads
Antonio Coniglio, Annalisa Fierro and Mario Nicodemi
Glass and percolation transitions in dense attractive micellar system pp. 202-219 Downloads
F. Mallamace, R. Beneduci, P. Gambadauro, D. Lombardo and S.H. Chen
Volatility driven market in a generalized Lotka–Voltera formalism pp. 220-233 Downloads
Yoram Louzoun and Sorin Solomon
Scaling analysis of trends using DFA pp. 234-243 Downloads
Dmitry Vjushin, R.B. Govindan, Roberto A. Monetti, Shlomo Havlin and Armin Bunde
Saturation transients in saltation and their implications on dune shapes pp. 244-254 Downloads
Hans J. Herrmann, Klaus Kroy and Gerd Sauermann
Long term persistence in the atmosphere: global laws and tests of climate models pp. 255-267 Downloads
Armin Bunde, Shlomo Havlin, Eva Koscielny-Bunde and Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber
Linear response in complex systems: CTRW and the fractional Fokker–Planck equations pp. 268-278 Downloads
I.M. Sokolov, A. Blumen and J. Klafter
Anomalous stress relaxation in random macromolecular networks pp. 279-289 Downloads
Kurt Broderix, Henning Löwe, Peter Müller and Annette Zippelius
Lévy meets Boltzmann: strange initial conditions for Brownian and fractional Fokker–Planck equations pp. 290-296 Downloads
Ralf Metzler and Joseph Klafter
The roughness and growth of a silver–mercury reaction interface pp. 297-301 Downloads
Avraham Be'er, Yossi Lereah, Inbal Hecht and Haim Taitelbaum
Stochastic properties of many-body systems pp. 302-309 Downloads
H.A. Weidenmüller
“Scars” in parametrically excited surface waves pp. 310-317 Downloads
Oded Agam and Boris L. Altshuler
Role of intervalley scattering in silicon inversion layers near the metal–insulator transition pp. 318-327 Downloads
Alexander Punnoose and Alexander M. Finkel'stein
Junction symmetry effects in resonant tunneling through InAs nanocrystal quantum dots pp. 328-334 Downloads
David Katz, Shi-Hai Kan, Uri Banin and Oded Millo
Pumping at resonant transmission and transferred charge quantization pp. 335-344 Downloads
Y. Levinson, O. Entin-Wohlman and P. Wölfle
Ferromagnetic transition in a double-exchange system with alloy disorder pp. 345-358 Downloads
Mark Auslender and Eugene Kogan
Magnetoresistance study for systems of interacting electrons in two dimensions pp. 359-367 Downloads
Jan W. Kantelhardt, Richard Berkovits and Yshai Avishai
Evidence for a quantum phase transition in two dimensions pp. 368-374 Downloads
M.P. Sarachik and S.A. Vitkalov
Giant persistent photoconductivity induced crossover from strong to weak localization in Si-δ-doped GaAs compensated with Be acceptors pp. 375-381 Downloads
K.-J. Friedland, M. Hoerike, R. Hey, I. Shlimak and L. Resnick
Magnetoresistance of magnetic multilayers: understanding Ohm's law pp. 382-390 Downloads
Smadar Shatz and Nathan Wiser
Percolation-type description of the metal–insulator transition in two dimensions pp. 391-403 Downloads
Yigal Meir
Kondo tunneling through a biased double quantum dot pp. 404-410 Downloads
Yshai Avishai and Konstantin Kikoin
Page updated 2025-03-31