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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 157, issue 3, 1989

Simulation of a cellular automat with an oriented bootstrap rule pp. 1075-1079 Downloads
J.A.M.S. Duarte
Theory of powders pp. 1080-1090 Downloads
S.F. Edwards and R.B.S. Oakeshott
Statistical mechanics of powder mixtures pp. 1091-1100 Downloads
Anita Mehta and S.F. Edwards
Dynamical properties of 2D systems with site disorder pp. 1101-1138 Downloads
Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
A two fluid model for sedimentation phenomena pp. 1139-1179 Downloads
Benoît Noetinger
Non-equilibrium fluctuations of a Rayleigh particle in a two-component gas pp. 1180-1194 Downloads
E. Javier Vitela and Manuel Coronado
The asymmetric continuous distribution function of the effective field of the Ising model in the spin glass and the ferromagnetic states on the Bethe lattice pp. 1195-1202 Downloads
Mitsuhiro Sasaki and Shigetoshi Katsura
Microscopic theory of spin reorientations - heterophase approach and basic model pp. 1203-1226 Downloads
A.A. Bakasov and V.I. Yukalov
Zero-temperature phase transitions in quantum systems with symmetry-conserving impurities pp. 1227-1258 Downloads
G. Busiello, L. De Cesare, K. Lukierska-Walasek and K. Walasek
Diffusion in three binary gaseous systems containing neon isotopes at 300 K pp. 1259-1260 Downloads
Peter J. Dunlop, C.M. Bignell and W.L. Taylor
The waiting time problem pp. 1261-1273 Downloads
Domingo P. Prato and Pedro A. Pury

Volume 157, issue 2, 1989

Classification of square lattice cellular automata pp. 645-655 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
Universality of critical screening in the formation of fractal patterns pp. 656-668 Downloads
J.H. Kaufman, G.M. Dimino and P. Meakin
Comparison between simultaneous and sequential updating in 2n+1−1 cellular automata pp. 669-687 Downloads
G. Le Caër
Theory of turbulent shear flow pp. 688-704 Downloads
Jürgen Piest
Dynamic light scattering by non-ergodic media pp. 705-741 Downloads
P.N. Pusey and W. Van Megen
Interface in a three dimensional XY model with a spatially varying coupling constant pp. 742-751 Downloads
Paul Muzikar and N. Giordano
Rotational diffusion of a tracer colloid particle pp. 752-768 Downloads
R.B. Jones
Diffusion within a sphere; a non-Gaussian statistical model for particle displacements in a dense colloidal suspension pp. 769-796 Downloads
R.J.A. Tough and C. van den Broeck
Thermodynamic aspect of the glass transition pp. 797-825 Downloads
Moorad Alexanian and Timothy W. Haywood
Summation of dipolar fields in simulated liquid-vapour interfaces pp. 826-838 Downloads
John Lekner
Capillary waves of a vapor-liquid interface in a gravitational field very close to the critical temperature pp. 839-856 Downloads
J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and J.V. Sengers
Generalized Ornstein-Zernike approach to many-particle equilibrium correlation functions pp. 857-890 Downloads
J. BŁawzdziewicz, B. Cichocki and R. Hołyst
A continuous-time generalization of the persistent random walk pp. 891-898 Downloads
Jaume Masoliver, Katja Lindenberg and George H. Weiss
Towards finding exact residual entropies of the Ising antiferromagnets pp. 899-906 Downloads
Sava Milošević, Borko Stošić and Tatjana Stošić
Stability analysis for absorptive optical bistability in a Fabry-Pérot cavity pp. 907-932 Downloads
A.J. van Wonderen, B.J. Douwes and L.G. Suttorp
Spectral estimation of finite collision times in liquid solutions pp. 933-954 Downloads
A.I. Burshtein and James McConnell
On the basis of statistical mechanics. The Liouville equation for systems with an infinite countable number of degrees of freedom pp. 955-982 Downloads
Janusz Szczepański
Upper and lower bounds for the partition function of lattice models pp. 983-999 Downloads
Michael Heise
Stable, metastable and unstable solutions of a spin-1 Ising system obtained by the molecular-field approximation and the path probability method pp. 1000-1017 Downloads
Mustafa Keskin, Mehmet Ari and Paul H.E Meijer
On fluctuations in interfacial fluid systems pp. 1018-1032 Downloads
Ll. Torner, J.M. Rubí and A. Díaz-Guilera
Exact spectrum for n electrons in the single band Hubbard model pp. 1033-1041 Downloads
W.J. Caspers and P.L. Iske
Wetting and surface melting: Capillary fluctuations vs. layerwise short-range order pp. 1042-1058 Downloads
A.A. Chernov and L.V. Mikheev
Test-particle motion in a relativistic plasma pp. 1059-1073 Downloads
Ph. de Gottal and J. Gariel

Volume 157, issue 1, 1989

Wave propagation and inhomogeneous media: Beyond effective medium theories pp. 3-12 Downloads
Bernard Souillard
Some aspects of mathematical morphology for physical applications pp. 13-20 Downloads
D. Jeulin
Fractals and multifractals: Applications in physics pp. 21-30 Downloads
A. Coniglio, L. De Arcangelis and H.J. Herrmann
New percolating structures in random fractals in 2d and 3d pp. 31-36 Downloads
M. Perreau and J.C.S. Levy
Computer simulation of localization effects on Euclidean and fractal lattices pp. 37-41 Downloads
Roch Bourbonnais, Alain Benoît and Roger Maynard
Localization of leaky guided waves pp. 42-48 Downloads
Didier Sornette, Louis Macon and Jean Coste
Fractal structure of gas evaporated metal aggregates pp. 49-52 Downloads
T. Farestam, G.A. Niklasson, A. Torebring, C. Larsson and C.G. Granqvist
Preparation and characterization of composite films of magnesium oxide embedding nanometer-sized metal crystallites pp. 53-57 Downloads
Kazuhiro Mihama and Nobuo Tanaka
Nonlinear dissipation in a finite-sized quantum system pp. 58-63 Downloads
Michael Wilkinson
Criticism of the image analysis of discontinuous thin films pp. 64-67 Downloads
A. Beghdadi, M. Gadenne, P. Gadenne, J. Lafait, A. Le Negrate and A. Constans
Electrical transport properties near a classical conductivity or percolation threshold pp. 72-88 Downloads
David J. Bergman
Multifractals and noise in metal-insulator mixtures pp. 89-100 Downloads
A.-M.S. Tremblay, B. Fourcade and P. Breton
Universal fluctuations and long-range correlations for wave propagation in random media pp. 101-110 Downloads
Eric Akkermans
Granular properties of high Tc superconductors pp. 111-119 Downloads
J.C. Garland
Critical behavior of Hall conductivity and magnetoconductivity near the percolation threshold in granular Sn:Ar mixtures pp. 120-124 Downloads
M. Rohde and H. Micklitz
Critical behavior of the Hall effect near the percolation threshold using a new network model pp. 125-129 Downloads
Edgardo Duering and David J. Bergman
Site-bond percolation in the description of electrical transport properties of thick resistive films pp. 130-134 Downloads
A. Kusy and A. Kolek
Anomalous Aharonov-Bohm effect in percolating superconducting films pp. 135-139 Downloads
A. Gerber and G. Deutscher
Some problems on current noise in resistor network pp. 140-146 Downloads
Gaël Giraud, J.P. Clerc, J.M. Laugier, R. Faure, C.D. Essoh and J. Bellissard
Electronic transport in a conducting ceramic: Hopping on a fractal pp. 147-147 Downloads
L. Zuppiroli, R. Kormann and T. Suski
On the conductivity of polycrystals and a phase-interchange inequality pp. 148-153 Downloads
Marco Avellaneda, A.V. Cherkaev, K.A. Lurie and Graeme Milton
Experimental investigation of two-dimensional In Ge thin films pp. 154-158 Downloads
Leandro R. Tessler and Guy Deutscher
Phase transitions in granular superconducting matter and the magnetic properties of high Tc ceramics pp. 159-163 Downloads
A. Raboutou, P. Peyral, C. Lebeau and J. Rosenblatt
Optical properties of superconducting Y Ba Cu O pp. 164-170 Downloads
A. Bjørneklett, A. Borg and O. Hunderi
Percolation-localization crossover in sputtered Pd films pp. 171-176 Downloads
N. Papandreou, P. Nedellec and J. Rosenblatt
Determination of electrons scattering lengths in thin discontinuous gold-films pp. 177-180 Downloads
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E.F. Wassermann
The measurement and comparative analysis of the electrical and thermal conductivities and permeability of sintered nickel pp. 181-184 Downloads
N. Deprez, D.S. McLachlan and I. Sigalas
Temperature dependence of resistance in discontinuous metal films: Aluminium films on NaCl substrates pp. 185-187 Downloads
E. Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas and S. Snela
Measurement and analysis of a model dual conductivity medium using a generalized effective medium theory pp. 188-191 Downloads
D.S. McLachlan
Mean field theory for weakly nonlinear composites pp. 192-197 Downloads
X.C. Zeng, P.M. Hui, D.J. Bergman and D. Stroud
Non-ohmic effects in granular metals pp. 198-203 Downloads
D. Bourbie, G. Olivier and M. Mostefa
Dielectric behaviour of composite media pp. 204-209 Downloads
J.P. Clerc, Gaël Giraud, J.M. Laugier and J.M. Luck
A quantitative analysis of resistor networks with logarithmically wide distribution of conductances pp. 210-213 Downloads
Stéphane Tyč and B.I. Halperin
Infrared studies of textured ceramic high-Tc superconductors pp. 214-219 Downloads
D.B. Tanner, T. Timusk, S.L. Herr, K. Kamarás, C.D. Porter, D.A. Bonn, J.D. Garrett, C.V. Stager, J.E. Greedan and M. Reedyk
Large scale inhomogeneities in granular metals pp. 220-222 Downloads
R.S. Newrock, M.G. DiStefano, H.-K. Sin and S.A. Dodds
Low temperature conductivity of cermets pp. 223-229 Downloads
A. Gilabert, M. Khatami, S. Berthier, J. Lafait and P. Nédellec
Calculation of electrical transport in continuum systems by diffusion simulation pp. 230-234 Downloads
Lawrence M. Schwartz and Jayanth R. Banavar
Microstructure and optical properties of random media pp. 238-243 Downloads
Ping Sheng
Many-particle systems: Models of inhomogeneous matter pp. 244-261 Downloads
U. Kreibig, M. Quinten and D. Schoenauer
Infrared absorption of inhomogeneous media with metallic inclusions pp. 262-268 Downloads
Robert P. Devaty
Optical properties of 2D-systems of small particles on a substrate pp. 269-278 Downloads
M.M. Wind, P.A. Bobbert, J. Vlieger and D. Bedeaux
In-situ measurements of the optical properties of gold films near the percolation threshold pp. 279-284 Downloads
P. Gadenne, Y. Yagil and G. Deutscher
Long wavelength properties of granular metal-insulator films: A microscopic approach pp. 285-292 Downloads
Thierry Robin and Bernard Souillard
Static and dynamic multiple scattering of light pp. 293-300 Downloads
G. Maret and P.E. Wolf
Nonlinear optics in composites and in heterogeneous media pp. 301-308 Downloads
D. Ricard
The optical properties of thin films and superlattices pp. 309-322 Downloads
Ola Hunderi
Optical properties of copper island films with consideration of grain size and interisland spacing distribution pp. 323-327 Downloads
P. Biegański, E. Dobierzewska-Mozrzymas and J. Peisert
Optical properties of model 3D random composites pp. 328-332 Downloads
F. Carmona and P. Prudhon
Optical properties of cermets consisting of metal in a WO3 matrix pp. 333-338 Downloads
P.V. Ashrit, G. Bader, Fernand E. Girouard, Vo-Van Truong and Tomuo Yamaguchi
Optical absorption of small Ag clusters deposited on a cold substrate by attenuated total reflection spectroscopy pp. 339-343 Downloads
T. Yamaguchi, H. Tamura and E. Anno
Electrical and optical properties of Au Al2O3 films: Dimensionality effects pp. 344-351 Downloads
M. Gadenne and P. Gadenne
Diffraction properties of recursive surface fractals pp. 352-355 Downloads
C. Allain and M. Cloitre
Calculation of the optical dielectric function of 2D and 3D inhomogeneous media by real space renormalization pp. 356-363 Downloads
S. Berthier and K. Driss-Khodja
Effective medium theories with pair and three-point correlation effects pp. 364-367 Downloads
G.A. Niklasson
A diagrammatic approach to the optical properties of composites pp. 368-368 Downloads
R.G. Barrera, G. Monsivals, W.L. Mochan and E. Anda
Renormalized polarizability in the Maxwell Garnett theory pp. 369-369 Downloads
R.G. Barrera, G. Monsivais, W.L. Mochan and M. Del Castillo
Numerical study of optical absorption in two-dimensional metal-insulator and normal-superconductor composites pp. 370-370 Downloads
X.C. Zeng, D. Stroud and P.M. Hui
Anomalous optical absorption in porous metal films pp. 371-376 Downloads
M. Jebari, Y. Borensztein and G. Vuye
The convergence of integral expressions for the effective properties of heterogeneous media pp. 377-381 Downloads
M.A.J. Michels
Optical properties of a noble metal with a string-of-pearls insulator inhomogeneity pp. 382-387 Downloads
Armand Wirgin
Far-infrared absorption by small particles pp. 388-394 Downloads
Y.H. Kim and D.B. Tanner
Far infrared absorption by small bismuth particles pp. 395-399 Downloads
R.E. Sherriff and R.P. Devaty
Infrared absorption of Au Al2O3 thin cermet films: Experiment, Bruggeman model, far and near the percolation threshold pp. 400-406 Downloads
M. Gadenne, J. Lafait and P. Gadenne
Optical constants of (GaAs)N (AlAs)N [N = 2−220] superlattices pp. 407-410 Downloads
H. Anma, T. Yamaguchi, H. Okumura and S. Yoshida
Optical absorption and electrical conductivity in amorphous Ge/SiOx superlattices pp. 411-417 Downloads
A. Bittar, G.V.M. Williams and H.J. Trodahl
Weak localization and enhanced backscattering of light in dilute suspensions pp. 418-422 Downloads
Mark Yosefin and David J. Bergman
Optical properties of noble metal/MgF2 multilayered cermets pp. 423-427 Downloads
T. Yamaguchi, R. Chauvaux and V.-V. Truong
Nonlinear dielectrics: Electrostatics of random media and propagation of electromagnetic waves in a homogeneous slab pp. 428-436 Downloads
Raphael Blumenfeld and David J. Bergman
Nonlinear optical properties of commercial and experimental semiconductor-doped glasses pp. 437-442 Downloads
D. Ricard, P. Roussignol, C. Flytzanis and N. Neuroth
Ionic transport and membrane potential in porous media with interfacial charges pp. 446-453 Downloads
Pabitra N. Sen
Dielectric and conductivity properties of inhomogeneous media pp. 454-460 Downloads
F. Brouers
Conducting filled polymers pp. 461-469 Downloads
F. Carmona
Microstructure and transport in midrange microemulsions pp. 470-481 Downloads
H.T. Davis, J.F. Bodet, L.E. Scriven and W.G. Miller
Applications of inhomogeneous materials: Optical and electrical properties pp. 482-488 Downloads
G.A. Niklasson
Diffusion and relaxation in porous media pp. 489-492 Downloads
Kenneth S. Mendelson
Novel geometrical effects in electrolytic conduction in porous media pp. 493-496 Downloads
Lawrence M. Schwartz, Pabitra N. Sen and David Linton Johnson
Invasion of a porous medium under gravity: A quantitative analysis pp. 497-498 Downloads
J.F. Gouyet, M. Rosso, E. Clément, C. Baudet and J.P. Hulin
Geometrical models for the high frequency dielectric properties of brine saturated sandstones pp. 499-502 Downloads
Lawrence M. Schwartz, Stéphane Tyč, Pabitra N. Sen and Po-zen Wong
The role of multipoles in the dielectric anomaly of porous media pp. 503-508 Downloads
F. Claro and F. Brouers
An experimental model of diffusion on bidimensional systems pp. 509-513 Downloads
P. Rigord and J.P. Hulin
Scaling behavior for dynamic permeability in porous media pp. 514-519 Downloads
Ping Sheng, Min-Yau Zhou, E. Charlaix, A.P. Kushnick and J.P. Stokes
Dielectric properties of disordered insulators pp. 520-523 Downloads
G.A. Niklasson, K. Brantervik and T.S. Eriksson
Viscous fingers on fractals pp. 524-528 Downloads
Yigal Meir and Amnon Aharony
Systematic study of percolative network formation and effective electric response in low-concentration-carbon-black/polymer composites pp. 529-534 Downloads
M.A.J. Michels, J.C.M. Brokken-Zijp, W.M. Groenewoud and A. Knoester
The diffusion front on fractals and superlocalization from linear response requirements pp. 535-538 Downloads
J.P. Bouchaud and A. Georges
Surface geometry of metallic colloids in alkalihalides: Optical and electronic effects pp. 539-543 Downloads
M. Barland, E. Duval, C. Maï, G. Mariotto, M. Montagna and G. Viliani
Electro-optical and dielectric properties of oil continuous aerosol ot/water/isooctane micro-emulsions pp. 544-547 Downloads
D. Bedeaux, E. van der Linden and M.A. Van Dijk
Interfacial charges manifestations: Kerr and dielectric constants relaxations studies in a microemulsion system pp. 548-554 Downloads
M. Paillette
Adjustable optical properties of coatings based on cermet thin films near the percolation threshold pp. 555-560 Downloads
C. Sella, A. Bichri, J.C. Martin, J. Lafait, K. Driss-Khodja and S. Berthier
Critical behavior of rigid-normal elastic and diluted-normal networks pp. 561-564 Downloads
Edgardo Duering and David J. Bergman
Importance of disorder in the conductivity of packings under compression pp. 565-569 Downloads
A. Gervois, M. Ammi, T. Travers, D. Bideau, J.-C. Messager and J.-P. Troadec
Free deformations of a random spring network pp. 570-574 Downloads
A. Gilabert, S. Roux, E. Guyon and D. Sornette
Percolation of electrical and elastic properties of granular materials at the transition from a suspension to a loose packing pp. 575-579 Downloads
D. Marion and A. Nur
Critical behaviors of central-force lattices pp. 580-586 Downloads
Etienne Guyon, Alex Hansen, Einar L. Hinrichsen and Stéphane Roux
Heterogeneous media and rough surfaces: A fractal approach for heat diffusion studies pp. 587-592 Downloads
D. Fournier and A.C. Boccara
Probing porous media with superfluid acoustics pp. 593-600 Downloads
David Linton Johnson
Elastic and thermal properties of hierarchical structures: Application to silica aerogels pp. 601-609 Downloads
Roger Maynard
Exchange across fractal and porous interfaces: Experimental determination of a frequency dependent scale-length for a blocking electrode pp. 610-617 Downloads
B. Sapoval and E. Chassaing
Joule heat distribution in inhomogeneous materials pp. 618-618 Downloads
Jörgen Axell, Johan Helsing and Göran Grimvall
Universal shape of diffusion fronts in inhomogeneous media from linear response requirements pp. 619-619 Downloads
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Antoine Georges
Structure of noise generated on diffusion fronts pp. 620-624 Downloads
J.F. Gouyet, B. Sapoval, Y. Boughaleb and M. Rosso
The densification of mass-fractal aerogels to fused silica: A Raman study of vibrational evolution pp. 625-629 Downloads
J. Pelous, J.L. Sauvajol, T. Woignier and R. Vacher
Solid-liquid transition of metallic clusters. Occurrence of surface melting pp. 630-630 Downloads
R. Kofman, P. Cheyssac, R. Garrigos, Y. Lereah and G. Deutscher
Page updated 2025-03-31