Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 200, issue 1, 1993
- Magnetotransport in semiconductor nanostructures pp. 1-3

- K.v. Klitzing
- Long-range power-law correlations in condensed matter physics and biophysics pp. 4-24

- H.E. Stanley, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, C.-K. Peng and M. Simons
- Exact results for the one dimensional asymmetric exclusion model pp. 25-33

- B. Derrida, M.R. Evans, V. Hakim and V. Pasquier
- Deposition problems pp. 34-41

- S.F. Edwards
- Vortex dynamics in superfluids and the Berry phase pp. 42-49

- D.J. Thouless, P. Ao and Q. Niu
- X-ray scattering studies of liquid surfaces pp. 50-64

- P.S. Pershan
- Transport by single and few electrons in GaAs mesoscopic structures pp. 65-79

- D.H. Cobden, A.S. Dzurak, M. Field, C.G. Smith, A.K. Savchenko, M. Pepper, D.A. Ritchie, J.E.F. Frost, G.A.C. Jones and D.G. Hasko
- Transport anomalies in glasses pp. 80-94

- Armin Bunde and Philipp Maass
- High-Tc superconductivity: phenomenology and microscopics pp. 95-103

- G.M. Eliashberg
- Persistent currents in mesoscopic rings pp. 104-110

- Hans A. Weidenmüller
- On the ubiquity of spin glass concepts and methods pp. 111-117

- Marc Mézard
- Effects of anisotropy and layering in the high-temperature superconductors pp. 118-126

- John R. Clem
- The bipolaron theory of high-temperature superconductors pp. 127-135

- N.F. Mott
- Dynamics of surface roughening in disordered media pp. 136-154

- Z. Csahók, K. Honda, E. Somfai, M. Vicsek and T. Vicsek
- Segregation in reaction-diffusion systems pp. 155-164

- Haim Taitelbaum
- Is diffusion limited aggregation scale invariant? pp. 165-170

- Antonio Coniglio
- Was superlocalization observed on a fractal? pp. 171-178

- Amnon Aharony, O. Entin-Wohlman and A. Brooks Harris
- Self-organized criticality with and without conservation pp. 179-188

- I.M. Jánosi and J. Kertész
- Electric field induced pattern formation in interfacial metal colloid films pp. 189-199

- I. Aharoni-Hazan, S. Efrima, M. Deutsch and D.C. Rapaport
- Anisotropic percolation and the d-dimensional surface roughening problem pp. 200-211

- Sergey V. Buldyrev, Shlomo Havlin and H.Eugene Stanley
- Random walk analysis of time-resolved transillumination measurements in optical imaging pp. 212-221

- Amir H. Gandjbakhche, Haim Taitelbaum and George H. Weiss
- Lévy walks in dynamical systems pp. 222-230

- J. Klafter, G. Zumofen and M.F. Shlesinger
- High-field vs. low-field magneto-transport in a percolating medium pp. 231-240

- David J. Bergman and Andrey K. Sarychev
- Simulations of migration, fragmentation and coalescence of non-wetting fluids in porous media pp. 241-249

- Paul Meakin, Geri Wagner, Jens Feder and Torstein Jøssang
- How to reconcile classical nucleation theory with cluster-cluster aggregation pp. 250-257

- Z. Alexandrowicz
- Two-state system in an oscillating field pp. 258-266

- M. Gitterman and J. Kiefer
- Thickness and temperature dependence of subsidiary absorption thresholds in yttrium-iron-garnet thin films pp. 267-277

- A.V. Pomyalov, I. Laulicht and J. Barak
- Hysteresis in vortex glass transitions of the first order pp. 278-286

- V.B. Geshkenbein, L.B. Ioffe and A.I. Larkin
- The interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in disordered ultrathin high-Tc films pp. 287-295

- K.M. Beauchamp, T. Wang, G.C. Spalding and A.M. Goldman
- Thermodynamics of vortices in layered superconductors and the dependence of Tc on anisotropy pp. 296-304

- Baruch Horovitz
- On the possibility for flux penetration into a Campbell regime near the onset of irreversibility in high temperature superconductors pp. 305-313

- M. Konczykowski, Y. Wolfus, Y. Yeshurun and F. Holtzberg
- Low field irreversibility in twinned and untwinned YBaCuO crystals pp. 314-322

- L. Krusin-Elbaum, L. Civale, F. Holtzberg and C. Feild
- Penetration of periodic fields pp. 323-331

- John Gilchrist
- Temperature range for critical scaling behavior in YBCO thin films pp. 332-340

- J. Deak, M.J. Darwin and M. McElfresh
- Vortices in high temperature superconductors: the statistical mechanics and dynamics of strings pp. 341-350

- G. Blatter, M.V. Feigel'man, V.B. Geshkenbein, A.I. Larkin and V.M. Vinokur
- Temperature dependence of the Hall effect in high-temperature superconductors above and below Tc pp. 351-356

- D.M. Ginsberg and R.L. Dudey
- Multivortex states in large pinning centers pp. 357-364

- B.Ya. Shapiro and I.B. Khalfin
- Reaching the unreachable: critical scaling at the superconducting transition pp. 365-373

- M.B. Salamon, W. Lee, K. Ghiron, J. Shi, N. Overend and M.A. Howson
- Vortex phases and dynamics in high-temperature and conventional amorphous superconductors pp. 374-383

- N.-C. Yeh, Weicong Jiang, D.S. Reed, U. Kriplani, F. Holtzberg, M. Konczykowski, C.C. Tsuei and C.C. Chi
- Vortex dynamics and correlated disorder in high-Tc superconductors pp. 384-394

- V.M. Vinokur
- Vortex dynamics in YBaCuO single crystals with point- and line-like defects-flux creep studies pp. 395-402

- J.R. Thompson, Yang Ren Sun, D.K. Christen, L. Civale, A.D. Marwick and F. Holtzberg
- Flux creep through the surface barrier and columnar defects in HTSC pp. 403-412

- L. Burlachkov
- Angular dependence of the magnetization curves and interlayer Josephson coupling in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 pp. 413-419

- L. Klein, E.R. Yacoby, Y. Yeshurun, M. Konczykowski and K. Kishio
- Quantum tunneling of flux lines in superconductors pp. 420-425

- D. Prost, M. Konczykowski, I.A. Campbell and L. Fruchter
- Josephson pancakes in layered superconductors pp. 426-432

- R.G. Mints and I.B. Snapiro
- Accumulation of dwell times in light diffusion pp. 433-442

- Ad Lagendijk and Bart A. van Tiggelen
- Metal-insulator transitions between quantum Hall plateaus pp. 443-451

- Hui Lin Zhao and Shechao Feng
- Backscattered indicatrix from surfaces with random impedance pp. 452-461

- V. Freilikher, M. Kaveh and I. Yurkevich
- Optical absorption, disorder and the Anderson transition pp. 462-468

- Z. Ovadyahu
- Distribution function of the intensity of optical waves in random systems pp. 469-475

- Eugene Kogan, Rene Baumgartner, Richard Berkovits and Moshe Kaveh
- Conductivity peaks broadening in the quantum Hall regime pp. 476-482

- D.G. Polyakov and B.I. Shklovskii
- Hopping spectroscopy in doped germanium near the metal-insulator transition pp. 483-490

- I. Shlimak, M. Kaveh, M.J. Lea, P. Fozooni, P. Stefanyi and A.N. Ionov
- Condensation of states at the Landau levels and disorder-independent transport in a random system pp. 491-497

- Mark Ya. Azbel'
- Large orbital magnetism pp. 498-503

- Boris Shapiro
- Quantization of persistent currents in quantum dot at strong magnetic fields pp. 504-511

- Y. Avishai and M. Kohmoto
- Renormalization of potential scattering in a weakly interacting one-dimensional electron gas pp. 512-518

- L.I. Glazman, Dongxiao Yue and K.A. Matveev
- Persistent currents in interacting lattice models pp. 519-524

- Michael Abraham and Richard Berkovits
- Mesoscopics in a strong perpendicular magnetic field pp. 525-529

- D.E. Khmelnitskii and M. Yosefin
- The Thouless formula: From disordered to chaotic spectra pp. 530-537

- Eric Akkermans
- Three fundamental concepts of the capacity of learning machines pp. 538-544

- V. Vapnik
- Simulating infinite systems pp. 545-551

- Manfred Opper
- Dynamics of learning and generalization in perceptrons with constraints pp. 552-562

- Heinz Horner
- Generalization in large committee machines pp. 563-569

- John Hertz and Holm Schwarze
- Solving optimization problems with mean field methods pp. 570-580

- Carsten Peterson
- Bits and brains: Information flow in the nervous system pp. 581-593

- William Bialek, Michael DeWeese, Fred Rieke and David Warland
- Networks of complex neurons pp. 594-601

- D. Horn
- Equilibrium distributions of stochastic networks without detailed balance pp. 602-607

- A.C.C. Coolen and D. Sherrington
- Electro-holographic artificial neural networks pp. 608-612

- Aharon J. Agranat
- Statistical mechanics of generalization: new results for perceptrons pp. 613-618

- Wolfgang Kinzel
- Probing the attractors in neural networks pp. 619-627

- K.Y.M. Wong
- On optimal neural network learning pp. 628-635

- T.L.H. Watkin
- Replica calculation of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis bound for the perceptron pp. 636-643

- A. Engel and C. Van den Broeck
- Data compression and prediction in neural networks pp. 644-654

- Ronny Meir and Jose F. Fontanari
- On the combination of supervised and unsupervised learning pp. 655-661

- Nathan Intrator
- Patterns of synchrony in a heterogeneous Hodgkin-Huxley neural network with weak coupling pp. 662-669

- D. Hansel and G. Mato
- The binary perceptron and general aspects of non-self-averaged quantities pp. 670-678

- I. Kanter and M. Shvartser
- Uniaxial incommensurate phases at the Au(111) electrode pp. 679-687

- Jia Wang, G.M. Watson and B.M. Ocko
- Search for perfectly ordered dense monolayers pp. 688-695

- M. Goldmann, P. Nassoy and F. Rondelez
- Capillary waves on the liquid-vapour interface, and propagation near boundaries pp. 696-707

- D. Beaglehole
- Thin liquid layers in shear: non-Newtonian effects pp. 708-712

- Yitzhak Rabin and Igor Hersht
- Thin films of diblock copolymers: windows into bulk and reduced dimensional phenomena pp. 713-721

- T.P. Russell, A.M. Mayes and P. Bassereau
- Monte Carlo simulation of polymers at interfaces pp. 722-729

- Kurt Binder
- Studies of thin smectic C∗ films by X-ray reflectivity pp. 730-742

- O. Marinov, E. Olbrich, G. Cohen, I. Entin and D. Davidov
- Surfactant-polymer interactions in soap films pp. 743-750

- Oleg Krichevsky and Joel Stavans
- A new surface phase in liquid normal-alkanes pp. 751-758

- X.Z. Wu, B.M. Ocko, E.B. Sirota, S.K. Sinha and M. Deutsch
- Two-dimensional dye crystals with controllable optical properties pp. 759-769

- S. Kirstein, V. Bliznyuk and H. Möhwald
- Role of interface scattering on the giant magnetoresistance of magnetic multilayers pp. 770-776

- Nathan Wiser
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