Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 353, issue C, 2005
- The geometrical approach of the manganitise compound deposition on the surface of manganisite ore pp. 1-8

- Mehmet Bayirli
- Structural and kinetic modification of aqueous hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) induced by electron beam irradiation pp. 9-20

- Kazuya Furusawa, Toshiaki Dobashi, Satoshi Morishita, Mikio Oyama, Tadashi Hashimoto, Naoki Shinyashiki, Shin Yagihara and Naotsugu Nagasawa
- The effect of polyaniline layer deposited on silica particles on electrorheological and dielectric properties of their silicone–oil suspensions pp. 21-28

- Vladimír Pavlínek, Petr Sáha, Takeshi Kitano, Jaroslav Stejskal and Otakar Quadrat
- Electrical percolation in the presence of attractive interactions: An effective medium lattice approach applied to microemulsion systems pp. 29-37

- Y. Hattori, H. Ushiki, W. Engl, L. Courbin and P. Panizza
- A new constrained mKP hierarchy and the generalized Darboux transformation for the mKP equation with self-consistent sources pp. 38-60

- Ting Xiao and Yunbo Zeng
- Chaos synchronization of the fractional Lü system pp. 61-72

- W.H. Deng and C.P. Li
- Efficiency of encounter-controlled reaction between diffusing reactants in a finite lattice: Non-nearest-neighbor effects pp. 73-84

- Jonathan L. Bentz, John J. Kozak and Gregoire Nicolis
- Interaction enhancement effect in a simple system of two coupled discrete stochastic resonators pp. 85-100

- Ryo Takahashi and Masuo Suzuki
- Useful work versus dissipation in weakly coupled systems at different temperatures pp. 101-113

- O.M. Ritter and W. Figueiredo
- The full canonical ensemble of a granular system pp. 114-118

- S.F. Edwards
- Transverse radiation realized as deformed harmonic oscillators pp. 119-132

- P. Narayana Swamy
- Localization of multi-state quantum walk in one dimension pp. 133-144

- Norio Inui and Norio Konno
- External arguments for the chaotic bands calculation in the Mandelbrot set pp. 145-158

- G. Pastor, M. Romera, G. Alvarez and F. Montoya
- Kinetic effects of multi-component nucleation pp. 159-216

- Victor Kurasov
- Difference equations in condensed matter physics and their application to exciton systems in thin molecular films pp. 217-234

- Vjekoslav Sajfert, Jovan Šetrajčić, Dušan Popov and Bratislav Tošić
- High-TC superconductivity as an indirect-exchange phenomenon—a faceted analysis pp. 235-257

- L. Jansen and R. Block
- Computer simulation of a central pattern generator via Kuramoto model pp. 258-270

- Frederico Alan O. Cruz and Célia Martins Cortez
- Study on boundary–boundary correlation functions in the transverse Ising chain and XY chain pp. 271-285

- Asuka Sugiyama, Hidenori Suzuki and Masuo Suzuki
- Mixed spin-12 and spin-S Ising ferrimagnets with a crystal field pp. 286-296

- C. Ekiz
- A note on the Ising models with four-spin interactions pp. 297-308

- T. Kaneyoshi
- Exact oblique boundary–boundary correlation functions of the two-dimensional ising model pp. 309-322

- Hidenori Suzuki and Masuo Suzuki
- Independence and symbolic independence of nonstationary heartbeat series during atrial fibrillation pp. 323-335

- Camillo Cammarota and Enrico Rogora
- Age-related alterations of relaxation processes and non-Markov effects in stochastic dynamics of R–R intervals variability from human ECGs pp. 336-352

- Renat M. Yulmetyev, Sergey A. Demin, Oleg Yu. Panischev and Peter Hänggi
- Stochastic strategy to analyze protein folding pp. 353-364

- M.A. Moret, P.M. Bisch, E. Nogueira and P.G. Pascutti
- Codon usage trajectories and 7-cluster structure of 143 complete bacterial genomic sequences pp. 365-387

- Alexander Gorban, Tatyana Popova and Andrey Zinovyev
- On distribution of number of trades in different time windows in the stock market pp. 388-402

- I.M. Dremin and A.V. Leonidov
- Time and foreign exchange markets pp. 403-412

- Luca Berardi and Maurizio Serva
- Long-term dependence with asymmetric conditional heteroscedasticity in stock returns pp. 413-424

- Cathy W. S. Chen and Hui-Kuang Yu
- Power–law properties of Chinese stock market pp. 425-432

- C. Yan, J.W. Zhang, Y. Zhang and Y.N. Tang
- Inverse statistics in stock markets: Universality and idiosyncracy pp. 433-444

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Wei-Kang Yuan
- A Type 2 fuzzy time series model for stock index forecasting pp. 445-462

- Kunhuang Huarng and Hui-Kuang Yu
- Non-linear forecasting in high-frequency financial time series pp. 463-479

- F. Strozzi and J.M. Zaldívar
- Scaling analysis of multi-variate intermittent time series pp. 480-492

- Robert Kitt and Jaan Kalda
- The velocity of money in a life-cycle model pp. 493-500

- Yougui Wang and Hanqing Qiu
- Lévy distribution and long correlation times in supermarket sales pp. 501-514

- Robert D. Groot
- A family-network model for wealth distribution in societies pp. 515-528

- Ricardo Coelho, Zoltán Néda, José J. Ramasco and Maria Augusta Santos
- An analytic treatment of the Gibbs–Pareto behavior in wealth distribution pp. 529-538

- Arnab Das and Sudhakar Yarlagadda
- The democracy–ochlocracy–dictatorship transition in the Sznajd model and in the Ising model pp. 539-554

- Johannes J. Schneider and Christian Hirtreiter
- Persuasion dynamics pp. 555-575

- Gérard Weisbuch, Guillaume Deffuant and Frédéric Amblard
- A weighted network model for interpersonal relationship evolution pp. 576-594

- Bo Hu, Xin-Yu Jiang, Jun-Feng Ding, Yan-Bo Xie and Bing-Hong Wang
- Language evolution and population dynamics in a system of two interacting species pp. 595-612

- Kosmas Kosmidis, John M. Halley and Panos Argyrakis
- Power-law sensitivity to initial conditions in a time series with applications to epileptic seizure detection pp. 613-624

- Jianbo Gao, Wen-wen Tung, Yinhe Cao, Jing Hu and Yan Qi
- Exact law of live nature pp. 625-636

- Azbel′, Mark Ya.
- Increasing the size of a piece of popcorn pp. 637-648

- Paul V. Quinn, Daniel C. Hong and J.A. Both
- Scale-free property of optimal network for packet flow by a packet routing control pp. 649-660

- Jun Ohkubo and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- On the formation of degree and cluster-degree correlations in scale-free networks pp. 661-673

- Xin Yao, Chang-shui Zhang, Jin-wen Chen and Yan-da Li
- Stationary state structure of a random copying mechanism over a complex network pp. 674-684

- Cesar Hidalgo, Francisco Claro H. and Pablo A. Marquet
Volume 352, issue 2, 2005
- Momentum transport equation for the fluids using projection–perturbation formalism and onset of turbulence pp. 241-251

- L. Jirkovsky and L. Bo-ot
- Statistical–mechanical theory of short-time self-diffusion in dilute suspensions of highly charged colloids pp. 252-264

- Michio Tokuyama
- Michaelis–Menten dynamics in complex heterogeneous networks pp. 265-281

- J. Gómez-Gardeñes, Y. Moreno and L.M. Floría
- Transport and diffusion in overdamped ratchets as a synchronization problem pp. 282-294

- D.G. Zarlenga, H.A. Larrondo, C.M. Arizmendi and Fereydoon Family
- Analysis of a new chaotic system pp. 295-308

- Guoyuan Qi, Guanrong Chen, Shengzhi Du, Zengqiang Chen and Zhuzhi Yuan
- Classical harmonic oscillator with multiplicative noise pp. 309-334

- M. Gitterman
- Heat flux in Rayleigh–Bénard convection pp. 335-346

- Hiroshi Shibata
- Simple molecular mechanisms of heat transfer: Debye relaxation versus power-law pp. 347-378

- Monika Gall and Ryszard Kutner
- Application of the generalized mean value function to the statistical detection of water in decane by near-infrared spectroscopy pp. 379-396

- Raoul R. Nigmatullin, Adam Moroz and Geoff Smith
- Anharmonic corrections to the electrostatic energy of a Coulomb crystal pp. 397-408

- A.I. Chugunov and D.A. Baiko
- Generalized quantum walk in momentum space pp. 409-418

- A. Romanelli, A. Auyuanet, R. Siri, G. Abal and R. Donangelo
- Solitary wave solutions of the compound Burgers–Korteweg–de Vries equation pp. 419-435

- Zhaosheng Feng and Goong Chen
- Statistical mechanics of self-avoiding tethered membranes in the dense phase using collective coordinates pp. 436-446

- D.R. Daniels
- Finite-size scaling analysis of the critical behavior of the Baxter–Wu model pp. 447-458

- S.S. Martinos, A. Malakis and I. Hadjiagapiou
- Si and GaAs mobility derived from a hydrodynamical model for semiconductors based on the maximum entropy principle pp. 459-476

- G. Mascali and V. Romano
- Interfaces in the confined Ising system with competing surface fields pp. 477-497

- A. De Virgiliis, E.V. Albano, M. Müller and K. Binder
- Percolation study of orientated short-fiber composites by a continuum model pp. 498-508

- Toshiaki Natsuki, Morinobu Endo and Tatsuhiro Takahashi
- Influence of mass difference on dynamic properties of isotope mixtures pp. 509-521

- N. Kiriushcheva and S.V. Kuzmin
- Rounding of aggregates of biological cells: Experiments and simulations pp. 525-534

- José C.M. Mombach, Damien Robert, François Graner, Germain Gillet, Gilberto L. Thomas, Marco Idiart and Jean-Paul Rieu
- Gastrulation as a self-organized symmetry breaking process pp. 535-546

- Alcides Castro-e-Silva and Américo T. Bernardes
- Resonant helical deformations in nonhomogeneous Kirchhoff filaments pp. 547-557

- Alexandre F. da Fonseca, C.P. Malta and M.A.M. de Aguiar
- Decomposing intraday dependence in currency markets: evidence from the AUD/USD spot market pp. 558-572

- Jonathan Batten, Craig A. Ellis and Warren Hogan
- Estimating the distribution of volatility of realized stock returns and exchange rate changes pp. 573-583

- Mikael Linden
- Pricing of American style options with an adjoint process correction method pp. 584-600

- Uwe Jaekel
- Impacts of different types of ramps on the traffic flow pp. 601-611

- K. Nassab, M. Schreckenberg, S. Ouaskit and A. Boulmakoul
- Size and resources driven migration resulting in a power-law distribution of cities pp. 612-628

- Ferdinando Semboloni and François Leyvraz
- Generalized mutual information tests applied to fMRI analysis pp. 629-644

- W. Tedeschi, H.-P. Müller, D.B. de Araujo, A.C. Santos, U.P.C. Neves, S.N. Ernè and O. Baffa
- Analysis of walking improvement with dynamic shoe insoles, using two accelerometers pp. 645-658

- Yuriko Tsuruoka, Yoshiyasu Tamura, Ryosuke Shibasaki and Masako Tsuruoka
- Epidemics and dimensionality in hierarchical networks pp. 659-668

- Da-Fang Zheng, P.M. Hui, Steffen Trimper and Bo Zheng
- Detecting communities in large networks pp. 669-676

- A. Capocci, V.D.P. Servedio, G. Caldarelli and F. Colaiori
Volume 352, issue 1, 2005
- Characterization and modeling of protein–protein interaction networks pp. 1-27

- Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Flammini, Amos Maritan and Alessandro Vespignani
- Mechanical stretching of proteins: calmodulin and titin pp. 28-42

- Marek Cieplak
- Strange electrostatics in physics, chemistry, and biology pp. 43-52

- Yan Levin
- ‘Life is motion’: multiscale motility of molecular motors pp. 53-112

- Reinhard Lipowsky and Stefan Klumpp
- A cell-centered approach to developmental biology pp. 113-130

- Roeland M.H. Merks and James A. Glazier
- Electrostatic interactions in strongly coupled soft matter pp. 131-170

- Ali Naji, Swetlana Jungblut, André G. Moreira and Roland R. Netz
- Physics of cell elasticity, shape and adhesion pp. 171-201

- S.A. Safran, N. Gov, A. Nicolas, U.S. Schwarz and T. Tlusty
- Evolutionary ecology in silico: evolving food webs, migrating population and speciation pp. 202-215

- Dietrich Stauffer, Ambarish Kunwar and Debashish Chowdhury
- Phase diagram of solution of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes pp. 216-238

- Rui Zhang and B.I. Shklovskii
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