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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

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Volume 486, issue C, 2017

Multi-objective clustering technique based on k-nodes update policy and similarity matrix for mining communities in social networks pp. 1-24 Downloads
Ronghua Shang, Huan Liu and Licheng Jiao
On the second-law-like inequalities for Langevin subsystems pp. 25-30 Downloads
Tiejun Xiao
Exploring anti-community structure in networks with application to incompatibility of traditional Chinese medicine pp. 31-43 Downloads
Jiajing Zhu, Yongguo Liu, Yun Zhang, Xiaofeng Liu, Yonghua Xiao, Shidong Wang and Xindong Wu
Topological effects on the mechanical properties of polymer knots pp. 44-64 Downloads
Yani Zhao and Franco Ferrari
A density based link clustering algorithm for overlapping community detection in networks pp. 65-78 Downloads
Xu Zhou, Yanheng Liu, Jian Wang and Chun Li
Effect of mesoscopic conservative phenomena in the dynamics of chemical reactions at the macroscopic scale pp. 79-91 Downloads
Marco A. Zárate-Navarro, J. Paulo García-Sandoval, Denis Dochain and Nicolas Hudon
Temporal stability in human interaction networks pp. 92-105 Downloads
Renato Fabbri, Ricardo Fabbri, Deborah Christina Antunes, Marilia Mello Pisani and Osvaldo Novais de Oliveira
Probabilistic prediction of outbreaks of meningococcus W-135 infections over the next few years in Spain pp. 106-117 Downloads
L. Acedo, C. Burgos, J.-C. Cortés and R.-J. Villanueva
Information transfer across intra/inter-structure of CDS and stock markets pp. 118-126 Downloads
Kyuseong Lim, Sehyun Kim and Soo Yong Kim
A stochastic SIS epidemic model with vaccination pp. 127-143 Downloads
Boqiang Cao, Meijing Shan, Qimin Zhang and Weiming Wang
Dynamics of a modified Hindmarsh–Rose neural model with random perturbations: Moment analysis and firing activities pp. 144-160 Downloads
Argha Mondal and Ranjit Kumar Upadhyay
Anisotropic Heisenberg model for the mixed spin-2 and spin-1/2 in the Oguchi approximation on the simple cubic lattice pp. 161-167 Downloads
Erhan Albayrak
Cross-correlations between RMB exchange rate and international commodity markets pp. 168-182 Downloads
Xinsheng Lu, Jianfeng Li, Ying Zhou and Yubo Qian
Multifractal analysis of Moroccan family business stock returns pp. 183-191 Downloads
Salim Lahmiri
Adoption of innovations with contrarian agents and repentance pp. 192-205 Downloads
Mirta B. Gordon, M.F. Laguna, S. Gonçalves and J.R. Iglesias
Recognizing of stereotypic patterns in epileptic EEG using empirical modes and wavelets pp. 206-217 Downloads
V.V. Grubov, E. Sitnikova, A.N. Pavlov, A.A. Koronovskii and A.E. Hramov
S-Lagrangian dynamics of many-body systems and behavior of social groups: Dominance and hierarchy formation pp. 218-241 Downloads
U. Sandler
Identifying node spreading influence for tunable clustering coefficient networks pp. 242-250 Downloads
Zi-Yi Wang, Jing-Ti Han and Jun Zhao
Key node selection in minimum-cost control of complex networks pp. 251-261 Downloads
Jie Ding, Changyun Wen and Guoqi Li
Modeling the dynamics of dissent pp. 262-272 Downloads
Eun Lee, Petter Holme and Sang Hoon Lee
Permutation entropy analysis based on Gini–Simpson index for financial time series pp. 273-283 Downloads
Jun Jiang, Pengjian Shang, Zuoquan Zhang and Xuemei Li
Anomalous behaviour of droplet coalescence in a two-dimensional complex system pp. 284-295 Downloads
Uttam Kumar Basak and Alokmay Datta
Evidence for the ferromagnetic frustration in a classical spin-1∕2 system with multisite interaction in external magnetic field: Exact results pp. 296-317 Downloads
E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
Identifying key nodes based on improved structural holes in complex networks pp. 318-327 Downloads
Hui Yu, Xi Cao, Zun Liu and Yongjun Li
Lacunarity study of speckle patterns produced by rough surfaces pp. 328-336 Downloads
M.R.B. Dias, D. Dornelas, W.F. Balthazar, J.A.O. Huguenin and L. da Silva
Quantum harmonically kicked environments pp. 337-346 Downloads
M.S. Custódio, W.T. Strunz and M.W. Beims
Stochastic periodic solution for a perturbed non-autonomous predator–prey model with generalized nonlinear harvesting and impulses pp. 347-366 Downloads
Yan Zhang, Shihua Chen, Shujing Gao and Xiang Wei
Thermal entanglement in a spin-1/2 Ising-XYZ distorted diamond chain with the second-neighbor interaction between nodal Ising spins pp. 367-377 Downloads
Onofre Rojas, M. Rojas, S.M. de Souza, J. Torrico, J. Strečka and M.L. Lyra
Periodic solution for the stochastic chemostat with general response function pp. 378-385 Downloads
Liang Wang and Daqing Jiang
Effects of autapse and ion channel block on the collective firing activity of Newman–Watts small-world neuronal networks pp. 386-396 Downloads
Rukiye Uzun, Ergin Yilmaz and Mahmut Ozer
Wax and wane of the cross-sectional momentum and contrarian effects: Evidence from the Chinese stock markets pp. 397-407 Downloads
Huai-Long Shi and Wei-Xing Zhou
Properties of a new small-world network with spatially biased random shortcuts pp. 408-415 Downloads
Ryo Matsuzawa, Jun Tanimoto and Eriko Fukuda
Helical turbulence with small-scale energy and helicity sources and external intermediate scale noises as the origin of large scale generation pp. 416-433 Downloads
Otto G. Chkhetiani and Evgeny B. Gledzer
Law of large numbers for the SIR model with random vertex weights on Erdős–Rényi graph pp. 434-445 Downloads
Xiaofeng Xue
A compartmental model for computer virus propagation with kill signals pp. 446-454 Downloads
Jianguo Ren and Yonghong Xu
Testability of evolutionary game dynamics based on experimental economics data pp. 455-464 Downloads
Yijia Wang, Xiaojie Chen and Zhijian Wang
The influence of contrarians in the dynamics of opinion formation pp. 465-472 Downloads
Joao Paulo Gambaro and Nuno Crokidakis
Price–volume multifractal analysis of the Moroccan stock market pp. 473-485 Downloads
Marwane El Alaoui
Interpreting the Weibull fitting parameters for diffusion-controlled release data pp. 486-496 Downloads
Maxime Ignacio, Mykyta V. Chubynsky and Gary W. Slater
An influence of vacancies and elastic deformation coupling onto phase decomposition of binary systems pp. 497-507 Downloads
Dmitrii O. Kharchenko, Vasyl O. Kharchenko, Irina O. Lysenko and Irina A. Shuda
Electromagnetic induction and radiation-induced abnormality of wave propagation in excitable media pp. 508-516 Downloads
Jun Ma, Fuqiang Wu, Tasawar Hayat, Ping Zhou and Jun Tang
Identification of influential users by neighbors in online social networks pp. 517-534 Downloads
Amir Sheikhahmadi, Mohammad Ali Nematbakhsh and Ahmad Zareie
The interaction of financial news between mass media and new media: Evidence from news on Chinese stock market pp. 535-541 Downloads
Yongjie Zhang, Zuochao Zhang, Lanbiao Liu and Dehua Shen
Impact of marital status on health pp. 542-553 Downloads
Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
What is new about covered interest parity condition in the European Union? Evidence from fractal cross-correlation regressions pp. 554-566 Downloads
Paulo Ferreira and Ladislav Krištoufek
Topological evolution of the internet public opinion pp. 567-578 Downloads
Ying Lian, Xuefan Dong and Yijun Liu
Temperature oscillations and sound waves in hadronic matter pp. 579-586 Downloads
G. Wilk and Z. Włodarczyk
Analysis of the fluctuations of the tumour/host interface pp. 587-594 Downloads
Edoardo Milotti, Vladislav Vyshemirsky, Sabrina Stella, Federico Dogo and Roberto Chignola
Modeling stochastic frontier based on vine copulas pp. 595-609 Downloads
Michel Constantino, Osvaldo Candido, Benjamin Tabak and Reginaldo Brito da Costa
Information flow in a network of dispersed signalers-receivers pp. 610-617 Downloads
Konrad Halupka
Traders’ behavioral coupling and market phase transition pp. 618-627 Downloads
Rong Ma, Yin Zhang and Honggang Li
Bivariate sub-Gaussian model for stock index returns pp. 628-637 Downloads
Matylda Jabłońska-Sabuka, Marek Teuerle and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
Global stability of an age-structure epidemic model with imperfect vaccination and relapse pp. 638-655 Downloads
Bin Cao, Hai-Feng Huo and Hong Xiang
Jump spillover between oil prices and exchange rates pp. 656-667 Downloads
Xiao-Ping Li, Chun-Yang Zhou and Chong-Feng Wu
Cooperation enhanced by habitat destruction in Prisoner’s Dilemma Games pp. 668-673 Downloads
Xiqing Yang, Wanxiong Wang, Feng Zhang and Hongqiang Qiao
Route to chaos and some properties in the boundary crisis of a generalized logistic mapping pp. 674-680 Downloads
Diogo Ricardo da Costa, Rene O. Medrano-T and Edson Denis Leonel
Statistical–mechanical theory of self-diffusion in dilute suspensions of macroions pp. 681-700 Downloads
Michio Tokuyama, Takaaki Furubayashi and Junichi Kawamura
Directed information graphs for the Granger causality of multivariate time series pp. 701-710 Downloads
Wei Gao, Wanqi Cui and Wenna Ye
Benford’s law and the FSD distribution of economic behavioral micro data pp. 711-719 Downloads
Sofia Villas-Boas, Qiuzi Fu and George Judge
Analysis of the trip costs of a traffic corridor with two entrances and one exit under car-following model pp. 720-729 Downloads
Tie-Qiao Tang, Tao Wang, Liang Chen and Hua-Yan Shang
Assessment of 48 Stock markets using adaptive multifractal approach pp. 730-750 Downloads
Paulo Ferreira, Andreia Dionisio and S.M.S. Movahed
Positive recurrent of stochastic coral reefs model pp. 751-761 Downloads
Zaitang Huang
Phase transitions in tumor growth: V what can be expected from cancer glycolytic oscillations? pp. 762-771 Downloads
R.R. Martin, S. Montero, E. Silva, M. Bizzarri, G. Cocho, R. Mansilla and J.M. Nieto-Villar
Spatial quantile estimation of multivariate threshold time series models pp. 772-781 Downloads
Jiancheng Jiang, Xuejun Jiang, Jingzhi Li, Yi Liu and Wanfeng Yan
An improved shuffled frog leaping algorithm based evolutionary framework for currency exchange rate prediction pp. 782-796 Downloads
Rajashree Dash
Lindy’s Law pp. 797-805 Downloads
Iddo Eliazar
Stability analysis of a new lattice hydrodynamic model by considering lattice’s self-anticipative density effect pp. 806-813 Downloads
Geng Zhang, Di-Hua Sun, Hui Liu and Dong Chen
A new lattice model accounting for multiple optimal current differences’ anticipation effect in two-lane system pp. 814-826 Downloads
Xiaoqin Li, Kangling Fang and Guanghan Peng
Contribution diversity and incremental learning promote cooperation in public goods games pp. 827-838 Downloads
Penghui Liu and Jing Liu
Diffusion of phonons through (along and across) the ultrathin crystalline films pp. 839-848 Downloads
J.P. Šetrajčić, S.K. Jaćimovski and S.M. Vučenović
Phase diagram for one-way traffic flow with local control pp. 849-866 Downloads
A.A. Lykov, V.A. Malyshev and M.V. Melikian
Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic delayed HIV-1 infection model with nonlinear incidence pp. 867-882 Downloads
Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang, Tasawar Hayat and Bashir Ahmad
Debt and growth: A non-parametric approach pp. 883-894 Downloads
Juan Brida, David Gómez and Maria Nela Seijas
Optical absorption and delocalization in a quaternary tight-binding chain with correlated disorder pp. 895-900 Downloads
L.D. da Silva, A. Ranciaro Neto, M.O. Sales, M.L. Lyra and F.A.B.F. de Moura
Simulation of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumor cells using ising model on the Creutz Cellular Automaton pp. 901-907 Downloads
Artuç Züleyha, Merdan Ziya, Yeşiltaş Selçuk, Öztürk M. Kemal and Tez Mesut
To the theory of shear elastic properties of magnetic gels pp. 908-914 Downloads
M.T. Lopez-Lopez, L.Yu. Iskakova and A.Yu. Zubarev
Age spectrometry of infant death rates as a probe of immunity: Identification of two peaks due to viral and bacterial diseases respectively pp. 915-924 Downloads
Sylvie Berrut, Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Calorimetric analysis points out the physical-chemistry of organic olive oils and reveals the geographical origin pp. 925-932 Downloads
Domenico Mallamace, Sebastiano Vasi, Carmelo Corsaro, Clara Naccari, Maria Lisa Clodoveo, Giacomo Dugo and Nicola Cicero
Frequency aspects of information transmission in a network of three western equity markets pp. 933-946 Downloads
Harald Schmidbauer, Angi Rösch and Erhan Uluceviz
Clustering of short and long-term co-movements in international financial and commodity markets in wavelet domain pp. 947-955 Downloads
Salim Lahmiri, Gazi Uddin and Stelios Bekiros
Topological properties of four networks in protein structures pp. 956-967 Downloads
Seungsik Min, Kyungsik Kim, Ki-Ho Chang, Deok-Ho Ha and Jun-Ho Lee
Identification of influential nodes based on temporal-aware modeling of multi-hop neighbor interactions for influence spread maximization pp. 968-985 Downloads
Farman Ullah and Sungchang Lee
A path integral approach to the Hodgkin–Huxley model pp. 986-999 Downloads
Roman Baravalle, Osvaldo A. Rosso and Fernando Montani
Two complementary lattice-Boltzmann-based analyses for nonlinear systems pp. 1000-1011 Downloads
Hiroshi Otomo, Bruce M. Boghosian and François Dubois
Some properties of cumulative Tsallis entropy pp. 1012-1021 Downloads
Camilla Calì, Maria Longobardi and Jafar Ahmadi
Page updated 2025-03-31