Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 515, issue C, 2019
- Diffusion on a one-dimensional sawtooth lattice with the nearest and the next nearest neighbor interactions pp. 1-12

- Alexander Tarasenko
- Modeling different structures in perturbed Poiseuille flow in a nanochannel by using of molecular dynamics simulation: Study the equilibrium pp. 13-30

- Pedram Alipour, Davood Toghraie, Arash Karimipour and Mehdi Hajian
- The impact of self-stabilization on traffic stability considering the current lattice’s historic flux for two-lane freeway pp. 31-37

- Guanghan Peng, Hongzhuan Zhao and Xiaoqin Li
- Statistics of bounded processes driven by Poisson white noise pp. 38-46

- S.I. Denisov and Yu.S. Bystrik
- An extended cost potential field cellular automaton model for pedestrian evacuation considering the restriction of visual field pp. 47-56

- Xingli Li, Fang Guo, Hua Kuang, Zhongfei Geng and Yanhong Fan
- Phase transitions and gaps in quantum random energy models pp. 57-64

- Carlo Presilla and Massimo Ostilli
- Tug-of-war in motor proteins and the emergence of Lévy walk pp. 65-71

- Kyungsun Moon and Hyungseok Chad Moon
- Multivariate multiscale distribution entropy of financial time series pp. 72-80

- Yali Zhang and Pengjian Shang
- The noisy voter model under the influence of contrarians pp. 81-92

- Nagi Khalil and Raúl Toral
- Nonlinear analysis of a new lattice hydrodynamic model with the consideration of honk effect on flux for two-lane highway pp. 93-101

- Guanghan Peng, Hua Kuang, Hongzhuan Zhao and Li Qing
- Cooperation risk and Nash equilibrium: Quantitative description for realistic players pp. 102-111

- G.M. Nakamura, G.S. Contesini and A.S. Martinez
- Community detection based on network communicability distance pp. 112-118

- Ying Xu
- An improved lattice hydrodynamic model considering the driver’s desire of driving smoothly pp. 119-129

- Jufeng Wang, Fengxin Sun and Hongxia Ge
- Application of natural computation inspired method in community detection pp. 130-150

- Weitong Zhang, Rui Zhang, Ronghua Shang, Juanfei Li and Licheng Jiao
- Differential market reactions to pre and post Brexit referendum pp. 151-158

- Usman Bashir, Gilney Figueira Zebende, Yugang Yu, Muntazir Hussain, Ahmed Ali and Ghulam Abbas
- The stylized facts of prediction markets: Analysis of price changes pp. 159-170

- Valerio Restocchi, Frank McGroarty and Enrico Gerding
- Exploring voluntary vaccination with bounded rationality through reinforcement learning pp. 171-182

- Benyun Shi, Guangliang Liu, Hongjun Qiu, Zhen Wang, Yizhi Ren and Dan Chen
- Hybrid tactics for bifurcation control in a fractional-order delayed predator–prey model pp. 183-191

- Weigang Zhou, Chengdai Huang, Min Xiao and Jinde Cao
- Effects of the prevision relative velocity on traffic dynamics in the ACC strategy pp. 192-198

- Xia Wu, Xiangmo Zhao, Huansheng Song, Qi Xin and Shaowei Yu
- Stationary distribution of a regime-switching predator–prey model with anti-predator behaviour and higher-order perturbations pp. 199-210

- Qun Liu, Daqing Jiang, Tasawar Hayat and Ahmed Alsaedi
- Fractality of evolving self-similar networks pp. 211-216

- Jialing Yao, Bingbin Sun and Lifeng Xi
- Multivariate multiscale fractional order weighted permutation entropy of nonlinear time series pp. 217-231

- Shijian Chen, Pengjian Shang and Yue Wu
- Application quantum renormalization group to optimal dense coding in transverse Ising model pp. 232-239

- F. Mirmasoudi and S. Ahadpour
- Detecting the marathon asymmetry with a statistical signature pp. 240-247

- Véronique Billat, Thomas Carbillet, Matthieu Correa and Jean-Renaud Pycke
- Use of the geometric mean as a statistic for the scale of the coupled Gaussian distributions pp. 248-257

- Kenric P. Nelson, Mark A. Kon and Sabir R. Umarov
- Trip destination prediction based on multi-day GPS data pp. 258-269

- Fang Zong, Yongda Tian, Yanan He, Jinjun Tang and Jianyu Lv
- Magnetic properties of mixed spin-5/2 and spin-2 Ising model on a decorated square lattice: A Monte Carlo simulation pp. 270-278

- A. Jabar and R. Masrour
- Directional mode-locking of driven two-dimensional active magnetized colloids with periodic pinning centers pp. 279-287

- Xiaodan Li, Cange Wu, Tingting Cao and Yigang Cao
- Detecting critical links of urban networks using cluster detection methods pp. 288-298

- Meisam Akbarzadeh, Sayed Farzin Salehi Reihani and Keivan Aghababaei Samani
- Qualitative analysis for a diffusive predator–prey model with hunting cooperative pp. 299-309

- Daiyong Wu and Min Zhao
- Population dynamics models based on the transmission mechanism of MCR-1 pp. 310-323

- Leilei Qu, Xubin Gao, Baolin Kang, Mingfeng He and Qiuhui Pan
- Bypass rewiring and extreme robustness of Eulerian networks pp. 324-331

- Junsang Park, Seungwon Shin and Sang Geun Hahn
- Preferences over sequences of payments: A new validation of the q-exponential discounting pp. 332-345

- Salvador Cruz Rambaud, Joaquín López Pascual and María de los Ángeles del Pino Álvarez
- Reciprocity relations and generalized, classic entropic quantifiers that lack trace-form pp. 346-354

- A. Plastino, A.R. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
- Stochastic mutualism model under regime switching with Lévy jumps pp. 355-375

- Hongjun Gao and Ying Wang
- Graph regularized nonnegative matrix tri-factorization for overlapping community detection pp. 376-387

- Hong Jin, Wei Yu and ShiJun Li
- Multiscale joint permutation entropy for complex time series pp. 388-402

- Yi Yin, Pengjian Shang, Andrew C. Ahn and Chung-Kang Peng
- The fractional space–time radial diffusion equation in terms of the Fox’s H-function pp. 403-418

- F.S. Costa, D.S. Oliveira, F.G. Rodrigues and E.C. de Oliveira
- Time-statistical laws of workers’ unsafe behavior in the construction industry: A case study pp. 419-429

- Shengyu Guo, Pan Zhang and Lieyun Ding
- Using combined network information to predict mobile application usage pp. 430-439

- Yubo Jiang, Xin Du and Tao Jin
- TDGL and mKdV equations for an extended car-following model with the consideration of driver’s memory pp. 440-449

- Yongjiang-Wang,, Han-Song, and Rongjun-Cheng,
- The quantum dark side of the optimal control theory pp. 450-473

- Mauricio Contreras G. and Juan Pablo Peña
- Simulation of three dimensional MHD natural convection using double MRT Lattice Boltzmann method pp. 474-496

- H. Sajjadi, A. Amiri Delouei, M. Sheikholeslami, M. Atashafrooz and S. Succi
- Pinning outer synchronization of partially coupled dynamical networks with complex inner coupling matrices pp. 497-509

- Xuechen Li, Nan Wang, Jianquan Lu and Fuad E. Alsaadi
- The Laplacian spectrum and average trapping time for weighted Dyson hierarchical network pp. 510-518

- Meifeng Dai, Wenjing Feng, Xianbin Wu, Huijia Chi, Peng Li and Weiyi Su
- Parametric perturbation in a model that describes the neuronal membrane potential pp. 519-525

- Diogo Ricardo da Costa, Matheus Hansen and Antonio Marcos Batista
- Multifractal approach to study of salt induced hypertension and baroreflex dysfunction in salt sensitive Dahl rats pp. 526-536

- Srimonti Dutta and Kakoli Mukherjee
- VC correlation analysis on the overnight and daytime return in Japanese stock market pp. 537-545

- Tomoshiro Ochiai and Jose C. Nacher
- Bayesian statistical modeling of microcanonical melting times at the superheated regime pp. 546-557

- Sergio Davis, Claudia Loyola and Joaquín Peralta
- Cold-start link prediction in multi-relational networks based on network dependence analysis pp. 558-565

- Shun-yao Wu, Qi Zhang, Chuan-yu Xue and Xi-yang Liao
- The hidden traits of endemic illiteracy in cities pp. 566-574

- Luiz G.A. Alves, José S. Andrade, Quentin S. Hanley and Haroldo V. Ribeiro
- T×oneHop approach for dynamic influence maximization problem pp. 575-586

- Yanhong Meng, Yunhui Yi, Fei Xiong and Changxing Pei
- Global stability of a network-based SIRS epidemic model with nonmonotone incidence rate pp. 587-599

- Lijun Liu, Xiaodan Wei and Naimin Zhang
- A study on delay-sensitive cellular automata pp. 600-616

- Souvik Roy
- Double-edged sword effect of edge overlap on asymmetrically interacting spreading dynamics pp. 617-624

- Xuzhen Zhu, Ruijie Wang, Zexun Wang, Xiaolong Chen, Wei Wang and Shimin Cai
- Long range dependence in the Bitcoin market: A study based on high-frequency data pp. 625-640

- Faisal Nazir Zargar and Dilip Kumar
- Connecting network science and information theory pp. 641-648

- Henrique F. de Arruda, Filipi N. Silva, Cesar H. Comin, Diego R. Amancio and Luciano da F. Costa
- Dynamical behavior of a one predator and two independent preys system with stochastic perturbations pp. 649-664

- Chunyan Ji, Daqing Jiang and Dongxia Lei
- Equilibrium of a Brownian particle with coordinate dependent diffusivity and damping: Generalized Boltzmann distribution pp. 665-670

- A. Bhattacharyay
- Portfolio optimization based on network topology pp. 671-681

- Yan Li, Xiong-Fei Jiang, Yue Tian, Sai-Ping Li and Bo Zheng
- From the Liouville to the Smoluchowski equation for a colloidal solute particle in a solvent pp. 682-692

- Riccardo Fantoni
- Alternating between consensus and leader selection reveals community structure in networks pp. 693-706

- Bo Yang, Xu Li, Xiangwei Liu, He He and Wei Chen
- Partial component synchronization on chaotic networks pp. 707-714

- Fengbing Li, Zhongjun Ma and Qichang Duan
- Derivation of equations of multimoment hydrodynamics for a gas of particles with internal structure pp. 715-747

- Igor V. Lebed
- The stability of Chinese stock network and its mechanism pp. 748-761

- Weiping Zhang and Xintian Zhuang
- Majority-vote model for financial markets pp. 762-770

- André L.M. Vilela, Chao Wang, Kenric P. Nelson and H. Eugene Stanley
- The combined effect of alloy and temperature on the transition from quantum to classical regime of the magnons excited in CoxPt1−x∕Pt pp. 771-784

- Ahmed Qachaou, Mohamed Mehdioui, Nadia Ait Labyad, Atika Fahmi, Mounir Fahoume, Mohamed Lharch and Mohamed Elharfaoui
- Understanding bike sharing travel patterns: An analysis of trip data from eight cities pp. 785-797

- Zhaoyu Kou and Hua Cai
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