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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 103, issue 3, 1980

Theory of the Senftleben-Beenakker effects for NH3 and ND3: Collision integrals pp. 379-410 Downloads
R.f Snider, J.A.r Coope and B.c Sanctuary
The orientational relaxation of methane molecules in the solid phase II at low temperatures pp. 411-454 Downloads
M. Sprik and N.J. Trappeniers
Investigation of multiple scattering contributions to the depolarization of light scattered by xenon and carbon dioxide in the critical region pp. 455-467 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers, H.M.J. Boots, R.H. Huijser and A.C. Michels
Thermodynamics of an interfacial fluid membrane pp. 468-520 Downloads
A. Grauel
The thermal conductivity of three polyatomic gases and air at 27.5°C and pressures up to 36 MPa pp. 521-542 Downloads
R. Fleeter, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
On the rate theory for thermal soliton generation pp. 543-557 Downloads
W. Wonneberger
Velocity autocorrelations in a simple model pp. 558-572 Downloads
P. Grassberger
On a new formulation of the continuum Heisenberg spin system in a space of arbitrary dimensionality pp. 573-585 Downloads
Th.W. Ruijgrok and J. Jurkiewicz
On the path integral for diffusion in curved spaces pp. 586-596 Downloads
H. Dekker
Momentum space renormalization for the sine-Gordon model pp. 597-608 Downloads
H.J.F. Knops and L.W.J. den Ouden
Low-temperature properties of the Ising model in the transverse field and the influence of kinematical effects pp. 609-620 Downloads
D.V. Kapor and B.S. Tošić
Application of a dielectric function to the exchange energy and specific heat of a two-dimensional electron gas pp. 621-629 Downloads
A. Isihara and Liderio C. Ioriatti
Comment on the difference between Langevin and Ito theories of stochastic differential equations pp. 630-632 Downloads
Štěpán Pick
Critical temperature for random planar model with frustration pp. 633-635 Downloads
L. Longa

Volume 103, issue 1, 1980

Further development of the kinetic many-body concept of large energy fluctuations and rate processes in solids pp. 1-34 Downloads
Y.L. Khait
Constants of motion and non-stationary wave functions for the damped, time-dependent harmonic oscillator pp. 35-54 Downloads
B. Remaud and E.S. Hernandez
Critical dynamics the expansion of the master equation including a critical point pp. 55-79 Downloads
H. Dekker
Critical dynamics the expansion of the master equation including a critical point pp. 80-98 Downloads
H. Dekker
Dynamic correlation of fluctuations during spinodal decomposition pp. 99-118 Downloads
C. Billotet and K. Binder
On the connection between the macroscopical and microscopical evolution in an exactly soluble hopping model pp. 119-139 Downloads
L. Bányai and P. Gartner
The equilibrium of three liquid phases upon approach to the tricritical point in water-acetonitrile-benzene-n-hexane mixtures pp. 140-171 Downloads
Peter Bocko
Brownian motion and quasi-Markov processes pp. 172-182 Downloads
T.W. Marshall
Vapour-liquid and gas-gas equilibria in simple systems pp. 183-204 Downloads
A. Deerenberg, J.A. Schouten and N.J. Trappeniers
On the local density of states for an extended isolated point imperfection -A green function method- pp. 205-212 Downloads
R. Rotthier, L. Scheire and P. Phariseau
Intensity fluctuations in a driven Dicke model pp. 213-225 Downloads
S.S. Hassan, R.K. Bullough, R.R. Puri and S.V. Lawande
Theory of collinear metamagnetism I pp. 226-256 Downloads
Z. Onyszkiewicz
Theory of collinear metamagnetism II pp. 257-273 Downloads
Z. Onyszkiewicz
Theory of collinear metamagnetism III pp. 274-294 Downloads
Z. Onyszkiewicz
Magnetic resonance saturation in solids at finite temperatures pp. 295-315 Downloads
L.J. de Haas, W.Th. Wenckebach and N.J. Poulis
Cross-over of exponent values near the critical double point pp. 316-324 Downloads
H.M.J. Boots and A.C. Michels
A model of Brownian dynamics for colloidal suspensions pp. 325-342 Downloads
E. Braun
Computer simulation of an m-6-8 fluid under shear pp. 343-353 Downloads
Denis J. Evans and H.J.M. Hanley
Thermodynamic limit for the distribution function of the effective field of random ising models on the linear chain or on the Cayley tree pp. 354-362 Downloads
T. Morita
Local magnetization of the semi-infinite XY-chain pp. 363-370 Downloads
R.Z. Bariev
Oscillators and complex Hamiltonian calculus pp. 371-378 Downloads
Guido Dedene

Volume 102, issue 3, 1980

On the theory of fluctuations around non-equilibrium steady states pp. 399-430 Downloads
Michio Tokuyama
Cooperative two-photon resonance fluorescence of a three-level atom pp. 431-446 Downloads
Constantine Mavroyannis and M.P. Sharma
Theory of scattering in a superconducting state pp. 447-469 Downloads
Yoshimasa Murayama
Brownian motion of harmonic systems with fluctuating parameters pp. 470-488 Downloads
Bruce J. West, Katja Lindenberg and V. Seshadri
Process with delta-correlated cumulants pp. 489-495 Downloads
N.G. van Kampen
Covariant lagrangian of Onsager and Machlup without discretization pp. 496-511 Downloads
J.-Cl. Zambrini
Is a Fermi-Dirac distribution function for a non-equilibrium electron gas in high crossed electric and magnetic fields possible? pp. 512-522 Downloads
D. Calecki and N. Pottier
Simple variational method for the closures of the Ornstein-Zernike equation: A study of liquid instability pp. 523-531 Downloads
T. Vicsek
Wigner function of a two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field pp. 532-538 Downloads
Liderio Ioriatti and A. Isihara
Spectral densities of spherical harmonics for rotational Brownian motion pp. 539-546 Downloads
James McConnell
An alternative stochastic formulation of the itinerant oscillator model pp. 547-553 Downloads
A. Bellemans
Solitons in pseudo one-dimensional hydrogen bonded ferroelectrics pp. 554-560 Downloads
S. Stamenković and R.B. Žakula
Quantum friction in phase space pp. 561-567 Downloads
A. Jannussis, P. Filipakis and Th. Filipakis

Volume 102, issue 2, 1980

Multiple band electron-phonon transport theory pp. 201-235 Downloads
Robert Kragler
Weyl's association, Wigner's function and affine geometry pp. 236-254 Downloads
N.L. Balazs
Theory of defect states in the two-dimensional planar rotator model with long-range interaction pp. 255-280 Downloads
A. Holz
On the Senftleben-Beenakker effect on the thermal conductivity pp. 281-297 Downloads
B.J. Thijsse, G.W. 'T Hooft, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
The thermal conductivity of the gaseous mixture CH3CN-Ar in a magnetic field pp. 298-304 Downloads
B.J. Thijsse, W.A.P. Denissen, J.J.M. Beenakker and H.F.P. Knaap
The Senftleben-Beenakker effect in ammonia and its mixtures with noble gases pp. 305-326 Downloads
B.J. Thijsse, W.A.P. Denissen, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
Magnetic properties of a nearly classical one-component plasma in three or two dimensions pp. 327-343 Downloads
A. Alastuey and B. Jancovici
Anomalous heat conductivity for a weakly ionized plasma in a strong magnetic field pp. 344-356 Downloads
H. Kagermann and W.E. Köhler
On the connection between the macroscopical and microscopical evolution in an exactly soluble hopping model pp. 357-369 Downloads
L. Bányai and P. Gartner
Central peak in the density of states of a disordered linear chain pp. 370-378 Downloads
Deepak Dhar
On converse to Koopman's Lemma pp. 379-388 Downloads
K. Goodrich, K. Gustafson and B. Misra
Note on the reaction rate in non-ideal mixtures pp. 389-398 Downloads
M. Moreau

Volume 102, issue 1, 1980

Static dielectric properties of Stockmayer fluids pp. 1-21 Downloads
E.L. Pollock and B.J. Alder
Multiple band electron-phonon transport theory pp. 22-48 Downloads
Robert Kragler
Local field in liquid dielectrics: A two-parameter mean field approach pp. 49-69 Downloads
R. Bonneville
Relative motions in atomic fluids: A molecular dynamics investigation pp. 70-86 Downloads
U. Balucani and R. Vallauri
The exact solution of an elimination problem in kinetic theory pp. 87-104 Downloads
J.W. Evans
On the description of interfacial electromagnetic properties using singular fields, charge density and currents at a dividing surface pp. 105-119 Downloads
A.M. Albano, D. Bedeaux and J. Vlieger
Contrast in multicomponent systems pp. 120-130 Downloads
J. des Cloizeaux and G. Jannink
Radiative decay of Wannier excitons in thin crystal films pp. 131-144 Downloads
K.C. Liu and Y.C. Lee
Cluster expansion for fluids with long-range interactions pp. 145-160 Downloads
T.F. Meister and B.U. Felderhof
Force multipole moments for a spherically symmetric particle in solution pp. 161-178 Downloads
R. Schmitz
Contracted description of fluctuating systems pp. 179-192 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
Quantum beats in two-photon resonance fluorescence pp. 193-200 Downloads
Constantine Mavroyannis
Page updated 2025-03-31