Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 464, issue C, 2016
- Diffusion of innovations dynamics, biological growth and catenary function pp. 1-10

- Renato Guseo
- Reliability of the optimized perturbation theory in the 0-dimensional O(N) scalar field model pp. 11-26

- Dérick S. Rosa, R.L.S. Farias and Rudnei O. Ramos
- Equation-free analysis of agent-based models and systematic parameter determination pp. 27-53

- Spencer A. Thomas, David J.B. Lloyd and Anne C. Skeldon
- Sorption of small molecules in polymeric media pp. 54-63

- Federico Camboni and Igor M. Sokolov
- Frequency thermal response and cooling performance in a microscopic system with a time-dependent perturbation pp. 64-73

- N. Beraha, A. Soba and M.F. Carusela
- The role of the chemical potential in the BCS theory pp. 74-82

- Dragoş-Victor Anghel and George Alexandru Nemnes
- Correlation between agricultural markets in dynamic perspective—Evidence from China and the US futures markets pp. 83-92

- Rui-Lin Jia, Dong-Hua Wang, Jing-Qing Tu and Sai-Ping Li
- Time series characterization via horizontal visibility graph and Information Theory pp. 93-102

- Bruna Amin Gonçalves, Laura Carpi, Osvaldo A. Rosso and Martín G. Ravetti
- The spin-3/2 Blume–Capel model with competing short- and long-range interactions pp. 103-114

- Octavio D. Rodriguez Salmon, José Ricardo de Sousa, Minos A. Neto, Igor T. Padilha, J. Roberto Viana Azevedo and Francisco Dinóla Neto
- The role of coupling-frequency weighting exponent on synchronization of a power network pp. 115-122

- Li-xin Yang and Jun Jiang
- Subordinated continuous-time AR processes and their application to modeling behavior of mechanical system pp. 123-137

- Janusz Gajda, Agnieszka Wyłomańska and Radosław Zimroz
- Complex network modeling of spectral remotely sensed imagery: A case study of massive green algae blooms detection based on MODIS data pp. 138-148

- Yi Sui, Fengjing Shao, Changying Wang, Rencheng Sun and Jun Ji
- Non-extensive statistical analysis of magnetic field during the March 2012 ICME event using a multi-spacecraft approach pp. 149-181

- G.P. Pavlos, O.E. Malandraki, E.G. Pavlos, A.C. Iliopoulos and L.P. Karakatsanis
- The Poisson model limits in NBA basketball: Complexity in team sports pp. 182-190

- Juan Manuel Martín-González, Yves de Saá Guerra, Juan Manuel García-Manso, Enrique Arriaza and Teresa Valverde-Estévez
- Mineralization of CO2 in hydrated calcium Montmorillonite pp. 191-197

- Wenyi Yang and A. Zaoui
- A general stochastic model for studying time evolution of transition networks pp. 198-210

- Choujun Zhan, Chi Tse and Michael Small
- One-dimensional lattices topologically equivalent to two-dimensional lattices within the context of the lattice gas model. II The triangular lattice pp. 211-220

- E.F. Costanza and G. Costanza
- Community detection in complex networks using density-based clustering algorithm and manifold learning pp. 221-230

- Tao You, Hui-Min Cheng, Yi-Zi Ning, Ben-Chang Shia and Zhong-Yuan Zhang
- On the structure, mass and thermodynamics of the Zo bosons pp. 231-240

- A.S. Fokas and C.G. Vayenas
- Dynamics of stochastic SEIS epidemic model with varying population size pp. 241-250

- Jiamin Liu and Fengying Wei
- Understanding the antiangiogenic effect of metronomic chemotherapy through a simple mathematical model pp. 251-266

- Diego S. Rodrigues, Paulo F.A. Mancera and Suani T.R. Pinho
- A new car-following model with consideration of the velocity difference between the current speed and the historical speed of the leading car pp. 267-277

- Fangxun Liu, Rongjun Cheng, Hongxia Ge and Chenyan Yu
Volume 463, issue C, 2016
- Oxygen channels and fractal wave–particle duality in the evolution of myoglobin and neuroglobin pp. 1-11

- Vedant Sachdeva and James C. Phillips
- Modeling the effect of microscopic driving behaviors on Kerner’s time-delayed traffic breakdown at traffic signal using cellular automata pp. 12-24

- Yang Wang and Yan-Yan Chen
- Extended application of lattice Boltzmann method to rarefied gas flow in micro-channels pp. 25-36

- Yudong Yuan and Sheik Rahman
- Squared sine logistic map pp. 37-44

- R. Egydio de Carvalho and Edson D. Leonel
- On a full Monte Carlo approach to quantum mechanics pp. 45-62

- J.M. Sellier and I. Dimov
- On the source of stochastic volatility: Evidence from CAC40 index options during the subprime crisis pp. 63-76

- Skander Slim
- Synchrony-optimized networks of Kuramoto oscillators with inertia pp. 77-87

- Rafael S. Pinto and Alberto Saa
- An experiment on Lowest Unique Integer Games pp. 88-102

- Takashi Yamada and Nobuyuki Hanaki
- Breakdown of the modulational approximation in a multimode extension of the triplet interaction pp. 103-110

- E. Peter, S. Marini, A.T. Chávez and F.B. Rizzato
- An elementary model of money circulation pp. 111-122

- Vladimir N. Pokrovskii and Christophe Schinckus
- Molecular dynamics study of strain-induced diffusivity of nitrogen in pure iron nanocrystalline pp. 123-130

- Roghayeh Mohammadzadeh, Naiyer Razmara and Fereshteh Razmara
- A dynamic network model for interbank market pp. 131-138

- Tao Xu, Jianmin He and Shouwei Li
- The exceedance and cross-correlations between the gold spot and futures markets pp. 139-151

- Qingsong Ruan, Ying Huang and Wei Jiang
- Patterning and pattern selection in a surface layer: Feedback between point defects population and surface layer temperature variations pp. 152-162

- Dmitrii O. Kharchenko, Vasyl O. Kharchenko, Anna I. Bashtova and Irina O. Lysenko
- Effect of gold nanoparticles on structure and dynamics of binary Lennard-Jones liquid: Wave-vector space analysis pp. 163-173

- L. Separdar and S. Davatolhagh
- Glass formation and cluster evolution in the rapidly solidified monatomic metallic liquid Ta under high pressure pp. 174-181

- Dejun Jiang, Dadong Wen, Zean Tian and Rangsu Liu
- Fluctuations of a surface relaxation model in interacting scale free networks pp. 182-187

- M.F. Torres, C.E. La Rocca and L.A. Braunstein
- Multifractal detrended Cross Correlation Analysis of Foreign Exchange and SENSEX fluctuation in Indian perspective pp. 188-201

- Srimonti Dutta, Dipak Ghosh and Sucharita Chatterjee
- Characterizing super-spreading in microblog: An epidemic-based information propagation model pp. 202-218

- Yu Liu, Bai Wang, Bin Wu, Suiming Shang, Yunlei Zhang and Chuan Shi
- Application of complex network method to spatiotemporal patterns in a neuronal network pp. 219-230

- Rong Wang, Jiajia Li, Li Wang, Yong Yang, Pan Lin and Ying Wu
- Part-whole bias in intertemporal choice: An empirical study of additive assumption pp. 231-235

- Yang Lu, Dongmei Wu and Xintian Zhuang
- Impact of reduced scale free network on wireless sensor network pp. 236-245

- Neha Keshri, Anurag Gupta and Bimal Kumar Mishra
- Comparing minimum spanning trees of the Italian stock market using returns and volumes pp. 246-261

- Paolo Coletti
- An evolutionary strategy based on partial imitation for solving optimization problems pp. 262-269

- Marco Alberto Javarone
- An accurate analytic representation of the temperature dependence of nonresonant nuclear reaction rate coefficients pp. 270-281

- Bernie D. Shizgal
- Dynamical complexity in the perception-based network formation model pp. 282-292

- Hang-Hyun Jo and Eunyoung Moon
- Traveling salesman problems with PageRank Distance on complex networks reveal community structure pp. 293-302

- Zhongzhou Jiang, Jing Liu and Shuai Wang
- Magnon-bound-state hierarchy for the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising model in the ordered phase pp. 303-309

- Yoshihiro Nishiyama
- The dynamical modeling and simulation analysis of the recommendation on the user–movie network pp. 310-319

- Shujuan Zhang, Zhen Jin and Juan Zhang
- Does the Euro crisis change the cross-correlation pattern between bank shares and national indexes? pp. 320-329

- Paulo Ferreira
- A very efficient approach to compute the first-passage probability density function in a time-changed Brownian model: Applications in finance pp. 330-344

- Luca Vincenzo Ballestra, Graziella Pacelli and Davide Radi
- Quantifying the risk of extreme aviation accidents pp. 345-355

- Kumer Pial Das and Asim Kumer Dey
- Flexible sampling large-scale social networks by self-adjustable random walk pp. 356-365

- Xiao-Ke Xu and Jonathan J.H. Zhu
- Mobility of nanometer-size solutes in water driven by electric field pp. 366-375

- Mohammadhasan Dinpajooh and Dmitry V. Matyushov
- The influence of the non-motor vehicles for the car-following model considering traffic jerk pp. 376-382

- Yi Liu, Rong-jun Cheng, Li Lei and Hong-xia Ge
- Generalizations of Crooks and Lin’s results on Jeffreys–Csiszár and Jensen–Csiszár f-divergences pp. 383-393

- Paweł Kluza and Marek Niezgoda
- Effect of optimal estimation of flux difference information on the lattice traffic flow model pp. 394-399

- Shu-hong Yang, Chun-gui Li, Xin-lai Tang and Chuan Tian
- Deciphering infant mortality pp. 400-426

- Sylvie Berrut, Violette Pouillard, Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
- Realization of quantum information processing in quantum star network constituted by superconducting hybrid systems pp. 427-436

- Wenlin Li, Chong Li and Heshan Song
- Consensus analysis of switching multi-agent systems with fixed topology and time-delay pp. 437-444

- Yongquan Pei and Jitao Sun
- Power-law Fokker–Planck equation of unimolecular reaction based on the approximation to master equation pp. 445-451

- Yanjun Zhou and Cangtao Yin
- Discrimination of particulate matter emission sources using stochastic methods pp. 452-466

- Andrzej Szczurek, Monika Maciejewska, Agnieszka Wyłomańska, Grzegorz Sikora, Michał Balcerek and Marek Teuerle
- A new force–extension formula for stretched macromolecules and polymers based on the Ising model pp. 467-474

- Yue Chan and Richard G. Haverkamp
- A complex-network perspective on Alexander’s wholeness pp. 475-484

- Bin Jiang
- Reconstruction of social group networks from friendship networks using a tag-based model pp. 485-492

- Yuan-Pan Guan, Zhi-Qiang You and Xiao-Pu Han
- Epidemic spreading on weighted networks with adaptive topology based on infective information pp. 493-502

- Yun Feng, Li Ding, Yun-Han Huang and Li Zhang
- The self consistent expansion applied to the factorial function pp. 503-508

- Alon Cohen, Shmuel Bialy and Moshe Schwartz
- Biased random walks on Kleinberg’s spatial networks pp. 509-515

- Gui-Jun Pan and Rui-Wu Niu
- Limit order book and its modeling in terms of Gibbs Grand-Canonical Ensemble pp. 516-524

- Alberto Bicci
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