Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 223, issue 3, 1996
- Multifractal approach to inhomogeneous fractals pp. 275-282

- Frank Jestczemski and Manfred Sernetz
- The ground state energy of the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass with a hybrid genetic algorithm pp. 283-292

- Károly F. Pál
- On the dynamics of analogue neurons with nonsigmoidal gain functions pp. 293-308

- D. Bollé and B. Vinck
- Lateral diffusion in a binary lipid system by a computer simulation model pp. 309-320

- R.B. Pandey
- Effect of the attractive forces in determining the critical point of a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system pp. 321-328

- F. Cuadros, A. Mulero and W. Okrasinski
- Anti-persistent correlated random walks pp. 329-336

- V. Halpern
- Shielding effects in 1-D transformation kinetics pp. 337-347

- Dunbar P. Birnie and Michael C. Weinberg
- Bayesian inference in quantum systems pp. 348-364

- Dorje C. Brody and Bernhard Meister
- Some exact correlations in the Dyson Brownian motion model for transitions to the CUE pp. 365-390

- P.J. Forrester
- Linear response for systems far off equilibrium pp. 391-412

- E. Heiner
- Hidden symmetry, exact relations, and a small parameter in surface growth models with diffusion pp. 413-417

- Pui-Man Lam and Diola Bagayoko
- Second order approximation for an optical polaron in the strong coupling case pp. 418-434

- N.N. Bogolubov
Volume 223, issue 1, 1996
- Self-organized critical directed percolation pp. 1-6

- Sergei Maslov and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Scaling and universality in binary fragmenting with inhibition pp. 7-14

- Robert Botet and Marek Ploszajczak
- Evaporation and condensation of clusters pp. 15-33

- V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova
- Time-evolution of damage in the Ising model pp. 34-49

- Fugao Wang and Masuo Suzuki
- Nonequilibrium effects in reactive systems; the effect of reaction products and the validity of the Chapman-Enskog method pp. 50-86

- Bernie D. Shizgal and Duncan G. Napier
- Generalized Kolmogorov entropy in the dynamics of multifractal generation pp. 87-98

- Damián H. Zanette
- Effects of nonlinear diffusion in a two-phase system pp. 99-112

- J.P. Pascal
- Toeplitz matrices and random walks with memory pp. 113-124

- Douglas Poland
- The Gambier mapping pp. 125-136

- B. Grammaticos and A. Ramani
- Effect of car acceleration on traffic flow in 1D stochastic CA model pp. 137-148

- Takashi Nagatani
- Multi-site correlation functions in two-dimensional lattice gases pp. 149-166

- A. Danani, R. Ferrando, Enrico Scalas and M. Torri
- Bayesian inference for complex and quaternionic two-level quantum systems pp. 167-174

- Paul B. Slater
- Canonical phase diagrams of the 1D Falicov-Kimball model at T = 0 pp. 175-192

- Z. Gajek, J. Jȩdrzejewski and R. Lemański
- Semiclassical density matrix near the top of a potential barrier pp. 193-213

- Franz Josef Weiper, Joachim Ankerhold and Hermann Grabert
- Quantum Monte Carlo study of spin 12 ± Jz chains pp. 214-226

- Wataru Yokozeki, Kazuo Shiiki and Mitsuru Fukuchi
- A quantum field theory of the structure of phonons in amorphous solids and liquids pp. 227-243

- Toyoyuki Kitamura
- Determination of parameters in an image recovery by statistical-mechanical means pp. 244-262

- T. Morita and Kazu. Tanaka
- Mass distribution in heterogeneous structures pp. 263-271

- V. Jovović, G. Davidović, B.S. Tošić, Lj.D. Mašković, U. Kozmidis-Luburić and D. Ćirić
Volume 222, issue 1, 1995
- Discrete spin cubic model on a fractal lattice - the ground state phase diagram pp. 1-9

- Zoran Borjan, Milan Knežević and Sava Milošević
- Depletion force in colloidal systems pp. 10-24

- Y. Mao, M.E. Cates and H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
- An approximate calculation on the elastic constants of a solid containing varying volume fractions of cavities pp. 25-31

- K.D. Pithia
- A note on the initial condition for the formation of foams pp. 32-34

- K.D. Pithia
- A general interaction potential model between plateau borders to determine the strain rate of liquid foams pp. 35-45

- K.D. Pithia
- The complex susceptibility of liquid water as a two-potential system of reorienting polar molecules pp. 46-62

- Vladimir I. Gaiduk, Vladimir V. Gaiduk and James McConnell
- Semiclassical collision model for rotating molecules. Application to light-induced drift pp. 63-74

- L.V. Il'ichov, P.L. Chapovsky and L.J.F. Hermans
- The kinetics of powder settlement caused by low level vibration and elastic stresses pp. 75-86

- Yu. Boguslavskii and S. Drabkin
- Thermal hydrodynamic fluctuations of polymer globules pp. 87-104

- Andrei V. Zvelindovsky and Dick Bedeaux
- Boltzmann cellular automata studies of the spinodal decomposition pp. 105-118

- Renata B. Rybka, Marek Cieplak and Dominique Salin
- Critical phenomena of the hard-sphere lattice gas on the simple cubic lattice pp. 119-124

- Atsushi Yamagata
- Units: Remarkable points in dynamical systems pp. 125-151

- Jason A.C. Gallas
- Exact shapes of random walks in two dimensions pp. 152-154

- Gaoyuan Wei
- New approaches to shapes of arbitrary random walks pp. 155-160

- Gaoyuan Wei
- Onsager's symmetry in the Burnett regime pp. 161-172

- M.B. Romero and R.M. Velasco
- A quantum map for a kicked spin 1 in an oscillator reservoir pp. 173-184

- S.M. Gatica and E.S. Hernández
- Statistics of the burst model at super-critical phase pp. 185-194

- T.C. Chan, H.F. Chau and K.S. Cheng
- Relaxation in the s = 12 isotropic Heisenberg chain at T = ∞: Towards a simple intuitive interpretation pp. 195-204

- Surajit Sen
- Large-scale simulation of the two-dimensional kinetic Ising model pp. 205-209

- Andreas Linke, Dieter W. Heermann, Peter Altevogt and Markus Siegert
- Order and localization in reaction-diffusion pattern pp. 210-233

- David M. Holloway and Lionel G. Harrison
- Some non-linear diffusion equations and fractal diffusion pp. 234-247

- John Stephenson
- Dependence of the friction tensor on the rotation of a frame of reference pp. 248-260

- Kunimasa Miyazaki
- Fusion of dilute AL lattice models pp. 261-306

- Yu-kui Zhou, Paul A. Pearce and Uwe Grimm
- Lorentz symmetry of subdynamics in relativistic systems pp. 307-329

- Uri Ben-Ya'acov
- Squeezing in resonance fluorescence and Schrödinger's uncertainty relation pp. 330-346

- Henk F. Arnoldus and Thomas F. George
- Non-extensive statistical mechanics and generalized Fokker-Planck equation pp. 347-354

- A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
- Field theory of finite-size effects for systems with a one-component order parameter pp. 355-397

- A. Esser, V. Dohm and X.S. Chen
- Large fluctuations of local magnetizations in one-dimensional magnets pp. 398-410

- Hirokazu Fujisaka and Toshijiro Tanaka
- Irreversible thermodynamics of a binary mixture of dissimilar hard spheres pp. 411-436

- Patricia Goldstein, L.S. García-Colín and E. Piña
- Magnetic phase diagram of the ferromagnetically stacked triangular Ising antiferromagnet pp. 437-449

- M.L. Plumer and A. Mailhot
- Theoretical study of a diluted spin-S (S > 12) Ising ferromagnet pp. 450-462

- T. Kaneyoshi