Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 275, issue 3, 2000
- On a tracer flow through irregular packed bed pp. 297-309

- G. Erochenkova and R. Lima
- Thermodynamic description in a simple model for granular compaction pp. 310-324

- J.Javier Brey, A. Prados and B. Sanchez-Rey
- On the Stokes–Einstein relation in glass forming liquids pp. 325-335

- Patricia Goldstein, L.S. Garcı́a-Colı́n and L.F. del Castillo
- Chaotic behavior in bubble formation dynamics pp. 336-346

- A Tufaile and J.c Sartorelli
- Self-diffusion in unbounded rapid granular flows: a nonequilibrium approach pp. 347-360

- Payman Jalali, , William Polashenski, Piroz Zamankhan and Pertti Sarkomaa
- Reduced description in the reaction kinetics pp. 361-379

- A.n Gorban, I.v Karlin, V.b Zmievskii and S.v Dymova
- Hysteretic response of an anti-ferromagnetic random-field Ising model in one dimension at zero temperature pp. 380-395

- Prabodh Shukla, Ratnadeep Roy and Emilia Ray
- Tsallis nonextensive statistics with normalized q-expectation values: thermodynamical stability and simple illustrations pp. 396-404

- L.R. da Silva, E.K. Lenzi, , J.S.Andrade and J.Mendes Filho
- An extended Gibbs relation for the relativistic Boltzmann entropy: classical and quantum gases pp. 405-428

- Zbigniew Banach
- Exact partition functions for Potts antiferromagnets on cyclic lattice strips pp. 429-449

- Robert Shrock and Shan-Ho Tsai
- Chirality transition of XY model on three-layer triangular lattice pp. 450-462

- Yi Wang, Yoshihiko Fukui, Rocco Quartu and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- Exact eigenstates of the intensity-dependent Jaynes–Cummings model with the counter-rotating term pp. 463-474

- K.M. Ng, C.F. Lo and K.L. Liu
- Pairing entangled states pp. 475-482

- Zheng Wei Zhou and Guang Can Guo
- Asymptotic solution of the Boltzmann equation for the shear flow of smooth inelastic disks pp. 483-504

- V. Kumaran
- Single-particle treatment of quantum stochastic resonance pp. 505-530

- V.J. Menon, N. Chanana and Y. Singh
- The gradually truncated Lévy flight: stochastic process for complex systems pp. 531-543

- Hari M. Gupta and José R. Campanha
Volume 275, issue 1, 2000
- Analysis of the statistical behavior of the genetic cluster-exact approximation pp. 1-14

- Alexander K. Hartmann
- Universality of vortex avalanches in a type II superconductor with periodic pinning pp. 15-21

- R Cruz, R Mulet and E Altshuler
- Correlation between porosity, conductivity and permeability of sedimentary rocks — a ballistic deposition model pp. 22-32

- Ruma Dasgupta, Shashwati Roy and S Tarafdar
- Dynamical structure of XCl (X = Li, Na, K) aqueous solutions by low-frequency Raman scattering: relation between 50 cm−1 vibration mode and relaxation mode pp. 33-47

- Yuko Amo and Yasunori Tominaga
- Prediction of the thermal conductivity of gases based on the Rainwater–Friend theory and a new corresponding states function pp. 48-69

- B Najafi, Roya Araghi, J.c Rainwater, Saman Alavi and R.f Snider
- Escape probability for classically chaotic systems pp. 70-77

- V.B. Kokshenev and M.C. Nemes
- Ratchet motion induced by a correlated stochastic force pp. 78-85

- Emilio Cortés
- Nonlinear wave propagation in a random medium pp. 86-98

- B.K. Shivamoggi, L.C. Andrews and R.L. Phillips
- The effect of chemical displacement of B species in the reaction A+B→B pp. 99-133

- A.A. Kipriyanov, O.A. Igoshin and A.B. Doktorov
- The role of products and a reverse reaction in analysis of nonequilibrium effects in a bimolecular chemical reaction in a dilute gas pp. 134-151

- A.S. Cukrowski
- The universal limit in dynamics of dilute polymeric solutions pp. 152-177

- Vladimir B. Zmievski, Iliya V. Karlin and Michel Deville
- Effect on the groundstate threshold pc by different boundary conditions in 2D ±J Ising models pp. 178-196

- M. Achilles, J. Bendisch and H.v. Trotha
- Universal amplitude combinations for self-avoiding walks and polygons on the honeycomb lattice pp. 197-206

- Keh-Ying Lin
- First-order transition in helimagnetic systems with Heisenberg spins pp. 207-216

- D Loison
- A thermodynamic description of the glass transition: an exact one-dimensional example pp. 217-228

- Richard K Bowles
- Extended moment method for electrons in semiconductors pp. 229-255

- Henning Struchtrup
- A simplified model for the dielectric function of three-component composite materials pp. 256-261

- Ququan Wang, Decheng Tian, Guiguong Xiong and Zhengguo Zhou
- Tsallis-like information measures and the analysis of complex signals pp. 262-271

- M.T. Martin, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
- Self-organized criticality in a model of biological evolution with long-range interactions pp. 272-280

- Pablo M Gleiser, Francisco A Tamarit and Sergio A Cannas
- Jamming transition in two-dimensional pedestrian traffic pp. 281-291

- Masakuni Muramatsu and Takashi Nagatani
Volume 274, issue 3, 1999
- Power law for the permeability in a two-dimensional disordered porous medium pp. 391-399

- Leonardo I Reyes, Ricardo Parades V and Gustavo Gutiérrez
- Self-organized criticality in a fibre-bundle-type model pp. 400-409

- Y Moreno, J.b Gómez and A.f Pacheco
- Renormalization group and variational treatments for a d-dimensional sine-Gordon model with correlated random fields pp. 410-418

- A.Caramico D'Auria, L.De Cesare, L. Mercaldo and I. Rabuffo
- Correlations and characterization of porous solids by fractal dimension and porosity pp. 419-432

- S.j Huang, Y.c Yu, T.y Lee and T.s Lu
- Density-functional theory for attraction between like-charged plates pp. 433-445

- Alexandre Diehl, M.N. Tamashiro, Marcia C. Barbosa and Yan Levin
- Screening of a macroion by multivalent ions: a new boundary condition for the Poisson–Boltzmann equation and charge inversion pp. 446-453

- V.i Perel and B.i Shklovskii
- Slip boundary conditions in Couette flow pp. 454-465

- J. López-Lemus and R.M. Velasco
- On the Ginzburg–Landau expression for the free energy of solutions under flow pp. 466-475

- M Criado-Sancho, D Jou and J Casas-Vázquez
- Chaos viscosity and turbulent viscosity pp. 476-483

- Hiroshi Shibata
- Interferencing intensity in two Bose–Einstein condensates with Josephson-like coupling pp. 484-490

- Xiao-Guang Wang, Shao-Hua Pan and Guo-Zhen Yang
- Mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics; irreversible processes and fluctuations pp. 491-504

- P Mazur
- The construction of canonical separated variables for binary constrained AKNS flow pp. 505-515

- Yunbo Zeng and Wen-Xiu Ma
- Sphere caging by a random fibre network pp. 516-524

- Albert P. Philipse and Sebastiaan G.J.M. Kluijtmans
- An infinity of phase transitions as a function of temperature: exact results for a model with fixed-point imaging pp. 525-536

- B.Todd Hefner and James S. Walker
- The effects of the distribution of bimodal bonds on phase transition in 2D Potts model pp. 537-544

- F Yaşar, Y Gündüç and T Çelik
- Fractal aspects of the spin wave spectra in pure and generalized Fibonacci anisotropic magnetic superlattices pp. 545-554

- R.N.Costa Filho and E.L. Albuquerque
- Existence of only delocalized eigenstates in the electronic spectrum of the Thue–Morse lattice pp. 555-562

- Anathnath Ghosh and S.N. Karmakar
- On the nonextensivity of entropy of the weakly interacting Bose systems pp. 563-571

- Ferenc Márkus
- Fermi statistics of weakly excited granular materials in a vibrating bed: molecular dynamics simulations pp. 572-587

- Paul V Quinn and Daniel C Hong
- The propagation and backscattering of soliton-like pulses in a chain of quartz beads and related problems. (I). Propagation pp. 588-606

- Marian Manciu, Surajit Sen and Alan J Hurd
- The propagation and backscattering of soliton-like pulses in a chain of quartz beads and related problems. (II). Backscattering pp. 607-618

- Marian Manciu, Surajit Sen and Alan J Hurd
Volume 274, issue 1, 1999
- Problems of DNA entry into a cell pp. 1-7

- Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
- Charge inversion in DNA–amphiphile complexes: possible application to gene therapy pp. 8-18

- Paulo S Kuhn, Yan Levin and Marcia C Barbosa
- Application of statistical mechanics to the wetting of complex liquids pp. 19-29

- R Fondecave and F Brochard-Wyart
- Rotating chemical waves: theory and experiments pp. 30-49

- András Volford, Péter L Simon, Henrik Farkas and Zoltán Noszticzius
- Formation of Liesegang patterns pp. 50-59

- Zoltán Rácz
- Applications of statistical physics to the oil industry: predicting oil recovery using percolation theory pp. 60-66

- P.r King, S.v Buldyrev, N.v Dokholyan, S Havlin, Y Lee, G Paul and H.e Stanley
- Applications of statistical mechanics to non-brownian random motion pp. 67-84

- Ryszard Kutner and Krzysztof Wysocki
- Population dynamics and Burgers’ equation pp. 85-90

- David R Nelson
- Statistical physics model of an evolving population pp. 91-98

- Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron and A Pȩkalski
- Application of statistical physics to heartbeat diagnosis pp. 99-110

- S Havlin, L.A.n Amaral, Y Ashkenazy, A.l Goldberger, P.Ch Ivanov, C.-K Peng and H.e Stanley
- ‘Sausage-string’ deformations of blood vessels at high blood pressures pp. 111-119

- P. Alstrøm, R. Mikkelsen, F. Gustafsson and N.-H. Holstein-Rathlou
- Fractality, chaos, and reactions in imperfectly mixed open hydrodynamical flows pp. 120-131

- Á Péntek, G Károlyi, I Scheuring, T Tél, Z Toroczkai, J Kadtke and C Grebogi
- Application of statistical physics to politics pp. 132-139

- Serge Galam
- Application of statistical physics to the Internet traffics pp. 140-148

- Misako Takayasu, Kensuke Fukuda and Hideki Takayasu
- Applications of statistical mechanics in number theory pp. 149-157

- Marek Wolf
- Computational test of kinetic theory of granular media pp. 158-170

- M.D. Shattuck, C. Bizon, J.B. Swift and Harry L. Swinney
- Granular flow, collisional cooling and charged grains pp. 171-181

- D.e Wolf, T Scheffler and J Schäfer
- Application of statistical mechanics to collective motion in biology pp. 182-189

- Tamás Vicsek, András Czirók, Illés J. Farkas and Dirk Helbing
- Formation of colony patterns by a bacterial cell population pp. 190-199

- M Matsushita, J Wakita, H Itoh, K Watanabe, T Arai, T Matsuyama, H Sakaguchi and M Mimura
- Applications of statistical mechanics to finance pp. 216-221

- Rosario Mantegna, Zoltán Palágyi and H.Eugene Stanley
- Portfolios with nonlinear constraints and spin glasses pp. 222-228

- Adrienn Gábor and Imre Kondor
- Applications of statistical physics to economic and financial topics pp. 229-240

- Marcel Ausloos, N. Vandewalle, Ph. Boveroux, A. Minguet and K. Ivanova
- Molecular motors and the forces they exert pp. 241-266

- Michael E. Fisher and Anatoly B. Kolomeisky
- Application of braid statistics to particle dynamics pp. 267-280

- Arne T. Skjeltorp, Sigmund Clausen and Geir Helgesen
- Applications of statistical mechanics in subcontinuum fluid dynamics pp. 281-293

- Marek Cieplak, Joel Koplik and Jayanth R Banavar
- Applications of statistical mechanics to natural hazards and landforms pp. 294-299

- Donald L Turcotte
- Application of statistical physics to impact fragmentation pp. 300-309

- Hajime Inaoka and Hideki Takayasu
- Equations of granular materials pp. 310-319

- S.F. Edwards
- Phase separation in a weak first-order phase transition pp. 320-324

- H Arkin, T Çelik, B.a Berg and H Meyer-Ortmanns
- Fractal-type relations and extensions suitable for systems of evolving polycrystalline microstructures pp. 325-332

- A Gadomski
- On the application of statistical physics for the description of nonequilibrium effects in chemical systems pp. 333-340

- Jerzy Gorecki and Joanna N. Gorecka
- Strong motion duration effects on base isolated systems pp. 341-348

- R. Greco, G.C. Marano and D. Foti
- Application of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method for describing cloud breaking pp. 349-354

- K Ivanova and Marcel Ausloos
- Mean-field-type equations for spread of epidemics: the ‘small world’ model pp. 355-360

- Adam Kleczkowski and Bryan T. Grenfell
- Gaussian-logarithmic distribution of relaxation times in relaxor materials pp. 361-366

- R Skulski
- The effect of vibrational degrees of freedom on the phase transition in a 2D Ising model pp. 367-373

- S.v Stroganova, M.i Vasilevskiy and O.v Vikhrova
- Aging and self-organization of shear bands in granular materials pp. 374-380

- János Török, Supriya Krishnamurthy, János Kertész and Stéphane Roux
- Markov and non-Markov processes in complex systems by the dynamical information entropy pp. 381-384

- R.m Yulmetyev and F.m Gafarov
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