Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 372, issue 2, 2006
- New views of the Gibbs adsorption equation pp. 169-172

- B. Widom
- Stationary states and fluctuations pp. 173-182

- E.G.D. Cohen
- Influence of global correlations on central limit theorems and entropic extensivity pp. 183-202

- John A. Marsh, Miguel A. Fuentes, Luis G. Moyano and Constantino Tsallis
- Statistical scattering of waves in disordered waveguides: Universal properties pp. 203-209

- P.A. Mello, M. Yépez, L.S. Froufe-Pérez and J.J. Sáenz
- Non-linear systems pp. 210-223

- R.A. Barrio and C. Varea
- Routes to chaos, universality and glass formation pp. 224-237

- Fulvio Baldovin
- Sensitivity function and entropy increase rates for z-logistic map family at the edge of chaos pp. 238-242

- Ahmet Celikoglu and Ugur Tirnakli
- New trends in localization theory pp. 243-248

- Gerardo G. Naumis
- Overdamped thermal ratchets in one and more dimensions. Kinesin transport and protein folding pp. 249-262

- Ernesto González-Candela and Víctor Romero-Rochín
- Phase synchronization in tilted deterministic ratchets pp. 263-271

- Fernando R. Alatriste and José L. Mateos
- Control of heat conduction by periodicity tuning pp. 272-278

- Bambi Hu and Lei Yang
- Memory function versus binary correlator in additive Markov chains pp. 279-297

- F.M. Izrailev, A.A. Krokhin, N.M. Makarov, S.S. Melnyk, O.V. Usatenko and V.A. Yampol'skii
- Modulated phases and slow dynamics in attractive colloids pp. 298-306

- A. Coniglio, M. Tarzia, A. de Candia, E. Del Gado, A. Fierro and N. Sator
- Thermodynamic perturbation theory and glass transition in simple fluids pp. 307-315

- M. López de Haro and M. Robles
- Opinion dynamics and synchronization in a network of scientific collaborations pp. 316-325

- Alessandro Pluchino, Stefano Boccaletti, Vito Latora and Andrea Rapisarda
- Small-world topology and memory effects on decision time in opinion dynamics pp. 326-332

- L. Guzmán-Vargas and R. Hernández-Pérez
- A topological analysis of scientific coauthorship networks pp. 333-339

- Alessio Cardillo, Salvatore Scellato and Vito Latora
- Percolation in networks with long-range connections pp. 340-345

- Cristian F. Moukarzel
- Two statistical mechanics aspects of complex networks pp. 346-353

- Stefan Thurner and Christoly Biely
- Transport processes on homogeneous planar graphs with scale-free loops pp. 354-361

- Milovan Šuvakov and Bosiljka Tadić
- On the metastable autocorrelation and susceptibility of Markovian systems pp. 362-367

- G. Báez and R.A. Méndez-Sánchez
- Nearest-neighbor spacing distribution of basis in some intron-less and intron-containing DNA sequences pp. 368-373

- M.F. Higareda, H. Hernández-Saldaña and R.A. Méndez-Sánchez
- Transport of particles in fluids pp. 374-386

- Hans J. Herrmann, José S. Andrade, Ascânio D. Araújo and Murilo P. Almeida
- Geometric effect in nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics pp. 387-392

- Sumiyoshi Abe
Volume 372, issue 1, 2006
- Primitive cooperative particle flow models pp. 1-11

- Robin Stinchcombe
- Asymmetric coupling in two-channel simple exclusion processes pp. 12-21

- Ekaterina Pronina and Anatoly B. Kolomeisky
- Driven diffusive systems with disorder pp. 22-33

- Mustansir Barma
- Molecular motor traffic: From biological nanomachines to macroscopic transport pp. 34-51

- Reinhard Lipowsky, Yan Chai, Stefan Klumpp, Steffen Liepelt and Melanie J.I. Müller
- How kinesins walk, assemble and transport: A birds-eye-view of some unresolved questions pp. 52-64

- Krishanu Ray
- Molecular motors as cargo transporters in the cell—The good, the bad and the ugly pp. 65-69

- Roop Mallik and Steven P. Gross
- Helicases as molecular motors: An insight pp. 70-83

- Narendra Tuteja and Renu Tuteja
- Collective effects in intra-cellular molecular motor transport: Coordination, cooperation and competition pp. 84-95

- Debashish Chowdhury
- Collective effects in models for interacting molecular motors and motor-microtubule mixtures pp. 96-112

- Gautam I. Menon
- Transport of a 1D viscoelastic actin–myosin strip of gel as a model of a crawling cell pp. 113-123

- Kamila Larripa and Alex Mogilner
- Ecological consequences of traffic organisation in ant societies pp. 124-131

- Martin Burd
- Modelling of self-driven particles: Foraging ants and pedestrians pp. 132-141

- Katsuhiro Nishinari, Ken Sugawara, Toshiya Kazama, Andreas Schadschneider and Debashish Chowdhury
- Cellular automata models of highway traffic pp. 142-150

- Andreas Schadschneider
- Models of vehicular traffic: An engineering perspective pp. 151-161

- Partha Chakroborty
- A fiber bundle model of traffic jams pp. 162-166

- Bikas K. Chakrabarti
Volume 371, issue 2, 2006
- Periodic trend and fluctuations: The case of strong correlation pp. 157-170

- Osman C. Akin, Paolo Paradisi and Paolo Grigolini
- Is kinetic growth walk equivalent to canonical self-avoiding walk? pp. 171-176

- M. Ponmurugan, S.L. Narasimhan and K.P.N. Murthy
- On a possible difference between the barycentric velocity and the velocity that gives translational momentum in fluids pp. 177-187

- Dick Bedeaux, Signe Kjelstrup and Hans Christian Öttinger
- On mechanism of peristaltic flows for power-law fluids pp. 188-194

- T. Hayat and N. Ali
- Effect of Hall current on the velocity and temperature distributions of Couette flow with variable properties pp. 195-208

- Hazem Ali Attia
- Macroscopic capillarity without a constitutive capillary pressure function pp. 209-225

- R. Hilfer
- Morphological transitions of capillary rise in a bundle of two and three solid parallel cylinders pp. 226-248

- D. Lukáš, J. Chaloupek, E. Košťáková, N. Pan and I. Martinková
- Ground-state shapes and structures of colloidal domains pp. 249-255

- Jianlan Wu and Jianshu Cao
- A new modified hyperchaotic Lü system pp. 260-272

- Guangyi Wang, Xun Zhang, Yan Zheng and Yuxia Li
- Compactons and solitary patterns solutions to fifth-order KdV-like equations pp. 273-279

- Abdul-Majid Wazwaz
- Synchronization in systems with bimodal dynamics pp. 280-292

- A.P. Kuznetsov, E. Mosekilde and L.V. Turukina
- Chaotic behaviors and toroidal/spherical attractors generated by discontinuous dynamics pp. 293-302

- Qingfei Chen, Yiguang Hong and Guanrong Chen
- Path integral representation of fractional harmonic oscillator pp. 303-316

- Chai Hok Eab and S.C. Lim
- Synchronizing the noise-perturbed unified chaotic system by sliding mode control pp. 317-324

- Qing Zhang, Shihua Chen, Yuanming Hu and Changping Wang
- Similarity Reduction and similarity solutions of Zabolotskay–Khoklov equation with a dissipative term via symmetry method pp. 325-335

- M.H.M. Moussa and Rehab.M. El Shikh
- Pore space morphology analysis using maximal inscribed spheres pp. 336-360

- Dmitriy Silin and Tad Patzek
- Statistical characterization of surface morphologies pp. 361-367

- I.S. Atanasov, J.H. Durrell, L.A. Vulkova, Z.H. Barber and O.I. Yordanov
- A “square-root” method for the density matrix and its applications to Lindblad operators pp. 368-386

- A. Yahalom and R. Englman
- Damping and dispersion of oscillating modes of a multicomponent ionic mixture in a magnetic field pp. 387-408

- G.A.Q. Salvati and L.G. Suttorp
- Quantum interference network pp. 409-423

- Bi Qiao, Fang Jingqing and Cai Weping
- Monte Carlo simulation of size effects on thermal conductivity in a two-dimensional Ising system pp. 424-432

- M. Neek-Amal, R. Moussavi and H.R. Sepangi
- Interpretation of the experimental magnetic properties of spin 12 square lattice (K2V2O5) by means of small square lattice spin theory pp. 433-440

- S. Thanos and P.N. Moustanis
- Specific heat spectra of long-range correlated DNA molecules pp. 441-448

- D.A. Moreira, E.L. Albuquerque, P.W. Mauriz and M.S. Vasconcelos
- Evaluation of a mean field potential for protein folding with different interaction centers pp. 449-462

- María Larriva, David de Sancho and Antonio Rey
- Thresholds, long delays and stability from generalized allosteric effect in protein networks pp. 463-472

- Roberto Chignola, Chiara Dalla Pellegrina, Alessio Del Fabbro and Edoardo Milotti
- Food-chain competition influences gene's size pp. 473-480

- Marta Dembska, Mirosław R. Dudek and Dietrich Stauffer
- Dynamical contribution into enzyme catalytic efficiency pp. 481-491

- A.E. Sitnitsky
- Equilibrium econophysics: A unified formalism for neoclassical economics and equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 492-512

- Tânia Sousa and Tiago Domingos
- Valuation of stochastic interest rate securities with time-dependent variance pp. 513-524

- Javier Villarroel
- Annual change of Pareto index dynamically deduced from the law of detailed quasi-balance pp. 525-535

- Atushi Ishikawa
- A MIMIC approach to modeling the underground economy in Taiwan pp. 536-542

- David Han-Min Wang, Jer-Yan Lin and Hui-Kuang Yu
- A closed-form solution for the price of cross-commodity electricity derivatives pp. 543-551

- D. Tsitakis, S. Xanthopoulos and A.N. Yannacopoulos
- Regime-switching characterization of electricity prices dynamics pp. 552-564

- Carlo Mari
- Black–Scholes’ model and Bollinger bands pp. 565-571

- Wei Liu, Xudong Huang and Weian Zheng
- A microscopic model of triangular arbitrage pp. 572-584

- Yukihiro Aiba and Naomichi Hatano
- Characterization of exchange rate regimes based on scaling and correlation properties of volatility for ASEAN-5 countries pp. 585-598

- Sithi V. Muniandy and Rosemary Uning
- Emerging collective behavior and local properties of financial dynamics in a public investment game pp. 610-626

- Roberto da Silva, Ana L.C. Bazzan, Alexandre T. Baraviera and Sílvio R. Dahmen
- Optimized annealing of traveling salesman problem from the nth-nearest-neighbor distribution pp. 627-632

- Yong Chen and Pan Zhang
- Deduction of initial strategy distributions of agents in mix-game models pp. 633-640

- Chengling Gou
- Reversals of chance in paradoxical games pp. 641-648

- P. Amengual, P. Meurs, B. Cleuren and R. Toral
- Score-dependent payoffs and Minority Games pp. 649-657

- F. Ren, B. Zheng, T. Qiu and S. Trimper
- Evacuation behaviors at exit in CA model with force essentials: A comparison with social force model pp. 658-666

- Song Wei-Guo, Yu Yan-Fei, Wang Bing-Hong and Fan Wei-Cheng
- Density viscous continuum traffic flow model pp. 667-673

- H.X. Ge and X.L. Han
- Phase transition of traffic states with on-ramp pp. 674-682

- A.K. Gupta and V.K. Katiyar
- Chaos control and schedule of shuttle buses pp. 683-691

- Takashi Nagatani
- Scaling characteristics in aftershock sequence of earthquake pp. 692-702

- Chung Kung Lee, Chung Chin Yu, Cheng Cai Wang, Ruey Der Hwang and Guey Kuen Yu
- Multifractal character of surface latent heat flux pp. 703-718

- Nikitas Papasimakis, Guido Cervone, Fotini Pallikari and Menas Kafatos
- Non-equilibrium and irreversible simulation of competition among languages pp. 719-724

- D. Stauffer, C. Schulze, F.W.S. Lima, S. Wichmann and S. Solomon
- Long-range dependence in North Atlantic sea level pp. 725-731

- S.M. Barbosa, M.J. Fernandes and M.E. Silva
- Decoding information from noisy, redundant, and intentionally distorted sources pp. 732-744

- Yi-Kuo Yu, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Paolo Laureti and Lionel Moret
- Effect of clustering in a complex user network on the telephone traffic pp. 745-753

- Wai M. Tam, Francis C.M. Lau, Chi Tse, Yongxiang Xia and Xiuming Shan
- Synchronization of complex dynamical networks by the incremental ISS approach pp. 754-766

- Chaohong Cai and Guanrong Chen
- Looking at map networks with time delay interactions from a local perspective pp. 767-772

- A. Parravano
- Relations between average distance, heterogeneity and network synchronizability pp. 773-780

- Ming Zhao, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Gang Yan, Hui-Jie Yang and Wen-Jie Bai
- Synchronization of Rössler oscillators on scale-free topologies pp. 781-789

- Soon-Hyung Yook and Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns
- Local effects in synchronization on an extended network model pp. 790-794

- Xun Zhang, Xin-Jian Xu and Ying-Hai Wang
- Bipartite graphs as models of complex networks pp. 795-813

- Jean-Loup Guillaume and Matthieu Latapy
- Growing scale-free small-world networks with tunable assortative coefficient pp. 814-822

- Qiang Guo, Tao Zhou, Jian-Guo Liu, Wen-Jie Bai, Bing-Hong Wang and Ming Zhao
- Preferential network perturbation pp. 823-840

- A.P. Quayle, A.S. Siddiqui and S.J.M. Jones
- Topological transition features and synchronizability of a weighted hybrid preferential network pp. 841-850

- Xin Biao Lu, Xiao Fan Wang and Jin Qing Fang
- A model for social networks pp. 851-860

- Riitta Toivonen, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, Jari Saramäki, Jörkki Hyvönen and Kimmo Kaski
- Relationship between the in-degree and out-degree of WWW pp. 861-869

- Jianguo Liu, Yanzhong Dang, Zhongtuo Wang and Tao Zhou
- Random removal of edges from scale free graphs pp. 870-876

- S. Martin, R.D. Carr and J.-L. Faulon
Volume 371, issue 1, 2006
- Effects of non-local initial conditions in the quantum walk on the line pp. 1-4

- G. Abal, R. Donangelo, A. Romanelli and R. Siri
- Correlation effects of two interacting particles in a circular billiard pp. 5-9

- L.A. Toporowicz and M.W. Beims
- Coherent dynamics on hierarchical systems pp. 10-15

- Alexander Blumen, Veronika Bierbaum and Oliver Mülken
- Coherent states for a degenerate system: The hydrogen atom pp. 16-19

- E.M.F. Curado, M.A. Rego-Monteiro, Ligia M.C.S. Rodrigues and Y. Hassouni
- Forcing inertial Brownian motors: Efficiency and negative differential mobility pp. 20-24

- Marcin Kostur, Lukasz Machura, Peter Hänggi, Jerzy Łuczka and Peter Talkner
- Dynamics of an inchworm nano-walker pp. 25-28

- A. Ciudad, J.M. Sancho and A.M. Lacasta
- Effect of spontaneous rearrangements in the disorder of packing of discs pp. 29-32

- M.A. Aguirre, A. Medus, M. Mancuso, A. Calvo and I. Ippolito
- Solitary waves in van der Waals-like transition in fluidized granular matter pp. 33-36

- M.G. Clerc and D. Escaff
- Tiny reversible rearrangement transitions in granular systems pp. 37-40

- Patricio Cordero and Dino Risso
- Hysteretic behavior of stable solutions at the onset of a weakly inverted instability pp. 41-45

- Orazio Descalzi, Helmut R. Brand and Jaime Cisternas
- Convection in a rotating binary ferrofluid pp. 46-49

- D. Laroze, J. Martínez-Mardones, J. Bragard and P. Vargas
- The multiple dependence of the velocity distributions of granular gases on the simulation conditions pp. 50-53

- Antony M.M. Polito, Annibal Figueiredo, Luis S. Costa, Tarcísio M. da Rocha Filho and Frederico V. Prudente
- Dynamical behavior of digitations state in Faraday waves with a viscoelastic fluid pp. 54-58

- Cecilia Cabeza, Marta Rosen, Gabriel Ferreyra and Gustavo Bongiovanni
- Fragmentation pp. 59-66

- Hans J. Herrmann, Falk K. Wittel and Ferenc Kun
- Universal, statistically scale-invariant regime in 3D cellular systems pp. 67-70

- R.M.c de Almeida, G.L. Thomas and F. Graner
- A scale-free neural network for modelling neurogenesis pp. 71-75

- Juan I. Perotti, Francisco A. Tamarit and Sergio A. Cannas
- Ontogenetic growth of multicellular tumor spheroids pp. 76-79

- C.A. Condat and S.A. Menchón
- Evolution of fast mutating replicators—RNA viruses and the RNA world pp. 80-83

- Susanna C. Manrubia
- The generation of respiratory rhythms in birds pp. 84-87

- A. Granada, M. Gabitto, G. García, J. Alliende, Jhon Mendez, M.A. Trevisan and G.B. Mindlin
- RNA-like model on the Husimi lattice pp. 88-91

- Reginaldo A. Zara and Marco Pretti
- Growth exponents in surface models with non-active sites pp. 92-95

- M. Santos, W. Figueiredo and F.D.A. Aarão Reis
- From coupled map lattices to the stochastic Kardar–Parisi–Zhang equation pp. 96-99

- Eytan Katzav and Leticia F. Cugliandolo
- Impact of bistability in the synchronization of chaotic maps with delayed coupling and complex topologies pp. 100-103

- Pedro G. Lind, Ana Nunes and Jason A.C. Gallas
- Chaotic maps coupled with random delays: Connectivity, topology, and network propensity for synchronization pp. 104-107

- Arturo C. Martí, Marcelo Ponce C. and Cristina Masoller
- Contrarian-like behavior and system size stochastic resonance in an opinion spreading model pp. 108-111

- Horacio S. Wio, Marta S. de la Lama and Juan M. López
- Living in an irrational society: Wealth distribution with correlations between risk and expected profits pp. 112-117

- Miguel A. Fuentes, M. Kuperman and J.R. Iglesias
- Multi-fractal structure of traded volume in financial markets pp. 118-121

- L.G. Moyano, J. de Souza and S.M. Duarte Queirós
- Extremum criteria for optimal suppression of coherent noise in seismic data using the Karhunen–Loève transform pp. 122-125

- Raúl Montagne and Giovani L. Vasconcelos
- Majorization relations and disorder in generalized statistics pp. 126-129

- N. Canosa, R. Rossignoli and M. Portesi
- Mixing, ergodicity and slow relaxation phenomena pp. 130-134

- I.V.L. Costa, M.H. Vainstein, L.C. Lapas, A.A. Batista and F.A. Oliveira
- Topological aspects of a long-range model pp. 135-138

- Celia Anteneodo and Francisco A. Tamarit
- Analytic considerations in the theory of NMR microscopy pp. 139-143

- V.M. Kenkre and F.J. Sevilla
- Equilibrium and metastability in the Shore–Sethna model pp. 144-149

- Marianela Carubelli and Francisco A. Tamarit
- ±J Ising model on Archimedean (4,82) lattices pp. 150-154

- E.E. Vogel, J.F. Valdés and W. Lebrecht
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