Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 105, issue 3, 1981
- Stochastic equations arising from test particle problems pp. 365-379

- H. Kagermann
- Stochastic equations arising from test particle problems pp. 380-394

- H. Kagermann
- Hydrodynamic fluctuation forces pp. 395-416

- R.B. Jones
- The rotational kinetic energy in the orientationally disordered phase of solid methane. A quasi-classical approach pp. 417-444

- M. Sprik and N.J. Trappeniers
- Brownian motion of harmonic systems with fluctuating parameters pp. 445-471

- Katja Lindenberg, V. Seshadri and Bruce J. West
- Statistical mechanics of Z(M) models on Cayley trees pp. 472-492

- H. Moraal
- A new method for calculation of the magnetic properties in one- and two-dimensional spin systems with anisotropic Heisenberg exchange pp. 493-516

- Yoshiaki Tanaka and Norikiyo Uryŭ
- On two renormalised effective field theories pp. 517-535

- P.B. Fynbo
- Experimental error of the Burnett experiment pp. 536-551

- G.S. Kell
- Dynamical properties of colloidal systems pp. 552-576

- W. Hess and R. Klein
- A new method of constructing symmetry-adapted linear combinations for a finite group pp. 577-592

- Shoon K. Kim
- Modified Rocard relation for complex permittivity pp. 593-600

- James McConnell
- Quantum perturbations to the radial distribution function of a hard-sphere fluid pp. 601-606

- V.S. Giri and B. Kumar
- Finite temperature model-potential theory of metals pp. 607-619

- J.L. Pelissier
- Variational principle for regular and random Ising models on the cactus tree or on the usual lattice in the “cactus approximation” pp. 620-630

- T. Morita
- The variational theory and rate equation method with applications to relaxation near the instability point pp. 631-641

- Masuo Suzuki, Fumiyoshi Sasagawa, Kunihiko Kaneko and Fang Fu-Kang
Volume 105, issue 1, 1981
- Stability of inhomogeneous stationary states for the hot-spot model of a superconducting microbridge pp. 1-30

- D. Bedeaux and P. Mazur
- Hydrodynamics and molecular motion: A phenomenological approach pp. 31-52

- Myron Evans and Paolo Grigolini
- Critical-exponent renormalization, first-order transitions and demagnetizing effects for Schofield's linear model pp. 53-85

- L.W.J. Den Ouden, H.W. Capel and J.H.H. Perk
- Cooper coupling of electrons in strong high-frequency fields pp. 86-104

- V.P. Seminozhenko and A.A. Yatsenko
- Non-stationary processes in lasers pp. 105-129

- L.A. Pokrovsky
- General properties of gausson-conserving descriptions of quantal damped motion pp. 130-146

- E.S. Hernández and B. Remaud
- Kinetic modeling of polyatomic gas mixtures pp. 147-168

- P.C. Philippi and R. Brun
- On the asymmetry of the stress tensor of materials with internal degrees of freedom pp. 169-186

- W. Oevel and J. Schröter
- Kinetics of the Ising magnet pp. 187-202

- G.O. Berim, A.R. Kessel and M.M. Shakirzyanov
- Photon density-density correlation spectrum of a three-level atom at high photon densities pp. 203-218

- Constantine Mavroyannis
- A dynamical Onsager model approach of field fluctuations and light scattering in a gas of isotropic molecules pp. 219-228

- M Thibeau, B Dumon, A Chave and V Sergiescu
- Stochastic processes in channelling pp. 229-244

- G.M. Gavrilenko and V.K. Fedyanin
- The Lorentzian diffusion of hydrogen in neon and xenon pp. 245-256

- A.S.M. Wahby and J. Los
- The Lorentzian diffusion of hydrogen in neon and xenon pp. 257-263

- A.S.M. Wahby and J. Los
- The Lorentzian diffusion of hydrogen in neon and xenon pp. 264-270

- A.S.M. Wahby and J. Los
- Nonspherical Brownian particles. Kinetic description and application to flow birefringence pp. 271-285

- H. Kagermann, W.E. Köhler and S. Hess
- On the Kirkwood-Salsburg and Mayer-Montroll equations and their solutions for many-body interactions pp. 286-296

- H. Moraal
- On the solutions of the equilibrium BBGKY equations pp. 297-302

- H. Moraal
- On the product property of the distribution functions in classical statistical mechanics pp. 303-312

- H. Moraal
- Hydrodynamics of plasma in a dense pinch pp. 313-329

- B.E. Meierovich
- The number of propagating modes in hydrodynamic systems pp. 330-336

- Isaac Goldhirsch and Itamar Procaccia
- Dynamics of a Brownian particle in a plasma in the long-time limit pp. 337-346

- R. Dickman and R.L. Varley
- Orientational transitions in a dimer system pp. 347-356

- R.D. Kaye
- Theory of the polymer chain collapse for the d-dimensional case pp. 357-362

- A.R. Khokhlov
Volume 104, issue 3, 1980
- On the equivalence between Bernoulli dynamical systems and stochastic Markov processes pp. 359-377

- M. Courbage and B. Misra
- The influence of external fluctuations on self-sustained temporal oscillations pp. 378-396

- W. Ebeling and H. Engel-Herbert
- Effect of the frustration to the ground state energy and entropy of the spin-glass in the random bond Ising model on the square lattice pp. 397-416

- Shigetoshi Katsura and Izuru Nagahara
- Measurements of the viscosity of compressed gaseous and liquid methane pp. 417-426

- Dwain E. Diller
- Renormalization of self-avoiding walks on the square lattice pp. 427-434

- A. Malakis
- Statistical mechanical model with chemical reaction pp. 435-446

- J.S. HØye and K. Olaussen
- Equilibrium properties and the phase transition of the two-dimensional coulomb gas pp. 447-458

- J.S. HØye and K. Olaussen
- Discrete-time Glauber model as a generalized Ehrenfest urn model pp. 459-474

- H. Falk
- Exact approach to equilibrium for the glauber model of a one-dimensional Ising system with random ±J bonds pp. 475-479

- H. Falk
- Fluctuations in nonlinear systems near bifurcations corresponding to the appearance of new stable states pp. 480-494

- M.I. Dykman and M.A. Krivoglaz
- Time correlation functions and spectral distributions of the duffing oscillator in a random force field pp. 495-508

- M.I. Dykman and M.A. Krivoglaz
- The broadening and shift of the ratational Raman lines for hydrogen isotopes at low temperatures pp. 509-547

- K.D. Van Den Hout, P.W. Hermans, E. Mazur and H.F.P. Knaap
- The broadening of the Depolarized Rayleigh line for hydrogen isotopes at low temperatures pp. 548-572

- K.D. Van Den Hout, P.W. Hermans and H.F.P. Knaap
- Behavior of the dielectric constant of fluids near a critical point pp. 573-594

- J.V. Sengers, D. Bedeaux, P. Mazur and S.C. Greer
- Noncritical interface near a critical end point II pp. 595-620

- F. Ramos-Gómez and B. Widom
Volume 104, issue 1, 1980
- Thermodynamical theory of boundary conditions for polyatomic gases pp. 1-24

- J. Halbritter and L. Waldmann
- Kinetic theory of self-diffusion in a moderately dense one-component plasma pp. 25-47

- L.G. Suttorp
- The exact solution of an elimination problem in kinetic theory pp. 48-70

- J.W. Evans
- Statistics of nonlinear dispersive waves II multi-point velocity correlation-functions pp. 71-94

- Y. Matsuno
- Transport phenomena in molecular Knudsen gas pp. 95-114

- H.F.P. Knaap and I. Kuščer
- Real space renormalization group study of the random bond Ising model pp. 115-125

- Moshe Schwartz and Shmuel Fishman
- Correction to the laser master equation pp. 126-142

- Toshihico Arimitsu
- Two and three-dimensional interfacial dynamics pp. 143-180

- Jean-Francois Dumais
- On the shape of the coexistence curve and of the critical isotherm in a density-density plane pp. 181-188

- Luciano Mistura
- Rescaled occupation number representation and the λ-transition pp. 189-196

- J.C. Lee
- Reexamination of Van Der Waals model for soft-core molecules pp. 197-209

- Francis H. Ree
- Gravitation fields near the naked singularities of the general type pp. 210-222

- S.L. Parnovsky
- Brownian motion and quasi-markov processes II pp. 223-232

- Trevor W. Marshall and Pierre Claverie
- An MTO theory for the calculation of deep levels in semiconductors due to a substitutional impurity cluster pp. 233-242

- R. Rotthier, L. Scheire and P. Phariseau
- Molecular dynamical calculations on the transport properties of a square-well fluid pp. 243-254

- J.P.J. Michels and N.J. Trappeniers
- Low temperature PVT data for ethylene by an NMR method pp. 255-261

- N.J. Trappeniers and B. Arends
- The density dependence of the self-diffusion coefficient of liquid methane pp. 262-280

- K.R. Harris and N.J. Trappeniers
- Classical relativistic equations for particles with spin moving in external fields pp. 281-297

- H. Van Dam and Th.W. Ruijgrok
- Ground-state energies of antiferromagnetic lattices pp. 298-308

- P.M. van den Broek, W.J. Caspers and M.W.M. Willemse
- Thermodynamic properties of dilute magnetic alloys: Exact cluster solutions pp. 309-319

- B. Oleś, A.M. Oleś and K.A. Chao
- On a Ginzburg-Landau constitutive equation for the evolution and fluctuations of the heat flux pp. 320-332

- D. Jou and C. Pérez-Garcia
- Entropy of the spin-glass state in the binary mixture of the ferro- and antiferromagnetic random Ising model at T = 0 pp. 333-338

- Shigetoshi Katsura
- Perturbation theory for quantum fluids at high temperature pp. 339-351

- B. Kumar and V.S. Giri
- Finite size scaling and critical point exponents of the potts model pp. 352-357

- M.P. Nightingale and H.W.J. Blöte