Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 326, issue 3, 2003
- Sharp thresholds in Bootstrap percolation pp. 305-312

- József Balogh and Béla Bollobás
- Long lasting instabilities in granular mixtures pp. 313-321

- H Caps, R Michel, N Lecocq and N Vandewalle
- Hedgehog–antihedgehog pair annihilation to a static soliton pp. 322-332

- P.E. Cladis and Helmut R. Brand
- Nonequilibrium thermodynamics versus model grain growth: derivation and some physical implications pp. 333-343

- J.m Rubı́ and A Gadomski
- Painlevé analysis, auto-Bäcklund transformations and exact solutions for a simplified model for reacting mixtures pp. 344-359

- Zhenya Yan
- Temporal and spatial structure of the concentration boundary layers in a membrane system pp. 360-369

- K. Dworecki, S. Wa̧sik and A. Ślȩzak
- Nosé–Hoover sampling of quantum entangled distribution functions pp. 370-383

- D. Mentrup and J. Schnack
- Memory effects in nonlinear transport: kinetic equations and ratchet devices pp. 384-399

- I Santamarı́a-Holek and J.m Rubı́
- Integrable mappings of the plane preserving biquadratic invariant curves III pp. 400-411

- Apostolos Iatrou and John A.G. Roberts
- Kinetics and hydrodynamics of long-wave fluctuations under external random force pp. 412-429

- S.V. Peletminskii, Yu.V. Slyusarenko and A.I. Sokolovsky
- Fractional Fokker–Planck equation on heterogeneous fractal structures in external force fields and its solutions pp. 430-440

- Fu-Yao Ren, Jin-Rong Liang, Wei-Yuan Qiu and Yun Xu
- Generation of dipole squeezing in a two-mode system with entangled coherent states of a quantized electromagnetic field pp. 441-455

- Qin Rao and Rui-Hua Xie
- Noncommutative probability in classical disordered systems pp. 456-463

- Andrei Khrennikov and S.v Kozyrev
- Accurate Monte Carlo critical exponents for Ising lattices pp. 464-472

- Jorge Garcı́a and Julio A Gonzalo
- Super-Kamiokande hep neutrino best fit: a possible signal of non-Maxwellian solar plasma pp. 473-481

- Massimo Coraddu, Marcello Lissia, Giuseppe Mezzorani and Piero Quarati
- Analytic equation of state for the exponential-six fluids based on the Ross variational perturbation theory pp. 482-491

- Sun Jiuxun, Cai Lingcang, Wu Qiang and Jing Fuqian
- Magnetically controlled ballistic deposition. A model of polydisperse granular packing pp. 492-510

- K Trojan and Marcel Ausloos
- Scaling laws and persistence in human brain activity pp. 511-521

- Stefan Thurner, Christian Windischberger, Ewald Moser, Peter Walla and Markus Barth
- On a class of integrals of Legendre polynomials with complicated arguments—with applications in electrostatics and biomolecular modeling pp. 522-533

- Yi-Kuo Yu
- Evolution and anti-evolution in a minimal stock market model pp. 534-543

- R Rothenstein and K Pawelzik
- Exponentially damped Lévy flights pp. 544-555

- Raul Matsushita, Pushpa Rathie and Sergio Da Silva
- Complex behavior of elevators in peak traffic pp. 556-566

- Takashi Nagatani
- Optimization as a result of the interplay between dynamics and structure pp. 567-577

- Mateu Llas, Pablo M. Gleiser, Albert Dı́az-Guilera and Conrad J Pérez
- Connecting Brillouin's principle to a social synergetics probabilistic model. Applications to the binary decision problems pp. 578-593

- Jerzy Z Hubert and Andrzej Lenda
- Growing networks with two vertex types pp. 594-603

- K Austin and G.j Rodgers
- Comment on “Novel approach to the analysis of the non–Debye dielectric spectrum broadening” pp. 605-606

- K Schröter
- Reply to ‘Comment on “Novel approach to the analysis of the non-Debye dielectric spectrum broadening”’ pp. 607-608

- Ya.E. Ryabov and Yuri Feldman
Volume 326, issue 1, 2003
- Phase behaviour of heteronuclear dimers adsorbed on square and triangular lattices—a Monte Carlo study pp. 1-12

- W Rżysko and M Borówko
- Effects of molecular elongation on liquid crystalline phase behaviour: isotropic–nematic transition pp. 13-24

- Ram Chandra Singh and Jokhan Ram
- Long time coarse grain leads to large deviation statistics and statistical mechanics pp. 25-36

- Hiroshi Shibata
- Stochastic resonance and generalized information measures pp. 37-54

- C.J. Tessone, A. Plastino and H.S. Wio
- Efficiency of encounter-controlled reaction between diffusing reactants in a finite lattice: topology and boundary effects pp. 55-68

- Jonathan L. Bentz, John J. Kozak, E. Abad and G. Nicolis
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous dynamics of diffusion-controlled reactions pp. 69-87

- E. Abad, G. Nicolis, Jonathan L. Bentz and John J. Kozak
- Magnetotransport in the two-dimensional Lorentz model: non-markovian Grad limit of the BBGKY hierarchy pp. 88-104

- F. Cornu and J. Piasecki
- A many-particle derivation of non-Markovian kinetic equations of reversible reaction A+B⇌C in solutions based on the effective pairs approach pp. 105-128

- A.A. Kipriyanov and A.B. Doktorov
- Polarization between concentric cylindrical electrodes pp. 129-140

- C. Chassagne, D. Bedeaux, J.P.m v.d. Ploeg and G.J.M. Koper
- On the thermodynamics of magnetic alloys in the vicinity of Tc pp. 141-150

- J. Maćkowiak and M. Wiśniewski
- Ground-state phase diagrams of the mixed ferro-ferrimagnetic ternary alloy with a single-ion anisotropy pp. 151-158

- A Bobák, T Balcerzak and F.o Abubrig
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of coupled quantum systems pp. 159-188

- G. Flores-Hidalgo and Rudnei O. Ramos
- Exact results of a mixed spin-12 and spin-S transverse Ising model with two- and four-spin interactions on the honeycomb lattice pp. 189-202

- Silvia Lacková, Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Michal Jaščur
- Entropy and entanglement of time dependent two-mode Jaynes–Cummings model pp. 203-219

- M.Sebawe Abdalla, Mahmoud Abdel-Aty and A.-S.F. Obada
- Layering sublimation transitions of the spin-1 Blume–Emery–Griffiths model in a transverse field pp. 220-232

- A. Benyoussef, H. Ez-Zahraouy, H. Mahboub and M.J. Ouazzani
- Simulation of reproductive risk and emergence of female reproductive cessation pp. 233-240

- A.O. Sousa
- Statistical models for company growth pp. 241-255

- Matthieu Wyart and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- Scaling behavior in land markets pp. 256-264

- Taisei Kaizoji
- Evolvable hardware: genetic search in a physical realm pp. 265-285

- Nadav Raichman, Ronen Segev and Eshel Ben-Jacob
- Exploring the cooperative regimes in an agent-based model: indirect reciprocity vs. selfish incentives pp. 286-298

- H. Fort
Volume 325, issue 3, 2003
- Force–displacement distributions and percolation properties in simulated 2-D packings pp. 297-318

- A.M. Vidales, I. Ippolito and C. Moukarzel
- Static structure factor and thermodynamic properties of a binary Yukawa mixture pp. 319-332

- Óscar Vázquez, J.N. Herrera and L. Blum
- Reduced dynamics in the independent oscillator model: exact versus Born–Markov approximation pp. 333-346

- K.M. Fonseca Romero and M.C. Nemes
- The effects of wall and rolling resistance on the couple stress of granular materials in vertical flow pp. 347-360

- H.p Zhu and A.b Yu
- Different regimes of synchronization in nonidentical time-delayed maps pp. 361-370

- C. Masoller and Damián H. Zanette
- Slow dynamics under gravity: a nonlinear diffusion model pp. 371-395

- Jeferson J. Arenzon, Yan Levin and Mauro Sellitto
- Tsallis entropy production for diffusion on the diluted hypercube pp. 396-408

- N. Lemke and R.M.C. de Almeida
- Quasicanonical Gibbs distribution and Tsallis non-extensive statistics pp. 409-425

- A.K. Aringazin and M.I. Mazhitov
- Thermodynamical entropy (and its additivity) within generalized thermodynamics pp. 426-438

- M.P. Almeida
- Functional integral and transfer-matrix approach for 1D bosonic many-body systems with a contact potential pp. 439-454

- B. Mieck
- Large amplitude spatial fluctuations in the boundary region of the Bose–Einstein condensate in the Gross–Pitaevskii régime pp. 455-476

- J.A. Tuszyński, J. Middleton, S. Portet, J.M. Dixon, O. Bang, P.L. Christiansen and M Salerno
- Lattice Boltzmann model with hierarchical interactions pp. 477-484

- A Lamura and S Succi
- Modulation of heart disease information to the 12-lead ECG multifractal distribution pp. 485-491

- Jun Wang, Xinbao Ning and Ying Chen
- Finite-time singularity signature of hyperinflation pp. 492-506

- D Sornette, H Takayasu and Wei-Xing Zhou
- The cellular automaton model of investment behavior in the stock market pp. 507-516

- Yi-Ming Wei, Shang-jun Ying, Ying Fan and Bing-Hong Wang
- A chronotopic model of mobility in urban spaces pp. 517-530

- Armando Bazzani, Bruno Giorgini, Graziano Servizi and Giorgio Turchetti
- Transition and saturation of traffic flow controlled by traffic lights pp. 531-546

- Masashi Sasaki and Takashi Nagatani
- Size dependency of tension strength in natural fiber composites pp. 547-560

- G Dill-Langer, R.Cruz Hidalgo, F Kun, Y Moreno, S Aicher and H.j Herrmann
- Order–disorder transition in the Chialvo–Bak ‘minibrain’ controlled by network geometry pp. 561-569

- Joseph Wakeling
- Scale-free networks in evolution pp. 570-576

- Paulo R.A Campos and Viviane M de Oliveira
- Continuum percolation of wireless ad hoc communication networks pp. 577-600

- Ingmar Glauche, Wolfram Krause, Rudolf Sollacher and Martin Greiner
Volume 325, issue 1, 2003
- Epidemics, disorder, and percolation pp. 1-8

- L.m Sander, C.p Warren and I.m Sokolov
- The role of conformational diffusion in ion channel gating pp. 9-18

- Igor Goychuk and Peter Hänggi
- Correction to scaling analysis of diffusion-limited aggregation pp. 19-25

- Ellák Somfai, Robin C. Ball, Neill E. Bowler and Leonard M. Sander
- Nonequilibrium steady-state distributions in randomly switching potentials pp. 26-32

- Alexander A. Dubkov, Pavel N. Makhov and Bernardo Spagnolo
- Modeling of contact tracing in social networks pp. 33-39

- Lev S Tsimring and Ramón Huerta
- Quantifying complexity in the minority game pp. 40-47

- Milan Rajković and Zoran Mihailović
- Free random variables and molecular spectra pp. 48-54

- Ewa Gudowska-Nowak, Agnieszka Kamińska, Gábor Papp and Jürgen Brickmann
- Vorticity ratchet pp. 55-61

- A Pérez-Madrid, T Alarcón and J.m Rubı́
- One- and two-dimensional dynamics of elastically coupled Brownian motors pp. 62-68

- Akito Igarashi, Hiromichi Goko and Shinji Tsukamoto
- Optimal transport and phase transition in dichotomic ratchets pp. 69-77

- M Kostur, G Knapczyk and J Łuczka
- Anomalous interstitial dynamics, Stokes’ drift, and current inversion in AC-driven vortex lattices in superconductors with arrays of asymmetric double-well traps pp. 78-91

- F Marchesoni, B.y Zhu and Franco Nori
- Current reversals in chaotic ratchets: the battle of the attractors pp. 92-100

- José L Mateos
- Absolute negative mobility and current reversals of a meandering Brownian particle pp. 101-109

- Ralf Eichhorn, Peter Reimann and Peter Hänggi
- Stochastic resonance in bistable magnetic wires pp. 110-115

- G Krupińska, P Gawroński, J.m Blanco, J Gonzalez and K Kułakowski
- Stochastic resonance in discrete kinetics with delay pp. 116-123

- Ilona Kosińska
- Statistics of entrance times pp. 124-135

- Peter Talkner
- Role of the initial conditions on the enhancement of the escape time in static and fluctuating potentials pp. 136-143

- A Fiasconaro, D Valenti and B Spagnolo
- Escape from a metastable state with fluctuating barrier pp. 144-151

- Nikolay V Agudov, Alexander A Dubkov and Bernardo Spagnolo
- Nonlinear sensors activated by noise pp. 152-164

- L Gammaitoni and A.r Bulsara
- Channel noise and synchronization in excitable membranes pp. 165-175

- Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk and Peter Hänggi
- Coupled three-state oscillators pp. 176-185

- T Prager, B Naundorf and L Schimansky-Geier
- Synchronization in an array of globally coupled maps with delayed interactions pp. 186-191

- Cristina Masoller, Arturo C Martı́ and Damián H Zanette
- Characterization of the anticipated synchronization regime in the coupled FitzHugh–Nagumo model for neurons pp. 192-198

- Raúl Toral, C Masoller, Claudio R Mirasso, M Ciszak and O Calvo
- Correlation analysis of dynamical chaos pp. 199-212

- V.S. Anishchenko, T.E. Vadivasova, G.A. Okrokvertskhov and G.I. Strelkova
- Effects of parametric noise on a nonlinear oscillator pp. 213-219

- Kirone Mallick and Philippe Marcq
- Injection locking near a stochastic bifurcation: the dc SQUID as a case study pp. 220-229

- A.r Bulsara, J.a Acebrón, W.-J Rappel, A Hibbs, L Kunstmanas and M Krupka
- Patterns in reaction–diffusion systems generated by global alternation of dynamics pp. 230-242

- J. Buceta and Katja Lindenberg
- Interacting particles, the stochastic Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piscounov equation, and duality pp. 243-259

- Charles R. Doering, Carl Mueller and Peter Smereka
- Pattern formation and stochastic motion of the zooplankton Daphnia in a light field pp. 260-266

- Anke Ordemann, Gabor Balazsi and Frank Moss
- Hierarchically related processes and macroscopic emergence of fluctuations in weakly perturbed granular media pp. 267-273

- Gianfranco D'Anna and Patrick Mayor
- Long-time behavior of granular gases with impact-velocity dependent coefficient of restitution pp. 274-283

- Thorsten Pöschel, Nikolai V. Brilliantov and Thomas Schwager
- Finite volume effects in a model grain growth pp. 284-291

- A Gadomski, J Łuczka and R Rudnicki
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