Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 173, issue 1, 1991
- Fixed scale transformation applied to diffusion limited aggregation and dielectric breakdown model in three dimensions pp. 1-21

- A. Vespignani and L. Pietronero
- Theoretical studies of self-organized criticality pp. 22-44

- L. Pietronero, P. Tartaglia and Y.-C. Zhang
- Branched structure of vibration spectrum of diamond type hierarchical lattices pp. 45-48

- Z.R. Yang
- Correlations and scaling in the outflow statistics of a sandpile automaton pp. 49-59

- S.S. Manna and János Kertész
- An exactly solvable model ternary solution with three-body interactions pp. 60-71

- Douglas L. Strout, Dale A. Huckaby and F.Y. Wu
- Model for line tension in three-phase equilibrium pp. 72-110

- B Widom and H Widom
- Boundary effects in the Rayleigh line for a fluid out of thermal equilibrium pp. 111-124

- I. Pagonabarraga, J.M. Rubí and L. Torner
- The growth of small droplets from a gas mixture; Results and estimates for very small radii pp. 125-140

- M.E. Widder and U.M. Titulaer
- Diffusion in classical periodic systems: The Smoluchowski equation approach pp. 141-154

- R. Ferrando, R. Spadacini, G.E. Tommei and A.C. Levi
- Causality, time-reversal invariance and the Langevin equation pp. 155-174

- P. Mazur and D. Bedeaux
- Quantum theory of non-integrable systems pp. 175-242

- T. Petrosky, I. Prigogine and S. Tasaki
- Integrable mappings derived from soliton equations pp. 243-266

- G.R.W. Quispel, H.W. Capel, V.G. Papageorgiou and F.W. Nijhoff
- Conditions for local reversibility pp. 267-280

- A. Brown
- Exact diagonalization of the interacting propagator for the 2D electron gas in a magnetic field pp. 281-292

- A. Burke and Alejandro Cabo
- Coherent anomaly method with a new mean-field type approximation pp. 293-301

- A. Lipowski
Volume 172, issue 1, 1991
- Vagaries of density functional theory of the liquid-vapor interface pp. 1-16

- J.K. Percus
- X-rays as probe of liquid interfaces pp. 17-19

- P.S. Pershan
- Capillary waves of fluid interfaces near a critical point pp. 20-39

- J.V. Sengers, J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and J.W. Schmidt
- Near-critical fluid interfaces: A comparison of theory and experiment pp. 40-52

- James W. Schmidt
- Fluid interface in two dimensions close to the critical point pp. 53-76

- L.-J. Chen, M. Knackstedt, M. Robert and K.P. Shukla
- Critical endpoints, interfaces, and walls pp. 77-86

- Michael E. Fisher
- Hydrodynamics, growth and interfaces pp. 87-102

- F. Perrot, T. Baumberger, C.K. Chan and D. Beysens
- Role of interfacial properties on the motion and deformation of capsules in shear flow pp. 103-124

- D. Barthés-Biesel
- Theory of wetting and spreading pp. 125-136

- D.B. Abraham, P. Collet, J. De Coninck, F. Dunlop, J. Heiniö, K. Kaski and L.-F. Ko
- Dynamics of interfaces near a wall during phase separation pp. 137-146

- P. Guénoun, D. Beysens and M. Robert
- Examples of the construction of integral equations in equilibrium statistical mechanics from invariance principles pp. 147-160

- Ronald Lovett and Frank P. Buff
- The structure and properties of vicinal water: Lessons from statistical geometry pp. 161-173

- Frank M. Etzler, Russell F. Ross and Robert A. Halcomb
- Interfacial tensions in the three-phase region of nonionic surfactant + water + alkane systems: Critical point effects and aggregation behaviour pp. 174-199

- K. Bonkhoff, A. Hirtz and G.H. Findenegg
- Lattice model of amphiphilic systems: A review pp. 200-208

- M. Schick
- Microemulsions: Structures, surfactant layer properties and wetting transitions pp. 209-218

- O. Abillon, L.T. Lee, D. Langevin and K. Wong
- Phase transitions in liquid crystal films pp. 219-224

- M.M. Telo Da Gama
- Langmuir monolayers and newton black films: Two-dimensional systems investigated by X-ray reflectivity pp. 225-241

- J.J. Benattar, J. Daillant, O. Belorgey and L. Bosio
- Fluctuations of membranes with vanishing surface tension pp. 242-257

- Didier Roux
- Block copolymers at interfaces pp. 258-268

- Ludwik Leibler
- The scattering by grafted polymers pp. 269-284

- Philippe Auroy, Loïc Auvray and Liliane Leger
- Diblock copolymers in selective solvents pp. 285-289

- A. Johner, J.F. Joanny and C. Marques
Volume 171, issue 3, 1991
- Bootstrap percolation pp. 453-470

- Joan Adler
- Dynamics of Swendsen-Wang clusters in 2D Ising model pp. 471-474

- D. Stauffer
- Intrinsic convection near a meniscus pp. 475-485

- U. Geigenmüller and P. Mazur
- A probabilistic approach to the site-percolation problem pp. 486-503

- J. Güémez and S. Velasco
- A probabilistic approach to the site-percolation problem pp. 504-516

- J. Güémez and S. Velasco
- Concentration fluctuations and reptation dynamics in polymer solutions and melts pp. 517-553

- A.N. Semenov
- Analysis of the reservoir model in thermo-field dynamics pp. 554-574

- Y. Georgelin and Y. Leblanc
- Hydrodynamic interaction of a spherical particle with a planar boundary I. Free surface pp. 575-604

- G.S. Perkins and R.B. Jones
- Steady state for the combined system of a periodically driven oscillator and a bath in quantum statistics pp. 605-620

- Yumei Zhang and G. Sauermann
Volume 171, issue 2, 1991
- End-point distribution and structure function of polymers pp. 223-231

- P.M. Lam and F. Family
- Nearest-neighbor distances in diffusion-controlled reactions modelled by a single mobile trap pp. 232-238

- Rodney Schoonover, Daniel Ben-Avraham, Shlomo Havlin, Raoul Kopelman and George H. Weiss
- The angular projection of fractals and its relevance for the galaxy distributions pp. 239-248

- Marileen Dogterom and Luciano Pietronero
- Some facts of life pp. 249-264

- Franco Bagnoli, Raúl Rechtman and Stefano Ruffo
- On integral equations for the pair correlation function pp. 265-284

- Byung Chan Eu and Hin Hark Gan
- Revision of the modified moment method and a differential form for the compensated part of entropy pp. 285-312

- Byung Chan Eu
- Response to Banach's analysis of the modified moment method pp. 313-324

- Byung Chan Eu
- Thermodynamic properties of a two-dimensional nearest-neighbor interacting lattice gas pp. 325-336

- Jia-nan Li and R.B. McQuistan
- Heat transfer between a small sphere and a dilute gas; the influence of the kinetic boundary layer pp. 337-349

- G.F. Hubmer and U.M. Titulaer
- Spin pair correlation function of the ising model on the brickwork lattice with second neighbor interactions pp. 350-373

- Kazuyuki Tanaka, Tohru Morita and Kazuo Hiroike
- On the finite-size scaling in quantum critical phenomena pp. 374-383

- N.S. Tonchev
- Charge ordering and size effects in sodium chloride and copper chloride melts. A computer simulation study pp. 384-402

- J. Trullàs, A. Giró, J.A. Padró and M. Silbert
- The transport properties of ferromagnetic metals pp. 403-452

- V.S. Lutovinov and S.A. Pudov
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