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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 317, issue 3, 2003

Non-universal conductivity critical exponents in anisotropic percolating media: a new interpretation pp. 305-312 Downloads
A. Celzard and J.F. Marêché
Electrophoretic separation of proteins via complexation with a polyelectrolyte pp. 313-320 Downloads
E.M. Baskin, B.I. Shklovskii and G.V. Zilberstein
Dielectric response of colloidal spheres in non-symmetric electrolytes pp. 321-344 Downloads
C. Chassagne, D. Bedeaux and G.J.M. Koper
Dielectric response of charged spheres: interpolation formulae linking the low and high zeta potential expressions pp. 345-353 Downloads
C. Chassagne and D. Bedeaux
Dynamic behaviour of the modified Pople–Karasz model pp. 354-370 Downloads
Şükrü Özgan, Mustafa Yazıcı and Mustafa Keskin
Aging properties of an anomalously diffusing particule pp. 371-382 Downloads
Noëlle Pottier
The last remake of the Gambier mapping pp. 383-390 Downloads
S. Lafortune, A. Ramani and B. Grammaticos
Statistics of phase turbulence II pp. 391-400 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
Influence of impurities on the dynamics and synchronization of coupled map lattices pp. 401-410 Downloads
C.A.C. Jousseph, S.E. de S. Pinto, L.C. Martins and M.W. Beims
Chaotic magnetic field lines in tokamaks with ergodic limiters pp. 411-431 Downloads
Jefferson S.E. Portela, Ricardo L. Viana and Iberê L. Caldas
Size and power properties of powerful unit root tests in the presence of variance breaks pp. 432-448 Downloads
Steven Cook
Frictionless random dynamics: hydrodynamical formalism pp. 449-471 Downloads
Radosław Czopnik and Piotr Garbaczewski
Influence of boundary conditions on the dynamics of oscillatory media pp. 472-486 Downloads
S. Bouzat and H.S. Wio
Two-point, two-time closures applied to forced isotropic turbulence pp. 487-508 Downloads
W.D. McComb and A.P. Quinn
Spatial quantum Zeno effect pp. 509-516 Downloads
Shunlong Luo
Magnetic properties of the mixed spin-12 and spin-1 Ising ferromagnetic system pp. 517-534 Downloads
Cesur Ekiz and Mustafa Keskin
Equilibration time scales in homogeneous Bose–Einstein condensate dynamics pp. 535-545 Downloads
Daniel G. Barci, Eduardo S. Fraga, Marcelo Gleiser and Rudnei O. Ramos
Multiple phases in a new statistical boson–fermion model of superconductivity pp. 546-564 Downloads
M. de Llano and V.V. Tolmachev
Williams and Bjerknes model with growth limitation pp. 565-580 Downloads
S.C. Ferreira
Robustness in biological neural networks pp. 581-590 Downloads
Alkiviadis Kalampokis, Christos Kotsavasiloglou, Panos Argyrakis and Stavros Baloyannis
Self-averaging phenomenon and multiscaling in Hong Kong stock market pp. 591-596 Downloads
A. Bershadskii
Stochastic resonance as a model for financial market crashes and bubbles pp. 597-608 Downloads
A. Krawiecki and J.A. Hołyst

Volume 317, issue 1, 2003

Lyapunov exponents and non-equilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 1-12 Downloads
J.p Dougherty and R Raissi-Dehkordi
Two oscillators in a dissipative bath pp. 13-40 Downloads
Y. Zhao and G.H. Chen
Non-Markovian kinetic equations of dissociation and reversible reaction A+B⇄C in solutions pp. 41-62 Downloads
A.B. Doktorov and A.A. Kipriyanov
General kinetic laws of dissociation and reversible reaction A+B⇄C in solutions pp. 63-82 Downloads
A.a Kipriyanov and A.b Doktorov
Analytic solution of the system of two coupled differential equations with the fifth-order non-linearity pp. 83-94 Downloads
L. Cveticanin
Symmetries and reversing symmetries of area-preserving polynomial mappings in generalised standard form pp. 95-112 Downloads
John A.G. Roberts and Michael Baake
Relaxation-time approximations to the Boltzmann equation for electron transport in bulk silicon pp. 113-128 Downloads
Orazio Muscato
Kinetics of thin films mechanical oscillations pp. 129-139 Downloads
D. Popov, S.K. Jaćimovski, B.S. Tošić and J.P. Šetrajčić
Exact solutions for the statistics of extrema of some random 1D landscapes, application to the equilibrium and the dynamics of the toy model pp. 140-198 Downloads
Pierre Le Doussal and Cécile Monthus
Bose–Einstein and Fermi–Dirac distributions in nonextensive Tsallis statistics: an exact study pp. 199-208 Downloads
H.h Aragão-Rêgo, D.j Soares, L.s Lucena, L.r da Silva, E.k Lenzi and Kwok Sau Fa
On the definition of physical temperature and pressure for nonextensive thermostatistics pp. 209-212 Downloads
Raúl Toral
Thermodynamics of the Ising model in pair approximation pp. 213-226 Downloads
T Balcerzak
Ground-state properties of multicomponent Falicov–Kimball-like models I pp. 227-238 Downloads
Janusz Jȩdrzejewski and Volodymyr Derzhko
On the origin of plankton patchiness pp. 239-246 Downloads
J.M.G. Vilar, R.V. Solé and J.M. Rubı́
Minority game: a mean-field-like approach pp. 247-258 Downloads
Inés Caridi and Horacio Ceva
Filtering information in a connected network pp. 259-269 Downloads
Andrea Capocci, František Slanina and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Layered neural networks with non-monotonic transfer functions pp. 270-298 Downloads
Katsuki Katayama, Yasuo Sakata and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi

Volume 316, issue 1, 2002

A continuum percolation model in an anisotropic medium: dimensional crossover? pp. 1-12 Downloads
Nguyen Van Lien, Dang Dinh Toi and Nguyen Hoai Nam
Heisenberg model in a random field: phase diagram and tricritical behavior pp. 13-18 Downloads
Douglas F de Albuquerque and Alberto S de Arruda
Fluctuation-induced mound coarsening in two dimensions pp. 19-28 Downloads
Jacques G. Amar and Daniel J. Baxter
Stochastic renormalization group in percolation: I. fluctuations and crossover pp. 29-55 Downloads
Martin Z. Bazant
A fractal model for soil pores and its application to determination of water permeability pp. 56-64 Downloads
Yong Fu Xu and Sun, De’ An
Reverse Monte Carlo simulation of the microscopic structure for chemically associating fluids by using experimental data pp. 65-76 Downloads
László Pusztai, Hector Dominguez and Orest A. Pizio
Local solvent dielectrics and destabilization of solvent-exposed states in folding proteins pp. 77-86 Downloads
Ariel Fernández
Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of nonstationary time series pp. 87-114 Downloads
Jan W. Kantelhardt, Stephan A. Zschiegner, Eva Koscielny-Bunde, Shlomo Havlin, Armin Bunde and H.Eugene Stanley
Universality behaviour in ‘ideal’ dynamical arrest transitions of a lattice glass model pp. 115-134 Downloads
Kenneth A Dawson, Aonghus Lawlor, Paolo de Gregorio, Gavin D McCullagh, Emanuela Zaccarelli and Piero Tartaglia
Self-organized random walks and stochastic sandpile: from linear to branched avalanches pp. 135-143 Downloads
S.s Manna and A.l Stella
Interface depinning and directed polymer in quenched noises pp. 144-152 Downloads
Changhan Lee and Jin Min Kim
Stochastic processes with power-law stability and a crossover in power-law correlations pp. 153-159 Downloads
Boris Podobnik, Ivo Grosse and H Eugene Stanley
Multiresolution wavelet coarsening and analysis of transport in heterogeneous media pp. 160-188 Downloads
Fatemeh Ebrahimi and Muhammad Sahimi
Random systems described with stochastic velocities pp. 189-202 Downloads
Arnulfo Castellanos-Moreno
Noise-enhanced mechanical efficiency in microorganism transport pp. 203-212 Downloads
C.a Condat and G.j Sibona
Time-dependent Onsager equations and perturbation propagation pp. 213-224 Downloads
Domiziano Mostacci, Vincenzo Molinari and Margherita Premuda
Colored-noise-induced parametric resonance pp. 225-232 Downloads
Roman V. Bobryk and Andrzej Chrzeszczyk
Multiscality in the dynamics of coupled chaotic systems pp. 233-249 Downloads
A.n Pavlov, O.v Sosnovtseva, A.r Ziganshin, N.-H Holstein-Rathlou and E Mosekilde
Relaxation to steady states and dynamical exponents in deposition models pp. 250-258 Downloads
F.D.A. Aarão Reis
Chaos-induced true randomness pp. 259-288 Downloads
J.a González, L.i Reyes, J.j Suárez, L.e Guerrero and G Gutiérrez
Conservative force fields in nonextensive kinetic theory pp. 289-296 Downloads
J.A.s Lima, J.r Bezerra and R Silva
Generalization of Kramers formula for open quantum systems pp. 297-313 Downloads
Yu.V. Palchikov, G.G. Adamian, N.V. Antonenko and W. Scheid
Maxwellian distribution in non-classical regime pp. 314-322 Downloads
Pirooz Mohazzabi, Shannon L. Helvey and Jeremy McCumber
Deformed exponentials and logarithms in generalized thermostatistics pp. 323-334 Downloads
Jan Naudts
General structural results for Potts model partition functions on lattice strips pp. 335-379 Downloads
Shu-Chiuan Chang and Robert Shrock
Statistical distributions of oligonucleotide combinations: applications in human chromosomes 21 and 22 pp. 380-396 Downloads
P Katsaloulis, T Theoharis and A Provata
Deviations from uniform power-law scaling due to exposure to high altitude pp. 397-402 Downloads
A Posiewnik
Price drops, fluctuations, and correlation in a multi-agent model of stock markets pp. 403-412 Downloads
Adam Zawadowski, R Karádi and J Kertész
Buyer feedback as a filtering mechanism for reputable sellers pp. 413-429 Downloads
Paolo Laureti, František Slanina, Yi-Kuo Yu and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Exact Hurst exponent and crossover behavior in a limit order market model pp. 430-440 Downloads
R.d Willmann, G.m Schütz and Damien Challet
Dynamics of price and trading volume in a spin model of stock markets with heterogeneous agents pp. 441-452 Downloads
Taisei Kaizoji, Stefan Bornholdt and Yoshi Fujiwara
Stability of money: phase transitions in an Ising economy pp. 453-468 Downloads
Stefan Bornholdt and Friedrich Wagner
Nonlinearities in the exchange rates returns and volatility pp. 469-482 Downloads
Andrés Fernández Dı́az, Pilar Grau-Carles and Lorenzo Escot
Technical trading can induce long-run memory in financial markets pp. 483-495 Downloads
Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Angel Soriano, Carlos Ibarra-Valdez and Myriam Cisneros
Financial multifractality and its subtleties: an example of DAX pp. 496-510 Downloads
A.z Górski, S Drożdż and J Speth
Quantum finance pp. 511-538 Downloads
Martin Schaden
Return or stock price differences pp. 539-560 Downloads
Miquel Montero, Josep Perelló and Jaume Masoliver
Profit profiles in correlated markets pp. 561-567 Downloads
Ingve Simonsen and Kim Sneppen
Inflationary effect of crude oil prices in Turkey pp. 568-580 Downloads
Hakan Berument and Hakan Taşçı
Cooperativity in a trading model with memory and production pp. 581-591 Downloads
R Donangelo and K Sneppen
Competition among companies: coexistence and extinction pp. 592-600 Downloads
Marcelo Kuperman and Horacio S Wio
Electoral surveys’ influence on the voting processes: a cellular automata model pp. 601-614 Downloads
S.g Alves, N.m Oliveira Neto and M.l Martins
Football goal distributions and extremal statistics pp. 615-624 Downloads
J Greenhough, P.c Birch, S.c Chapman and G Rowlands
Dynamical transition in a coupled-map lattice model of a recurrent bus pp. 625-636 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani and Jin Yoshimura
Transition to chaotic motion of a cyclic bus induced by nonstops pp. 637-648 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
An investigation of crash avoidance in a complex system pp. 649-661 Downloads
Michael L Hart, David Lamper and Neil F Johnson
A stochastic model of human gait dynamics pp. 662-670 Downloads
Yosef Ashkenazy, Jeffrey M. Hausdorff, Plamen Ch. Ivanov and H Eugene Stanley
Long-range memory and non-Markov statistical effects in human sensorimotor coordination pp. 671-687 Downloads
Renat M. Yulmetyev, Natalya Emelyanova, Peter Hänggi, Fail Gafarov and Alexander Prokhorov
Higher order clustering coefficients in Barabási–Albert networks pp. 688-694 Downloads
Agata Fronczak, Janusz A Hołyst, Maciej Jedynak and Julian Sienkiewicz
Hierarchical social networks and information flow pp. 695-708 Downloads
Luis López, Jose F.F. Mendes and Miguel A.F Sanjuán
Page updated 2025-03-31