Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 139, issue 2, 1986
- Fractional exponential decay in the capture of ligands by randomly distributed traps pp. 209-222

- Frederik W. Wiegel
- Phase Hamiltonian in periodically modulated systems pp. 223-255

- Kyozi Kawasaki and Takao Ohta
- Separable interactions and liquid 3He pp. 256-305

- H.W. Capel, F.W. Nijhoff and A. Den Breems
- Frequency sum rules and charge fluctuation spectra in binary ionic mixtures pp. 306-325

- B. Brami and F. Joly
- Generalizations of the Toda molecule pp. 326-358

- W.P.G. Van Velthoven and F.A. Bais
- Umbral calculus and the theory of multispecies non-ideal gases pp. 359-386

- Brian G. Wilson and Forrest J. Rogers
- Finite-size scaling and the isotropic spin-one antiferromagnetic chain pp. 387-394

- H.W.J. Blöte and H.W. Capel
- Critical behaviour of two Ising models with multispin interactions pp. 395-411

- H.W.J. Blöte, A. Compagner, P.A.M. Cornelissen, A. Hoogland, F. Mallezie and C. Vanderzande
- Limits of stability of the extended water model pp. 412-429

- Eddy Van Royen and Paul H.E. Meijer
- Nonpermuting limits in the theory of radiating electrons: Zero damping versus infinite volume pp. 430-436

- H. Dekker
- Weyl formalism and quantum stochastic processes pp. 437-454

- D.P. Sankovich
- Second-order phase transitions and tricritical points in the random-field Ising models pp. 455-470

- T. Kaneyoshi
- On the possible existence of modulated phases in the random chessboard model pp. 471-504

- Santiago D'Elía
- Correction terms to the λ2t-limit of van Hove by the Liouville operator method pp. 505-525

- Daniel Loss
- Correction terms to the λ2t-limit of van Hove by the Liouville operator method pp. 526-542

- Daniel Loss
- Symmetry and invariant solution of the Schlögl model pp. 543-552

- Liu Qi-chao and Fang Fu-kang
- Conductivity of a random electron chain renormalization group approach pp. 553-568

- Alba Theumann
- Nonlinear dielectric effect in the vicinity of the critical point of binary and doped critical solutions pp. 569-584

- S.J. Rzoska, J. Chrapeć and J. Zioło
- Spherical model with competing interactions pp. 585-592

- C. Pisani, E.R. Smith and C.J. Thompson
- Photon and atomic statistics in generalized Jaynes-Cummings models pp. 593-618

- A.-S.F. Obada and A.M. Abdel-Hafez
- A non-negative distribution function in relativistic quantum mechanics pp. 619-628

- P.R. Holland, A. Kyprianidis and J.P. Vigier
- The degeneracy coefficients of the finite lattice Ising model pp. 629-635

- Patricio Cordero
Volume 138, issue 3, 1986
- Correlation and nuclear magnetic relaxation times pp. 367-381

- James McConnell
- Influence of a shear flow on the phase transition liquid-solid pp. 382-403

- N. Herdegen and S. Hess
- Landau theory of Fermi liquids reformulated pp. 404-414

- Ch.G. van Weert, M.C.J. Leermakers and A.M.J. Schakel
- Collision brackets in quantum kinetic theory pp. 415-432

- Ch.G. van Weert and Ch.J. Calkoen
- Revisit to the scaling theory of transient phenomena — Generalization to correlated noise and singular perturbation expansion up to infinite order pp. 433-455

- Masuo Suzuki, Yong Liu and Takashi Tsuno
- A microscopic study of the ground-state properties and excitation spectrum of an interacting Bose system using the combined method relating correlated-basis-functions and the canonical transformations pp. 456-489

- K.W. Wong, W.K. Chow and P.C.W. Fung
- Bose condensation in disordered systems pp. 490-500

- H. Englisch
- The Ehrenfest theorem for the charged quantized Schrödinger field with arbitrary spin pp. 501-506

- Yasushi Takahashi and Tadashi Toyoda
- The Hopf bifurcation in the Lorenz model by the 2-timing method pp. 507-517

- G. Tsarouhas and J. Pade
- On the kinetics of subsystems interacting with Bosons pp. 518-536

- V.F. Los' and A.G. Martynenko
- Nonequilibrium green's functions and kinetic equations for highly excited semiconductors pp. 537-556

- K. Henneberger and V. May
- Nonequilibrium green's functions and kinetic equations for highly excited semiconductors pp. 557-572

- K. Henneberger, G. Manzke, V. May and R. Zimmermann
- On the propagation of linear longitudinal acoustic waves in isotropic media with shear and volume viscosity and a tensorial internal variable pp. 573-591

- V. Ciancio, E. Turrisi and G.A. Kluitenberg
- New effective-field theory for the Blume-Capel model pp. 592-611

- A.F. Siqueira and I.P. Fittipaldi
- A model for an objective description of macroscopic state variables in quantum mechanics pp. 612-630

- L. Lanz, O. Melsheimer and S. Penati
Volume 138, issue 1, 1986
- Scaling laws and universality of critical phenomena in the presence of an external field pp. 1-21

- J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and J.V. Sengers
- Classifying first-order phase transitions pp. 22-54

- Michael E. Fisher and Graeme W. Milton
- Phase equilibria in a model microemulsion pp. 55-75

- P. Balbuena, C. Borzi and B. Widom
- Linearizing integral transform for the multicomponent lattice KP pp. 76-99

- H.W. Capel, G.L. Wiersma and F.W. Nijhoff
- Graphical approach to the nonintersecting string model: Star-triangle equation, inversion relation, and exact solution pp. 100-124

- J.H.H. Perk and F.Y. Wu
- H-stability and “weak” collapse pp. 125-136

- Ph. Choquard and R. Rentsch
- On constructing complete solution classes of the Cvitanović-Feigenbaum equation pp. 137-166

- J. Groeneveld
- Inequalities of FKG type pp. 167-182

- W.Th.F. den Hollander and M. Keane
- Ergodic properties of color records pp. 183-193

- M. Keane and W.Th.F. den Hollander
- Percolation in strongly correlated systems pp. 194-205

- Joel L. Lebowitz and H. Saleur
- Conducting polymers in solution: Scaling laws for charge transport pp. 206-219

- P.G. de Gennes
- Phase transition in a ferromagnetic fluid pp. 220-230

- Christian Gruber and Robert B. Griffiths
- Brownian motion as a problem of eliminating fast variables pp. 231-248

- N.G. Van Kampen and I. Oppenheim
- Eigenmodes of a dilute simple gas in equilibrium pp. 249-268

- B. Kamgar-Parsi and E.G.D. Cohen
- Many-body hydrodynamic interactions between spherical drops in an emulsion pp. 269-298

- U Geigenmüller and P Mazur
- The limit distribution of Sinai's random walk in random environment pp. 299-309

- Harry Kesten
- On the Riemann hypothesis: A fractal random walk approach pp. 310-319

- Michael F. Shlesinger
- An itinerant electron model with crystalline or magnetic long range order pp. 320-358

- Tom Kennedy and Elliott H. Lieb
- Variations on the Ising problem pp. 359-363

- Frank Harary