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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 156, issue 3, 1989

Fracture propagation governed by the Laplace equation pp. 741-755 Downloads
Yoshi-hiro Taguchi
Incoherent tunneling at weak bias: Weak quantum damping pp. 756-780 Downloads
H. Dekker
Critical properties of random-site percolation in two and three dimensions: A Monte Carlo study pp. 781-794 Downloads
Martin Corsten, Naeem Jan and Robert Jerrard
Long-time tails of the heat-conductivity time correlation functions for a magnetized plasma: A kinetic-theory approach pp. 795-822 Downloads
A.J. Schoolderman and L.G. Suttorp
Critical points characterization using probability distributions pp. 823-834 Downloads
J. Güémez, S. Velasco and A. Calvo Hernández
Reaction-diffusion on a periodic array of penetrable spherical sinks pp. 835-852 Downloads
P. Venema and D. Bedeaux
Self-consistent analysis of a thermally dissipative quantum field system: Korenman's model pp. 853-875 Downloads
I. Hardman, H. Umezawa and Y. Yamanaka
Adhesive hard sphere dispersions pp. 876-898 Downloads
P.W. Rouw, A.T.J.M. Woutersen, B.J. Ackerson and C.G. De Kruif
Second acoustic virial coefficients of argon between 100 and 304 K pp. 899-908 Downloads
M.B. Ewing, A.A. Owusu and J.P.M. Trusler
The working equations of a vibrating wire viscometer pp. 909-920 Downloads
R. Mostert, P.S. van der Gulik and H.R. van den Berg
Comment on the experimental viscosity of argon at high densities pp. 921-923 Downloads
R. Mostert, P.S. van der Gulik and H.R. van den Berg
Calculations of relativistic crystal-field contributions to the zero-field splittings in 4f and 3d ion complexes pp. 924-935 Downloads
J.A. Tuszyński and J.M. Dixon
Non-linear breaking of weak waves in a thermally conducting and dissociating gas flow pp. 936-946 Downloads
Arisudan Rai, J.P. Vishwakarma, Daryanti Haidar and Sudhir Kumar

Volume 156, issue 2, 1989

Tracer particle motion in a two-dimensional lattice gas with low vacancy density pp. 575-598 Downloads
M.J.A.M. Brummelhuis and H.J. Hilhorst
Computer simulation of crystal nucleation of parallel hard spherocylinders pp. 599-612 Downloads
J.A.C. Veerman and D. Frenkel
Multifractal cascades with interactions pp. 613-627 Downloads
A.P. Siebesma, R.R. Tremblay, A. Erzan and L. Pietronero
NLRT formalism for transient stochastic dynamics pp. 628-650 Downloads
J. Casademunt, J.I. Jimenez-Aquino and J.M. Sancho
Explicit solution of the nonlinear Vlasov equation using the subdynamics approach pp. 651-678 Downloads
V. Škarka
Real space renormalization group approach to the theta point of a linear polymer in 2 and 3 dimensions pp. 679-688 Downloads
A. Maritan, F. Seno and A.L. Stella
A generalized Jaynes-Cummings model for the N-level atom and (N − 1) modes pp. 689-712 Downloads
A.M. Abdel-Hafez, A.M.M. Abu-Sitta and A.-S.F. Obada
The car parking problem at high densities pp. 713-725 Downloads
E. Burgos and H. Bonadeo
Influence of collisions on the fluctuations of a distribution function in a rarefied gas pp. 726-740 Downloads
Boris A. Malomed and Ilya E. Staroselsky

Volume 156, issue 1, 1989

van der Waals fund, van der Waals laboratory and Dutch high-pressure science pp. 1-14 Downloads
J.M.H. Levelt Sengers and J.V. Sengers
The Yukawa potential pp. 15-34 Downloads
J.S. Rowlinson
The three-dimensional Ising model revisited numerically pp. 35-76 Downloads
Andrea J. Liu and Michael E. Fisher
Critical phenomena in the ultracentrifuge: Some new experimental evidence pp. 77-91 Downloads
Jack Winnick, Charles M. Knobler and Robert L. Scott
Low-frequency dielectric dispersion and electric conductivity near the consolute point in some binary liquid mixtures pp. 92-113 Downloads
J. Thoen, R. Kindt, W. van Dael, M. Merabet and T.K. Bose
Critical adsorption at the surface of a polymer solution. Analysis of ellipsometric data on the depletion layer near the critical solution point pp. 114-129 Downloads
Rainer Süssmann and Gerhard H. Findenegg
The Kerr constant of a microemulsion for a low volume fraction of water pp. 130-143 Downloads
E. van der Linden, S. Geiger and D. Bedeaux
Ground-state properties of metallic lithium pp. 144-168 Downloads
G. Sugiyama, G. Zerah and B.J. Alder
Pressure-temperature phase diagram of elemental carbon pp. 169-178 Downloads
F.P. Bundy
Pressure tuning and electronic phenomena pp. 179-202 Downloads
H.G. Drickamer
High-pressure deuterium solid-state NMR study of the dynamics of pyridine intercalated CdPS3 pp. 203-211 Downloads
P.L. McDaniel, G. Liu and J. Jonas
Nuclear spin multiplet collapse in HD gas pp. 212-218 Downloads
H.Y. Carr
NMR relaxation mechanisms and line widths in insulators below 1 K pp. 219-226 Downloads
O. Gonen and J.S. Waugh
Spin-polarized atomic hydrogen and deuterium quantum gases pp. 227-243 Downloads
J.T.M. Walraven
Theory of spin-relaxation processes pp. 244-259 Downloads
V. Romero-Rochin, A. Orsky and I. Oppenheim
An NMR spin-echo study of self-diffusion in xenon pp. 260-276 Downloads
P.W.E. Peereboom, H. Luigjes and K.O. Prins
A corresponding-states correlation of spin relaxation in normal alkanes pp. 277-293 Downloads
James A. Zega, Waylon V. House and Riki Kobayashi
The static dielectric constant of CH3F and CHF3 to 468 K and 2000 bar pp. 294-302 Downloads
K. Reuter, S. Rosenzweig and E.U. Franck
The thermodynamic discontinuities ΔS, ΔH, ΔV, and the melting line of molecular systems at high pressure pp. 303-324 Downloads
J.A. Schouten and L. Van Der Putten
A high-pressure Raman study of KReO4, RbReO4 and CsReO4 to 25 GPa and pressure-induced phase transitions pp. 325-340 Downloads
A. Jayaraman, G.A. Kourouklis, L.G. van Uitert, W.H. Grodkiewicz and R.G. Maines
Isothermal phase behavior of Ag3SbS3, ZnGeP2, and ZnS pp. 341-352 Downloads
S. Block, G.J. Piermarini, R.G. Munro and E. Fuller
Pressure dependence of phase transitions in CsHSO4 studied with differential scanning calorimetry pp. 353-363 Downloads
B. Baranowski, M. Friesel and A. Lundén
Elastic constants of a biaxial nematic liquid crystal pp. 364-375 Downloads
U.D. Kini and S. Chandrasekhar
Disorder-induced piezoelectric and piezo-optic effects pp. 376-381 Downloads
D.D. Klug and Edward Whalley
Experimental cross virial coefficients for binary mixtures of carbon dioxide with nitrogen, methane and ethane at 300 and 320 K pp. 382-416 Downloads
H.B. Brugge, C.-A. Hwang, W.J. Rogers, J.C. Holste, K.R. Hall, W. Lemming, G.J. Esper, K.N. Marsh and B.E. Gammon
Calculation of thermodynamic properties from a parametric integral equation pp. 417-435 Downloads
C.J. Peters and R.N. Lichtenthaler
PVT properties and vapor-pressures of ordinary water substance in the critical region pp. 436-453 Downloads
T. Morita, H. Sato, M. Uematsu and K. Watanabe
Thermodynamic properties of 1,1-difluoroethane in the super-critical and high-density regions pp. 454-466 Downloads
A. Iso and M. Uematsu
A correlation scheme for the thermal conductivity of polyatomic gases at low density pp. 467-491 Downloads
F.J. Uribe, E.A. Mason and J. Kestin
Rotational polarization in a Knudsen flow; Various gases on mica between 293 and 666 K pp. 492-511 Downloads
R. Horne and L.J.F. Hermans
Thermal conductivity of dense noble gases pp. 512-521 Downloads
B. Le Neindre, Y. Garrabos and R. Tufeu
Transport coefficients of simple fluids in a density range from the solid to the dilute gas pp. 522-533 Downloads
J.J. Van Loef and E.G.D. Cohen
Thermal conductivity of chlorobenzene at pressures up to 430 MPa pp. 534-546 Downloads
C.A. Nieto De Castro, M. Dix, J.M.N.A. Fareleira, S.F.Y. Li and W.A. Wakeham
Unified approach to correlating the viscosities of H2O and D2O in the liquid and gaseous phases pp. 547-569 Downloads
N. Matsunaga, M. Hori and A. Nagashima
Page updated 2025-03-31