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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 248, issue 3, 1998

Percolation conduction in vapour grown carbon fibre pp. 227-234 Downloads
J.S. Andrade, A.M. Auto, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Shibusa and K. Shirane
Recalling properties of non-random patterns in neural networks A Monte-Carlo study pp. 235-246 Downloads
L.C. Miranda and R. Riera
Random-field Ising model for the hysteresis of the prewetting transition on a disordered substrate pp. 247-272 Downloads
R. Blossey, T. Kinoshita and J. Dupont-Roc
Mean field critical behaviour for the frustrated percolation model pp. 273-287 Downloads
F. di Liberto and F. Peruggi
A numerical study of the epitaxial growth of silver on silver (110) pp. 288-304 Downloads
F. Hontinfinde, R. Ferrando and A.C. Levi
Modeling melting in binary systems pp. 305-322 Downloads
L.D. Son, G.M. Rusakov, A.Z. Patashinski and M.A. Ratner
Defects and the sol-gel transition in lamellar fluid membranes pp. 323-335 Downloads
T. Kohyama
Semiempirical variational approach to RNA folding pp. 336-352 Downloads
Ariel Fernández and Andrés Colubri
Phase transition and critical phenomenon in the power-law model of traffic pp. 353-364 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Phase transformation kinetics in d-dimensional grains-containing systems: diffusion-type model pp. 365-378 Downloads
M. Niemiec, A. Gadomski, J. Łuczka and L. Schimansky-Geier
In search of smooth sandpiles: The Edwards-Wilkinson equation with flow pp. 379-392 Downloads
Parthapratim Biswas, Arnab Majumdar, Anita Mehta and J.K. Bhattacharjee
Decoherence and localization in quantum two-level systems pp. 393-418 Downloads
Ting Yu
Algebraic operator approach to death-birth master equations: application to cross-inversion in a chiral chemical system pp. 419-427 Downloads
L.V. Il'ichov
Finite-speed propagation of heat: a nonlocal and nonlinear approach pp. 428-441 Downloads
Miroslav Grmela and Georgy Lebon
Phase diagrams of the diluted mixed-spin Ising model on a honeycomb lattice pp. 442-453 Downloads
Z.H. Xin, G.Z. Wei and T.S. Liu

Volume 248, issue 1, 1998

Ground-state structure of diluted antiferromagnets and random field systems pp. 1-20 Downloads
Alexander K. Hartmann
Drift motion of granules in chara cells induced by random impulses due to the myosin-actin interaction pp. 21-27 Downloads
Tatsuyuki Kawakubo, Takashi Kobayashi and Satoshi Sakamoto
Phase properties of nematics confined by competing walls pp. 28-43 Downloads
Jacqueline Quintana and Alberto Robledo
Continuous versus discrete description of the transport in a membrane system pp. 44-56 Downloads
Tadeusz Kosztołowicz
Bacterial wisdom, Gödel's theorem and creative genomic webs pp. 57-76 Downloads
Eshel Ben-Jacob
Stochastic differential equations for non-linear hydrodynamics pp. 77-96 Downloads
Pep Español
Measurable temperatures in nonequilibrium radiative systems pp. 97-110 Downloads
J. Fort, D. Jou and J.E. Llebot
On the selection of the state space in nonequilibrium thermodynamics pp. 111-137 Downloads
Roberto Luzzi, Aurea R. Vasconcellos, José Casas-Vázquez and David Jou
Some stochastic phenomena in a driven double-well system pp. 138-154 Downloads
M.C. Mahato and A.M. Jayannavar
Lattice gas model of gradual evolution pp. 155-164 Downloads
Marcel Ausloos, I. Mróz, A. Pȩkalski and N. Vandewalle
Representation of random walk in fractal space-time pp. 165-175 Downloads
Ryutaro Kanno
Spin 1 ANNNI model with crystal-field anisotropy pp. 176-184 Downloads
Jair L. Cadorin and Carlos S.O. Yokoi
Conductivity of a lattice gas model. Monte-Carlo simulations pp. 185-194 Downloads
Y.S. Yang and C.J. Thompson
Thomas-Fermi theory in an n-dimensional space pp. 195-206 Downloads
Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi
Mixed-spin Ising model with four-spin interaction pp. 207-212 Downloads
Adam Lipowski
Some symmetry remarks on the ground-state configurations of the two-dimensional Bosonic Falicov-Kimball model pp. 213-219 Downloads
J. Rodrigo Parreira

Volume 247, issue 1, 1997

Directed percolation with an absorbing boundary pp. 1-9 Downloads
Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen, Kim Sneppen, Maria Markošová and Mogens H. Jensen
An effective medium model for the electric conductivity of an N-component anisotropic and percolating mixture pp. 10-22 Downloads
J.M.V.A. Koelman and A. de Kuijper
Low-frequency Raman scattering in model disordered solids: percolators above threshold pp. 23-29 Downloads
O. Pilla, G. Viliani, R. Dell'Anna and G. Ruocco
Aspects of dielectric breakdown in a model for disordered non-linear composites pp. 30-40 Downloads
A.K. Gupta and A.K. Sen
Wavelet cascades pp. 41-58 Downloads
Jens Giesemann, Martin Greiner and Peter Lipa
Cluster growth by diffusion-limited aggregation in shear flow pp. 59-66 Downloads
T. Kovács and G. Bárdos
Effects of convection and friction on size segregation in vibrated granular beds pp. 67-78 Downloads
T. Elperin and E. Golshtein
Branched critical multifractality and morphological phase transitions pp. 79-90 Downloads
A. Bershadskii
Lyapunov exponent of random walkers on a bond-disordered lattice pp. 91-107 Downloads
L. Acedo and M.H. Ernst
Diameters of rotationally and vibrationally excited diatomic molecules pp. 108-120 Downloads
Yuriy E. Gorbachev, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez and Joseph A. Kunc
Generalized collective mode approach in the dielectric theory of dipolar systems pp. 121-139 Downloads
Igor P. Omelyan
Mutual diffusion in a liquid mixture of argon and krypton pp. 140-152 Downloads
J.C. Lee
A note on stages of evolution in a 2D froth pp. 153-158 Downloads
H.J. Ruskin and Y. Feng
Rods near curved surfaces and in curved boxes pp. 159-182 Downloads
K. Yaman, M. Jeng, P. Pincus, C. Jeppesen and C.M. Marques
Microscopic theory for hopping transport in glass-forming liquids pp. 183-195 Downloads
Cliff Z.-W. Liu and Irwin Oppenheim
Counterion condensation on ionic oligomers pp. 196-204 Downloads
Gerald S. Manning and Udayan Mohanty
Aggregation of colloidal particles induced by polymer chains: The RISM integral equation theory pp. 205-234 Downloads
P.G. Khalatur, L.V. Zherenkova and A.R. Khokhlov
Melting of a colloidal crystal pp. 235-246 Downloads
P.S. Kuhn, A. Diehl, Y. Levin and M.C. Barbosa
A new model for size-distribution function in living polymers pp. 247-264 Downloads
F. Aliotta, M.E. Fontanella, M. Sacchi and C. Vasi
Effect of pressure and of doping on superconductivity in the double-mercury-layer cuprate Hg2 (N = 2). A quantitative analysis based on indirect-exchange pairing pp. 265-280 Downloads
L. Jansen and R. Block
Mode competition in a system of two parametrically driven pendulums; the role of symmetry pp. 281-311 Downloads
E.J. Banning, J.P. van der Weele and M.M. Kettenis
Noise-sustained currents in quasigeostrophic turbulence over topography pp. 312-326 Downloads
Alberto Alvarez, Emilio Hernández-García and Joaquín Tintoré
Damage spreading in the ‘sandpile’ model of SOC pp. 327-330 Downloads
Ajanta Bhowal
Dynamical process pp. 331-337 Downloads
A.A. Ovchinnikov and V.V. Atrazhev
Rates and mean first passage times pp. 338-356 Downloads
Reinhard Müller, Peter Talkner and Peter Reimann
Universal properties of the mA + nB → Ø diffusion-limited reaction pp. 357-378 Downloads
Tomohiro Sasamoto,, Shintaro Mori, and Miki Wadati,
Relaxation of coherent states and two scaling laws of characteristic times in quantum chaos pp. 379-404 Downloads
M. Kollman and H.W. Capel
Path functional theory for optimal transport in steady state urban traffic networks pp. 405-416 Downloads
H. Lehmann
Fokker-Planck equation and non-linear hydrodynamic equations of a system of several Brownian particles in a non-equilibrium bath pp. 417-443 Downloads
Joan-Emma Shea and Irwin Oppenheim
A simulation technique for many spheres in quasi-static motion under frame-invariant pair drag and Brownian forces pp. 444-472 Downloads
R.C. Ball and J.R. Melrose
Testing predictability of symbolic sequences using time-delay embedding pp. 473-481 Downloads
Liangyue Cao,
Scaling properties of coding and non-coding DNA sequences pp. 482-496 Downloads
A. Provata and Y. Almirantis
SCOZA for continuous spins pp. 497-510 Downloads
J.S. Høye and G. Stell
Exact solutions for inelastic neutron scattering from planar Ising ferromagnets pp. 511-525 Downloads
M. Khatun and J.H. Barry
Transport properties in reacting mixture of polyatomic gases pp. 526-552 Downloads
A. Chikhaoui, J.P. Dudon, E.V. Kustova and E.A. Nagnibeda
An efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for overcoming broken ergodicity in the simulation of spin systems pp. 553-558 Downloads
Ioan Andricioaei and John E. Straub
Fisher's information measure in a Tsallis' nonextensive setting and its application to diffusive process pp. 559-569 Downloads
F. Pennini and A. Plastino
Page updated 2025-03-31