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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 305, issue 3, 2002

A percolation based dielectric breakdown model with randomic changes in the dielectric constant pp. 351-359 Downloads
Sergio S. Sombra, Uriel M.S. Costa, Valder N. Freire, E.A. de Vasconcelos and Eronildes F. da Silva
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of colloids pp. 360-370 Downloads
D. Bedeaux and J.M. Rubi
Temperature behaviour of vortices of a 3D thermoconducting viscous fluid pp. 371-380 Downloads
V. Grassi, R.A. Leo, G. Soliani and P. Tempesta
Solvation of a wedge pp. 381-386 Downloads
J.R. Henderson
Kinetics of homogeneous binary condensation at the stage of formation of the bulk of the liquid phase pp. 387-403 Downloads
Y.S. Djikaev, A.P. Grinin and F.M. Kuni
Noise and order in cavity quantum electrodynamics pp. 404-426 Downloads
Per K. Rekdal and Bo-Sture K. Skagerstam
Analytic solutions for nonlinear waves in coupled reacting systems pp. 427-436 Downloads
G. Abramson, V.M. Kenkre and A.R. Bishop
On the autonomous limit of discrete Painlevé equations pp. 437-444 Downloads
A. Ramani, A.S. Carstea, B. Grammaticos and Y. Ohta
Entropy, extropy and information potential in stochastic systems far from equilibrium pp. 445-466 Downloads
B. Gaveau, K. Martinás, M. Moreau and J. Tóth
Energy relaxation in Fermi–Pasta–Ulam arrays pp. 467-485 Downloads
R. Reigada, A. Sarmiento and Katja Lindenberg
Some properties of q-logarithm and q-exponential functions in Tsallis statistics pp. 486-496 Downloads
Takuya Yamano
Equilibrium reduced-density operator for nanoscopic systems pp. 497-520 Downloads
Z. Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz
Critical dynamics of strong coupling paramagnetic systems exhibiting a paramagnetic–ferrimagnetic transition pp. 521-541 Downloads
M. Chahid, M. Benhamou and M. El Hafidi
A mathematical theorem as the basis for the second law: Thomson's formulation applied to equilibrium pp. 542-552 Downloads
A.E. Allahverdyan and Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
One-dimensional kinetic diluted Ising model. Exact solution for correlation functions pp. 553-573 Downloads
M.A. Aliev and S.I. Kuchanov
Further results on the critical behaviour of the mean spherical model: layer and local susceptibilities pp. 574-584 Downloads
Magdy E. Amin, M.R. Hedar and N.H.Abd El-Wahab
Study of the crossover from 2 to 3 dimensions in the quantum spin-12 anisotropic Heisenberg model pp. 585-596 Downloads
Ijanı́lio G. Araújo, J. Ricardo de Sousa and N.S. Branco
Infection persistence time of Aedes breeding habitats pp. 597-603 Downloads
D.J. Bicout, K. Chalvet-Monfray and P. Sabatier
Individual based simulations of bacterial growth on agar plates pp. 604-618 Downloads
M Ginovart, D López, J Valls and M Silbert
Nonextensive entropy measure of EEG following brain injury from cardiac arrest pp. 619-628 Downloads
S. Tong, A. Bezerianos, J. Paul, Y. Zhu and N. Thakor
Bunching and delay in bus-route system with a couple of recurrent buses pp. 629-639 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Common pattern formation, modularity and phase transitions in a gene network model of morphogenesis pp. 640-654 Downloads
Ricard V. Solé, Isaac Salazar-Ciudad and Jordi Garcia-Fernández

Volume 305, issue 1, 2002

Editorial pp. xv-xvii Downloads
Kaniadakis Giorgio, Marcello Lissia and Andrea Rapisarda
Mixing and equilibration: protagonists in the scene of nonextensive statistical mechanics pp. 1-18 Downloads
Constantino Tsallis, Ernesto P Borges and Fulvio Baldovin
Statistics and dynamics pp. 19-26 Downloads
E.G.d Cohen
Why Tsallis statistics? pp. 27-31 Downloads
Michel Baranger
Fragmentations, mergings and order: aspects of entropy pp. 32-40 Downloads
P.T. Landsberg
Thermodynamics and the Tsallis variational problem pp. 41-47 Downloads
M Casas, S Martı́nez, F Pennini and A Plastino
On the equipartition and virial theorems pp. 48-51 Downloads
S Martı́nez, F Pennini, A Plastino and C Tessone
Ensemble equivalence for non-extensive thermostatistics pp. 52-57 Downloads
Raúl Toral and Rafael Salazar
Ensemble inequivalence: a formal approach pp. 58-61 Downloads
F Leyvraz and S Ruffo
Macroscopic thermodynamics based on composable nonextensive entropies pp. 62-68 Downloads
Sumiyoshi Abe
A new one-parameter deformation of the exponential function pp. 69-75 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis and A.M. Scarfone
Kinetical foundations of non-conventional statistics pp. 76-83 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis, P. Quarati and A.M. Scarfone
When is a quantity additive, and when is it extensive? pp. 84-88 Downloads
Hugo Touchette
Dynamic versus thermodynamic approach to non-canonical equilibrium pp. 89-98 Downloads
Mauro Bologna, Michele Campisi and Paolo Grigolini
Non-extensive Hamiltonian systems follow Boltzmann's principle not Tsallis statistics—phase transitions, Second Law of Thermodynamics pp. 99-105 Downloads
D.H.E. Gross
Fractional diffusion: probability distributions and random walk models pp. 106-112 Downloads
Rudolf Gorenflo, Francesco Mainardi, Daniele Moretti, Gianni Pagnini and Paolo Paradisi
Duality and spatial inhomogeneity pp. 113-118 Downloads
R Piasecki and A Plastino
Dissipative maps at the chaos threshold: numerical results for the single-site map pp. 119-123 Downloads
Ugur Tirnakli
Mixing and approach to equilibrium in the standard map pp. 124-128 Downloads
F Baldovin
Fingerprints of nonextensive thermodynamics in a long-range Hamiltonian system pp. 129-136 Downloads
Vito Latora, Andrea Rapisarda and Constantino Tsallis
Metastable states in a class of long-range Hamiltonian systems pp. 137-143 Downloads
Alessandro Campa, Andrea Giansanti and Daniele Moroni
Numerical determination of the distribution of energies for the XY-model pp. 144-147 Downloads
R Salazar, R Toral and A.r Plastino
Negative specific heat in a Lennard-Jones-like gas with long-range interactions pp. 148-151 Downloads
Ernesto P Borges and Constantino Tsallis
Two-time Green function technique in Tsallis’ classical statistical mechanics pp. 152-156 Downloads
A Cavallo, F Cosenza and L De Cesare
Generalized parallel sampling pp. 157-171 Downloads
T.W. Whitfield, L. Bu and J.E. Straub
Microcanonical solution of lattice models with long-range interactions pp. 172-177 Downloads
Julien Barré
Non-equilibrium dynamics of two-dimensional lattice models pp. 178-185 Downloads
S Jain
The additivity of the pseudo-additive conditional entropy for a proper Tsallis’ entropic index pp. 186-189 Downloads
Tatsuaki Wada and Takeshi Saito
Source coding theorem based on a nonadditive information content pp. 190-195 Downloads
Takuya Yamano
Information of sequences and applications pp. 196-199 Downloads
Claudio Bonanno, Stefano Galatolo and Giulia Menconi
The two-state model for anomalous stochastic motion pp. 200-204 Downloads
A.I. Shushin
Subordinated Lèvy–Feldheim motion as a model of anomalous self-similar diffusion pp. 205-208 Downloads
Vladimir V. Uchaikin
Nonextensive methods in turbulence and particle physics pp. 209-217 Downloads
Christian Beck
PDF of velocity fluctuation in turbulence by a statistics based on generalized entropy pp. 218-226 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu and Naoko Arimitsu
Application of nonextensive statistics to particle and nuclear physics pp. 227-233 Downloads
G Wilk and Z Włodarczyk
Critical Tsallis exponent in heavy ion reaction pp. 234-237 Downloads
Klaus Morawetz
Anomalous diffusion in non-equilibrium relativistic heavy-ion rapidity spectra pp. 238-241 Downloads
A Lavagno
Clustering in galaxy distribution: comparison between redshift surveys pp. 242-246 Downloads
Marco Montuori, Luciano Pietronero and Maurizio Bottaccio
Clustering in N-body gravitating systems pp. 247-252 Downloads
Maurizio Bottaccio, Luciano Pietronero, Alessandro Amici, Paolo Miocchi, Roberto Capuzzo Dolcetta and Marco Montuori
Self-gravitating spherical shell systems and globular clusters pp. 253-257 Downloads
D Fanelli and S Ruffo
Angular momentum induced phase transition in spherical gravitational systems pp. 258-265 Downloads
Peter Klinko and Bruce N Miller
Non-standard fractal spectrum of a 1D gravitating model pp. 266-270 Downloads
Bruce N Miller and J.l Rouet
Dynamical screening of long-range interactions in charged and gravitating plasmas: alternating effective potential pp. 271-276 Downloads
A.g Bashkirov and A.v Vityazev
Entropies of coherent state and black hole pp. 277-281 Downloads
A.G. Bashkirov and A.D. Sukhanov
Deuterium burning in Jupiter interior pp. 282-286 Downloads
M Coraddu, M Lissia, G Mezzorani and P Quarati
Quantum corrections to the distribution function of particles over momentum in dense media pp. 287-296 Downloads
A.N. Starostin, A.B. Mironov, N.L. Aleksandrov, N.J. Fisch and R.M. Kulsrud
Dissipative quantum theory: implications for quantum entanglement pp. 297-304 Downloads
A.k Rajagopal and R.w Rendell
The role of quantum group invariance in nonextensive quantum statistical mechanics pp. 305-309 Downloads
Marcelo R. Ubriaco
q-Deformed structures and nonextensive statistics: a comparative study pp. 310-315 Downloads
A Lavagno and P.Narayana Swamy
Supersymmetry and the q-MaxEnt treatment pp. 316-322 Downloads
J Batle, M Casas, A.r Plastino and A Plastino
Generalized kinetic theory of electrons and phonons pp. 323-329 Downloads
A. Rossani
Generalized definitions of phase transitions pp. 330-335 Downloads
Ph. Chomaz and F. Gulminelli
Observables of first-order phase transitions pp. 336-339 Downloads
F Gulminelli and Ph Chomaz
Nonextensive thermodynamics applied to superconductivity pp. 340-343 Downloads
Lizardo H.C.M. Nunes and E.V.L. de Mello
Page updated 2025-03-31