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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 99, issue 3, 1979

Coherence and randomness in quantum theory pp. 369-382 Downloads
C. George and I. Prigogine
Nonlinear transport processes: Hydrodynamics pp. 383-402 Downloads
I. Oppenheim and R.D. Levine
Statistical mechanics of systems nonlinearly displaced from equilibrium I pp. 403-434 Downloads
David Ronis
Excitation spectrum of two-identical three-level atoms at high photon densities pp. 435-462 Downloads
Constantine Mavroyannis
Dynamical properties of colloidal systems pp. 463-493 Downloads
W. Hess and R. Klein
Normal forms for classical and boson systems pp. 494-512 Downloads
P. Broadbridge
A classification of phase diagrams by means of “Elementary” Catastrophe Theory (ECT) II pp. 513-544 Downloads
Maarten Vendrik
A class of gaussian fields of Markov type pp. 545-568 Downloads
G.O.S. Ekhaguere
On the configuration of systems of interacting particles with minimum potential energy per particle pp. 569-580 Downloads
W.J. Ventevogel and B.R.A. Nijboer
Transient laser radiation as a stochastic process near an instability point pp. 581-591 Downloads
F. De Pasquale, P. Tartaglia and P. Tombesi
On linear dynamical equations of state for isotropic media II pp. 592-600 Downloads
V. Cianco and G.A. Kluitenberg

Volume 99, issue 1, 1979

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of the gas kinetic boundary value problem pp. 1-33 Downloads
L. Waldmann and H. Vestner
On a derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation for a system weakly interacting with the heat bath pp. 34-46 Downloads
V.K. Fedyanin and G.M. Gavrilenko
Superspace groups pp. 47-76 Downloads
A. Janner and T. Janssen
A new treatment of macroscopic observables in quantum mechanics pp. 77-102 Downloads
A. Barchielli, L. Lanz and G. Lupieri
A classification of phase diagrams by means of “Elementary” Catastrophe Theory (ECT) I pp. 103-144 Downloads
Maarten Vendrik
Measurements on the glory structure in the total cross section of noble gas systems I. The beam apparatus and data reduction pp. 145-165 Downloads
C.A. Linse, J.J.H. van den Biesen, E.H. van Veen, C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg and J.J.M. Beenakker
Measurements on the glory structure in the total cross section of noble gas systems II. Ne and Ar scattered by Ar, Kr and Xe pp. 166-183 Downloads
C.A. Linse, J.J.H. van den Biesen, E.H. van Veen and C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg
Thermodynamic lilit in a stronger sense for random systems pp. 184-192 Downloads
T. Morita
Spin glasses for the infinitely long ranged bond Ising model and for the short ranged binary bond Ising model without use of the replica method pp. 193-216 Downloads
Shigetoshi Katsura, Sakari Inawashiro and Sumiyoshi Fujiki
A modified cell theory of the liquid state pp. 217-236 Downloads
H.-L. Vörtler, J. Heybey and R. Haberlandt
A simple molecular statistical treatment of nematics pp. 237-250 Downloads
G. Vertogen and B.W. van der Meer
Ferromagnetism by the generator coordinate Method pp. 251-267 Downloads
C. Fiolhais, J.Pinheiro da Providência and J.N. Urbano
The Ising model on a closed cayley tree pp. 268-280 Downloads
Rainer J. Jelitto
Time-scaling in the thermodynamics of irreversible processes pp. 281-292 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
On the description of interfacial properties using singular densities and currents at a dividing surface pp. 293-304 Downloads
A.M. Albano, D. Bedeaux and J. Vlieger
Wall induced polarization in plane couette flow of a polyatomic gas in the knudsen regime pp. 305-316 Downloads
C. Cercignani and M. Lampis
Complete diagonalization of thermodynamic stability conditions pp. 317-329 Downloads
A. Rieckers
Renormalization group study of the one dimensional quantum mechanical XY model pp. 330-336 Downloads
Bambi Hu
Diffusion noise and the high-frequency extension of the Einstein relation pp. 337-344 Downloads
K.M. van Vliet and A. van der Ziel
On the two Green's function procedures for transport noise pp. 345-349 Downloads
K.M. van Vliet
Stability criterion for Hamiltonian systems pp. 350-356 Downloads
A. Lonke and R. Caboz
Brownian motion in shear flow pp. 357-364 Downloads
M. San Miguel and J.M. Sancho
The classical limit for scattering in liquids pp. 365-368 Downloads
Michael Revzen, Amiram Ron and L.E.H. Trainor

Volume 98, issue 3, 1979

Liquidons and gasons; controversies about the continuity of states pp. 363-402 Downloads
J.M.H. Levelt Sengers
Application of the functional integral method to the classical and quantum spin models pp. 403-441 Downloads
Roman Micnas
Legendre transformation of a self-interacting polymer chain pp. 442-466 Downloads
B.H.M. Mooy and J. Hijmans
Thermal conductivity of some mixtures of monatomic gases at room temperature and at pressures up to 15 MPa pp. 467-490 Downloads
A.A. Clifford, R. Fleeter, J. Kestin and W.A. Wakeham
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of interfaces including electromagnetic effects pp. 491-508 Downloads
P.A. Wolff and A.M. Albano
The pair correlations down to r = 0 in a fully ionized dilute and homogeneous hydrogen plasma in equilibrium pp. 509-527 Downloads
G. Lessner
Stochastic diffusion in a periodic potential pp. 528-544 Downloads
Amal K. Das
Impurity states in a thin slab of crystal pp. 545-554 Downloads
Y.C. Lee and D.L. Lin
Zero-temperature equation of state of metals in the statistical model with density gradient correction pp. 555-565 Downloads
F. Perrot
Variational principle for the distribution function of the effective field for the random Ising model in the Bethe approximation pp. 566-572 Downloads
T. Morita
Small angle magnetic inelastic neutron scattering as a criterion for the correctness of the existing Bose-representations of spin operators pp. 573-578 Downloads
S. Stamenković and M. Marinković
A note on Keldysh's perturbation formalism pp. 579-586 Downloads
W.P.H. de Boer and Ch.G. Van Weert
Stochastic dynamics of a bistable reaction system pp. 587-600 Downloads
W. Ebeling and L. Schimansky-Geier
Effects of confinement on a magnetized ideal gas II. The boson gas pp. 601-612 Downloads
J.P. Rino and S.Goulart Rosa
On the De Donder-Meixner transformations in non-equilibrium thermodynamics pp. 613-619 Downloads
E. Piña

Volume 98, issue 1, 1979

From deterministic dynamics to probabilistic descriptions pp. 1-26 Downloads
B. Misra, I. Prigogine and M. Courbage
A high temperature series renormalization group method pp. 27-40 Downloads
D.D. Betts, D. Cuthiell and M. Plischke
The influence of a magnetic field on the thermal diffusion of polyatomic gas-noble gas mixtures pp. 41-86 Downloads
G.W. 'T Hooft, E. Mazur, J.M. Bienfait, L.J.F. Hermans, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
The transverse dufour effect pp. 87-96 Downloads
E. Mazur, G.W. 'T Hooft, L.J.F. Hermans and H.F.P. Knaap
Transverse thermal diffusion in an electric field for optically active systems pp. 97-104 Downloads
G.W. 't Hooft and H.F.P. Knaap
Viscosity and thermal conductivity for symmetric top molecules under the simultaneous influence of an electric and a magnetic field pp. 105-117 Downloads
G.W. 't Hooft, W.E. Köhler and H.F.P. Knaap
Cluster expansions in cooperative Jahn-Teller T-systems pp. 118-138 Downloads
H. Nusser and M. Wagner
Second quantization representation for decay of unstable particles pp. 139-153 Downloads
M.D. Girardeau
Functional integrals for condensed bose systems pp. 154-168 Downloads
Masakazu Ichiyanagi
Brownian motion in a fluid near its critical point II: The fluctuation-dissipation theorem pp. 169-188 Downloads
G. van der Zwan and P. Mazur
Self-diffusion beyond Fick's law pp. 189-214 Downloads
I.M. de Schepper and M.H. Ernst
On Poincaré cycles of the linear chain of oscillators pp. 215-230 Downloads
J.O. Vigfusson
The thermodynamics of discontinuous orientational phase transitions in quantum crystals pp. 231-244 Downloads
M. Sprik, A.J. Nijman and N.J. Trappeniers
Testing fundamental equations of state for practical applicability pp. 245-260 Downloads
C.J. Peters, H.J. Van der Kooi, R. Reijnhart and G.A.M. Diepen
A self-consistent analysis for two-dimensional hydrodynamics pp. 261-273 Downloads
P. Gillis
On the configuration of systems of interacting particle with minimum potential energy per particle pp. 274-288 Downloads
W.J. Ventevogel and B.R.A. Nijboer
Isotherms and thermodynamic properties of methane at temperatures between 0° and 150°C and at densities up to 570 amagat pp. 289-297 Downloads
N.J. Trappeniers, T. Wassenaar and J.C. Abels
Variational principle for the equilibrium wigner distribution function pp. 298-306 Downloads
W.G. Gibson
Some simplified expressions for the thermal conductivity in an external field pp. 307-312 Downloads
B.J. Thijsse, G.W. 'T Hooft, D.A. Coombe, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
The accuracy of Kramers' theory of chemical kinetics pp. 313-324 Downloads
O. Edholm and O. Leimar
Thermodynamic properties of a nonideal gas in a homogeneous gravitational field pp. 325-336 Downloads
Lj. Kolar-Anić and B. Milić
Sum rules and collective modes in a turbulent plasma pp. 337-344 Downloads
H.B. Singh and N.K. Ailawadi
Markovian nature of the two-dimensional self-avoiding random walk problem pp. 345-351 Downloads
F.W. Wiegel
Variational principle for dynamic susceptibilities pp. 352-358 Downloads
G. Sauermann
Effective diffusion coefficient of a Brownian particle in a periodic potential pp. 359-362 Downloads
D.L. Weaver
Page updated 2025-03-31