Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 361, issue 2, 2006
- Diffusers, potential slides, and surmountability pp. 373-393

- Iddo Eliazar and Joseph Klafter
- The modified extended tanh-function method for solving Burgers-type equations pp. 394-404

- A.A. Soliman
- Memory functions of the additive Markov chains: applications to complex dynamic systems pp. 405-415

- S.S. Melnyk, O.V. Usatenko and V.A. Yampol'skii
- New solitons and periodic wave solutions for the dispersive long wave equations pp. 416-428

- A. Elgarayhi
- Efficient numerical integrators for stochastic models pp. 429-440

- G. De Fabritiis, M. Serrano, P. Español and P.V. Coveney
- Distribution of local void ratio in porous media systems from 3D X-ray microtomography images pp. 441-456

- Riyadh Al-Raoush and Khalid A. Alshibli
- The phase transition of the diffusive pair contact process revisited pp. 457-462

- Haye Hinrichsen
- Off-perturbative states in disordered systems pp. 463-484

- Vik.S. Dotsenko
- Spinodal decomposition in a 3D Lennard–Jones system pp. 485-493

- H. Kabrede and R. Hentschke
- Thermal diffusion in micropores by molecular dynamics computer simulations pp. 494-510

- Guillaume Galliéro, Jean Colombani, Philippe A. Bopp, Bernard Duguay, Jean-Paul Caltagirone and François Montel
- Toda lattice mass transport in Lagrangian mechanics and in a two-dimensional system pp. 511-533

- Zene Horii
- Immunization dynamics on a two-layer network model pp. 534-542

- Hang-Hyun Jo, Seung Ki Baek and Hie-Tae Moon
- Bayesian inference of multi-valued information symbol by a CDMA demodulator using multi-valued spreading code sequence pp. 543-568

- Katsuki Katayama
- Long memory analysis in DNA sequences pp. 569-588

- S.R.C. Lopes and M.A. Nunes
- A self-adjusted Monte Carlo simulation as a model for financial markets with central regulation pp. 589-605

- Denis Horváth, Martin Gmitra and Zoltán Kuscsik
- Effect of cooperative merging on the synchronous flow phase of traffic pp. 606-618

- L.C. Davis
- Dispersion and scaling of fluctuating vehicles through a sequence of traffic lights pp. 619-629

- Takashi Nagatani
- Steady state traffic flow, entropy production rate, temporal fluctuations and fuel consumption pp. 630-642

- J.A. Montemayor-Aldrete, P. Ugalde-Vélez, M. del Castillo-Mussot, C.A. Vázquez-Villanueva, G.J. Vázquez and A. Mendoza-Allende
- A modified evolutionary minority game with local imitation pp. 643-650

- Lihui Shang and Xiao Fan Wang
- Ising-based model of opinion formation in a complex network of interpersonal interactions pp. 651-664

- A. Grabowski and R.A. Kosiński
- Combinatorics and synchronization in natural semiotics pp. 665-676

- Franco Orsucci, Alessandro Giuliani, Charles Webber, Joseph Zbilut, Peter Fonagy and Marianna Mazza
- Scaling properties of image textures: A detrending fluctuation analysis approach pp. 677-698

- Jose Alvarez-Ramirez, Eduardo Rodriguez, Ilse Cervantes and Juan Carlos Echeverria
- 1/fα fluctuations in the time dynamics of Mediterranean forest ecosystems by using normalized difference vegetation index satellite data pp. 699-706

- Luciano Telesca, Rosa Lasaponara and Antonio Lanorte
- Optimized network structure and routing metric in wireless multihop ad hoc communication pp. 707-723

- Wolfram Krause, Jan Scholz and Martin Greiner
Volume 361, issue 1, 2006
- Theory of inertial range scaling in fully developed turbulence pp. 1-10

- H. Dekker
- Effects of signal spectrum varying on signal processing by parameter-induced stochastic resonance pp. 11-23

- Jianlong Li and Bohou Xu
- Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with time delays pp. 24-34

- C.P. Li, W.G. Sun and J. Kurths
- Power spectrum of the fluctuation of Chebyshev's prime counting function pp. 35-40

- Boon Leong Lan and Shaohen Yong
- Superstatistics in random matrix theory pp. 41-54

- A.Y. Abul-Magd
- Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions: I Statistical equilibrium states and correlation functions pp. 55-80

- Pierre-Henri Chavanis
- Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions: II. Kinetic equations and stability analysis pp. 81-123

- Pierre-Henri Chavanis
- Nonextensive triangle equality and other properties of Tsallis relative-entropy minimization pp. 124-138

- Ambedkar Dukkipati, M. Narasimha Murty and Shalabh Bhatnagar
- Density operators that extremize Tsallis entropy and thermal stability effects pp. 139-160

- C. Vignat and A. Plastino
- Microcanonical foundation of nonextensivity and generalized thermostatistics based on the fractality of the phase space pp. 161-172

- Vladimir García-Morales and Julio Pellicer
- Triangle for the entropic index q of non-extensive statistical mechanics observed by Voyager 1 in the distant heliosphere pp. 173-179

- L.F. Burlaga and A. F.-Viñas
- Hard sphere gas state equation pp. 180-194

- Sandro Rambaldi, Giovanna Salustri and Carlo Benedetti
- Monte Carlo simulation of the percolation process caused by the random sequential adsorption of k-mers on heterogeneous triangular lattices pp. 195-208

- M. Quintana, I. Kornhauser, R. López, A.J. Ramirez-Pastor and G. Zgrablich
- An improved description of the dielectric breakdown in oxides based on a generalized Weibull distribution pp. 209-215

- U.M.S. Costa, V.N. Freire, L.C. Malacarne, R.S. Mendes, S. Picoli , E.A. de Vasconcelos and E.F. da Silva
- Dynamically regulated energy barriers with violation of symmetry for reaction path pp. 216-232

- Naoko Nakagawa and Teruhisa S. Komatsu
- Robust multiparty quantum secret key sharing over two collective-noise channels pp. 233-238

- Zhan-jun Zhang
- Ploidy, sex and crossing over in an evolutionary aging model pp. 239-249

- Matheus P. Lobo and Roberto N. Onody
- Protein chain packing and percolation threshold pp. 250-254

- M.A. Moret, M.C. Santana, E. Nogueira and G.F. Zebende
- Investigation of hydration effect of the proteins by phenomenological thermostatistical methods pp. 255-262

- Gorkem Oylumluoglu, Fevzi Büyükkılıç and Doğan Demirhan
- Characteristics of the Korean stock market correlations pp. 263-271

- Woo-Sung Jung, Seungbyung Chae, Jae-Suk Yang and Hie-Tae Moon
- Underlying dynamics of typical fluctuations of an emerging market price index: The Heston model from minutes to months pp. 272-288

- Renato Vicente, Charles M. de Toledo, Vitor B.P. Leite and Nestor Caticha
- Arbitrage opportunities and their implications to derivative hedging pp. 289-296

- Stephanos Panayides
- Is there a real-estate bubble in the US? pp. 297-308

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- The distribution of wealth in the presence of altruism in simple economic models pp. 309-318

- M. Rodríguez-Achach and R. Huerta-Quintanilla
- Outward-inward information flux in an opinion formation model on different topologies pp. 319-328

- A.O. Sousa and J.R. Sánchez
- Correlated dynamics in human printing behavior pp. 329-336

- Uli Harder and Maya Paczuski
- Self-organizing map clustering based on continuous multiresolution entropy pp. 337-354

- H.M. Torres, J.A. Gurlekian, H.L. Rufiner and M.E. Torres
- Coexistence of Languages is possible pp. 355-360

- J.P. Pinasco and L. Romanelli
- Theoretical model for the evolution of the linguistic diversity pp. 361-370

- Viviane M. de Oliveira, M.A.F. Gomes and I.R. Tsang
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