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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 177, issue 1, 1991

Wetting, prewetting, and line tension pp. xvii-xvii Downloads
B. Widom
Achieving exemplary education in abundance pp. xviii-xviii Downloads
K.G. Wilson
Statistical physics methods in oil recovery pp. xix-xix Downloads
A. Aharony
Effects of random fields on bicritical phase diagrams in two and three dimensions pp. xx-xx Downloads
R.J. Birgeneau
Random surfaces from random matrices pp. xxi-xxi Downloads
E. Brézin
Michael Fisher at King's College London pp. 1-21 Downloads
Cyril Domb
Waiting to be made pp. 22-23 Downloads
Roald Hoffmann
Numerical complex zeros of the random energy model pp. 24-30 Downloads
Cristian Moukarzel and Nestor Parga
The zeroes of the partition function of the random energy model pp. 31-37 Downloads
B. Derrida
Fisher zeros and Julia sets: a multifractal analysis pp. 38-44 Downloads
Bambi Hu and Bin Lin
Transmission of order in dilute magnets pp. 45-50 Downloads
Joan Adler
Self-avoiding walks pp. 51-57 Downloads
J.M. Hammersley
Effects of random fields on bicritical phase diagrams in two and three dimensions pp. 58-66 Downloads
R.J. Birgeneau, A. Aharony, R.A. Cowley, J.P. Hill, R.A. Pelcovits, G. Shirane and T.R. Thurston
Random walks in random media with random signs pp. 67-72 Downloads
Martin P. Gelfand
Entropy of the random triangle-square tiling pp. 73-78 Downloads
Hikaru Kawamura
Vibrational melting and its possible relevance to amorphous silicon pp. 79-83 Downloads
Frank H. Stillinger
Pathologies of the infinite-n limit of random anisotropy: spin glass transition or local crossover? pp. 84-92 Downloads
Daniel S. Fisher
Fractal study of polystyrene latex and silica particle aggregates pp. 93-100 Downloads
Zukang Zhou and Benjamin Chu
On solving the Ising model functional relation without elliptic functions pp. 101-108 Downloads
R.J. Baxter
Locus of the tricritical transition in a two-dimensional q-state Potts model pp. 109-113 Downloads
Bernard Nienhuis
Three-state chiral Potts models in two dimensions: integrability and symmetry pp. 114-122 Downloads
J.C. Anglès d'Auriac, J.M. Maillard and F.Y. Wu
Bulk value of the central charge in conformally invariant critical phenomena pp. 123-130 Downloads
George A. Baker and Rajiv R.P. Singh
Fisher renormalisation and conformal field theory pp. 131-138 Downloads
P. Mansfield and R.B. Stinchcombe
Star-triangle equations and multicomponent chiral Potts models pp. 139-145 Downloads
Helen Au-Yang and Jacques H.H. Perk
Contact models of a collapsing branched polymer pp. 146-152 Downloads
D.S. Gaunt
Critical endpoints in the spherical model with rapidly decaying power-law interactions pp. 153-160 Downloads
Marcia C. Barbosa
On the maintenance of disorder pp. 161-166 Downloads
R. Brout
The Fisher-Hartwig conjecture and generalizations pp. 167-173 Downloads
Estelle L. Basor and Craig A. Tracy
Effect of molecular elongation on liquid-vapour properties: computer simulation and virial approximation pp. 174-181 Downloads
Enrique de Miguel, Luis F. Rull and Keith E. Gubbins
Critical behavior of interacting manifolds pp. 182-188 Downloads
Reinhard Lipowsky
Confluent singularities in 3D continuum Φ4 theory: resolving critical point discrepancies pp. 189-196 Downloads
Bernie G. Nickel
Tricritical behavior in complex fluids pp. 197-200 Downloads
P. Pfeuty
Determination of the anomalous dimension Green-Fisher critical exponent η by light scattering in a fluid pp. 201-206 Downloads
Richard A. Ferrell
Finite-size scaling in layered systems with surface ordering pp. 207-212 Downloads
Hao Li, Maya Paczuski, Mehran Kardar and Kerson Huang
Renormalisation group theory for two problems in linear continuum mechanics pp. 213-219 Downloads
Nigel Goldenfeld and Y. Oono
Line liquids pp. 220-232 Downloads
David R. Nelson
Lattice covering time in D dimensions: theory and mean field approximation pp. 233-240 Downloads
Adolfo M. Nemirovsky and Mauricio D. Coutinho-Filho
Finite-size scaling: new results pp. 241-246 Downloads
Vladimir Privman
Correlation function decay in linear continuum systems pp. 247-252 Downloads
George Ruppeiner
Field induced magnetic phase transitions: models for competing interactions pp. 253-259 Downloads
W.P. Wolf
Effective renormalization group algorithm for transport in oil reservoirs pp. 260-266 Downloads
Amnon Aharony, Einar L. Hinrichsen, Alex Hansen, Jens Feder, J∅ssang, Torstein and H.H. Hardy
Vicious walkers, flows and directed percolation pp. 267-272 Downloads
D.K. Arrowsmith, P. Mason and J.W. Essam
Scaling of fractal flow pp. 273-280 Downloads
M. Ferer, W.N. Sams, R.A. Geisbrecht and Duane H. Smith
Learning science through guided discovery: liquid water and molecular networks pp. 281-293 Downloads
Boris Ostrovsky, Peter H. Poole, Francesco Sciortino, H. Eugene Stanley and Paul Trunfio
Plates, fences and needles: an example of the Skoulios effect pp. 294-300 Downloads
E. Raphaël and P.G. de Gennes
Nucleation and growth in the coexistence region pp. 301-310 Downloads
Eytan Domany and Stephen E. Nagler
Tricritical phenomena in bimodal polymer solutions pp. 311-323 Downloads
Weiguo Shen, Gareth R. Smith, Charles M. Knobler and Robert L. Scott
Influence of a deterministic force on random systems pp. 324-328 Downloads
M. Gitterman
Stochastic Liouville equation approach within non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics pp. 329-338 Downloads
T. Arimitsu, M. Ban and T. Saito
The character of the metastable phase singularities near the spinodal line pp. 339-344 Downloads
Miguel Calvo
On the nature of supercooled and glassy states of matter pp. 345-355 Downloads
Udayan Mohanty
Numerical solution of the Swift-Hohenberg equation in two dimensions pp. 356-365 Downloads
Hao-wen Xi, Jorge Viñals and J.D. Gunton
Two-tag correlation functions in one-dimensional lattice gases pp. 366-372 Downloads
S.N. Majumdar and Mustansir Barma
Models for intermediate time dynamics with two-time boundary conditions pp. 373-380 Downloads
L.S. Schulman
Dynamics of Ising ferromagnets in droplet model pp. 381-385 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and János Kertész
Multifractality of the harmonic measure on fractal aggregates, and extended self-similarity pp. 386-393 Downloads
Benoît Mandelbrot and Carl J.G. Evertsz
The iterative evolution of complex systems pp. 394-400 Downloads
T. Erber and D. Gavelek
Crossover from Ising to mean-field critical behavior in a kinetic Ising model with competing flip and exchange dynamics pp. 401-406 Downloads
M. Droz, Z. Rácz and P. Tartaglia
Onset of scale-invariant pattern in growth processes: the cracking problem pp. 407-415 Downloads
R. Blumenfeld and R.C. Ball
Formulae for cycles in the Mandelbrot set pp. 416-420 Downloads
John Stephenson
Finite-size effects for surface tension and capillary waves pp. 421-427 Downloads
D.B. Abraham
How universal is critical-point wetting? pp. 428-436 Downloads
J.O. Indekeu
Microscopic derivation of the effective interface Hamiltonian for liquid-vapor interfaces pp. 437-442 Downloads
S. Dietrich and M. Napiórkowski
Competition between self-attraction and adsorption in directed self-avoiding polymers pp. 443-452 Downloads
Damien P. Foster and Julia Yeomans
2D critical wetting: revisited pp. 453-459 Downloads
Martin Zapotocky and Timothy Halpin-Healy
The two-dimensional Ising model with two defect lines — a Monte Carlo study pp. 460-465 Downloads
Walter Selke
New phenomena predicted for films on weak-binding surfaces pp. 466-473 Downloads
E. Cheng, A. Chizmeshya, M.W. Cole, J.R. Klein, J. Ma, W.F. Saam and J. Treiner
Density functional theory beyond the surface tension. Interfacial width, elastic bending constants and line tension pp. 474-482 Downloads
A. Robledo, C. Varea and V. Romero-Rochín
Phase transition shifts in films pp. 483-488 Downloads
K. Binder and D.P. Landau
Adsorption and wetting on moveable walls pp. 489-494 Downloads
P.D. Gallagher and J.V. Maher
Sum rules for interface Hamiltonians pp. 495-504 Downloads
Lev V. Mikheev and John D. Weeks
Universal finite-size scaling amplitude for the critical interfacial tension of a 2D Lennard-Jones mixture pp. 505-508 Downloads
K.K. Mon
Effects of localized perturbations on the properties of the S = 12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice pp. 509-516 Downloads
J. Oitmaa and D.D. Betts
Strange vortex structures in layered superconductors pp. 517-522 Downloads
V.L. Pokrovsky
Scaling thermodynamic model for type I superconductors pp. 523-529 Downloads
Miron Kaufman
Renormalization group for interacting fermions in d > 1 pp. 530-536 Downloads
R. Shankar
Quasi-long-range order in anyon superfluids pp. 537-543 Downloads
Daniel Boyanovsky and David Jasnow
Quantum vector spin-glass in a field: results for general spin pp. 544-552 Downloads
Yadin Y. Goldschmidt and Pik-Yin Lai
Hall effect at the magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition pp. 553-560 Downloads
Matthew P.A. Fisher
Can a phase transition make quantum mechanics less embarrassing? pp. 561-566 Downloads
N. David Mermin
Scaling, localization and bandwidths for equations with competing periods pp. 567-577 Downloads
D.J. Thouless and Yong Tan
Screened Coulomb interaction or Hubbard model? pp. 578-584 Downloads
Daniel C. Mattis and Douglas Henderson
Fractal clusters in the learning curve pp. 585-588 Downloads
John T. Bendler and Michael F. Shlesinger
Fractal aggregates, and the current lines of their electrostatic potentials pp. 589-592 Downloads
Carl J.G. Evertsz and Benoît Mandelbrot
Page updated 2025-03-31