Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 231, issue 4, 1996
- Lattice animal enumeration as a test of detailed balance in the Clarke-Vvedensky model of epitaxial growth pp. 369-374

- Pui-Man Lam and Fereydoon Family
- Multiple invasion percolation pp. 375-392

- Roberto N. Onody and Reginaldo A. Zara
- Analysis of daily temperature fluctuations pp. 393-396

- Eva Koscielny-Bunde, Armin Bunde, Shlomo Havlin and Yair Goldreich
- Reentrant phases in the ± J spin glass pp. 397-407

- Shirin Haque-Copilah, Aldwyn Tang Kai and Naeem Jan
- Effective nonlinear response in random nonlinear granular materials pp. 408-416

- P.M. Hui and K.H. Chung
- The collision of particles in granular systems pp. 417-424

- Nikolai V. Brilliantov, Frank Spahn, Jan-Martin Hertzsch and Thorsten Pöschel
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermomechanics for an effective pair potential used in smooth particle applied mechanics pp. 425-438

- Wm.G. Hoover and Siegfried Hess
- Finite-size scaling for near-critical continuum fluids at constant pressure pp. 439-447

- N.B. Wilding and K. Binder
- Strong nonlinear rupture theory of thin free liquid films pp. 448-460

- Chi-Chuan Hwang,, Jun-Liang Chen,, Li-Fu Shen, and Cheng-I Weng,
- The influence of an external magnetic field and anisotropy on the “charge” Q(t, x) = divvs in 3He A pp. 461-466

- Zygmunt M. Galasiewicz
- Phase transitions of a neutral polyampholyte pp. 467-483

- Marcia C. Barbosa and Yan Levin
- The a-c field influence on conductive channels formation in thread-like structure polymers pp. 484-494

- E.S. Shikhovtseva and O.A. Ponomarev
- Universality in the three-dimensional hard-sphere lattice gas pp. 495-498

- Atsushi Yamagata
- Monte Carlo simulation of Alaska wolf survival pp. 499-503

- S.J. Feingold
- Monte Carlo simulations of sexual reproduction pp. 504-514

- D. Stauffer, P.M.C. de Oliveira, S.Moss de Oliveira and R.M.Zorzenon dos Santos
- The green wave model of two-dimensional traffic: Transitions in the flow properties and in the geometry of the traffic jam pp. 515-533

- János Török and János Kertész
- Two lane traffic simulations using cellular automata pp. 534-550

- M. Rickert, K. Nagel, M. Schreckenberg and A. Latour
- Probability distribution functions for a single-particle vibrating in one dimension: experimental study and theoretical analysis pp. 551-574

- S. Warr, W. Cooke, R.C. Ball and J.M. Huntley
- Newtonian versus Langevin dynamics: Example of ϕ4-model with infinite range interactions pp. 575-587

- V.G. Rostiashvili
- On the growth of nonequilibrium spatial correlations in a model reaction diffusion system pp. 588-607

- Jerzy Gorecki and Kazuo Kitahara
- Energy avalanches in a rice-pile model pp. 608-614

- Luís A. Nunes Amaral and Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen
- Linear oscillators driven by Gaussian colored noise: crossovers and probability distributions pp. 615-630

- Ke-Gang Wang and Jaume Masoliver
- Late-stage coarsening of adlayers by dynamic cluster coalescence pp. 631-647

- David S. Sholl and Rex T. Skodje
- Relaxational trajectories: global approximations pp. 648-672

- Alexander N. Gorban, Iliya V. Karlin, Vladimir B. Zmievskii and T.F. Nonnenmacher
- Equilibrium properties of a spin-1 Ising system with bilinear, biquadratic and odd interactions pp. 673-686

- Cabir Temirci, Ali Kökçe and Mustafa Keskin
- Analytical study of an asymmetric 1D statistical model for chemical reactions pp. 687-704

- Claude Aslangul
- Can analysis of word frequency distinguish between writings of different authors? pp. 705-711

- Baruch Vilensky
Volume 231, issue 1, 1996
- Continuum theory of percolation and association pp. 1-19

- G. Stell
- Scaling and universality in animate and inanimate systems pp. 20-48

- H.E. Stanley, L.A.N. Amaral, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, H. Leschhorn, P. Maass, H.A. Makse, C.-K. Peng, Michael Salinger, M.H.R. Stanley and G.M. Viswanathan
- Non-exponential relaxation of density fluctuations in strongly interacting colloidal suspensions pp. 49-61

- Gerhard Nägale, Peter Baur and Rudolf Klein
- Generalized Langevin equation for non-spherical colloidal particles pp. 62-72

- M. Hernández-Contreras, M. Medina-Noyola and O. Alarcón-Waess
- SANS and SAXS studies of pluronic L64 in concentrated solution pp. 73-81

- Guangwei Wu, Lizhi Liu, Vinh-Bao Buu, Benjamin Chu and Dieter K. Schneider
- Structure of the isotropic and lamellar phase of a solution of tetramethylammonium perfluorononanoate in D2O pp. 82-98

- G. Fröba and J. Kalus
- Off-specular X-ray scattering studies of the morphology of thin films pp. 99-110

- S.K. Sinha, Y.P. Feng, C.A. Melendres, D.D. Lee, T.P. Russell, S.K. Satija, E.B. Sirota and M.K. Sanyal
- Liquid surface order: X-ray reflectivity pp. 111-116

- P.S. Pershan
- Molecular dynamics investigation of an ethanol-water solution pp. 117-122

- Mounir Tarek, Douglas J. Tobias and Michael L. Klein
- New perspectives in transport phenomena in electrolytes pp. 123-143

- Serge Durand-Vidal, Pierre Turq, Olivier Bernard, Claude Treiner and Lesser Blum
- Critical dynamics of supramolecular mixtures. Application to microemulsion systems and to nonionic amphiphile-water micellar solutions pp. 144-160

- K. Hamano, E. Ducros, E. Louisor, J. Rouch and P. Tartaglia
- The static electrical conductivity of water-in-oil microemulsions below percolation threshold pp. 161-167

- F. Bordi, C. Cametti, S.H. Chen, J. Rouch, F. Sciortino and P. Tartaglia
- Entropy of phase-separated structures pp. 168-177

- S. Marčelja
- Can the Helfrich free energy for curved interfaces be derived from first principles? pp. 178-190

- A. Robledo and C. Varea
- Cluster aggregation under diffusion pp. 191-196

- Francesco Sciortino and Piero Tartaglia
- Violation of the electroneutrality condition in confined unsymmetrical electrolytes pp. 197-206

- Marcelo Lozada-Cassou, Wilmer Olivares, Belky Sulbarán and Yu Jiang
- Dynamics of water confined in non-ionic amphiphiles supramolecular structures pp. 207-219

- Francesco Mallamace, John C. Earnshaw, Norberto Micali, Sebastiano Trusso and Cirino Vasi
- Equilibrium structure in polymer-coated colloids pp. 220-235

- David Ronis
- Counterion condensation theory constructed from different models pp. 236-253

- Gerald S. Manning
- Density profiles of a dimerizing fluid in contact with a crystalline surface pp. 254-264

- D. Henderson, A. Kovalenko, O. Pizio and S. Solołowski
- Mechanical properties of biological gels pp. 265-276

- Ralph Nossal
- Electrostatic energies in an ionic micellar solution in the mean spherical approximation pp. 277-287

- Y.C. Liu and S.H. Chen
- On the dynamics of magnetic colloidal particles and holes pp. 288-294

- M.C. Miguel and J.M. Rubí
- Structure functions of rod-like DNA fragment and polystyrenesulfonate solutions in the modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory pp. 295-303

- L.B. Bhuiyan, C.W. Outhwaite and J.R.C. van der Maarel
- Electrochemically controlled microstructure based on self-assembled thin film of (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane at gold electrodes and STM characterization pp. 304-316

- Guangli Che, A. Manivannan and Carlos R. Cabrera
- Field and dimensionality effects in trapping reaction kinetics pp. 317-323

- G. Sibona, C.E. Budde and C.A. Condat
- Density functional approach to non-uniformly charged membrane/solvent interfaces pp. 324-329

- W.J. Ellis, P.C. Jordan and M.B. Partenskii
- Equation of state for a charged colloidal system pp. 330-336

- J.N. Herrera and L. Blum
- Impurity induced correction to the embedded atom method embedding function pp. 337-345

- Fredy Zypman and John Ferrante
- Kinetics of spinodal decomposition in chemically crosslinked gels pp. 346-358

- Rama Bansil, Guangdong Liao and Peter Falus
- Application of dense microemulsions to magnetic resonance imaging pp. 359-367

- J.E. Roe, D.D. Ramanan, J.P. Hornak and M. Kotlarchyk
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