Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 298, issue 3, 2001
- Scaling approach to the nonlocal surface growth equations pp. 257-265

- Gang Tang and Benkun Ma
- Growth kinetics in melt-crystallizing polymers: a possible role of nucleating agents pp. 266-277

- F. Aliotta, G. Di Marco and M. Pieruccini
- Diffusion of a deformable body in a random flow pp. 278-284

- Gady Frenkel and Moshe Schwartz
- Random walk in a discrete and continuous system with a thin membrane pp. 285-296

- Tadeusz Kosztołowicz
- Flow equations on a fractal structure pp. 297-314

- Marta González, Mariela Araujo and Adolfo Rodrı́guez
- Renormalization approach for the simulation of two-phase flow in porous media pp. 315-329

- Adolfo A Rodrı́guez and Mariela Araujo
- Escape times for rigid Brownian rotators in a bistable potential from the time evolution of the Green function and the characteristic time of the probability evolution pp. 330-350

- W.T. Coffey, D.S.F. Crothers and S.V. Titov
- A generalized Davydov soliton model for energy transfer in alpha helical proteins pp. 351-370

- M. Daniel and M.M. Latha
- Structure–entropy relationship in repulsive glassy systems pp. 371-386

- Shalom Baer
- An improved method to estimate the fractal dimension of physical fractals based on the Hausdorff definition pp. 387-399

- F. Martı́nez-López, M.A. Cabrerizo-Vı́lchez and R. Hidalgo-Álvarez
- Graphical representation of the excess entropy pp. 400-418

- Adam Bednorz
- Complex multifractal measures and a generalized multifractal formalism pp. 419-430

- W. Jeżewski
- Real processing V The balance of entropy production pp. 431-454

- B. Reiser
- Thermodynamic properties of an ideal system trapped in a generic cylindrical power-law potential pp. 455-464

- Zijun Yan
- Why sexual reproduction? Why four bases? pp. 465-470

- Subinay Dasgupta
- Cluster size distribution of cell aggregates in culture pp. 471-487

- Rosemairy L. Mendes, Anésia A. Santos, M.L. Martins and M.J. Vilela
- Market ecology of active and passive investors pp. 488-498

- Andrea Capocci and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- Evidence of Markov properties of high frequency exchange rate data pp. 499-520

- Ch. Renner, J. Peinke and R. Friedrich
- Heterogeneous volatility cascade in financial markets pp. 521-529

- Gilles Zumbach and Paul Lynch
- Two-step competition process leads to quasi power-law income distributions pp. 530-536

- Anthony F.J. van Raan
- Crowd–anticrowd theory of the minority game pp. 537-544

- M Hart, P Jefferies, N.f Johnson and P.m Hui
- Different strategies of evolution in a predator–prey system pp. 545-552

- Michel Droz and Andrzej Pȩkalski
- Geometrical structure of the neuronal network of Caenorhabditis elegans pp. 553-561

- Satoru Morita, Ken-ichi Oshio, Yuko Osana, Yasuhiro Funabashi, Kotaro Oka and Kiyoshi Kawamura
Volume 298, issue 1, 2001
- Ionization properties of interfaces and linear polyelectrolytes: a discrete charge Ising model pp. 1-23

- Michal Borkovec, John Daicic and Ger J.M. Koper
- Electrically induced anisotropy in nanospheres dispersions pp. 24-31

- C. Chassagne, M. Fontana and Ger J.M. Koper
- Wrinkling of plates coupled with soft elastic media pp. 32-45

- Jan Groenewold
- Local-field effects and electronic anisotropy of the (1×2) reconstructed Au(1 1 0) surface pp. 46-55

- J.-K. Hansen, J. Bremer, L. Seime and O. Hunderi
- Cluster structure and dynamics in a mesoscopic solvent pp. 56-68

- Song Hi Lee and Raymond Kapral
- The break-up of a liquid cylinder in a centrifugal field pp. 69-74

- H.N.W. Lekkerkerker and E.H.A. de Hoog
- Membrane crumpling and restricted swelling in onion phases pp. 75-80

- E. van der Linden and P. Versluis
- Mesoscopic non-equilibrium thermodynamics for quantum systems pp. 81-100

- D. Bedeaux and P. Mazur
- The extended Enskog operator for simple fluids with continuous potentials: single particle and collective properties pp. 101-120

- Kunimasa Miyazaki, I.M. de Schepper and Biman Bagchi
- On an operator identity central to projection operator methodology pp. 121-139

- Wilson Lamb, Ian Murdoch and John Stewart
- Turbulent drag reduction in one and two dimensions pp. 140-154

- Theo Odijk
- Role of constraints in the thermodynamics of heterogeneous condensation on solid soluble particles: failure of the capillarity approximation pp. 155-176

- Y.S. Djikaev, R. Bowles and H. Reiss
- Mesoscopic non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to the dynamics of polymers pp. 177-186

- J.M. Rubı́ and A. Pérez-Madrid
- Shear induced diffusion in viscoelastic materials with anisotropic rigid particles pp. 187-197

- Leonard M.C. Sagis
- Experimental and modeled deposition kinetics of large colloidal particles pp. 198-228

- Ph. Carl, M. Schxccmittbuhl, P. Schaaf, J.-F. Stoltz, J.-C. Voegel and B. Senger
- The hydrophobic heat-capacity anomaly pp. 229-236

- P. Bhimalapuram and B. Widom
- Hydrodynamic fluctuations of a liquid with anisotropic molecules pp. 237-254

- A.V. Zatovsky and A.V. Zvelindovsky
Volume 297, issue 3, 2001
- Four-dimensional polymer collapse II: interacting self-avoiding trails pp. 275-290

- T. Prellberg and A.L. Owczarek
- High field fluid dynamical models for the transport of charge carriers in semiconductors pp. 291-302

- A.M. Anile, S.F. Liotta and G. Mascali
- Viscoelastic materials with anisotropic rigid particles: stress-deformation behavior pp. 303-320

- Leonard M.C. Sagis and Erik van der Linden
- Multiparticle trapping problem in the half-line pp. 321-336

- Santos B. Yuste and L. Acedo
- Nosé–Hoover dynamics for coherent states pp. 337-347

- D. Mentrup and J. Schnack
- Analytic approach for the solution of the complex-valued strong non-linear differential equation of Duffing type pp. 348-360

- L. Cveticanin
- Dynamics of the fractional oscillator pp. 361-367

- B.N.Narahari Achar, J.W. Hanneken, T. Enck and T. Clarke
- Nonlinear electrohydrodynamic stability of a finitely conducting jet under an axial electric field pp. 368-388

- Abdel Raouf F. Elhefnawy, Bothaina M.H. Agoor and Abd Elmonem Khalil Elcoot
- Ballistic motion in quenched random environments pp. 389-400

- Sune Jespersen and Hans C. Fogedby
- Most probable paths in homogeneous and disordered lattices at finite temperature pp. 401-410

- Pratip Bhattacharyya, Yakov M. Strelniker, Shlomo Havlin and Daniel ben-Avraham
- Persistence and life time distribution in coarsening phenomena pp. 411-420

- V. Sridhar, K.P.N. Murthy and M.C. Valsakumar
- Pseudo-thermal cooling in a bounded system of viscoelastic hard-spheres pp. 421-433

- Payman Jalali, William Polashenski and Piroz Zamankhan
- Critical behavior of a class of noncommutative aperiodic models on hierarchical lattices pp. 434-440

- S.R. Salinas and W.F. Wreszinski
- Ferromagnetism in multi-band Hubbard models pp. 441-484

- Akinori Tanaka and Toshihiro Idogaki
- Simulated emergence of cyclic sexual–asexual reproduction pp. 485-494

- J.S. Sá Martins and A. Racco
- Bursts and cavity formation in Hydra cells aggregates: experiments and simulations pp. 495-508

- José C.M. Mombach, R.M.C. de Almeida, G.L. Thomas, A. Upadhyaya and J.A. Glazier
- Truncated Lévy walks and an emerging market economic index pp. 509-520

- L.Couto Miranda and R. Riera
- Routing control of packet flow using neural network pp. 521-531

- Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Shigeki Ishioka
- Layered neural network with intra-layer connections using Q-states clock neurons pp. 532-548

- Katsuki Katayama and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
Volume 297, issue 1, 2001
- Efficiency optimization in forced ratchets due to thermal fluctuations pp. 1-12

- K. Sumithra and T. Sintes
- Fluid fields due to many-body hydrodynamic interactions pp. 13-25

- I.T. Pieńkowska
- Simulation of bilayer membranes in soft confinement pp. 26-36

- Srilekha Banerjee and Papiya Nandy
- Interior Stokes flows with stick-slip boundary conditions pp. 37-63

- D. Palaniappan and Prabir Daripa
- Dynamic surface critical behavior of isotropic Heisenberg ferromagnets pp. 64-72

- M. Krech, H. Karl and H.W. Diehl
- Transition to turbulence in the Reynolds’ experiment pp. 73-78

- G. Francisco and C.R. Santos
- Application of dwell-time series in studies of long-range correlation in single channel ion transport: analysis of ion current through a big conductance locust potassium channel pp. 79-96

- Zuzanna Siwy, Szymon Mercik, Karina Weron and Marcel Ausloos
- Nonlinear transport in a binary mixture in the presence of gravitation pp. 97-114

- E.E. Tahiri, M. Tij and V. Garzó
- Comment on “Response to ‘Rotational velocity autocorrelation function of interacting Brownian particles’” pp. 115-116

- B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
- Non-relativistic q-gases with low critical temperatures pp. 117-130

- Ligia M.C.S. Rodrigues and Stenio Wulck
- Investigation of critical properties in the two-dimensional site-diluted Ising ferromagnet pp. 131-141

- U.L. Fulco, F.D. Nobre, L.R. da Silva and L.S. Lucena
- Quantum percolation in power-law diluted chains pp. 157-163

- R.P.A. Lima and M.L. Lyra
- Statistical mechanics and the description of the early universe. (I). Foundations for a slightly non-extensive cosmology pp. 164-200

- M.E. Pessah, Diego F. Torres and H. Vucetich
- Statistical mechanics and the description of the early universe. (II). Principle of detailed balance and primordial 4He formation pp. 201-228

- M.E. Pessah and Diego F. Torres
- Nonquantum particle correlations in the framework of Bohm's theory pp. 229-234

- Savino Longo
- Phenomenological theory of survival pp. 235-241

- Azbel′, Mark Ya.
- Modeling complexity in biology pp. 242-252

- Yoram Louzoun, Sorin Solomon, Henri Atlan and Irun.R. Cohen
- A self-organising model of market with single commodity pp. 253-259

- Anirban Chakraborti, Srutarshi Pradhan and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- Delay transition of a recurrent bus on a circular route pp. 260-268

- Takashi Nagatani
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