Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 221, issue 4, 1995
- On electrostatic rigidity of polyelectrolytes: an analogy with quantum electrodynamics pp. 389-418

- Arkady L. Kholodenko and Redouane Borsal
- Dynamic frequency-dependent dielectric response of three aqueous biomolecular solutions pp. 419-437

- Sankar Chakraborty and Brian DeFacio
- Observation of colloidal crystals with the cesium chloride structure pp. 438-444

- S.M. Underwood, W. van Megen and P.N. Pusey
- Ageing, war and predators pp. 445-452

- H. Puhl, D. Stauffer and S. Roux
- Modeling the oldest old pp. 453-459

- S. Moss de Oliveira, P.M.C. de Oliveira and D. Stauffer
- Multi-fractal aspects of the fine-scale structure of temperature fluctuations in isotropic turbulence pp. 460-477

- Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi
- Response function theory for thermal perturbations in informational statistical thermodynamics pp. 478-494

- Áurea Rosas Vasconcellos, Roberto Luzzi and Leopoldo S. García-Colin
- Diffusion and mobility and generalized Einstein relation pp. 495-510

- Áurea Rosas Vasconcellos, Roberto Luzzi and Leopoldo S. García-Colin
- Quantum kinetic equation for nonequilibrium dense systems pp. 511-538

- V.G. Morozov and G. Röpke
- The full solution of the independent oscillator model and the properties of the environment pp. 539-553

- Jian-zhong Gu, Xi-zhen Wu and Yi-zhong Zhuo
- Monte Carlo study of the Yukawa coupled two-spin Ising model pp. 554-564

- Richard Brower, Kostas Orginos, Yue Shen and Chung-I Tan
Volume 221, issue 1, 1995
- Complex dynamics in initially separated reaction-diffusion systems pp. 1-14

- S. Havlin, M. Araujo, Y. Lereah, H. Larralde, A. Shehter, H.E. Stanley, P. Trunfio and B. Vilensky
- Femtosecond processes and ultrafast biological electron transfer pp. 15-29

- Satoru Suzuki, H.C. Sung, M. Hayashi and S.H. Lin
- Estimation of possible selectivity and sensitivity of a cooperative system to low-intensive microwave radiation pp. 30-40

- A.K. Vidybida
- Conformal invariance of a model of percolation on random lattices pp. 41-51

- Yvan Saint-Aubin
- Crossover scaling functions and an extended minimal subtraction scheme pp. 52-67

- Erwin Frey
- Renormalization group, scaling and universality in spanning probability for percolation pp. 68-79

- J.-P. Hovi and Amnon Aharony
- Universal scaling functions for site and bond percolations on planar lattices pp. 80-88

- Chin-Kun Hu,, Chai-Yu Lin, and Jau-Ann Chen,
- An extension of the dynamical foundation for the statistical equilibrium concept pp. 89-96

- R. Hilfer
- Critical behavior of an absorbing phase transition in an interacting monomer-dimer model pp. 97-103

- Hyunggyu Park and Heungwon Park
- Helicity modulus near a three-state Potts-like transition pp. 104-108

- I.M. Jiang and C.C. Huang
- Thermodynamic properties of ideal particles in a finite number of layers pp. 109-116

- Tzay-ming Hong, and Jyh-horng Lin,
- Renormalization group transformations for spin systems pp. 117-124

- V. Kushnir and B. Rosenstein
- Some new results on fracture pp. 125-133

- Hans J. Herrmann
- Model study of fracture propagation — solutions of steady-state propagation and their stability pp. 134-142

- Emily S.C. Ching, J.S. Langer and Hiizu Nakanishi,
- Phase transformation and deep-focus earthquakes pp. 143-151

- Lin-gun Liu,
- Fractal characterization of an earthquake sequence pp. 152-158

- Jeen-Hwa Wang, and Chung-Wein Lee,
- Statistical models for studying DNA sequence evolution pp. 159-167

- Wen-Hsiung Li and Xun Gu
- Extremal dynamics and punctuated co-evolution pp. 168-179

- Kim Sneppen
- Statistical properties of DNA sequences pp. 180-192

- C.-K. Peng, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, Rosario Mantegna, M. Simons and H.E. Stanley
- Simulated annealing and the X-ray phase problem pp. 193-201

- W.P. Su
- Time evolution of three-dimensional cellular systems: Computer modeling based on vertex-type models pp. 202-215

- Kazuhiro Fuchizaki, and Kyozi Kawasaki,
- Kinetics of polymerization-induced phase separation pp. 216-222

- Shu-Hsia Chen, and Wei-Jou Chen,
- Phase equilibrium and conformation of a polymer in a binary solvent pp. 223-232

- Kiwing To,, C.K. Chan and H.J. Choi
- Unfolding a collapsed macromolecule: a first-order phase transition pp. 233-240

- Pik-Yin Lai,
- Davydov soliton in alpha helical proteins: higher order and discreteness effects pp. 241-255

- M. Daniel and K. Deepamala
- Lewis' law versus Feltham's law in soap froth pp. 256-262

- K.Y. Szeto and W.Y. Tam
- The viscosity of suspensions — an effective medium approach that incorporates Brownian motion pp. 263-276

- T.C. Choy
- Non-extensive thermostatistics: brief review and comments pp. 277-290

- Constantino Tsallis
- Random walk of single atoms and small atom-clusters on solid surfaces pp. 291-296

- Tien T. Tsong
- Fractal dissociation dynamics of diatomic ions in a DC field pp. 297-313

- C.M. Wei, J.M. Yuan and T.T. Tsong
- A multimedia introduction to chaos pp. 314-329

- Yih-Yuh Chen
- New applications of the two-state random model pp. 330-339

- M. Gitterman
- Stochastic transient of a noisy van der Pol oscillator pp. 340-347

- H.K. Leung
- Various routes to chaos in n-GaAs compensated with Ni impurities pp. 348-360

- Yuo-Hsien Shiau, and Yi-Chen Cheng,
- The emergence of free energy pp. 361-371

- George Marx
- Large random matrices and universal correlations pp. 372-379

- E. Brézin
- The novel non-linear dc response of Ag thin films deposited on porous silicon: a fractal model explanation pp. 380-387

- T.F. Young, W.C. Kuo, I.M. Jiang, T.C. Chang and C.Y. Chang
Volume 220, issue 3, 1995
- Discrete wavelet approach to multifractality pp. 219-238

- Jan W Kantelhardt, H Eduardo Roman and Martin Greiner
- Spin flipping and percolation for the ±J Spin Glass at zero temperature pp. 239-244

- Uwe Gropengiesser
- Percolation thresholds and percolation conductivities of octagonal and dodecagonal quasicrystalline lattices pp. 245-250

- F Babalievski
- The super long-time decay of velocity fluctuations in a two-dimensional fluid pp. 251-260

- C.p Lowe and D Frenkel
- Effects of encounters on phase separation dynamics from diffusion-controlled growth to coarsening pp. 261-276

- Michio Tokuyama and Yoshihisa Enomoto
- A general isomorphism approach to thermodynamic and transport properties of binary fluid mixtures near critical points pp. 277-324

- M.a Anisimov, E.e Gorodetskii, V.d Kulikov, A.a Povodyrev and J.v Sengers
- On the hydrodynamic theory of a magnetic liquid I. General description pp. 325-348

- I.m Mrygold, M.v Tokarchuk and R Folk
- Overscreening in colloidal systems: the attractive branch of pair macroion interaction pp. 349-356

- E.a Allahyarov, L.i Podloubny, P.P.J.m Schram and S.a Trigger
- Two dimensional chemical pattern formation in gels. Experiments and computer simulation pp. 357-375

- A Büki, É Kárpáti-Smidróczki and M Zrínyi
- Electron spectral density in a disordered system of hard sphere scatterers pp. 376-389

- B.u Felderhof and A Kauerauf
- Learning and retrieval in attractor neural networks with noise pp. 390-402

- R Erichsen and W.k Theumann
- Factorization properties of birational mappings pp. 403-470

- S Boukraa and J-M Maillard
- Nonlinear dynamics of charged particles interacting with combined ac-dc electromagnetic fields pp. 471-484

- Colin J Thompson, Keith M Briggs, Peter Farrell, Anthony Fleming, Bruce Hocking, Kenneth Joyner, Vitas Anderson and Andrew W Wood
- Mode competition in a system of two parametrically driven pendulums; the Hamiltonian case pp. 485-533

- E.j Banning and J.p van der Weele
- Finite-size scaling properties of the damage distance and dynamical critical exponent for the Ising model pp. 534-541

- Fugao Wang and Masuo Suzuki
- The effect of anisotropies on the transition temperature in a spin-12and spin-32 bilayer system with disordered interfaces pp. 542-551

- M Jaščur and T Kaneyoshi
- Quantum generalized Vlasov equation pp. 552-562

- Hebe Q Plácido and Ademir E Santana
- Environment-induced decoherence I. The Stern-Gerlach measurement pp. 563-575

- A Venugopalan, Deepak Kumar and R Ghosh
- Environment-induced decoherence II. Effect of decoherence on Bell's inequality for an EPR pair pp. 576-584

- A Venugopalan, Deepak Kumar and R Ghosh
- Reduced s-d model with antiferromagnetically coupled impurity spins pp. 585-598

- J Maćkowiak and M Wiśniewski
- Detailed balance and entropy for atoms in squeezed vacuum pp. 599-610

- K Osman and S.s Hassan
- Maximum Entropy-Minimum Norm method for the determination of level densities pp. 611-617

- N Canosa, H.g Miller, A Plastino and R Rossignoli
- Determination of bound states and resonances of the Debye-potential by complex scaling pp. 618-627

- H Haberland, W.d Kraeft, M Schlanges and D.o Gericke
- Critical behavior of diluted Heisenberg ferromagnets with competing interactions pp. 628-647

- M D'Onorio De Meo, J.d Reger and K Binder
Volume 220, issue 1, 1995
- One the phase diagram of the Hubbard model pp. 1-14

- J.M.J. van Leeuwen and D.F.B. ten Haaf
- Electronic transport through ballistic chaotic cavities: an information theoretic approach pp. 15-23

- Pier A. Mello and Harold U. Baranger
- Density profiles of associating fluid near a hard wall: PY/EMSA and HNC/EMSA singlet theory pp. 24-32

- S. Sokołowski, D. Henderson, A. Trokhymchuk and O. Pizio
- Bending rigidities and spontaneous curvature for a spherical interface pp. 33-47

- C. Varea and A. Robledo
- Saffman-Taylor fingers with anisotropic surface tension pp. 48-59

- Eugenia Corvera, Hong Guo and David Jasnow
- Viscous fingering in complex fluids pp. 60-73

- D. Bonn, H. Kellay, M. Bräunlich, M.Ben Amar and J. Meunier
- Heterogeneous nucleation of molecular and dipolar fluids pp. 74-84

- V. Talanquer and David W. Oxtoby
- Growth models for discontinuous films pp. 85-98

- J.A. Blackman
- TGB phases: Abrikosov vortex lattices in liquid crystals pp. 99-112

- T.C. Lubensky
- Phase diagram of a liquid crystal model: A computer simulation study pp. 113-138

- Luis F. Rull
- The isotropic-nematic phase transition: the Onsager theory revisited pp. 139-164

- Dave C. Williamson
- Hyperbolic type transport equations pp. 165-172

- L.S. García-Colín and M.A. Olivares-Robles
- Structural properties of colloidal suspensions pp. 173-191

- J.M. Méndez-Alcaraz, M. Chávez-Páez, B. D'Aguanno and R. Klein
- Lipid chain packing and lipid-protein interaction in membranes pp. 192-216

- Deborah R. Fattal and Avinoam Ben-Shaul
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