Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 315, issue 3, 2002
- Characterization of a low frequency power spectral density f−γ in a threshold model pp. 355-366

- Erika D'Ambrosio
- Canonical distribution functions in polymer dynamics. (I). Dilute solutions of flexible polymers pp. 367-385

- Patrick Ilg, Iliya V. Karlin and Hans Christian Öttinger
- Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (V). A linear superposition of states pp. 386-410

- Rui-Hua Xie and Qin Rao
- Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (VI). Atomic damping by a squeezed vacuum pp. 411-426

- Rui-Hua Xie and Qin Rao
- Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (VII). Entangled two-mode coherent states pp. 427-456

- Rui-Hua Xie and Qin Rao
- Integration of the soliton hierarchy with mixed sources pp. 457-479

- Yunbo Zeng and Shuo Ye
- Maximum-entropy approach with higher moments for solving Fokker–Planck equation pp. 480-492

- S.A. El-Wakil, E.M. Abulwafa, M.A. Abdou and A. Elhanbaly
- Quantum electron transport beyond linear response pp. 493-536

- Carolyne M. Van Vliet and Andres Barrios
- Chaotic and regular shear-induced orientational dynamics of nematic liquid crystals pp. 537-568

- G. Rienäcker, M. Kröger and S. Hess
- Special solutions of discrete Painlevé equations through direct linearisation pp. 569-582

- T Tamizhmani, B Grammaticos, K.m Tamizhmani and A Ramani
- On the nature of superconductivity in magnesium diboride MgB2. Quantitative analysis on the basis of indirect-exchange pairing pp. 583-600

- L. Jansen
- Classical limit of bosons in phase space pp. 601-615

- A.O. Bolivar
- Theory of the microscopic maser phase transitions pp. 616-642

- Bo-Sture K Skagerstam and Per K Rekdal
- Vortex corrections to universal scaling of magnetic fluctuations in 2D XY model pp. 643-649

- Peter C.W Holdsworth and Mauro Sellitto
- Algorithms of maximum likelihood data clustering with applications pp. 650-664

- Lorenzo Giada and Matteo Marsili
- Deterministic walks in random networks: an application to thesaurus graphs pp. 665-676

- O Kinouchi, A.s Martinez, G.f Lima, G.m Lourenço and S Risau-Gusman
- An algorithm generating random graphs with power law degree distributions pp. 677-690

- D Volchenkov and Ph Blanchard
Volume 315, issue 1, 2002
- Slow dynamics by molecular dynamics pp. 1-4

- Berni J. Alder
- Pico-canonical ensembles: a theoretical description of metastable states pp. 5-13

- Deepak Dhar
- Long-time tails of correlation and memory functions pp. 14-25

- Isao Sawada
- Proposal for a nonlinear top-down toy model of the brain pp. 26-39

- Surajit Sen
- Chaotic features in fractional iterative maps pp. 40-44

- Kyungsik Kim, Y.s Kong, B.i Henry and T Odagaki
- Statistical studies of complex systems: a random matrix approach pp. 45-52

- Pragya Shukla
- Signatures of random matrices in physical systems pp. 53-62

- Pragya Shukla
- Callen–Welton formula for slow temporal and spatial processes pp. 63-71

- V.V. Belyi
- The soliton solution of BBGKY'S chain of quantum kinetic equations for system of particles, interacting by delta potential pp. 72-78

- M.Yu. Rasulova
- Ion transport and channel transition in biomembranes pp. 79-97

- Kwonmoo Lee and Wokyung Sung
- A model of trabecular bone and an application to osteoporosis pp. 98-104

- Gemunu H Gunaratne, Kishore K Mohanty and Sunil J Wimalawansa
- Age-related regulation of genes: slow homeostatic changes and age-dimension technology pp. 105-113

- Kotoku Kurachi, Kezhong Zhang, Jeffrey Huo, Afshin Ameri, Mitsuhiro Kuwahara, Jean-Marc Fontaine, Kei Yamamoto and Sumiko Kurachi
- Role of the noise on the transient dynamics of an ecosystem of interacting species pp. 114-124

- B. Spagnolo and A. La Barbera
- Colony patterning and collective hyphal growth of filamentous fungi pp. 125-136

- Shu Matsuura
- Glassy behavior in neural network models of associative memory pp. 137-149

- Chandan Dasgupta
- Relaxation in nonlinear systems, nonconvergent infinite continued fractions and sensitive relaxation processes pp. 150-155

- Surajit Sen
- Analysis of congested flow at the upper stream of a tunnel pp. 156-162

- S Tadaki, K Nishinari, M Kikuchi, Y Sugiyama and S Yukawa
- Jamming and asymptotic behavior in competitive random parking of bidisperse cars pp. 163-173

- M.Kamrul Hassan, Jürgen Schmidt, Bernd Blasius and Jürgen Kurths
- Flow and jam of granular particles in a two-dimensional hopper pp. 174-180

- Kiwing To, Pik-Yin Lai and H.k Pak
- Ordering dynamics of striped patterns in vertically vibrated granular layers pp. 181-186

- Kipom Kim and Hyuk Kyu Pak
- Slow dynamical behaviors of the propagating signal in granular chain under gravity pp. 187-193

- Jongbae Hong
- Conservation principles in solitary impulse propagation through granular chains pp. 194-202

- David T Wu
- Thermal fluctuations and their ordering in turbulent convection pp. 203-214

- J.j Niemela and K.r Sreenivasan
- Convective and rotational instabilities in moist air pp. 215-221

- P.B. Rutkevich
- Cooperative behavior of colloidal particles in a complex plasma pp. 222-227

- Sergey V. Vladimirov
- On the inapplicability of Navier–Stokes equations to interpreting the turbulence pp. 228-235

- Igor V Lebed
- The time evolution of chemo-gravitational convection on a brim meniscus of wetting pp. 236-242

- Sergei P Karlov, Dmitry A Kazenin and Andrey V Vyazmin
- Complex and non-complex phase structures in models of spin glasses and information processing pp. 243-254

- Hidetoshi Nishimori
- Slow relaxation in superconducting arrays pp. 255-266

- Gun Sang Jeon and M.y Choi
- Onset of slow dynamics in supercooled liquid silicon pp. 267-273

- Srikanth Sastry
- Distribution of low-lying states in amorphous and glassy materials pp. 274-280

- Daniel C Mattis
- Statistical physics and liquid water at negative pressures pp. 281-289

- H.Eugene Stanley, M.c Barbosa, S Mossa, P.a Netz, F Sciortino, F.w Starr and M Yamada
- A new stochastic representation for the decay from a metastable state pp. 290-298

- Ferdinando de Pasquale, Antonio Mecozzi, Jerzy Gorecki and Bernardo Spagnolo
- Understanding glassy dynamics from the free-energy landscape pp. 299-301

- Chandan Dasgupta
- Low-temperature dynamics of spin glasses: walking in the energy landscape pp. 302-307

- J Krawczyk and S Kobe
- The liquid–glass transition in ethanol and cyclo-octanol by dielectric loss spectroscopy pp. 308-313

- Jiyoung Oh, Chung-Sik Kim, Hyung Kook Kim and Yoon-Hwae Hwang
- Infinite ground state degeneracy and glassy dynamics in the frustrated XY model and lattice Coulomb gas with f=16 pp. 314-320

- Sung Jong Lee, Bongsoo Kim and Jooyoung Lee
- Nonsingular behavior near the colloidal glass transition pp. 321-329

- Michio Tokuyama
- Responses of the complex Ginzburg–Landau equation under harmonic forcing pp. 330-341

- Jeenu Kim, Jysoo Lee and Byungnam Kahng
- Can randomness alone tune the fractal dimension? pp. 342-352

- M.k Hassan and J Kurths
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