Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 314, issue 1, 2002
- The physical modelling of society: a historical perspective pp. 1-14

- Philip Ball
- Power-law persistence in the atmosphere and in the oceans pp. 15-24

- Armin Bunde and Shlomo Havlin
- Networks in life: scaling properties and eigenvalue spectra pp. 25-34

- I Farkas, I Derényi, H Jeong, Z Néda, Z.n Oltvai, E Ravasz, A Schubert, A.-L Barabási and T Vicsek
- Quantum Parrondo's games pp. 35-42

- A.P. Flitney, J. Ng and D. Abbott
- Beneficial randomness of signals in a neuronal circuit pp. 43-52

- S. Milošević, S. Blesić and Dj. Stratimirović
- Noise-induced sensitization of human brain pp. 53-60

- Yoshiharu Yamamoto, Ichiro Hidaka, Daichi Nozaki, Noriko Iso-o, Rika Soma and Shin Kwak
- Reliability of neural encoding pp. 61-68

- Preben Alstrøm, Ulrik Beierholm, Carsten Dahl Nielsen, Jesper Ryge and Ole Kiehn
- Noise and determinism in cardiovascular dynamics pp. 69-76

- Peter V.E. McClintock and Aneta Stefanovska
- Gene Stanley, the n-vector model and random walks with absorbing boundaries pp. 77-82

- M.T. Batchelor and B.I. Henry
- Stochastic decision-making in the minority game pp. 83-91

- D. Sherrington, A.C.C. Coolen and J.A.F. Heimel
- Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of swarms of driven particles pp. 92-96

- Werner Ebeling
- Spatial scaling in persistence pp. 97-102

- Purusattam Ray
- Using percolation theory to predict oil field performance pp. 103-108

- P.r King, S.v Buldyrev, N.v Dokholyan, S Havlin, E Lopez, G Paul and H.e Stanley
- Is the Boston subway a small-world network? pp. 109-113

- Vito Latora and Massimo Marchiori
- Evolution of population in changing conditions pp. 114-119

- Andrzej Pȩkalski
- Spatio-temporal patterns in population dynamics pp. 120-124

- A La Barbera and B Spagnolo
- Buckling of spontaneously twisted ribbons pp. 125-129

- A.d Drozdov, S.v Panyukov and Y Rabin
- Qubit authentication pp. 130-139

- Marcos Curty, David J. Santos, Esther Pérez and Priscila Garcı́a-Fernández
- Distribution of backbone mass between non-parallel lines pp. 140-145

- Luciano R da Silva, Gerald Paul, Shlomo Havlin, Don R Baker and H.Eugene Stanley
- Delayed stochastic resonance with a 1-D ring pp. 146-150

- Toru Ohira
- The time-dependent traveling salesman problem pp. 151-155

- Johannes Schneider
- Replica integral equation theory for partly quenched electrolyte mixtures pp. 156-161

- V. Vlachy, B. Hribar and O. Pizio
- A lattice model for cytoskeletons’ dynamics: analysis of growth and shrinkage pp. 162-169

- Tadaomi Furuta and Kuniyoshi Ebina
- Localization, resonance and non-Hermitian quantum mechanics pp. 170-176

- Naomichi Hatano, Takahiro Watanabe and Junko Yamasaki
- Equation of state for systems with Goldstone bosons pp. 177-181

- Massimo Campostrini, Martin Hasenbusch, Andrea Pelissetto, Paolo Rossi and Ettore Vicari
- Towards a strong coupling theory for the KPZ equation pp. 182-191

- Hans C Fogedby
- Possible origin for the experimental scarcity of KPZ scaling in non-conserved surface growth pp. 192-199

- Rodolfo Cuerno and Mario Castro
- Lévy field distributions and anomalous spin relaxation in disordered magnetic systems pp. 200-207

- P. Maass and F. Scheffler
- Lévy flight random searches in biological phenomena pp. 208-213

- G.m Viswanathan, F Bartumeus, Sergey V. Buldyrev, J Catalan, U.l Fulco, Shlomo Havlin, M.G.e da Luz, M.l Lyra, E.p Raposo and H Eugene Stanley
- Random copolymers pp. 214-219

- S.g Whittington
- Percolation in dense storage arrays pp. 220-229

- Scott Kirkpatrick, Winfried W Wilcke, Robert B Garner and Harald Huels
- Complex dynamics of magnetic domain walls pp. 230-234

- G Durin and S Zapperi
- Concentration effects on two- and three-dimensional colloidal aggregation pp. 235-245

- A.e González, F Martı́nez-López, A Moncho-Jordá and R Hidalgo-Álvarez
- Reasoning from non-stationarity pp. 246-255

- Zbigniew R. Struzik, Willem J. van Wijngaarden and Robert Castelo
- Killer geometries in competing species dynamics pp. 256-263

- Serge Galam, Bastien Chopard and Michel Droz
- Some recent (and surprising) results on interface and contact line depinning in random media pp. 264-271

- Jean Vannimenus
- Particle banding in rotating fluids: a new pattern-forming system pp. 272-277

- S.g Lipson and G Seiden
- Temporal fractal structures: origin of power laws in the world-wide Web pp. 278-283

- Bosiljka Tadić
- Dendritic shape at high undercoolings pp. 284-290

- R González-Cinca
- Pattern formation in solutal convection: vermiculated rolls and isolated cells pp. 291-298

- Julyan H.E Cartwright, Oreste Piro and Ana I Villacampa
- Rigorous results on wetting, rough and heterogeneous substrates pp. 299-303

- Salvador Miracle-Solé
- The growth of grain avalanches pp. 304-309

- Jean Rajchenbach
- Complex fluid behavior: coupling of the shear stress with order parameter tensors of ranks two and three in nematic liquid crystals and in tetradic fluids pp. 310-319

- Siegfried Hess
- Cascades of popping bubbles pp. 320-324

- N Vandewalle, H Caps and S Dorbolo
- Spreading of a mercury droplet on thin gold films pp. 325-330

- Avraham Be'er, Yossi Lereah, Aviad Frydman and Haim Taitelbaum
- Complexity in the stepwise ideal gas Carnot cycle pp. 331-344

- Francesco di Liberto
- The controversial piston in the thermodynamic limit pp. 345-354

- Christian Gruber and Séverine Pache
- Identifying complexity by means of matrices pp. 355-361

- S Drożdż, J Kwapień, J Speth and M Wójcik
- Constrained geometries in soap froth dynamics pp. 362-369

- H.j Ruskin and Y Feng
- Novel approach to the analysis of the non-Debye dielectric spectrum broadening pp. 370-378

- Ya.E. Ryabov and Yuri Feldman
- Thermodynamic and structural aspects of the polyamorphic transition in yttrium and other rare-earth aluminate liquids pp. 379-390

- Martin C. Wilding, Paul F. McMillan and Alexandra Navrotsky
- Fluctuation and dissipation in liquid crystal electroconvection pp. 391-395

- Walter I Goldburg, Yadin Y Goldschmidt and Hamid Kellay
- Melting in two dimensions: first-order versus continuous transition pp. 396-404

- V.N. Ryzhov and E.E. Tareyeva
- New toppling dynamics for the self-organized critical rainfall model pp. 405-410

- Roberto F.S Andrade, Suani T.R Pinho, Sandro C Fraga and Ana P.M Tanajura
- Critical phenomena in binary and ternary polymer blends pp. 411-418

- Petr Štěpánek, Terry L. Morkved, Kasiraman Krishnan, Timothy P. Lodge and Frank S. Bates
- Boiling leading to self-organized convection near the gas–liquid critical point pp. 419-426

- Akira Onuki
- Can heat flow backward? Unusual thermal phenomena observed in near-critical fluids pp. 427-436

- D Beysens, Y Garrabos, R Wunenburger and C Lecoutre
- The renormalization group and optimization of non-extensive entropy: criticality in non-linear one-dimensional maps pp. 437-441

- A Robledo
- Heterogeneous nucleation at a planar surface pp. 442-447

- S Toxvaerd
- The critical behaviour of the long-range Potts chain from the largest cluster probability distribution pp. 448-453

- Katarina Uzelac and Zvonko Glumac
- Off-equilibrium response function in coarsening systems pp. 454-461

- F. Corberi, A. de Candia, E. Lippiello and M. Zannetti
- How does water freeze inside carbon nanotubes? pp. 462-469

- Kenichiro Koga, G.T. Gao, Hideki Tanaka and X.C. Zeng
- Relation between structural and dynamical anomalies in supercooled water pp. 470-476

- Paulo.A Netz, Francis.W Starr, Marcia C Barbosa and H.Eugene Stanley
- Structural and dynamical heterogeneity of stable and metastable water pp. 477-484

- G.G. Malenkov
- Water in complex environments such as living systems pp. 485-491

- Philippa M Wiggins
- Instantaneous normal mode analysis of short-time dynamics in hydrogen-bonded liquids pp. 492-500

- G. Garberoglio and R. Vallauri
- Neutron diffraction studies of structural phase transformations for water–ice in confined geometry pp. 501-507

- John Dore, Beau Webber, Monika Hartl, Peter Behrens and Thomas Hansen
- A theory for discriminating the mechanism responsible for the water density anomaly pp. 508-513

- Giancarlo Franzese and H. Eugene Stanley
- Further notes concerning the partial pair correlation functions of liquid (ambient) water pp. 514-520

- László Pusztai
- Features of the structural arrest in a glass-forming polymer melt pp. 521-525

- A Barbieri and D Leporini
- Fluctuations in liquids and glasses pp. 526-529

- Alexander Z Patashinski and Mark A Ratner
- Single particle dynamics of a confined Lennard–Jones mixture in the supercooled regime pp. 530-538

- P. Gallo, R. Pellarin and M. Rovere
- Competition between crystallization and glassification for particles with short-ranged attraction. Possible applications to protein crystallization pp. 539-547

- E. Zaccarelli, F. Sciortino, P. Tartaglia, G. Foffi, G.D. McCullagh, A. Lawlor and K.A. Dawson
- Chemical order lifetimes in liquids, and a second fictive temperature for glassformers pp. 548-559

- Luz-Maria Martinez and C.Austen Angell
- Metastable melting and pressure-induced amorphisation of GeSe2 pp. 560-566

- Tor Grande, Svein Stølen, Andrzej Grzechnik, Wilson A. Crichton and Mohamed Mezouar
- Slow dynamics in self-organizing systems pp. 567-574

- János Kertész, János Török, Supriya Krishnamurthy and Stéphane Roux
- Finding diffusive directions in supercooled liquids by partial minimization of the potential energy pp. 575-582

- J Chowdhary and T Keyes
- Ergodicity in simple and not so simple systems and Kubo's condition pp. 583-591

- M.Howard Lee
- Adaptive elastic properties of chromatin fiber pp. 592-599

- Eli Ben-Haı̈m, Annick Lesne and Jean-Marc Victor
- Understanding conserved amino acids in proteins pp. 600-606

- Nikolay V. Dokholyan, Leonid A. Mirny and Eugene I. Shakhnovich
- A simple model for DNA denaturation transition pp. 607-612

- Maria Serena Causo, Barbara Coluzzi and Peter Grassberger
- Modeling of complex protein structures pp. 613-622

- Peter Zipper and Helmut Durchschlag
- Sensitivity of the non-linear dynamics of lysozyme “Liesegang rings” to small asymmetries pp. 623-635

- M Lappa, D Castagnolo and L Carotenuto
- Non-linear behaviour of Lysozyme crystallisation pp. 636-645

- C. Piccolo, M. Lappa, A. Tortora and L. Carotenuto
- Replication associated mutational pressure generating long-range correlation in DNA pp. 646-654

- Paweł Mackiewicz, Maria Kowalczuk, Dorota Mackiewicz, Aleksandra Nowicka, Małgorzata Dudkiewicz, Agnieszka Łaszkiewicz, Mirosław R. Dudek and Stanisław Cebrat
- The shape of parallel surfaces: porous media, fluctuating interfaces and complex fluids pp. 655-662

- Klaus R Mecke
- Chaotic behavior in electro-rotation pp. 663-671

- E Lemaire and L Lobry
- Torroidal convection roll in a three-dimensional granular system pp. 672-677

- J Talbot and P Viot
- Approach for the structure analysis of complex molecular systems at computer simulation pp. 678-685

- N.n Medvedev
- Challenges and opportunities in complex materials: silica-reinforced elastomers pp. 686-695

- Dale W. Schaefer, Chetan Suryawanshi, Peyman Pakdel, Jan Ilavsky and Pete R. Jemian
- Nanobubbles: the big picture pp. 696-705

- Phil Attard, Michael P. Moody and James W.G. Tyrrell
- Numerical simulation of creeping fluid flow in reconstruction models of porous media pp. 706-713

- C. Manwart and R. Hilfer
- Correlation between molecular dynamics and thermal hysteresis in the 60/40 vinylidene fluoride and trifluoroethylene ferroelectric copolymer pp. 714-721

- E.López Cabarcos, A.F. Braña, B. Frick and F. Batallan
- Adam Smith's invisible hand is unstable: physics and dynamics reasoning applied to economic theorizing pp. 722-727

- Joseph L McCauley
- Mesoscopic behavior of economical flows by stochastic dynamics pp. 728-735

- Yoshitake Yamazaki and Herbert Gleiter
- Fat tails and colored noise in financial derivatives pp. 736-742

- Josep Perelló and Jaume Masoliver
- A model for distribution of high-tax payers pp. 743-748

- Keizo Yamamoto, Sasuke Miyazima, Rajindar K. Koshal and Yuko Yamada
- Waiting-times and returns in high-frequency financial data: an empirical study pp. 749-755

- Marco Raberto, Enrico Scalas and Francesco Mainardi
- Volatility in financial markets: stochastic models and empirical results pp. 756-761

- Salvatore Miccichè, Giovanni Bonanno, Fabrizio Lillo and Rosario Mantegna
- Random magnets and correlations of stock price fluctuations pp. 762-767

- Bernd Rosenow, Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, Vasiliki Plerou and H.Eugene Stanley
- Blue Skies Research and the global economy pp. 768-773

- Donald W Braben
- The US business cycle: power law scaling for interacting units with complex internal structure pp. 774-785

- Paul Ormerod
- Stock market context of the Lévy walks with varying velocity pp. 786-795

- Ryszard Kutner
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