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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 159, issue 3, 1989

Contribution of the electric double layer to the curvature elasticity of charged amphiphilic monolayers pp. 319-328 Downloads
H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
Damage spreading in a ferromagnetic cubic Ising system as a function of temperature and magnetic field pp. 329-342 Downloads
G. Le Caër
On the mathematical structure of Eu's modified moment method pp. 343-368 Downloads
Zbigniew Banach
Transport coefficients of multicomponent gas mixtures pp. 369-385 Downloads
Kuldip Singh, A.K. Dham and S.C. Gupta
Finite-size effects in a dimer model of crystallization pp. 386-406 Downloads
J.G. Brankov and V.B. Priezzhev
Atom-atom coupling effect upon the interaction of single mode radiation with two-level atoms pp. 407-419 Downloads
Sotirios A. Hadjiagapiou
On some properties of dielectrics exposed to a light wave pp. 420-439 Downloads
S.O. Gladkov
Functional mean field expansion for the many-body initial condition problem pp. 440-458 Downloads
S. Cruz Barrios and A.F.R. De Toledo Piza

Volume 159, issue 2, 1989

Determination of fractal dimensions for geometrical multifractals pp. 155-166 Downloads
Tamás Tél, Ágnes Fülöp and Tamás Vicsek
Site-diluted two-dimensional Ising models with competing interactions pp. 167-169 Downloads
M.J. Velgakis
On the spectrum of six-vertex corner transfer matrices pp. 171-187 Downloads
B. Davies
Current algebras and liquid helium pp. 188-220 Downloads
Uwe K. Albertin and Harry L. Morrison
On the statistical mechanics of interfaces and interfacial fluctuations pp. 221-238 Downloads
U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and B.L. Gyorffy
Discrete random walk representations for continuum stochastic dynamics pp. 239-255 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad and Amalia Pop
Step count number versus interaction time in jump Markovian dynamics pp. 256-272 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad and Amalia Pop
Noise-induced transition and turbulent spectral invariants pp. 273-284 Downloads
Hubert H. Shen
Ionization kinetics in non-ideal dense plasmas: Ionization fronts pp. 285-300 Downloads
W. Ebeling, A. Förster, D. Kremp and M. Schlanges
Magnetic type “charge” for superfluid velocity νs in 3He-A and 3He-B pp. 301-317 Downloads
Z.M. Galasiewicz

Volume 159, issue 1, 1989

Hydrodynamic interactions in suspensions with periodic boundary conditions pp. 1-18 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
Periodic fundamental solution of the linear Navier-Stokes equations pp. 19-27 Downloads
B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
Thermal conductivity of nitrogen in the temperature range 177 to 270 K pp. 28-43 Downloads
J. Millat, M.J. Ross and W.A. Wakeham
Structural studies of alkaline earth metals in the one-component plasma approximation pp. 44-51 Downloads
R.V. Gopala Rao and U. Bandyopadhyay
Theory of superfluidity pp. 52-62 Downloads
Pao Lu
Intermediate-time dynamics of a particle on a disordered tight-binding lattice: quantum dissipation versus disorder pp. 63-90 Downloads
C. Aslangul, N. Pottier and D. Saint-James
One-dimensional interfaces pp. 91-108 Downloads
G.L.M. Dassen, A. Kooiman and J.M.J. Van Leeuwen
On the linear response treatment of condensed matter absorption processes pp. 109-122 Downloads
C.A. Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann
On the Boltzmann observable approach in quantum statistical mechanics pp. 123-138 Downloads
Olaf Melsheimer
New developments for localized adsorption pp. 139-154 Downloads
M.-E. Boudh-Hir

Volume 158, issue 3, 1989

Theoretical model of the impedance of a fractal metal-electrolyte interface pp. 691-705 Downloads
W. Geerstsma, J.E. Gols and L. Pietronero
Electrostatic interactions in two-dimensional Coulomb systems with periodic boundary conditions pp. 706-722 Downloads
B. Cichocki and B.U. Felderhof
The driving force in electromigration pp. 723-739 Downloads
A. Lodder
Transverse magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of two-dimensional Ising lattices pp. 740-768 Downloads
R.B. McQuistan and J.L. Hock
Comparison between different markov approximations for open spin systems pp. 769-783 Downloads
M. Celio and D. Loss
A model for rotational energy exchange in polyatomic gases pp. 784-800 Downloads
Ivan Kuščer
Two, three and four-dimensional diffusion-limited aggregation models pp. 801-816 Downloads
Susan Tolman and Paul Meakin
A theory of freezing for molecular liquids pp. 817-841 Downloads
Udai P. Singh, Udayan Mohanty and Yashwant Singh
A probabilistic view on finite-size scaling in infinitely coordinated spherical models pp. 842-863 Downloads
J.G. Brankov and D.M. Danchev
Crossover from kinetic to diffusive behaviour for a class of generalized models of the Lorentz gas pp. 864-893 Downloads
Cz. Jasiukiewicz, R. Paszkiewicz and J. Woźny

Volume 158, issue 1, 1989

Supersymmetry and finite temperature pp. 1-21 Downloads
Ashok Das
Statistical quasi-particles as the normal component of a superfluid pp. 22-32 Downloads
Richard E. Norton
Induced Chern-Simons terms at high temperature pp. 33-37 Downloads
L.C.R. Wijewardhana
Dirichlet and other non-periodic boundary conditions in conflict with renormalization pp. 38-46 Downloads
Alfred Actor
Mass and wave-function renormalization at finite temperature pp. 47-57 Downloads
Werner Keil and Randy Kobes
Thermo fields from Euclidean path integrals pp. 58-63 Downloads
R. Laflamme
Nonlinear quantum field theories at finite temperature in the optimized expansion pp. 64-76 Downloads
Anna Okopińska
Finite-temperature effective action for composite operators in the O(N) scalar model pp. 77-84 Downloads
G. Pettini
On the λφ4−O(N) model at finite temperature pp. 85-95 Downloads
A.J. Da Silva
How d = 3 QCD resembles d = 4 QCD pp. 97-110 Downloads
John M. Cornwall
Non-equilibrium dynamics in finite-temperature QCD pp. 111-124 Downloads
Ulrich Heinz
Finite lattice-size effects on QCD thermodynamics pp. 125-135 Downloads
Joseph Kapusta
Quark-gluon plasma oscillations in transport theory pp. 136-145 Downloads
Stanisław Mrówczyński
Renormalized gauge propagator in hot gauge theories pp. 146-157 Downloads
Robert D. Pisarski
Confinement and spin-statistics for triality pp. 158-168 Downloads
Janos Polonyi
Particles and holes pp. 169-177 Downloads
H.Arthur Weldon
Dimensional reduction for QED and QCD at high temperature and large distances: New results pp. 178-187 Downloads
Ramón F. Alvarez-Estrada
Damping of QCD plasma oscillations in the Coulomb gauge pp. 189-191 Downloads
Ulrich Heinz
The gauge dependence of the gluon damping constant pp. 192-199 Downloads
R. Kobes and G. Kunstatter
How dissipation solves the infrared problem in thermal QCD pp. 200-224 Downloads
N.P. Landsman
The plasmon puzzle in perturbative thermal QCD pp. 226-234 Downloads
Sudhir Nadkarni
Non-abelian gauge couplings in thermal gauge field theories pp. 235-245 Downloads
Hisao Nakkagawa
How to compute scattering amplitudes in hot gauge theories pp. 246-250 Downloads
Robert D. Pisarski
The Green-Kubo formula in gauge theories pp. 251-260 Downloads
Hidenaga Yamagishi
Non-equilibrium fields and quantum kinetic theory in curved spaces pp. 261-268 Downloads
Esteban Calzetta
Mean field theory for non-equilibrium quantum fields pp. 269-290 Downloads
R. Jackiw
Quasi-particle field in nonequilibrium quantum field theory pp. 291-305 Downloads
H. Matsumoto
What is thermal? pp. 306-316 Downloads
Hiroomi Umezawa
Non-equilibrium open systems and non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics pp. 317-325 Downloads
Toshihico Arimitsu
Phase transition in non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics pp. 326-335 Downloads
I. Hardman, H. Umezawa and Y. Yamanaka
Particle creation and entropy generation in time-dependent quantum fields pp. 336-342 Downloads
Henry E. Kandrup
The dynamics of scalar fields in the inflationary universe pp. 343-358 Downloads
Robert H. Brandenberger and Hume A. Feldman
String corrections to the gravitational equations of motion and inflation pp. 359-365 Downloads
Keith A. Olive
Inflation and non-equilibrium dynamics pp. 366-376 Downloads
So-Young Pi
A systematic study of the conditions and mechanisms of the onset of inflation in the early universe pp. 377-386 Downloads
M. Samiullah
Hot curved space and the jeans mass pp. 387-398 Downloads
Barry R. Holstein
Dissipation in quantum fields and semiclassical gravity pp. 399-424 Downloads
B.L. Hu
Action and free energy for black hole topologies pp. 425-436 Downloads
James W. York
The role of gravitation in thermal physics (and thermo field theory) pp. 437-447 Downloads
Bernard F. Whiting
Thermal heterotic strings pp. 449-459 Downloads
Enrique Álvarez and M.A.R. Osorio
String mediated phase transitions pp. 460-478 Downloads
E. Copeland, D. Haws, S. Holbraad and R. Rivers
String and wall formation in the early universe pp. 479-498 Downloads
Hardy M. Hodges
Strings at finite temperature pp. 499-515 Downloads
P. Salomonson and B.-S. Skagerstam
String statistical mechanics pp. 516-535 Downloads
Neil Turok
Real-time T≠0 computations in string theory pp. 536-545 Downloads
Yvan Leblanc
Thermal distributions of first, second and third quantization pp. 546-554 Downloads
Michael McGuigan
Page updated 2025-03-31