Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 632, issue P2, 2023
- Simulation of multidirectional crossing pedestrian flows: An extended cell transmission model

- Tao Yu, Shanshan Wang, Hai-Hong Xu and Hai-Dong Yang
- Signal setting design to reduce noise emissions in a connected environment

- Roberta Di Pace, Facundo Storani, Claudio Guarnaccia and Stefano de Luca
- GNR: A universal and efficient node ranking model for various tasks based on graph neural networks

- Hongbo Qu, Yu-Rong Song, Ruqi Li and Min Li
- PT-symmetry effects in measurement-based quantum thermal machines

- Jonas F.G. Santos and Pritam Chattopadhyay
- Amazing aspects of inequality indices (Gini and Kolkata Index) of COVID-19 confirmed cases in India

- Soumendra Nath Ruz
- An improved car-following model considering the influence of multiple preceding vehicles in the same and two adjacent lanes

- Weiwei Qi, Siwei Ma and Chuanyun Fu
- The impact of regulatory policy on the growth of ride-hailing platform: System dynamics perspective

- Shouheng Sun, Zhenqin Wang and Weicai Wang
Volume 632, issue P1, 2023
- Statistical inference for mixed jump processes by Markov switching model with application to identify seismicity levels

- Zhikun Zhang, Min Dai and Xiangjun Wang
- Variable speed limit control strategy at the entrance and exit of freeway tunnel

- Changxi Ma, Jing Guo and Yongpeng Zhao
- Mixed traffic system with multiple vehicle types and autonomous vehicle platoon: Modeling, stability analysis and control strategy

- Shu-Tong Wang, Wen-Xing Zhu and Xiao-Long Ma
- A Benford’s Law view of inspections’ reasonability

- Maria Felice Arezzo and Roy Cerqueti
- A revisit to the Ising model in a transverse and random magnetic field

- Itacy J. Souza, Paulo H.Z. Arruda, Alberto S. de Arruda, Mounirou Karimou, Thiago M. Tunes and Marcelo F.Z. de Arruda
- Treatment seeking dilemma for tuberculosis as timed strategic prisoner’s dilemma game

- Pramod Kumar Yadav and Palak Goel
- Investigation of traffic-driven epidemic spreading by taxi trip data

- Zhong-Wen Lu, Yuan-Hao Xu, Jie Chen and Mao-Bin Hu
- A mixed traffic car-following behavior model

- Xinke Wang, Jian Zhang, Honghai Li and Zhengbing He
- Designing networks with specific synchronization transitions independent of the system’s dynamics

- Atiyeh Bayani, Prasina Alexander, Hamed Azarnoush, Karthikeyan Rajagopal, Sajad Jafari and Fahimeh Nazarimehr
- Motifs in earthquake networks: Romania, Italy, United States of America, and Japan

- Gabriel Tiberiu Pană and Alexandru Nicolin-Żaczek
- Identify influential nodes in complex networks: A k-orders entropy-based method

- Yali Wu, Ang Dong, Yuanguang Ren and Qiaoyong Jiang
- Analysis of potential flow networks: Variations in transport time with discrete, continuous, and selfish operation

- Varghese Kurian and Sridharakumar Narasimhan
- Effect of cellular dedifferentiation on the growth of cell lineages

- Kexun Yan, Maoxiang Wang, Fenglan Hu and Meng Xu
- A car following model in the context of heterogeneous traffic flow involving multilane following behavior

- Lin Hou, Yulong Pei and Qingling He
- On the theory of deep learning: A theoretical physics perspective (Part I)

- Alejandro Chinea Manrique de Lara
- Statistical model of synchronized cooperative motion in glass-forming liquids

- Danqi Yin and John C. Mauro
- Structural and dynamical behavior of a vibrated granular system of hard-cubes

- Luis Fernando Elizondo-Aguilera, Abraham Carrillo Ríos, Gustavo M. Rodríguez-Liñán, Francisco López González, Fernando Donado and Felipe Pacheco Vázquez
- Short-term traffic flow prediction based on secondary hybrid decomposition and deep echo state networks

- Guojing Hu, Robert W. Whalin, Tor A. Kwembe and Weike Lu
- Heterogeneous traffic flow cellular automata model mixed with intelligent controlled vehicles

- Keyi Liu and Tianjun Feng
- Potential field-based cooperative adaptive cruising control for longitudinal following and lane changing of vehicle platooning

- Zhentao Zhang, Xueyun Li, Chuqi Su, Xun Liu, Xin Xiong, Tianqi Xiao and Yiping Wang
- Analysis of car–following behaviors based on data–driven and theory–driven car–following models: Heterogeneity and asymmetry

- Weixiu Pan, Jing Zhang, Junfang Tian, Fengying Cui and Tao Wang
- The scheduling methods with different demand priorities for shared autonomous vehicle system in hybrid demands mode considering dynamic travel time

- Hongjun Cui, Yizhe Yang, Minqing Zhu, Xinwei Ma, Xiuyong Chen and Binghui Qie
- Optimizing the configuration of electric vehicle charging piles in public parking lots based on a multi-agent model

- Zhenyu Mei, Zuchen Que, Hai Qiu, Zheng Zhu and Zhengyi Cai
- Testing lockdown measures in epidemic outbreaks through mean-field models considering the social structure

- E.A. Rozan, S. Bouzat and M.N. Kuperman
- A method for reliability assessment of complex electromechanical system based on improved network connectivity entropy

- Zhichao He, Yanhui Wang, Weifu Xia, Yue Shen, Yucheng Hao and Qiuyang Ren
- A unified modeling framework for lane change intention recognition and vehicle status prediction

- Renteng Yuan, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Xin Gu, Ou Zheng and Qiaojun Xiang
- Analysis of the impact of cyberattacks on the lane changing behavior of connected automated vehicles

- Rongjun Cheng, Qun Ji, Yuchen Zheng and Hongxia Ge
- The Mixture Transition Distribution approach to networks: Evidence from stock markets

- D’Amico, Guglielmo, Riccardo De Blasis and Filippo Petroni
- Does anisotropy hold in mixed traffic conditions?

- Nandan Maiti and Bhargava Rama Chilukuri
- Robustness analysis of edge-coupled interdependent networks under different attack strategies

- Lili Zhou, Jun Yin, Fei Tan and Haibin Liao
- Effect of exchange, anisotropy, and external field interactions on the hysteresis and compensation of a two-dimensional ferrimagnet

- J.C. Madera, M. Karimou and N. De La Espriella
- Double-direction cyclic controlled quantum communication of single-particle states

- Jia-yin Peng, Miao Liu, Zhen Yang, Liang Tang and Jiang-gang Tang
- Ising models to study effects of risk aversion in socially interacting individuals

- Martin Drechsler
- Random site percolation thresholds on square lattice for complex neighborhoods containing sites up to the sixth coordination zone

- Krzysztof Malarz
- Accelerating convergence of inference in the inverse Ising problem

- Zhongqi Cai, Enrico Gerding and Markus Brede
- Volatility and returns connectedness in cryptocurrency markets: Insights from graph-based methods

- An Pham Ngoc Nguyen, Tai Tan Mai, Marija Bezbradica and Martin Crane
- Analysis of pedestrian crossing behavior based on Centralized Unscented Kalman Filter and pedestrian awareness based social force model

- Ziwei Wang, Pai Peng, Keke Geng, Xiaolong Cheng, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Jiansong Chen and Guodong Yin
- Neuronal plasticity features are independent of neuronal holding membrane potential

- Roni Vardi, Yael Tugendhaft and Ido Kanter
- A traffic-fractal-element-based congestion model considering the uneven distribution of road traffic

- Xiangyu Zheng, Ning Huang, Ya-nan Bai and Xin Zhang
- Measuring dependence structure and extreme risk spillovers in stock markets: An APARCH-EVT-DMC approach

- Zhengyuan Wei, Qingxia He, Qili Zhou and Ge Wang
Volume 631, issue C, 2023
- A short introduction to Generalized Hydrodynamics

- Fabian H.L. Essler
- Anomalous transport in low-dimensional systems: A pedagogical overview

- Roberto Livi
- Nonequilibrium phenomena in driven and active Coulomb field theories

- Mahdisoltani Saeed and Golestanian Ramin
- Introduction to the dynamics of disordered systems: Equilibrium and gradient descent

- Folena Giampaolo, Manacorda Alessandro and Zamponi Francesco
- An Introduction to Machine Learning: a perspective from Statistical Physics

- Aurélien Decelle
- Lecture notes of the 15th international summer school on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics: Colloidal dispersions

- Nicoletta Gnan
- A first look at first-passage processes

- S. Redner
- Introduction to viscoelasticity and plasticity, and their relation to the underlying microscopic dynamics in soft matter systems

- Cerbino Roberto and Trappe Véronique
- Rigorous and simple results on very slow thermalization, or quasi-localization, of the disordered quantum chain

- Wojciech De Roeck, François Huveneers, Branko Meeus and A. Oskar Prośniak
- Statistical physics of active matter, cell division and cell aggregation

- Jean-François Joanny and Joseph O. Indekeu
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