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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 232, issue 3, 1996

Colloidal crystals: a van der Waals approach pp. 575-584 Downloads
M. Baus, T. Coussaert and R. Achrayah
Self-consistent phonon studies of a model diatomic ferroelectric pp. 585-599 Downloads
E.R. Cowley
On the set of pure states for some systems with non-periodic long-range order pp. 600-607 Downloads
A.C.D. van Enter
Towards the rigorous theory of phase transitions in continuous systems pp. 608-615 Downloads
R. Gielerak
Flux phase problem in the 2-D Falicov-Kimball model pp. 616-624 Downloads
Ch. Gruber and D. Ueltschi
The development of the effective potential theory pp. 625-632 Downloads
G.K. Horton, D. Acocella and E.Roger Cowley
The symmetry of quasiperiodic crystals pp. 633-647 Downloads
R. Lifshitz
Periodic ground states in simple models of itinerant fermions interacting with classical fields pp. 648-656 Downloads
N. Macris
Low-temperature stability of quasicrystals pp. 657-661 Downloads
J. Miȩkisz
Theory and practice of “shape spectroscopy” of local FCC structures in computer simulations of nucleation and crystallization pp. 662-685 Downloads
A.C. Mitus, F. Smolej, H. Hahn and A.Z. Patashinski
A study of the large coupling expansion in the Falicov-Kimball model pp. 686-701 Downloads
S. Miracle-Solé
A model for the phase transition from ice VII to ice VIII: rigorous results pp. 702-712 Downloads
Radu Pitiş and Dale A. Huckaby
Atomic correlations in AlCo decagonal approximant phases pp. 713-722 Downloads
Mike Widom and Eric Cockayne
Entropy driven demixing: why? pp. 723-736 Downloads
K.W. Wojciechowski
Long-range order in a lattice-gas model of nematic liquid crystals pp. 737-746 Downloads
V.A. Zagrebnov
Kinetic description of the phonon-pulse propagation and phonon images of crystalline solids pp. 747-768 Downloads
T. Paszkiewicz and M. Pruchnik
The Landauer resistance of generalized Fibonacci lattices: the dynamical maps approach pp. 769-776 Downloads
W. Salejda

Volume 232, issue 1, 1996

Rescaling relations between two-and three-dimensional local porosity distributions for natural and artificial porous media pp. 1-20 Downloads
B. Virgin, E. Haslund and R. Hilfer
Critical path analysis of conductance fluid invasion and rupture pp. 21-26 Downloads
Rafael F. Angulo and Ernesto Medina
Numerical investigation of surface level instability due to a tube in a vibrating bed of powder pp. 27-39 Downloads
Yasushi Maeno
Dynamics of domains in diluted antiferromagnets pp. 40-50 Downloads
U. Nowak, J. Esser and K.D. Usadel
Fractal patterns for dendrites and axon terminals pp. 51-60 Downloads
Sidiney G. Alves, Marcelo L. Martins, Paula A. Fernandes and JoséE.H. Pittella
Averaging and finite-size analysis for disorder: The Hopfield model pp. 61-73 Downloads
Thomas Stiefvater, Klaus-Robert Müller and Reimer Kühn
The freezing transition as a symmetry breaking phenomenon pp. 74-93 Downloads
J.A. Hernando and L. Blum
Small-angle X-ray scattering studies of semidilute polystyrene-cyclohexane solutions pp. 94-108 Downloads
Yonglin Xie, Karl F. Ludwig, Rama Bansil, Patrick D. Gallagher, Xingxiang Cao and Guarionex Morales
Phase transitions in suspensions of needle-like particles in liquid crystals pp. 109-118 Downloads
A.Yu. Zubarev and L.Yu. Iskakova
Approach to steady-state current in ratchets pp. 119-133 Downloads
C.M. Arizmendi and F. Family
Analytic approach for age-structured populations with genetic mutations pp. 134-144 Downloads
Nobuyasu Ito
Anomalous non-gaussian diffusion in small disordered rings pp. 145-161 Downloads
Anatoly Yu. Smirnov and Alexander A. Dubkov
Damage spreading in non-frustrated phase of a triangular antiferromagnet pp. 162-170 Downloads
M. Antoniuk and K. Kułakowski
Stretched and non-stretched exponential relaxation in Ising ferromagnets pp. 171-179 Downloads
Peter Grassberger and Dietrich Stauffer
On the Cole-Cole relaxation function and related Mittag-Leffler distribution pp. 180-188 Downloads
Karina Weron and Marcin Kotulski
Characterization of chaos in random maps pp. 189-200 Downloads
V. Loreto, G. Paladin, M. Pasquini and A. Vulpiani
Berry's phase and Aharonov-Anandan's phase pp. 201-206 Downloads
Zhaoyan Wu, and Jingxia Wang,
The foundations of informational statistical thermodynamics revisited pp. 207-228 Downloads
J.T. Alvarez-Romero and L.S. García-Colín
On the transient stochastic dynamics driven by Gaussian colored noise of systems with time-dependent control parameters. The effect of initial conditions pp. 229-250 Downloads
J.I. Jiménez-Aquino, Emilio Cortés and P. Orea
Convective disturbance and fluctuation behavior driven by 3He in the nuclear reaction system in the Sun's core pp. 251-264 Downloads
Du Jiulin,
Dynamics of clusters in the two-dimensional Potts model pp. 265-272 Downloads
Y. Gündüç and M. Aydin
Multiphoton interaction of a phased atom with a single mode field pp. 273-303 Downloads
A.N. Chaba, B. Baseia, Changxin Wang and Reeta Vyas
Encounter effects on the dynamics of fluctuations in phase separations of off-critically quenched binary systems pp. 304-314 Downloads
Yoshihisa Enomoto and Michio Tokuyama
Magnetisations and susceptibilities of a diluted Ising thin magnetic film in transverse field pp. 315-325 Downloads
Shu-Chen Lii, and Xuan-Zhang Wang,
Phase transitions in two sublattice Ising systems pp. 326-348 Downloads
Hasan M. Al Mukadam and Dimo I. Uzunov
Geometric criteria for phase transitions: The Ising model with nearest and next-nearest neighbor interactions pp. 349-368 Downloads
Borko D. Stošić, Srikanth Sastry, Dragan Kostić, Sava Milošević and H. Eugene Stanley
The simple-cubic lattice gas with nearest-neighbour exclusion: Ising universality pp. 369-374 Downloads
J.R. Heringa and H.W.J. Blöte
Comparison between finite-size field theory and Monte Carlo simulations for the three-dimensional Ising model pp. 375-396 Downloads
X.S. Chen, V. Dohm and A.L. Talapov
Simulation of the four-dimensional Ising model on the Creutz cellular automaton pp. 397-407 Downloads
N. Aktekin
Moment approach for the 2D attractive Hubbard model pp. 408-416 Downloads
J.J. Rodríguez-Núñez, C.E. Cordeiro and A. Delfino
Correlations in the thermodynamical theory of phase transitions of the second kind. I pp. 417-435 Downloads
A.K. Kanyuka and V.S. Glukhov
Fluctuations of Bose-condensate in nonideal gas pp. 436-444 Downloads
V.S. Yarunin
Moments of the electron distribution in semiconductors for large electric fields pp. 445-457 Downloads
Ch. Dalitz
Statistical treatment of autonomous systems with divergencelless flows pp. 458-476 Downloads
A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on the square lattice with repulsive biquadratic coupling pp. 477-486 Downloads
N.S. Branco
Extraordinary transition for the anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet on a semi-infinite lattice pp. 487-498 Downloads
N.S. Branco and Anna Chame
Statistical thermodynamics of disperse systems pp. 499-516 Downloads
Alexander A. Shapiro
Misiurewicz points in one-dimensional quadratic maps pp. 517-535 Downloads
M. Romera, G. Pastor and F. Montoya
On the calculation of Misiurewicz patterns in one-dimensional quadratic maps pp. 536-553 Downloads
G. Pastor, M. Romera and F. Montoya
Universal fluctuations of quasi-optimal paths of the travelling salesman problem pp. 554-562 Downloads
R.A. Méndez, A. Valladares, J. Flores, T.H. Seligman and O. Bohigas
Photon-counting statistics of the degenerate parametric oscillator in the transient regime: The factorial moments method pp. 563-572 Downloads
A.L. De Birto and A.A.V. Gomes
Page updated 2025-03-31