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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 239, issue 4, 1997

Shear modulus of fluids and solids pp. 449-466 Downloads
Siegfried Hess, Martin Kröger and William G. Hoover
Reentrant wetting transition of a rough wall pp. 467-476 Downloads
Gilberto Giugliarelli and Attilio L. Stella
A dynamic light scattering study on aggregation of rodlike colloidal particles pp. 477-485 Downloads
R. Brunner, S. Gall, W. Wilke and M. Zrinyi
Domain wall roughening in three dimensional magnets at the depinning transition pp. 486-492 Downloads
M. Jost and K.D. Usadel
Dissipative brackets as a tool for kinetic modeling pp. 493-508 Downloads
G. Dukek, Iliya V. Karlin and T.F. Nonnenmacher
Length scales and power laws in the two-dimensional forest-fire model pp. 509-530 Downloads
A. Honecker and I. Peschel
One-dimensional generalized branching annihilating random walker process with stochastic generation of offsprings pp. 531-541 Downloads
Ezequiel V. Albano, Miguel Hoyuelos and Héctor O. Martin
Graphical representations and cluster algorithms I. Discrete spin systems pp. 542-601 Downloads
L. Chayes and J. Machta

Volume 238, issue 1, 1997

Critical multifractality near monofractal states pp. 1-8 Downloads
A. Bershadskii
Percolation and cluster formalism in continuous spin systems pp. 9-22 Downloads
Mario Nicodemi
The three-dimensional rotation neural network pp. 23-38 Downloads
J.W. Shuai, J.C. Zheng, Z.X. Chen, R.T. Liu and B.X. Wu
Statistics of red sites on elastic and full backbone pp. 39-48 Downloads
Parongama Sen
Approximate self-affine model for cultivated soil roughness pp. 49-65 Downloads
O.I. Yordanov and A. Guissard
Rational group decision making: A random field Ising model at T = 0 pp. 66-80 Downloads
Serge Galam
Viscosity of carbon dioxide in the liquid phase pp. 81-112 Downloads
P.S. van der Gulik
Hydrophobic hydration, hydrophobic forces and protein folding pp. 113-128 Downloads
Philippa M. Wiggins
Time-dependent behavior of granular material in a vibrating box pp. 129-148 Downloads
Jysoo Lee
A lattice-statistical model for ternary polymer mixtures: exact phase diagrams pp. 149-162 Downloads
J.H. Barry, P. Pant and F.Y. Wu
Self-organization in growth of branched polymers pp. 163-171 Downloads
J.S. Andrade, L.S. Lucena, A.M. Alencar and J.E. Freitas
Simulation of growth with diffusion in the kinetic BCSOS model pp. 172-180 Downloads
Andrea C. Levi and Ugo Tartaglino
Chemomodulation of cellular movement, collective formation of vortices by swarming bacteria, and colonial development pp. 181-197 Downloads
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Inon Cohen, András Czirók, Tamás Vicsek and David L. Gutnick
Anomalous diffusion in a simple magnetic hole system pp. 198-210 Downloads
Sigmund Clausen, Geir Helgesen and Arne T. Skjeltorp
Long time tails in the dynamics of the spatially inhomogeneous magnetization of dimerized isotropic XY chains for spin s = 12 pp. 211-224 Downloads
G.O. Berim and G.G. Cabrera
Accumulation points in nonlinear parameter lattices pp. 225-244 Downloads
Marcus W. Beims and Jason A.C. Gallas
Transport generated by fluctuating temperature pp. 245-251 Downloads
Yu-Xiao Li
Order-disorder transition effects on the dynamic of intercalation process within a stochastic lattice gas model pp. 252-264 Downloads
H. Ennamiri, R. Nassif and Y. Boughaleb
Quantum dynamics of a strongly coupled dissipative system toward thermal equilibrium II pp. 265-278 Downloads
Mio Murao and Fumiaki Shibata
Chaotic signatures in the spectrum of a quantum double well pp. 279-284 Downloads
R. Berkovits, Y. Ashkenazy, L.P. Horwitz and J. Levitan
Generalization of the mean-field Ising model within Tsallis thermostatistics pp. 285-294 Downloads
Fevzi Büyükkiliç, Doǧan Demirhan and Uǧur Tirnakli
Shift exponent and breakdown of universality for the two-layer Ising model on a square lattice pp. 295-306 Downloads
Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Norihiro Tsushima
Monte Carlo simulation of the quantum transverse Ising model pp. 307-316 Downloads
M.J. de Oliveira and J.R.N. Chiappin
Analysis of coherent anomalies, scaling exponent and confluent singularities for spin-S Ising model on cubic nets pp. 317-337 Downloads
Shiladitya Sardar and K.G. Chakraborty
A novel complete treatment of the time-evolution of a spontaneously decaying atomic state in relativistic QED pp. 338-352 Downloads
J. Seke
Two-dimensional seven-state Potts model under external magnetic field pp. 353-360 Downloads
T. Çelik, Y. Gündüç and M. Aydin
Low-temperature properties of fractional statistics pp. 361-368 Downloads
A. Carbone, G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati
A model of relativistic one-component plasma with Darwin interactions pp. 369-404 Downloads
Angel Alastuey and Walter Appel
Exact and asymptotic formulas for overdamped Brownian dynamics pp. 405-424 Downloads
P.J. Forrester and B. Jancovici

Volume 237, issue 3, 1997

Spin glasses and frustrated percolation: a renormalization group approach pp. 353-362 Downloads
Umberto Pezzella and Antonio Coniglio
Growth with surface diffusion in d = 1 + 1 pp. 363-383 Downloads
Felix Hontinfinde, Joachim Krug and M'hamed Touzani
Reply to the comments of Sharipov on: Mechanodiffusion in slightly rarefied gas mixture pp. 384-386 Downloads
V.I. Roldughin
Nonintegrability, chaos, and complexity pp. 387-404 Downloads
Joseph L. McCauley
Stability of traveling waves for a conserved field pp. 405-412 Downloads
Walter Zimmermann
Shapes and sizes of arbitrary random walks at O(1/d3) I. Most probable size ratio pp. 413-422 Downloads
Gaoyuan Wei
Shapes and sizes of arbitrary random walks at O(1/d3) II. Asphericity and prolateness parameters pp. 423-440 Downloads
Gaoyuan Wei and Xuexian Zhu
A solvable aggregation-annihilation chain model with n species pp. 441-448 Downloads
Ligen Zhang and Z.R. Yang
On modelling oral tolerance using cellular automata pp. 449-451 Downloads
E. Ahmed
Trapping kinetics in diffusion-limited bimolecular reactions sources within the Galanin model pp. 452-470 Downloads
Alejandro D. Sánchez and Horacio Wio
Superconducting correlations and the thermodynamics of Josephson junctions pp. 471-514 Downloads
Alec Maassen van den Brink and H Dekker
Reaction rate theory: weak- to strong-friction turnover in Kramers' Fokker-Planck model pp. 515-553 Downloads
Alec Maassen van den Brink and H. Dekker
A note on a decorated ferrimagnetic Ising system pp. 554-572 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi

Volume 237, issue 1, 1997

Iordanskii's force for superfluid vortices revisited: a critical analysis pp. 1-24 Downloads
J.A. Geurst and H. van Beelen
Effective forces between macroions: a Monte Carlo study pp. 25-30 Downloads
Irene D'Amico and Hartmut Löwen
Theory of coexisting states: calculation of binodals pp. 31-44 Downloads
Paul H.E. Meijer
On fermions in a plane coupled to the nonlinear sigma model pp. 45-51 Downloads
Adrian Neagu
On the synchronizing mechanism of a class of cellular automata pp. 52-58 Downloads
Javier E. Satulovsky
Cellular automaton block model of traffic in a city pp. 59-66 Downloads
Leonardo Gregory Brunnet and Sebastián Gonçalves
Kinetic segregation in a multilane highway traffic flow pp. 67-74 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Towards a microscopic theory of nonisothermal stochastic processes pp. 75-94 Downloads
Alec Maassen van den Brink and H. Dekker
Lyapunov instability in the extended XY-model: Equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations pp. 95-112 Downloads
Ch. Dellago and H.A. Posch
Multivariate formulation of transient stochastic dynamics pp. 113-122 Downloads
J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
More integrable birational mappings pp. 123-134 Downloads
N. Abarenkova, J.-C. Anglès d'Auriac and J.-M. Maillard
Global analysis of pattern selection and bifurcations in monostable reaction-diffusion systems pp. 135-149 Downloads
G. Izús, R. Deza, C. Borzi and H.S. Wio
Maximum entropy formalism for a dense gas pp. 150-168 Downloads
L. Romero-Salazar, M. Mayorga and R.M. Velasco
Entropy balance equation for a dense gas pp. 169-188 Downloads
M. Mayorga, L. Romero-Salazar and R.M. Velasco
Correlated motion of two particles in a dense fluid of hard rods pp. 189-204 Downloads
B. Gaveau, M. Moreau and J. Piasecki
Fluctuating hydrodynamics approach to chemical reactions pp. 205-219 Downloads
I. Pagonabarraga, A. Pérez-Madrid and J.M. Rubí
Spectral statistics of correlated electrons in a square-well quantum dot pp. 220-228 Downloads
Ryuichi Ugajin
Polynomial expansion of diffusion and drift coefficients for classical and quantum statistics pp. 229-239 Downloads
G. Kaniadakis and P. Quarati
Near-surface long-range order at the ordinary transition: scaling analysis and Monte Carlo results pp. 240-256 Downloads
Peter Czerner and Uwe Ritschel
Explicit thermostatics of Stanley's n-vector model on the harmonic chain by Fourier analysis pp. 257-284 Downloads
Georg Junker, Hajo Leschke and Ingbert Zan
Algebraic operator approach to gas kinetic models pp. 285-296 Downloads
L.V. Il'ichov
Partial ordering at the ground state of frustrated spin-S Ising models pp. 297-319 Downloads
Adam Lipowski, Tsuyoshi Horiguchi and Yasushi Honda
Spontaneous breaking of layer symmetry in an Ising film and universality pp. 320-330 Downloads
L. Angelini, D. Caroppo, M. Pellicoro and M. Villani
Correlations in the thermodynamical theory of phase transitions of the second kind. II pp. 331-345 Downloads
A.K. Kanyuka and V.S. Glukhov
Page updated 2025-03-31